Day: June 23, 2021
NEW YORK, June 23, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Dark Pulse, Inc. (OTC Markets: DPLS) (“DarkPulse” and the “Company”), a technology company focused on the manufacture, sale, installation, and monitoring of laser sensing systems based on its patented BOTDA dark-pulse sensor technology (the “DarkPulse Technology”) which provides a data stream of critical metrics for assessing the health and security of infrastructure, today announced it has signed a teaming agreement with Grae-Con Construction Inc to act as the Company’s Installation, Distribution and Construction Partner. Grae-Con will also be responsible for constructing the Company’s demonstration site at Grae-Con’s facility located in Marietta, Ohio.
The family behind Grae-Con Construction founded its general building construction company in the 1920s. Based in the heart of the Utica...
North Dallas Bank & Trust Co. Elects A New Board Member
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Glenn Henry joins NDBT board of directors
DALLAS, June 23, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — North Dallas Bank & Trust Co. (NDBT), a 60-year-old community bank with five banking centers located throughout North Texas, has elected Glenn Henry to its Board of Directors, effective June 15, 2021. In addition, Henry has been named as Vice Chairman of the Board, filling a position on the Board that has been vacant since the retirement of Mr. Sam Renshaw in 2019. Mr. Henry has served as Secretary to the Board since 2018 and will continue to serve in that capacity. Mr. Henry began his career at NDBT in 1983 and currently serves as Chief Financial Officer. He graduated from SMU with a Bachelor of Business Administration and received his Master of Business Administration from UTD.
NDBT President and CEO, Larry Miller said “We are honored to have...
Proactive news headlines including Nextleaf Solutions, Genprex, Ready Set Gold, Sigma Lithium and Esports Entertainment
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New York , June 23, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Proactive, provider of real-time news and video interviews on growth companies listed in the US and Canada, has covered the following companies:Victory Square Technologies Inc (CSE:VST) (OTCMKTS:VSQTF) (FRA:6F6) cheers passage of Bill C-128 legalizing single-game sports betting in Canada click here
NEO Battery Materials Ltd (CVE:NBM) (OTCPINK:NBMFF) initiates design of pilot plant project to use its cost-effective, single-step silicon coating process click here
Cloud Nine Web3 Technologies Inc (CSE:CNI) (OTCMKTS:CLGUF) has strong platform for growth, having raised over C$5.5M click here
Ready Set Gold Corp (CSE:RDY) (OTCPINK:RDYFF) (FRA:0MZ) closes private placement of convertible debentures for $1.82M click here
Nextleaf Solutions Ltd (CSE:OILS) (OTCQB:OILFF) (FRA:L0MA) Ltd granted...
Sustainable Power & Infrastructure Split Corp. Declares Distributions
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TORONTO, June 23, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — (TSX: PWI, PWI.PR.A) – Sustainable Power & Infrastructure Split Corp. (the “Company”) is pleased to announce distributions to class A shareholders for the record date in June as follows:Record Date
Payment Date
AmountJune 30, 2021
July 15, 2021
$0.06667The Company also announces a distribution to preferred shareholders for the record date in June as follows:Record Date
Payment Date
AmountJune 30, 2021
July 15, 2021
$0.05632Distributions for the preferred shares for the June 30, 2021 record date have been adjusted to cover the period from the closing of the initial public offering on May 21, 2021 to June 30, 2021.
The Company offers a distribution reinvestment plan (“DRIP”) which provides Class A shareholders with the ability to automatically...
Mowi ASA (OSE: MOWI): Share option scheme for senior executives and allocation of options 2021
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At Mowi ASA’s (the “Company”) annual general meeting (“AGM”) on 9 June 2021 the Board of Directors was authorised to grant options under the Share Option Scheme to Senior Executives, as described in Mowi’s guidelines for remuneration of leading personnel (the “Guidelines”). On 23 June 2021 the Board of Directors granted 1.675 million options with a strike price of NOK 247.1395, corresponding to 107.5% of the volume weighted average share price on the Oslo Stock Exchange at the date of the AGM, to a total of 34 individuals.
In accordance with the Guidelines , the options have a term of 4 years but will become exercisable immediately if a mandatory bid is made for all of the shares in Mowi, if a voluntary offer is followed-up with a forced transfer of shares in accordance with the Norwegian Securities Trading Act or if Mowi is the non-surviving...
Ozop Energy Solutions OZSC Signs Global Crypto Climate Accord
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CCA Signatories commit to support the crypto industry’s transition to net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2040, and achieving net-zero emissions from electricity consumption by 2030
WARWICK, NY, June 23, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Ozop Energy Solutions (OZSC), (“Ozop” or the “Company”), has announced it has become an early signatory of the international Crypto Climate Accord, a private-sector led initiative which has been established with the sole aim of harnessing the collective efforts of the crypto community to support the industry’s transition to 100% renewable energy and achievement of net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2040.
As a CCA Signatory, Ozop commits to working with the global community to support climate stewardship and market-driven efforts to decarbonize the cryptocurrency sector. Signatories of the CCA are expected...
Conifex Announces Voting Results
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VANCOUVER, British Columbia, June 23, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Conifex Timber Inc. (“Conifex”) (TSX: CFF) announced today that at its annual general meeting of shareholders held on June 22, 2021, all management nominees were elected as directors of the Company.
Each of the management nominees were elected by ballot as follows:Director
Percentage of Votes For
Percentage of Votes Withheld
Kenneth A. Shields
11.98%David E. Roberts
16.55%Michael Costello
11.79%Janine North
16.62%Charles P. Miller
16.66%In addition, shareholders approved the appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, Chartered Professional Accountants, as the Company’s auditor for the ensuing year and authorized the board to fix the auditor’s remuneration.
A report of voting results is also available on SEDAR...
Bitfarms Provides Reminder of Upcoming Annual General and Special Meeting and Issues Addendum to Previously Filed Management Information Circular
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TORONTO, Ontario and BROSSARD, Québec, June 23, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Bitfarms Ltd. (“Bitfarms”, or the “Company”) (TSXV:BITF // NASDAQ:BITF), provides a reminder of its upcoming Annual General and Special Meeting and issues the following news release to supplement the disclosure contained in its recently filed management information circular dated April 28, 2021 (the “Circular”).
Annual General and Special Meeting
The Company will hold its Annual General and Special Meeting virtually on June 25, 2021 at 1:30 p.m. (Eastern time). We are inviting shareholders of the Company to participate in the meeting by accessing the virtual meeting platform using the details provided below:
URL: bitfarms2021Meeting ID: 1118
Addendum to Previously Filed Management Information Circular
Festi hf: Samkomulag við Reykjavíkurborg um fækkun bensínstöðva
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Stjórn Festi hf. hefur staðfest fyrir sitt leyti drög að samningum við Reykjavíkurborg um fækkun bensínstöðva, sem lögð verða fyrir borgarráð til kynningar þann 24. júní nk. Samningarnir eru gerðir á grundvelli samningsmarkmiða Reykjavíkurborgar frá 7. maí 2019, sem lögð hafa verið til grundvallar í viðræðum borgaryfirvalda við rekstraraðila og lóðarhafa bensínstöðvalóða í borginni og fela meðal annars í sér tímabundna framlengingu lóðarleigusamninga og gerð samninga um uppbyggingu lóða í samræmi við samningsmarkmið Reykjavíkurborgar á nýjum uppbyggingarsvæðum, dags. 31. janúar 2019. Trúnaður ríkir að öðru leyti um efnisatriði samningsdraganna þar til þau hafa verið kynnt fyrir borgarráði.
Fly Play hf.: Publication of Fly Play hf. ‘s Company Description
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Publication of a Company Description
Fly Play hf., reg. no. 660319-0180, Reykjavíkurvegur 76, 220 Hafnarfjörður, Iceland (“Play” or the “Issuer”) has published a Company Description in relation to the proposed admission to trading of all of the issued shares of the Company (the “Shares“) on Nasdaq First North Growth Market Iceland (“First North Iceland”). The Company Description has been reviewed by Nasdaq Iceland hf. and has been drawn up under the responsibility of the Issuer.
For further information on Play and Play’s Shares, a reference is made to Play‘s Company Description, dated 21 June 2021, published on the Company’s website,
First North Iceland
First North Iceland is a multilateral trading facility operated by Nasdaq Iceland hf. It does not have the...