Day: May 26, 2021
SAN ANTONIO, May 26, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Rackspace Technology® (NASDAQ: RXT), a leading end-to-end multicloud technology solutions company, today announced it has provided Internet of Things (IoT) and Cloud Native Development capabilities to Innovyze, the global leader in water software solutions. Rackspace Technology helped Innovyze extend its software offerings on AWS, providing customers real-time monitoring and data intelligence through IoT and cloud-powered simulations.
Innovyze’s industry-leading software empowers thousands of water utilities around the world. Historically a desktop product business with on-premises software, Innovyze wanted to address the real-time operational needs of utilities by extending the capabilities of their offerings through a cloud-based platform. They were looking for an equally skilled partner...
Stone Investment Group Limited Reports Second Quarter Results
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TORONTO, May 26, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Stone Investment Group Limited released its unaudited financial results for the quarter ended March 31, 2021.
The full interim financial statements for the period, including Management’s Discussion and Analysis, are available on SEDAR at
About Stone Investment Group LimitedStone Investment Group Limited is an independent wealth management company. Stone Investment Group Limited, through its wholly owned subsidiary, Stone Asset Management Limited, structures and manages high-quality investment products for Canadian investors.
For more information:Stone Investment Group LimitedJason StoneInvestor RelationsT 416 867 2533 T 800 336 9528E
Flex LNG – Annual General Meeting 2021
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FLEX LNG LTD. (the “Company”) advises that the 2021 Annual General Meeting of the Shareholders of the Company was held on May 26, 2021 at 10:30 a.m. at Par-la-Ville Place, 4th Floor, 14 Par-la-Ville Road, Hamilton Bermuda. The audited consolidated financial statements for the Company for the year ended December 31, 2020 were presented to the Meeting.
In addition, the following resolutions were passed:To set the maximum number of Directors to be not more than eight.To resolve that vacancies in the number of Directors be designated as casual vacancies and that the Board of Directors be authorised to fill such vacancies as and when it deems fit.To re-elect David McManus as a Director of the Company.To re-elect Ola Lorentzon as a Director of the Company.To re-elect Nikolai Grigoriev as a Director of the Company.To re-elect...
GOGL – 2021 Annual General Meeting
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Golden Ocean Group Limited (the “Company”) advises that the 2021 Annual General Meeting of the Shareholders of the Company was held on May 26, 2021 at 9:30 a.m. at Par-la-Ville Place, 4th Floor, 14 Par-la-Ville Road, Hamilton, Bermuda. The audited consolidated financial statements for the Company for the year ended December 31, 2020 were presented to the Meeting.
In addition, the following resolutions were passed:To set the maximum number of Directors to be not more than eight.
To resolve that vacancies in the number of Directors be designated as casual vacancies and that the Board of Directors be authorised to fill such vacancies as and when it deems fit.
To re-elect John Fredriksen as a Director of the Company.
To re-elect Ola Lorentzon as a Director of the Company.
To re-elect James O’Shaughnessy as a Director of the Company....
Update: R –Three Technologies Inc. / Giddy Up Energy Drink Products is Excited to Announce Strategic Partnership with Langers Juice Company
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LOS ANGELES, CA, May 26, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — via NewMediaWire— R-Three Technologies Inc. (OTC RRRT) and Giddy Up Energy Products, the makers of premium all natural energy drinks, is pleased to announce a strategic partnership with Langers Juice Company to produce Giddy up Energy Drink.
“As a highly skilled beverage specialist, Langers Juice Company is pleased to partner with R3T Giddy Up Energy Products in an effort to produce a world class energy drink ‘Giddy Up’. We have concluded our due diligence on the company and its leadership with satisfying results. Moving forward, we shall use best efforts to advise the board members as well as oversee the quality of formulation & production process on all flavors and packaging. We shall grant support with our current distribution partners in an effort to Giddy Up Energy...
Islandsbanki hf.: Íslandsbanki Shareholders Meeting 26 May 2021- Results
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Íslandsbanki hf. held its Shareholders Meeting today, Wednesday 26 May 2021, at 15.00 GMT, at the Bank’s headquarters in Hagasmári 3, Kópavogur. The Chairman of the Board, Hallgrímur Snorrason, called the meeting to order and welcomed guests.
The agenda of the meeting was as follows:Meeting convened
Proposal to donate a part of the Bank’s art collection to art museums
Proposal to amend the Bank’s Articles of Association
Proposal on the Rules of Procedure of Nomination Committee
Other mattersResults of the shareholders meeting
The proposals presented to the shareholders meeting can be found on the Bank’s website: to donate a part of the Bank’s art collection to art museumsThe Shareholders Meeting approved that the Bank would donate 203 of the Bank’s artworks...
SFL – 2021 AGM Results Notification
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SFL Corporation Ltd. (the “Company” or “SFL”) advises that the 2021 Annual General Meeting of the Shareholders of the Company was held on May 26, 2021 at 10:00 a.m. at Par-la-Ville Place, 4th Floor, 14 Par-la-Ville Road, Hamilton Bermuda. The audited consolidated financial statements for the Company for the year ended December 31, 2020 were presented to the Meeting.
In addition, the following resolutions were passed:
1. To set the maximum number of Directors to be not more than eight.
2. To resolve that vacancies in the number of Directors be designated as casual vacancies and that the Board of Directors be authorised to fill such vacancies as and when it deems fit.
3. To re-elect Kathrine Fredriksen as a Director of the Company.
4. To re-elect Gary Vogel as a Director of the Company.
5. To re-elect Keesjan Cordia as a Director of the...
Intervest Offices & Warehouses – Result of the optional dividend in shares for financial year 2020
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The shareholders of regulated real estate company Intervest Offices & Warehouses opted for 56,5% of their shares entitled to dividend for a contribution of their dividend rights in return for new shares instead of payment of the dividend in cash.AttachmentResult optional dividend
Capgemini Press Release // As FinTech firms become increasingly profitable, traditional banks counter with branded digital-only subsidiaries
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Good evening,
Please find below the press release issued today.
Best regards,
Marishka MartinsGroup PR Consultant | Marketing & Creative Services
Capgemini India |
Tel.: +91 9930835325 Email: marishka.martins@capgemini.com_____________________________
As FinTech firms become increasingly profitable, traditional banks counter with branded digital-only subsidiaries
Paris, May 26, 2021 – FinTechs are approaching their next maturity milestone – profitability – as they demonstrated resilience during the COVID-19 pandemic with verticals recording double-digit growth despite sector-wide operational and financial challenges. In response to FinTechs’ growing popularity among consumers and close proximity to profits, traditional banks are creating...
Cleantech Building Materials: Capitalisation of Inter-Company Debt
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26 May 2021
Cleantech Building Materials PLC (“CBM” or the “Company”) announces that it has reached an agreement with its subsidiary, Diamond Wood China Limited (“Diamond Wood”) to capitalise €9,661,496.53 of intercompany debt owed by Diamond Wood to CBM, which has resulted in the issue of 966,149,653 new shares in Diamond Wood at a nominal par value of €0.01 per share to the Company.
Following this debt conversion, the Company’s holding in the capital of Diamond Wood has increased from 97.44% to 98.74%.
On 31 March 2021 Diamond Wood announced the signing of a joint venture agreement and financing of approximately €48 million for the construction of the first...