Day: May 16, 2021
Sala á fasteignaverkefni í Vogabyggð og kaup á tekjuberandi fasteignum
Kaldalón hf. hefur náð samkomulagi um sölu fasteignaverkefnis dótturfélags síns, U 14-20 ehf., í Vogabyggð. Kaupandi er Reir ehf. Söluandvirði í viðskiptunum að frádregnum skuldum er um kr. 2.760 milljónir.
Samhliða sölunni á framangreindum eignum í Vogabyggð kaupir dótturfélag Kaldalóns félagið Lantan ehf. sem á fasteignirnar að Laugavegi 32-36 sem m.a. hýsa starfsemi Sand Hótels, og félagið VMT ehf. sem á fasteignir að Vegamótastíg 7 sem hýsir starfsemi Room with a View Hotel, ásamt gildandi leigusamningum.
Langtímaleigusamningar eru í gildi um eignirnar og nema árstekjur samkvæmt þeim um kr. 485 milljónum. Tímabundið samkomulag er í gildi við leigjendur hótelanna um skertar greiðslur vegna COVID-19 faraldursins. Áætlanir Kaldalóns gera ráð fyrir að hótelin verði...
Fortress Biotech Reports First Quarter 2021 Financial Results and Recent Corporate Highlights
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Rolling NDA submission for CUTX-101 for the treatment of Menkes disease is expected to begin in the second half of 2021
On track to report top-line results from the registration-enabling study of cosibelimab in metastatic cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma by year-end 2021
Ended first quarter 2021 with $291.5 million in consolidated cash, cash equivalents and restricted cash
NEW YORK, May 16, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Fortress Biotech, Inc. (NASDAQ: FBIO) (“Fortress”), an innovative biopharmaceutical company focused on acquiring, developing and commercializing or monetizing promising biopharmaceutical products and product candidates cost-effectively, today announced financial results and recent corporate highlights for the first quarter ended March 31, 2021.
Lindsay A. Rosenwald, M.D., Fortress’ Chairman, President and Chief Executive...
Centerra Gold Initiates Arbitration Proceeding Against the Kyrgyz Republic
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TORONTO, May 16, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Centerra Gold Inc. (“Centerra”) (TSX: CG) (NYSE: CGAU) announced today that it has initiated binding arbitration against the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic to enforce its rights under longstanding investment agreements with the Government. Centerra seeks to enjoin the Government from taking further steps to implement recently adopted legislation or to pursue recently procured fines and tax claims against the Kumtor Gold Company (“KGC”), all of which violate the Government’s investment agreements with respect to the Kumtor Mine. Centerra also intends to hold the Government accountable in the arbitration for any and all losses and damage that result from its recent actions against KGC and the Kumtor Mine if no resolution is reached.
Scott Perry, President & Chief Executive Officer...
AdvanceTC Limited Releases Investor Guide with Q&A
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Maker of World’s First Multi-Mode Smartphones Details Tech Roadmap and Commercial Plan
NEW YORK, NY, May 16, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — via NewMediaWire ‒ AdvanceTC Limited, (NSX:A88)(OTCQB:ATCLF) the premier technology company specializing in design and development of mobile telecommunication and computing devices is pleased to release an Investor Guide to introduce and inform investors about the achievements and future plans for the Company.
About AdvanceTC Limited
Founded in 2005, AdvanceTC is a premier tech company specializing in the design, development, and commercialization of high-tech mobile wireless computing and telecommunication devices. The company was spotlighted in 2012 for its release of the Magic W3, which is a 4.8″ Windows®7 full OS touchscreen microcomputer with voice call functionality. The Magic W3...
RADA’s Network of C-RAM Radars Around the Gaza Strip is Saving Civilian and Military Lives
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The Recent Events in Israel Illustrate the Critical Need for RADA’s Radars; Ongoing business remains unaffected
NETANYA, Israel, May 16, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — RADA Electronic Industries Ltd. (NASDAQ: RADA, TASE: RADA), a leading global provider of advanced software-defined tactical radars, was awarded by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) for its Sense & Warn network of Counter-Mortars, Artillery and Rockets (C-RAM) radars immediately after the Protective Edge operation back in 2014. The network of radars covers the entire Gaza strip, is in full operational use for quite a while, and demonstrates its utmost value during the current ongoing hostile activities. The radars are solely detecting the short-range mortars and rockets which are being shot at villages, cities and military bases, and provide the adequate alerts and interception...
Cytokinetics Announces Presentations Related to Health Economics and Outcomes Research in Heart Failure and Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy at American College of Cardiology 70th Annual Scientific Session & Expo (ACC.21)
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SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, Calif., May 16, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Cytokinetics, Incorporated (Nasdaq: CYTK) today announced that new findings from analyses of claims data and electronic health records related to heart failure (HF) and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) were shared in two poster presentations at the American College of Cardiology 70th Annual Scientific Session & Expo (ACC.21). One poster presented data on spending for hospitalized Medicare patients with HF underscoring the economic burden of their healthcare, and an additional poster presented demographics and clinical characteristics of patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.
“Together these analyses highlight the severity, complexity and burden associated with each of heart failure and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy as well as the high costs associated with managing...