Day: April 27, 2021
Ordinær generalforsamling ble avholdt elektronisk den 27. april 2021, kl. 17.00. Alle forslag til agendaen ble vedtatt som foreslått, jfr. innkallingen sendt 6. april 2021.
Protokoll fra generalforsamlingen er vedlagt.
CFO Klara Lise Aasen; telefon +47 47635583;
Head of Treasury Mats Benserud; telefon +4795891539;
Denne opplysningen er informasjonspliktig etter verdipapirhandelloven §5-12
VedleggNOFI Protokoll Ordinaer Generalforsamling
Proactive news headlines including Unigold, American Resources, Loncor Resources and Falcon Goldcorp
Written by Customer Service on . Posted in Mergers And Acquisitions.
New York, April 27, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Proactive, provider of real-time news and video interviews on growth companies listed in the US and Canada, has covered the following companies:CO2 GRO Inc (CVE:GROW) (OTCQB:BLONF) (FRA:4021) provides review of first-quarter 2021 operations and business prospects for the balance of 2021 click here
Trillion Energy International Inc (CSE:TCF) (OTCMKTS:TCFF) (FRA:3P2N) signs LOI with US investment fund to obtain up to US$17.5M in new financing click here
Falcon GoldCorp (CVE:FG) (OTCPINK:FGLDF) (FRA:3FA) creates Falcon Gold LatamARG to manage operations in Argentina click here
Q BioMed Inc (OTCQB:QBIO) touts development progress of coronavirus treatment MAN-19 and other therapies in letter to shareholders click here
PlantX Life Inc (CSE:VEGA) (OTCQB:PLXTF) (FRA:WNT1) introduces pro tennis...
Klappir grænar lausnir hf.: Rekstur fyrsta ársfjórðungs 2021
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Klappir grænar lausnir hf.: Rekstur fyrsta ársfjórðungs 2021
Helstu upplýsingar samkvæmt óendurskoðuðu uppgjöri á fyrsta ársfjórðungi:Áskrifendum fjölgaði um 386 á fyrsta ársfjórðungi.
Rekstrartekjur á fyrstu þremur mánuðum ársins 2021 voru 93,5
EBITDA á fyrstu þremur mánuðum ársins var jákvæð um 33,4ón Ágúst Þorsteinsson, forstjóri Klappa:
,,Rekstur fyrsta ársfjórðungs 2021 gekk samkvæmt áætlunum. EBITDA jókst um 8,3 milljónir miðað við sama tímabil í fyrra eða um 33%. Áskrifendur að hugbúnaðarlausnum Klappa eru orðnir rúmlega 4500.
Frá árinu 2015 hafa íslenskir áskrifendur að stafrænu vistkerfi Klappa (e. Klappir Digital Ecosystem for Sustainability) náð að meðaltali 21% samdrætti í losun gróðurhúsalofttegunda (tCO2íg./veltu), skógrækt hjá Kolviði hefur aukist um 300%, samdráttur í urðun á sorpi er að nálgast 15% og...
Colabor Confirms the Date of Its Shareholder Meeting
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BOUCHERVILLE, Quebec, April 27, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Colabor Group Inc. (TSX: GCL) (“Colabor” or the “Company”) confirms that it will hold its Annual Meeting of Shareholders (the “Meeting”), on Tuesday May 4, 2021, at 10:30 a.m. (Eastern Time). The Company will hold a virtual-only Meeting available online and in real time. All Shareholders will have an equal opportunity to participate to the online Meeting, regardless of their physical location. Shareholders can also vote by submitting their proxy before the meeting by following the instructions provided in the Management Information Circular (“Circular”) and Proxy.
Information Regarding the Annual Meeting of Shareholders:
Registered shareholders and duly appointed proxyholders can participate in the Meeting, vote or submit questions in real time, so long as they are connected...
Groupe Colabor confirme la date de la tenue de son assemblée des actionnaires
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BOUCHERVILLE, Québec, 27 avr. 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Groupe Colabor Inc. (TSX : GCL) (« Colabor » ou la « Société ») confirme qu’elle tiendra son assemblée annuelle des actionnaires (« l’assemblée »), le mardi 4 mai 2021, à 10h30 (heure de l’est). La Société tiendra l’assemblée de manière entièrement virtuelle par voie d’une webdiffusion en direct. Tous les actionnaires pourront participer à l’assemblée en ligne, peu importe leur emplacement géographique. Les actionnaires peuvent également voter en transmettant leur formulaire de procuration avant l’assemblée selon les instructions détaillées dans la circulaire de sollicitation de procurations de la Société (« circulaire ») et le document de procuration.
Information relative à l’assemblée annuelle des actionnaires :
Les actionnaires inscrits et les fondés de pouvoir dûment nommés...
Santhera Reports End Results on Convertible Bond Exchange Offer
Written by Customer Service on . Posted in Public Companies.
Pratteln, Switzerland, April 27, 2021 – Santhera Pharmaceuticals (SIX: SANN) announces that an aggregate principal value of around CHF 45 million, or 75% of its CHF 60 Million Convertible Bonds, have been accepted for exchange under the Exchange Offer announced on March 25, 2021. In parallel and separately from the results of the Exchange Offer, voting on the bondholders’ resolution still continues.
By Notice of Repurchase Offer dated March 25, 2021 (the Notice), Santhera Pharmaceuticals Holding AG announced an offer to exchange its outstanding CHF 60 million 5% Convertible Bonds due 2022 (the 2017/22 Bonds) on the terms set out in the Notice (the Exchange Offer).
End resultsAs of the end of the additional acceptance period, according...
Santhera meldet Endresultat zum Umtauschangebot für die Wandelanleihe
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Pratteln, Schweiz, 27. April 2021 – Santhera Pharmaceuticals (SIX: SANN) gibt als Endergebnis des am 25. März 2021 veröffentlichten Umtauschangebots bekannt, dass von der CHF 60 Millionen 5%-Wandelanleihe Obligationen im Nennwert von insgesamt rund CHF 45 Millionen angedient wurden, was knapp 75% der sich im Umlauf befindlichen Wandelanleihe entspricht. Parallel und unabhängig von den Resultaten des Umtauschangebots wird die Abstimmung über den Beschluss der Anleihensgläubiger fortgesetzt.
Mit dem Rückkaufsinserat vom 25. März 2021 (das Rückkaufsinserat) veröffentlichte Santhera Pharmaceuticals Holding AG ein Angebot zum Umtausch der ausstehenden CHF 60 Millionen 5%-Wandelanleihe mit Fälligkeit 2022 (die 2017/22 Wandelanleihe) nach...
Leading Independent Proxy Advisory Firms Recommend Osisko Shareholders Vote For All Proposed Items at the Upcoming Annual Meeting
Written by Customer Service on . Posted in Public Companies.
MONTREAL, April 27, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Osisko Gold Royalties Ltd (“Osisko“) (TSX & NYSE: OR) will hold its 2021 virtual annual meeting (the “Meeting“) on Wednesday, May 12, 2021 at 3:30 p.m. (Eastern Daylight Time).
We are pleased to announce that the two leading independent proxy advisory firms that provide voting recommendations to institutional investors, Institutional Shareholder Services Inc. (“ISS”) and Glass Lewis & Co. (“Glass Lewis”), have each recommended shareholders vote FOR in respect of all resolutions to be put forth at the Meeting.
Shareholders are encouraged to vote in advance of the meeting by internet, facsimile, or mail, in the manner set out in the meeting materials that have been sent to shareholders, copies of which can be accessed on our website at
Des firmes de conseil indépendantes de premier plan en matière de vote par procuration recommandent que les actionnaires de Redevances Aurifères Osisko votent en faveur de tous les items proposés à la prochaine assemblée annuelle
Written by Customer Service on . Posted in Public Companies.
MONTRÉAL, 27 avr. 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Redevances Aurifères Osisko Ltée (« Osisko ») (TSX et NYSE : OR) tiendra son assemblée annuelle virtuelle 2021 (l’ « assemblée ») le mercredi 12 mai 2021 à 15h30 (heure avancée de l’Est).
Nous sommes heureux d’annoncer que les deux firmes de conseil indépendantes de premier plan en matière de vote par procuration, qui fournissent à des investisseurs institutionnels des recommandations relatives au vote, Institutional Shareholder Services Inc. (« ISS ») et Glass Lewis & Co. (« Glass Lewis »), ont chacune recommandé aux actionnaires de voter EN FAVEUR de toutes les résolutions proposées à l’assemblée.
Les actionnaires sont priés de voter à l’avance par Internet, par fax ou par courriel, tel que spécifié dans les documents relatifs à l’assemblée qui ont été envoyés aux actionnaires et...
Resverlogix’s Apabetalone Demonstrates a Medical First in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease
Written by Customer Service on . Posted in Public Companies.
CALGARY, Alberta, April 27, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Resverlogix Corp. (“Resverlogix” or the “Company”) (TSX:RVX) announced today the recent publication of an article titled: “Effect of Apabetalone on Major Adverse Cardiovascular Events in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease, Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus and Recent Acute Coronary Syndrome: Results from the BETonMACE Randomized Controlled Trial”, in the high-impact, peer-reviewed Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology. The article was accompanied by a peer-reviewed editorial, published in the same journal, titled: “Novel Therapeutic Options for Cardiovascular Disease with CKD”.
The publication can be viewed HERE, and the accompanying editorial HERE.
“To my knowledge this is the first time that a cardiovascular risk reducing intervention – apabetalone...