Day: April 27, 2021
Innofactor Oyj:n sisäpiiritieto 27.4.2021 klo 15.00
Innofactor on 4.3.2020 ilmoittanut pörssitiedotteella Kansaneläkelaitoksen (Kela) valinneen Innofactorin hallinnollisen asianhallintaratkaisun SaaS-palvelun toimittajaksi. Hankinnan arvioiduksi kokonaisarvoksi sopimuskaudelle (mukaan lukien järjestelmän ylläpito) on ilmoitettu noin 1 050 000 euroa.
Kela on 27.4.2021 irtisanonut sopimuksen hallinnollisesta asianhallintaratkaisusta Innofactorista johtumattomasta syystä. Irtisanominen johtuu Kelan sisäisten pilvipalvelulinjausten muutoksesta. Uusien linjausten mukaisesti Kela katsoo, että se ei voi laittaa toimituksessa kaavaillun kaltaista tietomassaa pilvipalveluun.
Kelan irtisanomispäätöksestä johtuen Innofactor arvioi sille jäävän saamatta järjestelmän ylläpidosta noin 0,5 miljoonaa euroa hankinnan alkuperäisestä arvioidusta kokonaisarvosta....
The Social Insurance Institution of Finland has terminated its agreement for administrative case management solution with Innofactor
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Innofactor Plc Inside Information, on April 27, 2021, at 15:00 Finnish time
On March 4, 2020, Innofactor announced in a stock exchange release that The Social Insurance Institution of Finland (Kela) selected Innofactor as the provider of an administrative case management solution as SaaS. The estimated total value for the agreement period (including the system’s maintenance services) was stated to be approximately EUR 1,050,000.
Kela has on April 27, 2021 terminated the agreement for the administrative case management solution for reasons not attributable to Innofactor. The termination is due to changes in Kela’s internal cloud service policies. According to the new policies Kela deems that it cannot transfer the planned amount of data into a cloud service.
Due to Kela’s termination decision Innofactor estimates that out of the original...
NeuBase Therapeutics to Present at the B. Riley Securities’ Virtual Neuroscience Conference
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PITTSBURGH, April 27, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — NeuBase Therapeutics, Inc. (Nasdaq: NBSE) (“NeuBase”), a biotechnology company accelerating the genetic revolution with a new class of precision genetic medicines, announced today that Dietrich A. Stephan, Ph.D., Chief Executive Officer of NeuBase, will present a corporate overview at the B. Riley Securities’ Virtual Neuroscience Conference being held on April 28 – 29.B. Riley Securities’ Virtual Neuroscience ConferenceDate:
Thursday, April 29THTime:
10:30 a.m. ETLocation:
Webcast Link – or at the company’s website (click here)About NeuBase Therapeutics:
NeuBase is accelerating the genetic revolution by developing a new class of precision genetic medicines which can be designed to increase, decrease, or change gene function, as appropriate, to resolve genetic...
Correction: Copenhagen Capital A/S – referat af den ordinære generalforsamling i Copenhagen Capital A/S
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Korrektion under punkt 6.
“Forslaget om, at generalforsamlinger fremover kan afholdes fysisk i Storkøbenhavn, på selskabets adresse samt såvel helt som delvist elektronisk blev vedtaget enstemmigt med mere end 98 % af de repræsenterede stemmer, idet en enkelt aktionær stemte imod.”
Den 27. april 2021 kl. 10.00 afholdtes ordinær generalforsamling i Copenhagen Capital A/S, CVR nr. 30 73 17 35, på adressen Niels Hemmingsens Gade 4, 1156 København K og delvist elektronisk, med følgende dagsorden: Udpegning af dirigent, jf. vedtægternes § 3.4
Bestyrelsens beretning for det forløbne regnskabsår
Forelæggelse af årsrapporten for 2020 med ledelsesberetning og godkendelse af årsrapporten
Beslutning om anvendelse af overskud eller dækning af tab i henhold til den godkendte årsrapport
Vederlagspolitik, Overordnede retningslinjer...
Forløb af ordinær generalforsamling i Investeringsforeningen Alm. Brand Invest den 27. april 2021
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København Ø, April 27, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) —
Bestyrelsens beretning Bestyrelsens beretning blev taget til efterretning af generalforsamlingen.
Årsrapport og udbytte Årsrapporten for 2020 blev godkendt, herunder bestyrelsens honorar. Endvidere godkendtes forslag om udbetaling af nedenstående udbytter udtrykt i kr. pr. andel.Investeringsforeningen Alm. Brand Invest
(kr. pr. bevis)Korte Obligationer Etik
1,20Lange Obligationer Etik
8,80Nordiske Aktier Etik
3,60Europæiske Aktier Etik
0,90Globale Aktier Etik
8,80Mix Etik
7,40Mix Offensiv Etik
15,00Mix Defensiv Etik
0,00Virksomhedsobligationer Etik
0,60Europæisk Højrente Etik
2,40Bortset fra følgende afdelinger...
Xeriant Publishes Videos of Movychem’s “Green” Fire Protection Abilities
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BOCA RATON, Fla., April 27, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Xeriant, Inc. (OTC PINK: XERI), a new aerospace technology and advanced materials holding company, announced today that its affiliate, Xeriant Europe, has begun to actively test, market and sell Movychem’s “green” fire protectant under the brand name Retacell.
To showcase Retacell’s remarkable fire protection capabilities, the Company launched a new YouTube channel that features several presentation videos. These informative short videos demonstrate the technology’s unique ability to perform under extreme conditions and interested parties can also view the demonstration videos through the direct links provided below:
Retacell is a breakthrough eco-friendly fire and thermal protection technology that is biodegradable and non-toxic, and can be infused into a variety of plastics,...
Microchip Announces the Expansion of Its Radiation-Hardened Arm® Microcontroller (MCU) Family for Space Systems
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CHANDLER, Ariz., April 27, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Deep space initiatives including planetary exploration, orbiter missions and space research require innovative spacecraft system technology providing connectivity and processing. To enable system designers better integration and higher performance while reducing development costs and time to market, COTS technologies and scalable solutions are increasingly used in space applications. Microchip Technology Inc. (Nasdaq: MCHP) today announced the qualification of its SAMRH71 Arm-based microprocessor (MPU) and the availability of the SAMRH707 microcontroller (MCU), both implementing Arm Cortex-M7 SoC radiation-hardened technology.
“Spacecraft and satellites are expanding in complexity to provide commercial and military operators with robust new communication and data capabilities, greater...
Terranueva Announces Changes to Its Management Team and Board of Directors
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MONTREAL, April 27, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The Board of Directors of Terranueva Corporation (CSE: TEQ) (“Terranueva” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce the appointment of Jean-Luc Landry as Executive Chairman of the Board of Directors and Chief Executive Officer, Gérard Landry as President and Chief Operating Officer and Director and Sylvain Tremblay as Director.
“Terranueva has the required foundations to achieve its vision and strategic goals and I am excited that these organizational changes will accelerate its development,” said Jean-Landry following the announcement.
As a result of these organizational changes and the evolution of its strategic plan, Terranueva announces the immediate departure of Louis Doyle, Alain Bureau and Patrice Boily, all directors of the Company, as well as...
Terranueva annonce des changements au sein de son équipe de direction et de son Conseil d’administration
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MONTRÉAL, 27 avr. 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Le Conseil d’administration de Corporation Terranueva (CSE: TEQ) (« Terranueva » ou la « Société ») est heureuse d’annoncer la nomination de Jean-Luc Landry à titre Président exécutif du conseil d’administration et Chef de la direction, de Gérard Landry à titre de Président et Chef des opérations et administrateur et de Sylvain Tremblay à titre d’administrateur.
« Terranueva possède les assises nécessaires pour réaliser sa vision et ses objectifs stratégiques et je suis enthousiaste que ces changements organisationnels permettront d’accélérer son développement », a affirmé Jean-Landry suivant cette annonce.
Suite à ces changements organisationnels et à l’évolution de son plan stratégique, Terranueva annonce le départ immédiat de Messieurs Louis Doyle, Alain Bureau et Patrice Boily, tous...
Reunion Gold Announces C$3 Million Marketed Private Placement Offering and Increases Non-Brokered Private Placement to C$7.25 Million
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LONGUEUIL, Quebec, April 27, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Reunion Gold Corporation (TSX-V: RGD) (“Reunion” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce that it has launched a marketed offering by way of private placement with a syndicate of agents led by BMO Capital Markets (the “Brokered Offering”). The Brokered Offering is in addition to and on the same terms as the Company’s previously announced non-brokered private placement offering (the “Non-Brokered Offering”), as per the press release dated April 19, 2021.
The Brokered Offering will consist of 46,150,000 units (the “Units”) at C$0.065 per Unit, to raise up to approximately C$3 million. Each Unit will...