Day: April 22, 2021
Wolters Kluwer Annual General Meeting of Shareholders adopts all resolutions
April 22, 2021 – Wolters Kluwer, a global provider of professional information, software solutions, and services, is pleased to announce that all resolutions were adopted as proposed at today’s Annual General Meeting.
Reappointment of members of the Supervisory Board and member of the Executive BoardFrans Cremers and Ann Ziegler were reappointed as members of the Supervisory Board and Kevin Entricken was reappointed as member of the Executive Board.
The Supervisory Board members represent a diversity of nationality, experience, talent, and expertise. Three (43%) of the seven Supervisory Board members are female, in line with Dutch corporate governance standards and proposed legislation.
2020 Financial Statements and dividendShareholders voted to adopt the Financial...
STMicroelectronics rejoint la mioty® Alliance, élargissant le déploiement d’applications pour l’IoT massif
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STMicroelectronics rejoint la mioty®Alliance, élargissant le déploiement d’applications pour l’IoT massif
La pile de protocole mioty développée par Stackforce, partenaire agréé de ST, est désormais disponible pour le système sur puce sans fil multi–modulations STM32WL
Genève (Suisse), le 22 avril 2021 — STMicroelectronics (NYSE : STM), un leader mondial des semiconducteurs dont les clients couvrent toute la gamme des applications électroniques, inspire la nouvelle génération d’applications pour l’IoT massif qui privilégient l’évolutivité à la rapidité, avec la prise en charge du standard mioty® pour l’établissement de connexions sans fil longue portée, extrêmement économes en énergie et hautement évolutives.
Parallèlement à son adhésion à l’Alliance mioty, impliquée dans la promotion et les spécifications de la technologie,...
ArcAroma AB: 210422 Aktierna i ArcAroma avnoteras och sista dagen för handel är den 18 maj 2021
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ArcAroma AB (publ) (”ArcAroma”) har genom pressmeddelande den 20 april 2021 kommunicerat att ArcAroma, som ett led i pågående fusion mellan OptiFreeze AB (publ) och ArcAroma, har ansökt om avnotering av bolagets aktie från Nasdaq First North Premier Growth Market segment.
Nasdaq Stockholm AB har beslutat att godkänna ArcAromas ansökan om avnotering av aktierna i ArcAroma samt beslutat, under förutsättning av att Bolagsverket den 18 maj 2021 lämnar tillstånd att verkställa fusionen mellan OptiFreeze AB (publ) och ArcAroma, att sista dag för handel ska vara den 18 maj 2021.
Informationen lämnades, genom nedanstående kontaktpersons försorg, för offentliggörande den 22 april 2021 klockan 16:45 CEST.
För ytterligare information, vänligen kontakta:
Peter Ahlgren, styrelseordförande ArcAroma AB (publ)E-post: peter.ahlgren@arcaroma.comTelefon:...
Apria Healthcare Collaborates with Rackspace Technology to Leave the Data Center Resulting in Improved Customer Experience and Increased Savings
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SAN ANTONIO, April 22, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Rackspace Technology (NASDAQ: RXT), an end-to-end multicloud technology solutions company, today announced a collaboration with Apria Healthcare, a provider of home respiratory services and related medical equipment, to modernize its legacy IT infrastructure resulting in a 32% reduction in operating costs.
Apria Healthcare collaborated with Rackspace Technology to manage, modernize and secure its data center by consolidating and collocating its existing infrastructure by leveraging Rackspace Professional Services for Amazon Web Services (AWS), Rackspace Private Cloud powered by VMware and Managed AWS infrastructure. The move to the new infrastructure resulted in efficiencies, savings, and bolstered their online storefronts with managed hosting during the peak buying season.
“Part of...
Amarin Receives Great Britain Marketing Authorization for VAZKEPA from the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) 1,2
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VAZKEPA (icosapent ethyl) is the first and only authorized treatment for its cardiovascular risk reduction indication1,2,3
VAZKEPA authorization for Great Britain follows recent VAZKEPA authorization for European Union
DUBLIN, Ireland and BRIDGEWATER, N.J., April 22, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Amarin Corporation plc (NASDAQ: AMRN) today announced that the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) has granted a Marketing Authorization for VAZKEPA (icosapent ethyl) as a treatment to reduce the risk of cardiovascular events in high cardiovascular risk statin-treated adult patients who have elevated triglycerides (≥150 mg/dL) and either established cardiovascular disease or diabetes, and at least one additional cardiovascular risk factor. The Great Britain Marketing Authorization for VAZKEPA applies to England, Scotland...
AUGA group, AB progresses with its employee motivation scheme through share options
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The organic producer AUGA group, AB (hereinafter the Company) is progressing with its employee motivation scheme through share options. The Company has made a decision to allocate a further 2.5 million shares to the employees and members of management bodies of the Company and its subsidiaries (hereinafter Employees). In total, since 2019 the Company will have allocated 7.2 million shares to its Employees. It also plans to assign a further more than 3 million shares for the same purpose in the future.
The Company launched its first option programme in spring 2019. Almost 2.55 million shares were allocated to Employees in the first stage and additional 2.23 million shares in 2020.
The programme is being continued this year, with the allocation of a further 2.5 million shares.
A motion to approve an additional 1.7 million shares for future...
AUGA group, AB tęsia darbuotojų skatinimo akcijomis programą
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Ekologiškų produktų gamintoja AUGA group, AB (toliau – Bendrovė) tęsia pradėtą opcionų programą. Bendrovė nusprendė savo ir jos dukterinių įmonių darbuotojams ir valdymo organų nariams (toliau – Darbuotojai) paskirstyti 2,5 mln. vnt. akcijų. Viso nuo akcijų opcionų programos pradžios 2019 m. Darbuotojams Bendrovė bus paskirsčiusi 7,2 mln. vnt. akcijų. Ateityje opcionų programai ketinama skirti dar daugiau kaip 3 mln. vnt. akcijų.
Opcionų programą Bendrovė pradėjo 2019 metų pavasarį. Tuomet pirmuoju etapu Darbuotojams buvo paskirta beveik 2,55 mln. vnt. akcijų, 2020 m. – 2,23 mln. vnt. akcijų.
Šiemet tęsiant programą Darbuotojams vėl buvo paskirstyta 2,5 mln. vnt. akcijų.
Bendrovės eiliniam visuotiniam akcininkų susirinkimui siūloma patvirtinti projektą, pagal kurį šiai programai ateityje būtų papildomai skirta 1,7 mln. vnt. akcijų...
Transfer of Huhtamäki Oyj’s own treasury shares
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Transfer of Huhtamäki Oyj’s own treasury shares
A total of 15,000 of Huhtamäki Oyj’s own treasury shares have today been transferred without consideration to the Company’s President and CEO Charles Héaulmé as part of his remuneration.
The directed issue is based on the authorization given by the Company’s Annual General Meeting of 2021 and the decision by the Company’s Board of Directors based on the authorization.
After the transfer, Huhtamäki Oyj holds a total of 3,395,709 own treasury shares (3.15% of all shares).
For further information, please contact:Mr. Sami Pauni, Executive Vice President, Corporate Affairs and Legal, Group General Counsel, tel. +358 (0)10 686 7872
HUHTAMÄKI OYJGlobal Communications
About HuhtamakiHuhtamaki is a key global provider...
Huhtamäki Oyj:n omien osakkeiden luovutus
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Huhtamäki Oyj:n omien osakkeiden luovutus
Yhteensä 15 000 Huhtamäki Oyj:n omaa osaketta on tänään luovutettu vastikkeetta yhtiön toimitusjohtajalle Charles Héaulmélle osana hänen palkitsemistaan.
Suunnattu anti perustuu yhtiön vuoden 2021 varsinaisen yhtiökokouksen antamaan valtuutukseen ja yhtiön hallituksen valtuutuksen perusteella tekemään päätökseen.
Luovutuksen jälkeen Huhtamäki Oyj omistaa yhteensä 3 395 709 omaa osaketta (3,15 % kaikista osakkeista).
Lisätietoja:Sami Pauni, hallinto- ja lakiasiainjohtaja, puh. 010 686 7872
HUHTAMÄKI OYJKonserniviestintä
Tietoja HuhtamäestäHuhtamäki on maailmanlaajuisesti johtava vastuullisten pakkausratkaisujen toimittaja, joka mahdollistaa hyvinvointia ja sujuvaa arkea kuluttajille ympäri maailmaa. Innovatiiviset tuotteemme suojaavat noutoruokaa...
Information on the Availability of the 2020 Universal Registration Document
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Nantes – 22 April 2021 – Maisons du Monde (Euronext Paris: MDM, ISIN Code: FR0013153541), announces the release of its 2020 Universal Registration Document.
The 2020 Universal Registration Document was filed with the Autorité des Marchés Financiers (AMF) on 22 April 2021, in ESEF format and under number D.21-0340.
The French version of this document is available to the public free of charge under the conditions set out by the regulations in force, and on the company’s website at : , as well as on the AMF’s website :
The English version will be available as of 27 April 2021.
The 2020 Universal Registration Document includes,...