Day: April 20, 2021
VANCOUVER, British Columbia, April 20, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Monument Mining Limited (TSX-V: MMY und FSE: D7Q1), „Monument“ oder das „Unternehmen“, gibt die Ernennung von Hugh Bresser zum Chief Managing Geologist bekannt.
„Ich freue mich sehr, Hugh Bresser als Chief Managing Geologist im Unternehmen begrüßen zu dürfen – insbesondere zu diesem kritischen Zeitpunkt, wo wir gerade die Umstrukturierung unseres Mineralportfolios abgeschlossen haben und Murchison zu unserem Schüsselprojekt entwickeln“, so Cathy Zhai, President und CEO von Monument Mining. „Ich bin sicher, dass seine Begeisterung für die Entdeckung von Goldvorkommen, seine umfangreiche Erfahrung in der Entwicklung mineralischer Ressourcen und seine leistungsorientierte Führungsstärke unser Murchison-Projekt schnell voranbringen werden.“
Mr. Bresser kann auf eine 30-jährige...
Festi hf. : Reduction of share capital – correction
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The Annual General Meeting of Festi hf. held on 22 March 2021, approved to reduce the company‘s share capital by ISK 9.199.999 nominal value, totalling 9.199.999 shares, by cancelling company‘s own shares. This reduction has now taken place, effective 20 April 2021. The company‘s share capital has therefore now been reduced from ISK 332.699.999 to ISK 323.500.000 at nominal value, divided into an equal number of shares and with one vote attached to each share. Festi currenty owns 409.377 of own shares.
For further information, please contact Magnús Kr. Ingason, CFO of Festi –
Festi hf. : Lækkun hlutafjár – leiðrétting
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Aðalfundur Festi hf. sem fram fór þann 22 mars 2021 samþykkti að lækka hlutafé félagsins um 9.199.999 kr. að nafnvirði sem nemur 9.199.999 hlutum, til jöfnunar á eigin hlutum félagsins. Lækkunin hefur nú verið framkvæmd þann 20. apríl 2021. Hlutafé félagsins lækkaði úr 332.699.999 kr. í 323.500.000 kr. að nafnvirði sem skiptist í jafnmarga hluti og fylgir hverjum hlut eitt atkvæði. Félagið á í dag 409.377 eigin hluti.
Nánari upplýsingar veitir Magnús Kr. Ingason, fjármálastjóri Festi hf. –
OTC:ILUS, ILUS International (Ilustrato Pictures International Inc.): ILUS is Expanding Its Global Reach, Technology and Product Range Assisting in Making the World a Safer Place
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ILUS is focused on acquiring & developing technology-based companies.
NEW YORK, April 20, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — via NewMediaWire — ILUS International Inc.: The company is expecting to complete numerous acquisitions this year, with the aim of establishing a global footprint for the roll out of its patented technologies.
Our world is ever changing. As the global population is increasing, so is urbanisation and consequently, risk. The increasing risk has begun to reach a point where it cannot be ignored. Cities are getting wider, taller and more congested. Many cities now have pedestrianized city centres and their urban edges are spreading further out into what was formerly countryside. Facing all these scenarios, Emergency Response vehicles need to navigate rapidly through urban areas and at the same time, it is being...
CORRECTION – IHC Announces Agreement to Sell Standard Security Life Insurance Company of New York to Reliance Standard
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STAMFORD, Conn., April 20, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — In a release issued under the same headline on Thursday, April 15 by Independence Holding Company (NYSE: IHC), please be advised that the paragraph under About Independence Holding Company has been updated. The corrected release follows:
Independence Holding Company (NYSE: IHC) today reported its agreement to sell Standard Security Life Insurance Company of New York to Reliance Standard Life Insurance Company, a member of the Tokio Marine Group.
On April 14, 2021, Independence Holding Company (NYSE:IHC) (“IHC”) and its wholly owned subsidiary Independence Capital Corp. (“ICC”) entered into a Stock Purchase Agreement (the “Purchase Agreement”) with Reliance Standard Life Insurance Company (“Reliance Standard”) to sell all of the issued and outstanding capital stock of Standard Security...
Green Hygienics Holdings Inc. (GRYN) Closes on Acquisition of Two CBD Cigarette Brands
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SAN DIEGO, April 20, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — via InvestorWire — Green Hygienics Holdings Inc. (OTCQB: GRYN) (“Green Hygienics” or the “Company”) announces today the successful completion of its acquisition of two CBD cigarette brands: American Hemp and Diablo. The acquisition includes all related business development assets, such as sales and distribution relationships, trademarks, and digital assets.
The Company has already made two acquisitions so far this year, which included the assets of Primordia to expand its cultivation division (, and Castillo Seeds to fast-track the launch of its genetics division ( The acquisition of American Hemp and Diablo launches the Company’s smokables division, which will provide tobacco and nicotine-free...
Correction to the Invitation to the Annual General Meeting of Nexstim Plc
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Company announcement, Helsinki, 20.4.2021 at 9:00 pm (EEST)
Correction to the Invitation to the Annual General Meeting of Nexstim Plc
In accordance with the invitation to the Annual General Meeting of Nexstim Plc (NXTMH:HEX, NXTMS:STO) (“Nexstim” or “Company”) dated 15 April 2021, the shareholders of the Company have been invited to the Annual General Meeting to be held on 11 May 2021 commencing at 12.00 (EEST).
The invitation to the meeting of 15 April 2021 includes a writing error stating that transfers of shares from the Company to the Receiving Shareholders required for the final adjustments of their number of shares (after reduction) are expected to take place and be recorded in book-entry accounts at the latest on 17th May 2021 in Sweden and 19th May 2021 in Finland. Notwithstanding the above-mentioned, the...
Korjaus Nexstim Oyj:n yhtiökokouskutsuun
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Yhtiötiedote, Helsinki, 20.4.2021, klo. 21.00 (EEST)
Korjaus Nexstim Oyj:n yhtiökokouskutsuun
Nexstim Oyj:n (NXTMH:HEX, NXTMS:STO) (”Nexstim” tai ”Yhtiö”) 15.4.2021 päivätyn yhtiökokouskutsun mukaisesti Yhtiön osakkeenomistajat on kutsuttu 11.5.2021 klo 12.00 (EEST) pidettävään yhtiökokoukseen.
Kokouskutsussa 15.4.2021 onkohdassa A.15 kirjoitusvirhe, jonka mukaan yhtiön osakkeiden siirto vastaanottaville osakkeenomistajille suoritetaan ja kirjataan arvo-osuustileille suunnitelmien mukaan 17.5. Ruotsissa ja 19.5. Suomessa. Edellä mainitusta poiketen osakkeiden siirto suoritetaan ja kirjataan 17.5. Suomessa ja 19.5. Ruotsissa.
kohdan C.4 lopussa teksti ”Yhtiö julkaisee mahdolliset äänestykseen otettavat vastaehdotukset yhtiön internet-sivuilla viimeistään 20.4.2021.” Edellä mainitusta poiketen vastaehdotukset...
Korrigering till kallelse till Nexstim Abp:s bolagsstämma
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Företagsmeddelande, Helsingfors, 20.4.2021 kl. 21.00 (EEST)
Korrigering till kallelse till Nexstim Abp:s bolagsstämma
Aktieägarna i bolaget har med en stämmokallelse av 15 april 2021 kallats till Nexstim Abp:s (NXTMH:HEX, NXTMS:STO) (”Nexstim” eller ”bolaget”) bolagsstämma som hålls 11 maj 2021 klockan 12.00 (EEST).
Stämmokallelsen innehåller ett skrivfel enligt vilket den överföring av aktier till de mottagande aktieägarna som krävs för den slutliga ändringen av antalet aktier (efter minskningen) utförs och antecknas på värdeandelskontona troligen senast 17 maj i Sverige och 19 maj i Finland. Oaktat det ovannämnda utförs och antecknas överföringen på värdeandelskontona troligen senast 17 maj i Finland och 19 maj i Sverige.
Punkt A.15. i kallelsen till extra bolagsstämman har således ändrats som följer (ändringarna i fet stil):
Den överföring...
La FDA donne son feu vert concernant le traitement candidat de XBiotech pour l’étude contrôlée par placebo en double aveugle de phase I/II sur le cancer du pancréas
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AUSTIN, Texas, 20 avr. 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — XBiotech (NASDAQ : XBIT) a annoncé aujourd’hui que la FDA lui avait accordé l’autorisation de commencer des essais cliniques avec son nouveau médicament candidat pour le traitement des patients atteints d’un cancer du pancréas. De 1992 à 2018, le taux de mortalité due au cancer du pancréas a constamment augmenté aux États-Unis. On prédit aujourd’hui que le cancer du pancréas fera 48 220 morts et sera la 3e cause principale de décès par cancer aux États-Unis en 2021 (selon le programme Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) du National Cancer Institute).
Le cancer du pancréas est généralement identifié à un stade avancé et le traitement inclut souvent des opérations chirurgicales et chimiothérapies agressives. Un traitement actuellement approuvé implique...