Day: April 20, 2021
JACKSONVILLE, Fla., April 20, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — CSX Corp. (NASDAQ: CSX) today announced first quarter 2021 net earnings of $706 million, or $0.93 per share, compared to $770 million, or $1.00 per share in the same period last year.
“I am extremely proud of how our team of railroaders handled the challenges presented by the difficult operating conditions this quarter,” said James M. Foote, president and chief executive officer. “Looking forward, the strengthening economic momentum is providing added visibility into volume growth, and we are taking the necessary steps to ensure we are ready to handle these volumes and provide our customers with an industry-leading service product.”
Revenue for the first quarter decreased 1 percent from the prior year to $2.81 billion, as intermodal and other revenue growth was more than offset...
Orrstown Financial Services, Inc. Reports First Quarter 2021 Results
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Net income of $10.2 million for the quarter; diluted first quarter 2021 EPS of $0.92 per share versus $0.91 per share in the fourth quarter of 2020 as revenue generation continued at an elevated level, expenses declined and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the loan portfolio continues to be limited
The Company’s Board of Directors authorized the future repurchase of up to 562,000 shares of its outstanding common stock, in addition to the 261,320 shares currently available to repurchase under its 2015 share repurchase program; shares available for repurchase total 7% of the Company’s outstanding common stock at March 31, 2021
Tangible book value per share(1) increased to $20.59 at March 31, 2021 from $19.93 at December 31, 2020 and $16.53 at March 31, 2020; an increase of 25% year over year
Return on average assets totaled...
Kvika banki hf.: Jákvæð afkomutilkynning
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Við vinnslu á uppgjöri fyrsta ársfjórðungs hefur komið í ljós að afkoma samstæðu Kviku banka hf. („Kvika“ eða „bankinn“) er verulega umfram áætlanir. Áætlað er að sameiginleg afkoma Kviku, TM hf. og Lykils fjármögnunar hf. verði á bilinu 2.400 – 2.600 fyrir skatta á fyrsta ársfjórðungi en þann 30. mars 2021 var afkomuspá Kviku sem birt hafði verið þann 28. janúar 2021, tekin úr gildi í tengslum við samruna félaganna. Rekstur TM og Lykils mun koma inn í samstæðu Kviku frá og með 1. apríl 2021.
Góður vöxtur þóknanatekna í eignastýringu og fyrirtækjaráðgjöf
Vænt afkoma Kviku fyrir skatta er um 1.000 sem er umtalsvert hærra en áætlun félagsins fyrir tímabilið gerði ráð fyrir. Ástæður fyrir betri afkomu má einkum rekja til hærri þóknanatekna í eignastýringu og fyrirtækjaráðgjöf en jafnframt voru fjárfestingartekjur einnig umfram...
Kvika banki hf.: Positive profit announcement
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While preparing the financial results for the first quarter it has become clear that Kvika banki hf. („Kvika“ or „the bank“) group results are significantly higher than expected. Estimated earnings for Kvika, TM hf. („TM“) and Lykill fjármögnun hf. („Lykill“) is between ISK 2,400 – 2,600 million before tax for the first quarter, but on 30 March 2021, in connection to the merger of the companies, it was announced that Kvika‘s earning forecast, published on 28 January 2021, was no longer valid. The operations of TM and Lykill will be a part of Kvika‘s group from and including 1 April 2021.
Positive growth in commission income in Asset Management and Corporate Finance
Kvika‘s estimated earnings before tax is around ISK 1,000 million, which is considerably higher than expected for the quarter. The reason for higher earnings can be mainly...
PrairieSky Announces Results of the Annual Meeting of Shareholders and Election of Directors
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CALGARY, Alberta, April 20, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — PrairieSky Royalty Ltd. (“PrairieSky” or the “Company”) (TSX: PSK) is pleased to announce that its shareholders approved all resolutions at the annual meeting of shareholders of the Company held on April 20, 2021 (the “Meeting“) in Calgary, Alberta. The resolutions approved at the Meeting were as follows:
The resolution to appoint the eight (8) nominees as directors of the Company to serve until the next annual meeting of shareholders of the Company, or until their successors are elected or appointed, was passed by way of ballot and each of the directors received the following votes for their election:
James Estey
192,407,208 (99.54%)
Jane Gavan
185,617,053 (96.03%)
Margaret McKenzie
193,096,956 (99.90%)
Andrew Phillips
193,268,138 (99.98%)
Steve Muehler – Equity Capital Markets Releases its Commercial Real Estate Equity Capital Guidelin
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Steve Muehler – Equity Capital Market’s – Commercial Real Estate Equity Program is focused on “identifying market inefficiencies, recapitalizing or repositioning the real estate asset(s), and maximizing the subject property(s) cash flows.”
• Geography – Nationwide
• Investment Sizes – $2 Million USD Plus
• Term – 16 to 20 Months
• Loan-to-Value – Up to 90%, but up to 95% will be considered on a ‘case-by-case’ basis.
• Investment Type – Value added, Distressed & Opportunistic.
• Structure – Joint Venture, Preferred Equity, Mezzanine, General Partner Co-Investment
• Asset Types – Condos, Multifamily, Retail, Mixed-Use, Manufactured Housing, Office, Senior Housing, Self-Storage, Hospitality, Industrial / Flex.
• Capital Source – Pooled or Stand-alone Qualified Institutional Investors (no less than $50 Million Under Management).
A Loan Against Commercial Property to Help Your Business Grow
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As a proud owner of commercial property, you can make the most of the investment by applying for a loan against it. Whether the property is idle, in use, or leased out, you can borrow funds against the same and use them to grow your business. No matter the size or type of business you own, you are eligible for the loan. Loan against commercial property from Hero FinCorp is available for businesses across all industries. The reliable financial institution enjoys a strong reputation in the industry and has a presence across the length and breadth of the country.
Hero FinCorp has carved a niche in the industry and is the top lender in the country. They have helped several individuals turn their dreams into a reality. With a loan against commercial property, you can have access to high amount of funds at low interest rate. Since the risk associated...
The Fastest, Lightest, and Simplest Way to Find More Gold
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Adelaide, Australia, April 20, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Finding gold beneath the ground isn’t easy, even for the most experienced detectorists. Why? Because challenging and diverse soil conditions can create a variety of complex ground signals that often confuse current gold-detecting technologies… as well as the detectorists interpreting them.
MinelabTM, the global leader in metal-detecting technology, repeatedly stakes its reputation on delivering solutions to the complex problems that get in the way of making more discoveries. Within the realm of gold hunting – from the tiniest flakes to the heaviest nuggets – the search just got faster, lighter, and simpler than ever, with the announcement of the all-new Minelab GPX 6000TM smart, all-gold detector, powered by new Geo-Sense-PITM technology.
GeoSense-PI (Pulse Induction) technology...
Proactive news headlines including Vuzix Corp, Cloud Nine Web3 Technologies, Fury Gold Mines and Dalrada Financial
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New York, April 20, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Proactive, provider of real-time news and video interviews on growth companies listed in the US and Canada, has covered the following companies:Vuzix Corporation (NASDAQ:VUZI) says Verizon’s video conferencing platform, BlueJeans now supported by M4 smart glasses click here
Cloud Nine Web3 Technologies Inc (CSE:CNI) (OTCMKTS:CLGUF) partners with Next Decentrum Technologies for education products on non-fungible tokens click here
Co-Diagnostics Inc (NASDAQ:CODX) says Logix Smart COVID-19 Test performance validated by Australian researchers in peer-reviewed publication click here
Lucky Minerals Inc (CVE:LKY) (OTCPINK:LKMNF) (FRA:LKY) identifies new epithermal system, the Wayka target, in southern Ecuador click here
Mountain Valley MD Holdings Inc (CSE:MVMD) (FRA:20MP) (OTCQB:MVMDF)...
Monument nomme Hugh Bresser au poste de géologue en chef
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VANCOUVER, Colombie-Britannique, 20 avr. 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Monument Mining Limited (TSX-V : MMY et FSE : D7Q1), ci-après « Monument » ou la « Société », a le plaisir d’annoncer la nomination de M. Hugh Bresser au poste de géologue en chef.
« Je suis très heureux que Hugh Bresser nous rejoigne en tant que géologue en chef à un moment très critique où nous avons achevé la restructuration de notre portefeuille d’actifs miniers et nous sommes engagés à développer Murchison en vue d’en faire un projet phare », remarque Cathy Zhai, présidente-directrice générale de Monument Mining. « Je suis convaincue que son enthousiasme pour la découverte aurifère, sa vaste expérience dans le développement d’actifs miniers et sa détermination à diriger l’équipe vers des performances élevées feront une différence...