Day: April 20, 2021
2021. aasta I kvartali vahearuande avalikustamise järgselt korraldas LHV Group 20. aprillil 2021 veebiseminari vormis investorkohtumise. LHV Groupi juhataja Madis Toomsalu, LHV Panga juhatuse esimees Kadri Kiisel ja LHV Varahalduse juhatuse esimees Vahur Vallistu tutvustasid ettevõtte kvartalitulemusi ja andsid ülevaate ettevõtte käekäigust.
Ülekannet jälgis 50 huvilist, ülekanne tehti Zoomi platvormi vahendusel.
Investorkohtumise salvestus on järelvaadatav LHV Youtube’i kanalil:
Priit RumLHV kommunikatsioonijuhtTelefon: 502 0786E-post:
Conferize A/S indkalder til ordinær generalforsamling
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Selskabsmeddelelse Nr. 7/2021København, 20. april 2021
Indkaldelse til ordinær generalforsamling 2021Conferize A/S, cvr. 34472742
Der indkaldes hermed til ordinær generalforsamling i Conferize A/S (”Selskabet”) onsdag d. 12. maj 2021 kl. 16.00. Generalforsamlingen afholdes elektronisk.
I det omfang, at generalforsamlingen ikke vil kunne afvikles elektronisk på betryggende vis, vil generalforsamlingen blive udskudt.
I overensstemmelse med vedtægternes punkt 5.8 er dagsordenen følgende:Bestyrelsens beretning om selskabets virksomhed i det forløbne år.
Fremlæggelse af årsregnskab med revisionspåtegning til godkendelse.
Beslutning om anvendelse af overskud eller dækning af tab i henhold til det godkendte årsregnskab.
Valg af bestyrelse.Genvalg af Claus Bretton-Meyer til bestyrelsen
Genvalg af Laura Lindahl til bestyrelsen
Genvalg af Rolf...
Genmab Announces Net Sales of DARZALEX® (daratumumab) for First Quarter of 2021
Written by Customer Service on . Posted in Public Companies.
Company AnnouncementNet sales of DARZALEX®in the first quarter of 2021 totaled USD 1,365 million
Genmab receives royalties on worldwide net sales from Janssen Biotech, Inc.Copenhagen, Denmark; April 20, 2021 – Genmab A/S (Nasdaq: GMAB) announced today that worldwide net trade sales of DARZALEX®(daratumumab), including sales of the subcutaneous formulation (sold under the tradename DARZALEX FASPRO®in the U.S.), as reported by Johnson & Johnson were USD 1,365 million in the first quarter of 2021. Net trade sales were USD 691 million in the U.S. and USD 674 million in the rest of the world. Genmab receives royalties on the worldwide net sales of DARZALEX and DARZALEX FASPRO under the exclusive worldwide license to Janssen Biotech, Inc. (Janssen) to develop, manufacture and commercialize daratumumab. As previously announced, Janssen...
Web Hosting Services Market Rising at 18.0% CAGR to Reach USD 267.10 Billion by 2028
Written by Customer Service on . Posted in Mergers And Acquisitions.
Pune, India, April 20, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The global web hosting services market size is projected to reach USD 267.10 billion by 2028, exhibiting a CAGR of 18.0% during the forecast period. According to the Fortune Business Insights™ report, titled “Web Hosting Services Market, 2021-2028”, the market value stood at USD 75.03 billion in 2020.
COVID-19 Impact
The COVID-19 pandemic outbreak has caused unprecedented upheavals in physical business infrastructures as governments across the globe have had to impose lockdowns and social distancing measures to curb the spread of the virus. For example, a survey by the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) found that 43% of the respondents faced a temporary or permanent shutdown of business in the US in 2020 due to the pandemic. Similarly, a private survey in India revealed that...
SIA D Screens is announced as a winner of the lease tender in Riga
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SIA D Screens, 100% subsidiary of AS Ekspress Grupp, is announced as a winner of the second auction of lease rights for the real estate owned by Riga’s municipality. The lease consists 91 advertising spaces owned by Riga’s municipality.
The rent for 91 parts of real estate per year will amount to 173,960 euros. SIA D Screens will be offered to enter into an agreement as per tender documents and procedures.
D Screens continues to develop its digital outdoor screen network in Riga. The win of this tender will allow the company to increase the network above 100 objects, as well to participate in the market with large and small screen networks that cover all main highroads in Riga.
SIA D Screens is a fast-growing outdoor media company that builds and operates well-positioned digital outdoor screens in several locations across Latvia.
Riia rendihanke võitjaks kuulutati SIA D Screens
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Riia linnale kuuluva kinnisvara rendiõiguste teise enampakkumise võitjaks kuulutati ASi Ekspress Grupp 100-protsendiline tütarettevõte SIA D Screens. Rendileping hõlmab 91 Riia linnale kuuluvat reklaamipinda.
91 reklaamipinna aastane rent ulatub 173 960 euroni. SIA D Screensiga sõlmitakse pakkumisdokumentide ja protseduuride kohane leping.
D Screens jätkab Riias digitaalse väliekraanivõrgu arendamist. Hanke võit võimaldab ettevõttel suurendada oma võrgustikku rohkem kui 100 objektini ning osaleda turul nii suurte kui ka väikeste ekraanivõrgustikega, mis katavad kõiki Riia linna olulisemaid magistraale.
SIA D Screens on kiiresti kasvav välimeedia ettevõte, mis ehitab ja haldab elektroonilisi välireklaami pindu paljudes asukohtades Lätis.
Signe KukinKontserni finantsjuhtAS Ekspress GruppTel: +372 669 8381E-kiri:
Automotive Fuel Cell Market to Surge at 53.5% CAGR till 2028; Japanese Government Announces Plans of Deploying 800,000 Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles by 2030: Fortune Business Insights™
Written by Customer Service on . Posted in Mergers And Acquisitions.
Pune, India, April 20, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The global automotive fuel cell market size is projected to reach USD 34.63 billion by 2028, exhibiting a CAGR of 53.5% during the forecast period, as per estimates provided by Fortune Business Insights™ in its report, titled “Automotive Fuel Cell Market, 2021-2028”. The report states that the value of the market stood at USD 1.07 billion in 2020.
What Does the Report Offer?
The Automotive Fuel Cell Market report contains a detailed segmentation of the market and a piecemeal study of each segment. Furthermore, the report delivers a comprehensive analysis of the regional developments occurring in the market, along with in-depth research into the market drivers, trends, and challenges. In addition to all of the above, the report provides a thorough assessment of the competitive landscape...
Dakota Territory Resource Corp Announces Appointment of Robert Quartermain and Stephen O’Rourke as Co-Chairs
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Lead, South Dakota, April 20, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Dakota Territory Resource Corp (OTCQB: DTRC) (“Dakota Territory” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce that Robert Quartermain and Stephen O’Rourke have been appointed as Co-Chairs of the board of directors of the Company.
“Robert and Stephen are industry leaders with a wealth of resource experience”, said Jonathan Awde, the Company’s CEO. “As Co-Chairs they will guide the Company and its management through an exciting time as we explore and evaluate our gold properties in the Black Hills of South Dakota. Both Co-Chairs hold significant direct and indirect equity interests in the Company and are fully aligned with the shareholders.”
Robert Quartermain, P Geo, DSc has 45 years experience in the resource industry. Dr. Quartermain is a precious metals...
Fingerprint Cards AB: invitation to the first quarter 2021 results presentation
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Fingerprint Cards AB (Fingerprints™) will host a telephone conference and webcast presentation of its first quarter 2021 results, on April 21, 2021 at 09:00 CEST.
Fingerprints’ CEO Christian Fredrikson will present the report together with CFO Per Sundqvist in a combined webcast and telephone conference. The presentation will be held in English.
Time: Wednesday, April 21, 2021 at 09:00 am CEST.Location: combined webcast and telephone conference.
The report is available at
The webcast and the presentation material can be accessed through where it is also possible to ask questions.
For media and analysts: The telephone conference dial-in is +44 (0) 2071 928000 (international participants) or 08-506 921 80 (Swedish participants). Please state conference ID 9862978.
Fingerprint Cards AB: inbjudan till presentation av resultatet för första kvartalet 2021
Written by Customer Service on . Posted in Public Companies.
Fingerprint Cards AB (Fingerprints™) bjuder in till telefonkonferens och en webbsänd presentation av resultatet för första kvartalet 2021, den 21 april 2021 klockan 09:00.
Fingerprints vd Christian Fredrikson presenterar rapporten tillsammans med CFO Per Sundqvist i en kombinerad webbsändning och telefonkonferens. Presentationen sker på engelska.
Tid: onsdagen den 21 april 2021, klockan 09:00 CEST.Plats: kombinerad webbsändning och telefonkonferens.
Rapporten finns på
Webbsändningen och presentationsmaterialet finns på där man även har möjlighet att ställa frågor.
För media och analytiker: Telekonferensen nås via +44 (0) 2071 928000 (internationella deltagare) eller 08-506 921 80 (svenska deltagare). V.g. uppge konferens-ID 9862978.
Om FingerprintsFingerprint Cards...