Day: April 20, 2021
AB „Grigeo“ gavo patikslintą pranešimą apie valdybos nario 2021-04-15 vykdytus sandorius emitento vertybiniais popieriais (žr. priedus).
Gintautas PangonisAB „Grigeo“ prezidentas+370 5 243 5801
PriedaiPranešimas apie vadovų sandorius 2021-04-14
Pataisytas pranešimas apie vadovų sandorius 2021-04-15
Glatfelter GlatClean™ Nominated for World of Wipes Innovation Award
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CHARLOTTE, N.C., April 20, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Glatfelter Corporation (NYSE: GLT), a leading global supplier of engineered materials, has been nominated for the 2021 World of Wipes Innovation Award with its eco-friendly, cellulose-based airlaid substrate for GlatClean™ disinfecting wipes.
“Glatfelter is committed to offering our customers wipes substrates that outperform standards in hygiene, safety, and sustainability and is delighted to have been nominated for this prestigious award,” said Chris Astley, Senior Vice President and Chief Commercial Officer. “High quality disinfectants deserve the best substrates like those found in GlatClean™ and we are proud to have invented an eco-friendly, cellulose-based airlaid solution for cleaning and disinfecting wipes.”
GlatClean™ is durable, soft, and has superior liquid absorption...
BBQ Holdings, Inc. Provides Revenue and Earnings Guidance for Fiscal Year 2021
Written by Customer Service on . Posted in Public Companies.
MINNEAPOLIS, April 20, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — BBQ Holdings, Inc. (NASDAQ: BBQ) (the “Company”), an innovating global owner and operator of restaurants, recently provided revenue and earnings guidance in an updated investor presentation filed via 8-K. Guidance for its fiscal year 2021 is as follows:Revenue guidance for the year of $150 – $155MM
Net Income of $1.7 – $2.1MM and Cash EBITDA of $8.5 – $9.0MM for fiscal year 2021.The presentation can be found at:
Executive Comments
Jeff Crivello, CEO, commented, “We are excited to publish our revenue, and earnings guidance for fiscal year 2021. We are diligently working to execute our organic and M&A growth plan, while continuing to adjust with the fluid COVID restrictions. We believe there is a significant...
Banque Profil de Gestion SA : Assemblée Générale du 20 avril 2021
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Communiqué de presse
Banque Profil de Gestion SA :Assemblée Générale du 20 avril 2021
Genève, le 20 avril 2021 – Lors de l’Assemblée Générale Ordinaire de la Banque Profil de Gestion SA (SIX Swiss Exchange : BPDG) qui s’est tenue aujourd’hui à Genève, 64.02% des actionnaires étaient représentés. Les actionnaires ont pris les décisions suivantes :Le rapport annuel et les comptes au 31 décembre 2020 ont été approuvés ;
La pleine décharge a été donnée aux administrateurs de BPDG pour leur gestion durant l’exercice 2020 ;
La couverture de la perte statutaire de CHF 2’336’667 avec la réserve légale issue du bénéfice a été approuvée ;
Le versement d’un dividende de CHF 8’000’000 prélevé sur les réserves, soit un montant approximatif de CHF 0.5544 par action a été approuvé ;
Madame Geneviève Berclaz, Monsieur Mario...
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At the 53rd Annual General Meeting of Sika AG on April 20, 2021, all proposals of the Board of Directors were approved.
The Annual General Meeting of Sika AG was held on April 20, 2021, in Zurich. In accordance with the Federal Council’s Ordinance to combat coronavirus, it was once again not possible for shareholders to attend the Annual General Meeting in person. Instead, they were able to cast their vote through the independent proxy. Sika also gave shareholders the opportunity to ask questions verbally during the Annual General Meeting via an online platform.The shareholders approved the annual financial statements and the consolidated financial statements for the business year 2020.
Furthermore, the shareholders voted in favor of the Board of Directors’ proposal to pay...
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An der 53. ordentlichen Generalversammlung der Sika AG vom 20. April 2021 wurde allen Anträgen des Verwaltungsrats zugestimmt.
Die ordentliche Generalversammlung der Sika AG hat am 20. April 2021 in Zürich stattgefunden und wurde Live übertragen. Gestützt auf die Verordnung des Bundesrates zur Bekämpfung des Coronavirus war eine persönliche Teilnahme der Aktionäre erneut nicht möglich. Die Aktionäre konnten ihre Stimmrechte über den unabhängigen Stimmrechtsvertreter ausüben. Darüber hinaus wurde die Möglichkeit geboten, während der Generalversammlung live mündlich Fragen über eine Online-Plattform zu stellen.Die Aktionäre haben die Jahresrechnung und die Konzernrechnung für das Geschäftsjahr 2020 genehmigt.
Des Weiteren folgten die Aktionäre dem Antrag des Verwaltungsrats, für...
ADM Endeavors, Inc. (OTCQB:ADMQ): CNBC Reports Retail Sales Boom in March; ADMQ Concurs, Reporting Similar Results for its March Sales
Written by Customer Service on . Posted in Earnings Releases And Operating Results.
FORT WORTH, TX, April 20, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — via NewMediaWire — ADM Endeavors, Inc. (OTCQB: ADMQ) is pleased to announce that its sales from its wholly owned subsidiary, Just Right Products, Inc., in the first quarter of 2021 is seeing an increase in business compared to the same quarter in the year 2020.
“We agree with Dow Jones Market report on the retail sales boom news. We have seen an increased sale within our subsidiary companies, Just Right Products, Inc., FW Promo, and Academic Outfitters. I am very pleased with the way market is shifting and I believe the trend will continue,” said Marc Johnson, CEO of ADM Endeavors, Inc.
About ADMQ: Since 2010, our...
Global Bioenergies publie son rapport financier annuel 2020
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Global Bioenergies publie son rapport financier annuel 2020
Paris, le 20 avril 2021 – Global Bioenergies annonce aujourd’hui la publication de son rapport financier annuel, rendu disponible sur le site internet de la Société dans la rubrique « Investisseurs ».
Samuel Dubruque, Directeur Administratif et Financier de Global Bioenergies, indique : « Lors de la publication des résultats annuels le 15 mars dernier, nous avions annoncé une perte 2020 de 11,1 M€ à l’échelle du Groupe, en réduction pour la troisième année consécutive, et une trésorerie brute à la date de la publication de 15,2 M€. Si ces résultats encourageants démontrent notre rigueur, l’année 2020 reste surtout caractérisée par l’appropriation des rouages fins du marché de la cosmétique et l’identification précise de la valeur ajoutée que nous apportons au domaine dans son...
Written by Customer Service on . Posted in Public Companies.
Kiruna 20 April 2021
The shareholders of Copperstone Resources AB (publ) (“Copperstone” or the “Company”) are hereby summoned to the annual general meeting on 19 May 2021 at 3:00 p.m. at the offices of Hannes Snellman, Kungsträdgårdsgatan 20, 111 47, Stockholm. The registration opens at 2:30 p.m.
Notice of attendance etc.
Shareholders who wish to participate in the general meeting must be recorded in the share register held by Euroclear Sweden AB on 10 May 2021 and announce their participation via mail to the Company no later than 14 May 2021 at 12:00 p.m. to address Copperstone Resources AB (publ), Fasadvägen 43, SE-981 41 Kiruna, Sweden, or via e-mail:, stating “annual general meeting”. Upon notice of attendance, the shareholder’s name, social security number or corporate registration number, address,...
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Kiruna 20 april 2021
Aktieägarna i Copperstone Resources AB (publ), 556704–4168 (”Copperstone” eller ”Bolaget”) kallas härmed till årsstämma den 19 maj 2021 kl. 15.00, i Hannes Snellman Advokatbyrås lokaler, Kungsträdgårdsgatan 20, 111 47 Stockholm. Inregistrering påbörjas kl. 14.30
Anmälan m.m.
Aktieägare som önskar delta vid årsstämman ska dels vara införd i den av Euroclear Sweden AB förda aktieboken 10 maj 2021, dels anmäla sitt deltagande via post till Bolaget senast 14 maj 2021 kl. 12.00 till adress Copperstone Resources AB (publ), Fasadvägen 43, 981 41 Kiruna, eller via e-post:, med angivande av ”årsstämma”. Vid anmälan ska uppges aktieägarens namn, person- eller organisationsnummer, adress, telefonnummer, aktieinnehav samt uppgift om eventuella biträden (högst två).
Om deltagande ska...