Day: April 19, 2021
BIRMINGHAM, Ala., April 19, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — ServisFirst Bancshares, Inc. (NASDAQ: SFBS), today announced earnings and operating results for the quarter ended March 31, 2021.
First Quarter 2021 Highlights:Diluted earnings per share were $0.95 for the first quarter, an increase of 48% over the first quarter of 2020
Deposits grew from $7.83 billion to $10.58 billion year-over-year, or 35%, and grew $602 million on a linked-quarter basis, or 24%, annualized
We funded approximately 2,170 round-two Payroll Protection Program (“PPP”) loans totaling approximately $386 million through March 31, 2021
Our loan pipeline reached a record level during the quarter
Liquidity reached record levels, with over $2.5 billion on deposit at the Federal Reserve Bank
We continue to experience excellent credit quality as we prepare to exit the...
Daniels Corporate Advisory Co. Inc. (“DCAC”) Incubator of Start-ups fulfills Corporate Aim — Acceleration of Subsidiary Growth.
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February 28, 2021 Quarter
New York, New York., April 19, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Daniels consolidated quarterly results are indicative of an incubator fulfilling its corporate aim – successfully achieving its goal of advising and financing its premier subsidiary in the Transportation Services segment of the Trucking Industry. Daniels continued to umbrella the expansion efforts of its subsidiary through financing sources that continue to be expensive in nature. Management believes the capital costs were warranted and helped produce a stellar performance for its key growth engine – Payless Truckers, Inc.
For the Quarter, Payless Truckers had Total Revenues of $1,212,914 and Gross Profit of $450,782. Its net profit was $84,668 and its EBITDA $164,516. Gross Margins / profits expanded significantly for both Payless businesses...
Wayne Savings Bancshares, Inc. Announces Earnings for the first quarter 2021
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WOOSTER, Ohio, April 19, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Wayne Savings Bancshares, Inc. (OTCQX: WAYN), (the “Company”), the holding company parent of Wayne Savings Community Bank, reported net income (unaudited) of $1,887,000, or $0.76 per common share, for the quarter ended March 31, 2021. This represents an increase of $570,000, or 43.3%, compared to $1,317,000, or $0.51 per common share, for the quarter ended March 31, 2020. The increase in net income was due to an increase in net interest income and a decrease in provision for loan losses, partially offset with an increase in non-interest expenses and increased provision for federal income taxes. The return on average equity and return on average assets for the first quarter of 2021 was 14.22% and 1.26%, respectively, compared to 10.65% and 1.07%, respectively, for the same period in...
PrairieSky Announces 2021 First Quarter Results
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CALGARY, Alberta, April 19, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) —
PrairieSky Royalty Ltd. (“PrairieSky” or the “Company”) (TSX: PSK) is pleased to announce its first quarter (“Q1 2021“) operating and financial results for the period ended March 31, 2021.First Quarter 2021 Highlights:•
Total revenues of $59.5 million increased 27% over Q4 2020 and 13% over Q1 2020 and was comprised of royalty production revenues of $56.7 million and other revenues of $2.8 million.•
Funds from Operations of $48.8 million ($0.22 per common share basic and diluted) were up 19% from Q4 2020 and 5% from Q1 2020.•
Royalty production averaged 19,380 BOE per day (50% liquids), a modest increase from Q4 2020 as the negative impact of cold weather freeze-offs on natural gas volumes were largely offset by incremental...
Woodward Schedules Fiscal 2021 Second Quarter Earnings Release and Conference Call
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FORT COLLINS, Colo., April 19, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Woodward, Inc. (NASDAQ: WWD) announced today that it expects to report its fiscal 2021 second quarter financial results at approximately 4:00 p.m. EDT on Monday, May 3, 2021. A news release will be issued at that time and a conference call will be held at 4:30 p.m. EDT.
During the conference call, the company will provide an overview of its business and financial performance. You are invited to listen to the call live via the company’s website,, on May 3, 2021. The call and presentation will be available on the website by selecting “Investors/Calendar of Events” from the menu, and will remain accessible on the company’s website for 14 days.
You may also listen to the call by dialing 1-877-231-2582 (domestic) or 1-478-219-0714 (international). Participants should...
HP PC Portfolio Awarded Good Green Design Awards for Responsible Design and Manufacturing
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PALO ALTO, Calif., April 19, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — HP Inc. (NYSE: HPQ) has earned seven Good Green Design Awards across its world’s most sustainable PC portfolio1 for responsible design and manufacturing.
Sustainability and climate change matter more today than ever before with 76% of people believing environmental issues are of equal or greater concern than health issues as a result of the Pandemic.2 Additionally, 41% of IT decision makers say that product sustainability has become more important in IT buying over the past year.3 HP’s unique approach to design enables the use of more sustainable and recycled materials while delivering amazing experiences across its PC portfolio.
“HP is focused on creating a thoughtful, differentiated, and sustainable PC portfolio that makes a positive impact on the world,” said Stacy Wolff, global...
EIMSKIP: Further information regarding Q1 results
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According to management accounts for first quarter of 2021, which is now available, EBITDA for the first quarter will be higher than announced last week. It is now estimated that EBITDA will be in the range of EUR 15.9 to 16.6 million, instead of EUR 13.9 to 14.9 million, compared to EUR 9.3 million in the same quarter last year. This translates into EBIT in the range of EUR 4.2 to 4.9 million, instead of EUR 2.2 to 3.2 million, considering expected depreciation in the first quarter, compared to negative EBIT of EUR 1.6 million for the same period last year.
The main reason for better results than previously announced, is too cautious estimate of expected revenue in March and a greater impact was also expected on the Company’s Forwarding operations because of the challenging conditions in international markets. In addition, the impact...
EIMSKIP: Frekari upplýsingar varðandi afkomu fyrsta ársfjórðungs
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Samkvæmt stjórnendauppgjöri fyrir fyrsta ársfjórðung 2021 sem nú liggur fyrir lítur út fyrir að EBITDA á fyrsta ársfjórðungi 2021 verði hagstæðari en fram kom í tilkynningu frá félaginu í síðustu viku. Nú er áætlað að EBITDA verði á bilinu 15,9 til 16,6 milljónir evra, í stað 13,9 til 14,9 milljónir evra, samanborið við 9,3 milljónir evra á sama ársfjórðungi síðasta árs. Að teknu tilliti til væntra afskrifta má gera ráð fyrir að EBIT fjórðungsins verði á bilinu 4,2 til 4,9 milljónir evra, í stað 2,2 til 3,2 milljóna evra, samanborið við neikvætt EBIT að fjárhæð 1,6 milljónir evra á fyrsta ársfjórðungi síðasta árs.
Helsta ástæða betri afkomu en gert var ráð fyrir í fyrri afkomu tilkynningu var of varfærið mat á áætluðum tekjum í mars og gert hafði verið ráð fyrir meiri áhrifum af þeim krefjandi aðstæðum sem eru á erlendum mörkuðum á flutningsmiðlunarstarfsemi...
Fox River Announces Teleconference Attendance Only for Annual General Meeting
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TORONTO, April 19, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Fox River Resources Corporation (the “Company”) (CSE: FOX) would like to update the information in respect of attendance at the Company’s upcoming Annual General Meeting (the “Meeting”) scheduled to be held at 10:30 a.m. Eastern Daylight Time on Thursday, April 22nd, 2021. Shareholders and proxyholders should attend the Meeting via teleconference by calling the numbers set out in the Company’s Management Information Circular dated March 16th, 2021. In consideration of the COVID-19 pandemic and the recent emergency restrictions imposed by the Ontario Provincial Government, shareholders and proxyholders will only be able to attend the Meeting via teleconference and will not be permitted to attend the Meeting in person at the address provided on the Notice of Annual Meeting of Shareholders.
VitalHub Corp. Announces Acquisition of S12 Solutions Ltd.
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TORONTO, April 19, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — VITALHUB CORP. (TSXV: VHI) (the “Company” or “VitalHub”) is pleased to announce today that it has acquired (the “Acquisition”) S12 Solutions Ltd. (“S12 Solutions”). This is VitalHub’s 10th acquisition completed since 2017 and marks continued expansion into the growing mental health patient-care sector.S12 Solutions has a recurring revenue base of £1,550,000 (C$2,617,000) which represents almost all of its revenue and adds to VitalHub’s growing Annualized Contract Value (“ACV”) [footnote 1] base;
For the first quarter ending March 31, 2021, S12 Solutions had an unaudited total revenue of approximately £282,800 (C$477,423) generating an unaudited EBITDA of £48,500 (C$81,878).
VitalHub’s ACV, including the recently-announced acquisition of selected assets of Jayex Healthcare Ltd. and the...