Day: April 15, 2021
LOS ANGELES, April 15, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — ePlay Digital Inc. (CSE:EPY; OTC:EPYFF) (the “Company” or “ePlay”) announces that Michael Smith, Olympic Decathlete, Sports Broadcaster, has joined the ePlay advisory board to help prepare for the release and launch of ePlay’s newest proprietary technologies, such as the Klocked App – Fitness on the Holodeck.
Smith brings deep experience and networks in sport, capital markets, and technology to ePlay. Smith will be on-air during the upcoming 2021 Tokyo Olympics and supporting the upcoming launch of ePlay’s newest augmented reality running app.“Klocked is a unique and timely platform, and we can’t wait to introduce the augmented reality experience to the global community of runners,” says Michael Smith, former Olympic Decathlete and Sports Broadcaster. “The phenomenal augmented...
MamaMancini’s Announces Shipments and Authorizations of New Branded Retail and Hot Bar Products in Tier-1 National Supermarkets
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New and Prior Authorizations Represents Potentially over 15,000 New Product Placements on Retailer Shelves by End of Summer.
EAST RUTHERFORD, NJ, April 15, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — MamaMancini’s Holdings, Inc. (OTCQB: MMMB), a marketer of specialty pre-prepared, frozen and refrigerated food products, today announced the authorization and shipments of new products into tier-1 national and regional food retailers.
MamaMancini’s will begin shipping, previously authorized, branded family pack beef meatballs to a minimum of 500 Walmart locations this summer following a successful test in fall 2020. In addition, the Company has received a new authorization to ship its branded family pack beef meatballs into 220 Shop Rite locations in the mid-Atlantic area. The Company also received new authorizations to ship, branded jumbo beef meat...
CMC Announces Positive Preliminary Exploration Results at its Bridal Veil Property in Newfoundland
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VANCOUVER, British Columbia, April 15, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — CMC Metals Ltd. (“CMC” or the “Company”) (TSXV:CMB) (OTC:CMCXF) (Frankfurt:ZM5N) is pleased to announce positive preliminary exploration results from a reconnaissance site visit conducted on its Bridal Veil Property in Newfoundland.
A brief visit involving the sampling of known showings on the property resulted in the identification of an extensive area of anomalous copper and bismuth mineralization with minor silver. The area has coincident EM anomalies that are yet to be explained. Values from grab samples of veined psammitic metasediments ranged from 0.041% to 3.473% copper, 0.74-136.96 g/t bismuth, and 1069-19340 ppb silver. Historical sampling have returned grades of up to 9.4% copper, 10.2% lead, 7.8 oz/t silver and 3.75 g/t gold. The Bridal Veil mineral occurrences...
Urbana Corporation Announces Investment in Blue Ocean Technologies, LLC
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TORONTO, April 15, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Urbana Corporation (TSX & CSE: URB & URB.A)
Urbana Corporation (“Urbana”) announces a new investment in U.S. based Blue Ocean Technologies, LLC (“BOT”), a private company which facilitates the trading of U.S. listed equities in the overnight hours of 8pm ET to 4am ET.
This investment is taking place in two stages:
1) The first involves a direct payment to BOT of $1.5 million USD.
2) The second stage takes place when certain conditions are met regarding regulatory approvals, staffing and technology transfers. This will result in a second direct payment to BOT of $3 million USD.
Concurrent with this latter purchase, Urbana will also purchase $4 million USD of BOT shares from an existing shareholder.
Ársreikningur Vestmannaeyjabæjar 2020
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Ársreikningur Vestmannaeyjabæjar fyrir árið 2020
Ársreikningur Vestmannaeyjabæjar fyrir árið 2020 verður tekinn til fyrri umræðu á fundi bæjarstjórnar Vestmannaeyja í dag. Ársreikningurinn sýnir glögglega sterka stöðu bæjarsjóðs og jákvæða rekstrarafkomu, þrátt fyrir erfitt ár fjárhagslega í rekstri sveitarfélaga. Flest sveitarfélög landsins eru að glíma við erfiða fjárhagsstöðu sem stafar fyrst og fremst af áhrifum Covid-19. Vissulega hefur Vestmannaeyjabær ekki farið varhluta af þeim áhrifum, ýmist í formi skertra tekna eða aukins kostnaðar. Hins vegar er staða bæjarsjóðs sterk og fjármálastjórnun fagleg og vel ígrunduð.
Árið 2020 námu heildarrekstrartekjur samstæðu Vestmannaeyjabæjar 6.818. og rekstrargjöld 6.701. Rekstrarniðurstaða fyrir afskriftir og fjármagnsliði nam því 118 Rekstrarafkoma sveitarfélagsins var...
Ársreikningur Vestmannaeyjabæjar 2020
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Ársreikningur Vestmannaeyjabæjar fyrir árið 2020
Ársreikningur Vestmannaeyjabæjar fyrir árið 2020 verður tekinn til fyrri umræðu á fundi bæjarstjórnar Vestmannaeyja í dag. Ársreikningurinn sýnir glögglega sterka stöðu bæjarsjóðs og jákvæða rekstrarafkomu, þrátt fyrir erfitt ár fjárhagslega í rekstri sveitarfélaga. Flest sveitarfélög landsins eru að glíma við erfiða fjárhagsstöðu sem stafar fyrst og fremst af áhrifum Covid-19. Vissulega hefur Vestmannaeyjabær ekki farið varhluta af þeim áhrifum, ýmist í formi skertra tekna eða aukins kostnaðar. Hins vegar er staða bæjarsjóðs sterk og fjármálastjórnun fagleg og vel ígrunduð.
Árið 2020 námu heildarrekstrartekjur samstæðu Vestmannaeyjabæjar 6.818. og rekstrargjöld 6.701. Rekstrarniðurstaða fyrir afskriftir og fjármagnsliði nam því 118 Rekstrarafkoma sveitarfélagsins var...
MANUTAN GROUP : H1 2020/2021 Turnover : The Group continues its momentum and posts growth of 5.7% (at constant exchange rates and days) over the first half of the year
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Gonesse, April 15th 2021
H1 2020/2021 TurnoverThe Group continues its momentum and posts growth of 5.7% (at constant exchange rates and days) over the first half of the year€ thousands
Turnover at the end of March 2021
Turnover at the end of March 2020
Q2 2021
Q2 2020
Q1 2021
Q1 2020Total Turnover
393 371
376 241
181 264
179 218
212 107
197 023During Q2 2020/2021, Manutan Group’s business continues its growth over the same quarter of the previous year with an increase of 1.1%, including a currency effect of -0.5% and -1.7% effect days (+ 3.4% at constant exchange rates and days, no scope effect).Turnover amounted to 181.3 million euros, compared with 179.2 million euros for the second quarter of the previous year.
The cyber-attack targeting the Group on Sunday February 21st slowed down activity for a few days, and...
GROUPE MANUTAN : Chiffre d’Affaires du 1er semestre 2020/2021 : Le Groupe poursuit sa dynamique et affiche une croissance de 5,7% (à change et jour constant) sur le premier semestre
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Gonesse, le 15 avril 2021
Chiffre d’Affaires du 1er semestre 2020/2021Le Groupe poursuit sa dynamique et affiche une croissance de 5,7% (à change et jour constant) sur le premier semestreEn milliers d’euros
CA à fin Mars 2021
CA à fin Mars 2020
T2 2021
T2 2020
T1 2021
T1 2020Chiffre d’affaires total
393 371
376 241
181 264
179 218
212 107
197 023Au deuxième trimestre de son exercice 2020/2021, l’activité du Groupe Manutan continue sa croissance par rapport au même trimestre de l’exercice précédent avec une hausse de +1,1%, incluant un effet de change de -0,5% et un effet jours de -1,7% (+3,4% à change et jours constants, pas d’effet périmètre). Le chiffre d’affaires s’établit donc à 181,3 millions d’euros contre 179,2 millions d’euros pour le deuxième trimestre de l’exercice précédent.
La cyber-attaque...
American Premium Water Corp. (OTC:HIPH) Releases 2020 Fiscal Year Results; Over 400% Increase in Net Revenue from 2019
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The Company is positioned to continue its growth in 2021 after a productive quarter
PLAYA VISTA, CA, April 15, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — via NewMediaWire — American Premium Water Corporation (OTC: HIPH) (the “Company”) announces the release of its full year 2020 financials, highlighted by $305,002 in total revenue for fiscal year 2020, a 441% increase from fiscal year 2019 of $56,360. The full financial report and disclosures can be found at this link.
Ryan Fishoff, CEO of American Premium Water, commented, “Today’s release is a positive step in bringing growth for the Company and increasing shareholder value. There is a lot more work in front of us; today’s release demonstrates the Company is headed in the right direction and on the right path to success. I believe the Company will continue to build momentum as 2021 progresses;...
FuelPositive to Host Live Corporate Overview Webinar on April 21, 2021 @ 2:00pm ET
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TORONTO, April 15, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — FuelPositive Corporation (“FuelPositive” or the “Company”) (TSX.V: NHHH) (OTCQB: ZNNMF), is pleased to announce that CEO, Ian Clifford, will be hosting a live Corporate Overview Webinar on April 21, 2021 at 2:00pm ET.
Following the Company’s milestone acquisition of a first-of-its-kind technology to produce carbon-free ammonia (NH3) – in a zero-emission manner, FuelPositive is positioned to be an active leader in the continued design and creation of the Hydrogen Economy.
During the live presentation, Ian will present the Company’s April investor presentation, provide an update on the Company’s current operations, its upcoming milestones, and share insight on the recently announced acquisition deal with Dr. Ibrahim Dincer and his team.
Webinar Registration:
Date: Wednesday, April 21, 2021Time:...