Day: April 15, 2021
The current situation of the pandemic has made it impossible to travel to work in public transport. Whether you have resumed work from office or are still working from home, owning a two wheeler is the first thing you should do this year. It is one of the biggest investments we make as we start to earn but a two wheeler does not come cheap and spending all your savings on it is not a good idea. This is where Hero two wheeler loan comes into play. A highly reliable and trustworthy financial institution, Hero Fincorp has a strong presence across the length and breadth of the country. They strive to help individuals turn their dreams into a reality.
If you are looking for a two wheeler loan, Hero FinCorp will help you with the same. Individuals above the age of 18 and having a valid driving license are eligible for the loan. You need to have...
Investeringsforeningen Nykredit Invest – forløb af ordinær generalforsamling
Written by Customer Service on . Posted in Public Companies.
Investeringsforeningen Nykredit Invest har i dag afholdt ordinær generalforsamling i henhold til tidligere offentliggjort dagsorden.
Formanden gennemgik ledelsens beretning, der er optrykt i foreningens årsrapport. Ledelsens beretning og årsrapporten for 2020 herunder de tidligere udbetalte udlodninger, blev godkendt af generalforsamlingen enstemmigt og med samtlige repræsenterede stemmer.
Det af bestyrelsen fremsatte forslag om ændring af vedtægternes § 6 stk. 12 blev vedtaget af generalforsamlingen enstemmigt og med samtlige repræsenterede stemmer.
Til bestyrelsen genvalgtes Niels-Ulrik Mousten, Jesper Lau Hansen, Anne Hasløv og Tine Roed.
EY Godkendt Revisionspartnerselskab genvalgtes som revisor for foreningen.
Eventuel henvendelse vedrørende denne meddelelse kan rettes til direktør Tage Fabrin-Brasted, tlf. 44 55 91 60.
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Kapitalforeningen Nykredit Invest – forløb af ordinær generalforsamling
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Kapitalforeningen Nykredit Invest har i dag afholdt ordinær generalforsamling i henhold til tidligere offentliggjort dagsorden.
Formanden gennemgik ledelsens beretning, der er optrykt i foreningens årsrapport. Ledelsens beretning og årsrapporten for 2020 blev godkendt af generalforsamlingen enstemmigt og med samtlige repræsenterede stemmer.
Til bestyrelsen genvalgtes Niels-Ulrik Mousten, Jesper Lau Hansen, Anne Hasløv og Tine Roed.
EY Godkendt Revisionspartnerselskab genvalgtes som revisor for foreningen.
Eventuel henvendelse vedrørende denne meddelelse kan rettes til direktør Tage Fabrin-Brasted, tlf. 44 55 91 60.
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Kapitalforeningen Nykredit Invest
Tage Fabrin-Brasted, direktør
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Placeringsforeningen Nykredit Invest – forløb af ordinær generalforsamling
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Placeringsforeningen Nykredit Invest har i dag afholdt ordinær generalforsamling i henhold til tidligere offentliggjort dagsorden.
Formanden gennemgik ledelsens beretning, der er optrykt i foreningens årsrapport.
Ledelsens beretning og årsrapporten for 2020, herunder tidligere udbetalte udlodninger i afdeling Danske Fokusaktier med kr. 11,70, udbetalt i januar 2021 samt udlodning på kr. 2,50 i afdeling Kredit Fokus, der udbetales umiddelbart efter generalforsamlingen, blev godkendt af generalforsamlingen enstemmigt og med samtlige repræsenterede stemmer.
Til bestyrelsen genvalgtes Niels-Ulrik Mousten, Jesper Lau Hansen, Anne Hasløv og Tine Roed.
EY Godkendt Revisionspartnerselskab genvalgtes som revisor for foreningen.
Eventuel henvendelse vedrørende denne meddelelse kan rettes til direktør Tage Fabrin-Brasted, tlf. 44 55 91 60.
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Meritage Homes Announces Closing of $450 Million of 3.875% Senior Notes Due 2029
Written by Customer Service on . Posted in Public Companies.
SCOTTSDALE, Ariz., April 15, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Meritage Homes Corporation (NYSE: MTH), a leading U.S. homebuilder, today announced the closing of a $450 million aggregate principal amount of its 3.875% senior notes due April 15, 2029 (the “notes”). The completed transaction resulted in approximately $444.0 million in net proceeds to the Company. The notes were offered to persons reasonably believed to be qualified institutional buyers pursuant to Rule 144A under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the “Securities Act”) and outside the United States to persons other than U.S. persons in reliance upon Regulation S under the Securities Act.
The Company will use a portion of the net proceeds from the notes offering to fund the redemption of all $300 million in aggregate principal amount of the Company’s 7.00% Senior Notes...
Westamerica Bancorporation Reports First Quarter 2021 Financial Results
Written by Customer Service on . Posted in Public Companies.
SAN RAFAEL, Calif., April 15, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Westamerica Bancorporation (Nasdaq: WABC), parent company of Westamerica Bank, generated net income for the first quarter 2021 of $20.1 million and diluted earnings per common share (“EPS”) of $0.75. First quarter 2021 results include “make-whole” interest income on corporate bonds redeemed prior to maturity, which increased EPS $0.02. These results compare to net income of $23.8 million and EPS of $0.89 for the fourth quarter 2020, which included a gain on sale of a closed branch building, “make-whole” interest income on corporate bonds redeemed before maturity, and a customary adjustment to the tax provision for filed 2019 tax returns, which increased EPS $0.15.
“Westamerica continues to support our customers during the pandemic. We have kept our branches open to...
WRAP Releases New Bodycam Footage in Maryland of Successful Use of BolaWrap®
Written by Customer Service on . Posted in Public Companies.
TEMPE, Ariz., April 15, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Wrap Technologies, Inc. (the “Company” or “WRAP”) (Nasdaq: WRAP), a global leader in innovative public safety technologies and services, released new bodycam footage of a successful BolaWrap deployment.
On Wednesday, December 14, 2020, Fruitland Police Department in Maryland responded to a male subject in crisis. Fruitland PD had responded to this subject several times, knowing that he suffers from frequent seizures that cause him to become violent with family members and first responders.
The subject was ignoring directions from police and his family members. Corporal Mills, the officer on scene, advised the subject’s family that he intended to use the BolaWrap and explained how it worked. The officer successfully deployed the BolaWrap, restraining the subject,...
Medivolve Announces an Investor Webinar Today at 1 pm ET
Written by Customer Service on . Posted in Public Companies.
TORONTO, April 15, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Medivolve Inc. (“Medivolve”) (NEO:MEDV; OTC:COPRF; FRA:4NC) is pleased to announce it is hosting a Corporate Update webinar, on Thursday, April 15that 1 pm ET that will provide investors with an update on the Company’s recent business developments.
Registration Link:
Specifically, the webinar will feature Medivolve CEO Doug Sommerville as he provides an overview on the Company’s recent developments, including March sales numbers and new testing services that are being offered. Representatives from the maker of the AditxtScore COVID-19 immunity test will also join the webinar to share more details on their innovative technology. Collection Sites intends on leveraging its network of sites and large customer database...
Preliminary financial results for 3 months of 2021
Written by Customer Service on . Posted in Public Companies.
In March, “Novaturas” Group resumed flights from Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia to Tenerife and Egypt. From Vilnius airport plains took off to United Arab Emirates and Maldives. During March, the Company served 6.4 thousand customers – 18% more than in the corresponding period last year. If compared to 2019, the number of customers served in March 2021 reached half the number of customers served in 2019. In total, during January – March, the Company served 8.9 thousand customers – 71% less than last year and 78% less than in 2019. Group revenue in March amounted to EUR 4.1 million and was 6% lower than the same time last year and 59% lower than in 2019. Cumulative January – March turnover reached EUR 5.5 million and was 76% and 81% lower than the corresponding time last year and in 2019.
“March 2021 has been...
Preliminarūs 2021 m. kovo mėn. rezultatai
Written by Customer Service on . Posted in Public Companies.
Kovo mėnesį „Novaturo“ grupė iš Lietuvos, Latvijos ir Estijos vykdė skrydžius į Tenerifę ir Egiptą. Iš Vilniaus oro uosto lėktuvai kilo ir į tolimuosius Jungtinius Arabų Emyratus bei Maldyvus. Kovo mėnesį Bendrovė aptarnavo 6,4 tūkst. klientų – 18 proc. daugiau nei atitinkamu laikotarpiu pernai. Lyginant su 2019 metais – šių metų kovo mėnesį aptarnautų klientų skaičius yra perpus mažesnis. Iš viso per sausio-kovo mėnesius bendrovė aptarnavo 8,9 tūkst. klientų, 71 proc. mažiau per pernai ir 78 proc. mažiau nei 2019 metais. Grupės pajamos kovo mėn. siekė 4,1 mln. eurų ir buvo 6 proc. mažesnės nei atitinkamu metu pernai bei 59 proc. mažesnės nei 2019 metais. Bendra šių metų sausio-kovo mėnesių apyvarta pasiekė 5,5 mln. eurų ir buvo 76 proc. ir 81 proc. mažesnė nei tuo pačiu laikotarpiu pernai bei 2019 metais.
„Šių metų kovo mėnuo pasižymėjo...