Day: April 15, 2021
The Board of Landsvirkjun’s proposal for a 50 million USD dividend payment to owners for the year 2020 was approved during the Annual General Meeting, held today.
During the meeting, the Minister of Finance and Economic Affairs re-appointed Board members for Landsvirkjun’s Board of Directors.
Members of Landsvirkjun’s Board of Directors: Jónas Þór Guðmundsson, Álfheiður Ingadóttir, Jón Björn Hákonarson, Guðfinna Jóhanna Guðmundsdóttir and Gunnar Tryggvason.
The Annual General Meeting confirmed the Board of Directors’ report and consolidated accounts for the past financial year.
Deloitte ehf. was elected as the audit company for Landsvirkjun as recommended by the Icelandic National Audit Office.
Jónas Þór Guðmundsson re-elected Chairman of the Board
Jónas Þór Guðmundsson was re-elected Chairman of the Board and Álfheiður Ingadóttir...
Ríflega sex milljarða króna arðgreiðsla í ár
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Á aðalfundi Landsvirkjunar, sem haldinn var í dag, samþykktu eigendur tillögu stjórnar um arðgreiðslu til íslenska ríkisins að fjárhæð 6,34 milljarðar króna1 fyrir árið 2020.
Á aðalfundinum skipaði fjármála- og efnahagsráðherra í stjórn Landsvirkjunar samkvæmt lögum um fyrirtækið. Ekki voru gerðar breytingar á skipan stjórnar frá fyrra starfsári.
Aðalmenn í stjórn Landsvirkjunar eru: Jónas Þór Guðmundsson, Álfheiður Ingadóttir, Jón Björn Hákonarson, Guðfinna Jóhanna Guðmundsdóttir og Gunnar Tryggvason.
Aðalfundurinn staðfesti skýrslu fráfarandi stjórnar og samstæðureikning fyrir liðið reikningsár.
Rafræna ársskýrslu og ársreikning Landsvirkjunar fyrir árið 2020 má finna á
Deloitte ehf. var kosið endurskoðunarfyrirtæki Landsvirkjunar að fenginni tillögu Ríkisendurskoðunar.
Jónas Þór endurkjörinn
Kvika banki hf.: Increase in issue of KVB 20 01
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Today Kvika banki hf. concluded sale of nominal ISK 2,840 million in the bond series KVB 20 01.
The bond series KVB 20 01 are senior unsecured bonds who mature in October 2023, pay variable interests REIBOR 1 month with 0,85% spread and are sold at 99,25 (clean). The bonds are puttable by investors at any time. Investor‘s exercise of the put results in buyback by the issuer with a settlement date on the next interest day eight months after the issuer is noticed of exercise. Prior to the today sale the bank had issued ISK 2,160 million in the series and as of today the total issue size is ISK 5,000 million. Total issue size in the series is limited to ISK 5.000 million.
The new bonds in the series will be admitted to trading on Nasdaq Iceland in next week.
For further information please contact Halldór Karl Högnason, Head of Treasury,
Kvika banki hf.: Stækkun útgáfu KVB 20 01
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Kvika banki hf. hefur selt í dag að nafnvirði 2.840 í skuldabréfaflokkunum KVB 20 01.
Skuldabréfaflokkurinn KVB 20 01 eru almenn skuldabréf á gjalddaga í október 2023, greiða mánaðarlegar vaxtagreiðslur REIBOR 1 mánuður að viðbættu 0,85% vaxtaálagi og eru þau seld á 99,25 (clean). Skuldabréfunum fylgir innlausnarheimild sem fjárfestir getur nýtt hvenær sem er á líftíma bréfsins. Framkvæmd innlausnar fer fram með endurkaupum útgefanda á skuldabréfunum á næsta vaxtagjaldaga að átta mánuðum liðnum, frá því tilkynning um innlausn berst útgefanda. Áður hefur bankinn gefið út 2.160 í flokknum og nemur heildarútgáfa eftir útboðið í dag 5.000 og er heildarútgáfuheimild þar með að fullu nýtt.
Skuldabréfin verða tekin til viðskipta á Nasdaq Iceland í næstu viku.
Nánari upplýsingar veitir Halldór Karl Högnason forstöðumaður fjárstýringar...
Voldgiftssag tabt til GVL Entreprise
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Selskabsmeddelse nr. 4/2021
Køge Kommune og Agat Ejendomme har i et fælles konsortium tabt en voldgiftssag anlagt af GVL Entreprise. Sagen vedrører opførelsen af en andel af Strædet i Køge med tilhørende rehabiliteringscenter, daghjem og aflastningsboliger i byggeperioden 2016-18 og er omtalt i Agat Ejendommes årsrapporter. Det samlede beløb konsortiet skal betale er større end forventet og udgør DKK 43 mio. ex moms, hvortil kommer procesrenter på DKK 10 mio. og sagsomkostninger. Konsortiets parter hæfter solidarisk for opfyldelsen af kendelsen, der samlet lyder på DKK 65 mio. inkl. moms.
Køge Kommune og Agat Ejendomme skal betale det samlede beløb. Såfremt der ikke indbyrdes kan opnås enighed om fordelingen, afgøres dette ved en ny voldgift. Afgørelsens betydning for Agat Ejendomme afhænger således af den indbyrdes fordeling i konsortiet...
Results of Stellantis’ 2021 Annual General Meeting
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Results of Stellantis’ 2021 Annual General Meeting
Amsterdam, April 15, 2021 – Stellantis N.V. (NYSE / MTA / Euronext Paris: STLA) (“Stellantis”) announces that at the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGM) held virtually today and broadcast live via Stellantis’ website all resolutions proposed to shareholders were adopted, including the proposal to approve a EUR 1 billion extraordinary cash distribution on common shares, as contemplated by the combination agreement entered into by Fiat Chrysler Automobiles and Peugeot S.A. on December 17, 2019 as amended.
The proposed distribution entails a payment to the holders of common shares of EUR 0.32 per outstanding common share. Shareholders holding common shares traded on the NYSE will receive the dividend in U.S. dollars at the official USD/EUR exchange rate reported by the European...
The Brick Goes Green to Celebrate Earth Day 2021
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EDMONTON, Alberta, April 15, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — In celebration of Earth Day 2021, The Brick (“The Company”), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Leon’s Furniture Limited (“LFL” or “Leon’s”) (TSX:LNF), is proud to share the company’s latest waste diversion statistics, as well as upcoming initiatives to engage Canadians in helping to restore the earth, brick by brick.
First implemented in 2007, ‘Project Green’ has been the catalyst for all The Brick’s environmental initiatives, spearheaded by a robust recycling program in partnership with Waste Management. In 2020 alone, recycling efforts at The Brick saved 42,477 trees from being cut down, over 23 million gallons of water from being used and conserved over 14 million kilowatt hours of electricity.
“Environmental sustainability is something we practice every day at The Brick, and our...
Brick passe au vert pour célébrer le Jour de la Terre 2021
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EDMONTON, Alberta, 15 avr. 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Afin de célébrer le Jour de la Terre 2021, Brick (« l’Entreprise »), une filiale en propriété exclusive de Meubles Léon ltée (« LFL » ou « Léon ») (TSX:LNF), est fière de partager les dernières statistiques de l’entreprise en matière de réacheminement des déchets, ainsi que ses initiatives à venir pour encourager les Canadiens à aider à remettre la Terre sur pieds, brick par brickMD.
Lancé pour la première fois en 2007, le Projet Vert a été le catalyseur de toutes les initiatives environnementales de Brick et a été mis en œuvre par un important programme de recyclage en partenariat avec Waste Management. En 2020 seulement, les efforts de recyclage de Brick ont permis de protéger 42 477 arbres de l’abattage, d’empêcher que plus de 23 millions de gallons d’eau soient utilisés et de...
Rainmaker Worldwide Posts 2019 and 2020 Audited Financials to OTC
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RAKR completes financial restructuring and will meet the requirements to up-list to OTCQB®.
Peterborough, CA, April 15, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — via NewMediaWire — Rainmaker Worldwide Inc. (OTC: RAKR) (“Company” or “RAKR”) announced today that the Company’s audited financial statements for 2019 and 2020 have been posted to OTC Markets Group Inc. (“OTC”) in compliance with regulatory requirements to up-list to the OTCQB®. 2018 and 2019 audited financials will be available on
RAKR has been strategically restructuring since late 2020 to up-list to the OTCQB®. The Company has been rejuvenating its balance sheet, expanding corporate finance options and exploring a wider spectrum of clean water solutions.
Over the past several weeks, RAKR has eliminated significant debts and contingent liabilities from its balance...
Tax Accountant Toronto Guarantees that Businesses are Satisfied with their Bookkeeping Needs
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More and more businesses today are suffering from panic attacks and sleepless nights because their taxes have not yet been filed. Filing a tax return is one of the most challenging tasks and dealing with them alone without professional expertise is even more challenging.
Tax Accountant Toronto’s accountants have years of expertise in providing the best class of tax preparation services in Toronto at the most competitive prices. Their clients can be confident that all of their tax-related needs, such as tax audits, tax planning, tax problems, and tax services, will be done in the most effective manner possible.The company understands that a small business’s success not only depends on the income it produces but also the time it invests in doing something more innovative and creative. Clients who outsource all their tax preparation work...