Day: April 15, 2021
Paris, 15th April 2021 – 17:45
COFACE SA anticipates a net profit above €50m for the first quarter
The Board of Directors of COFACE SA met on April 15th 2021 and examined non audited preliminary financial information.
The good operating performance achieved by Coface since the beginning of the Covid crisis, combined with an economic environment with a still low level of bankruptcies, should translate into a net profit above €50m for the first quarter.
However, the number of bankruptcies should logically increase during the exit phase of the sanitary crisis and the withdrawal of support actions to the economy.
Coface will report its Q1-2021 numbers on Tuesday 27 April 2021 (after market).
FINANCIAL CALENDAR 2020/2021 (subject to change)Q1-2021 results: 27 April 2021 (after market close)Annual General Shareholders’ Meeting 2020: 12 May...
COFACE SA prévoit un résultat net supérieur à 50 millions pour le 1er trimestre.
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Paris, 15 avril 2021 – 17h45
COFACE SA prévoit un résultat net supérieur à 50 millions pour le 1er trimestre.
Le Conseil d’Administration de COFACE SA s’est réuni le 15 avril 2021 et a pris connaissance d’éléments financiers préliminaires non audités.
La bonne performance opérationnelle de Coface depuis le début de la crise Covid, combinée à un environnement marqué par un niveau de faillites toujours bas, devrait faire ressortir un résultat net pour le premier trimestre supérieur à 50 M€.
Une hausse du nombre de faillites devrait toutefois logiquement accompagner la sortie de la crise sanitaire et le retrait des mesures de soutien aux économies.
Les comptes du premier trimestre 2021 seront publiés le mardi 27 avril 2021 (après bourse).
CALENDRIER FINANCIER 2020/2021 (sous réserve de modifications)Résultats T1-2021 : 27 avril 2021, après...
Press release Horizon
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Press releaseParis, April 15th 2021
Auchan Retail, Groupe Casino, DIA, METRO and Schiever announce that they will not renew their cooperation in 2022 put in place through the structures Horizon France and Horizon International services.
After three years of collaboration and having achieved their initial objectives, Auchan Retail, Groupe Casino, DIA, METRO and Schiever, have, by mutual consent, agreed not to renew their cooperation agreements in 2022. For the last three years, the partners have cooperated through two separate structures: Horizon Achats and Appels d’Offres (for Auchan Retail, Groupe Casino, METRO and Schiever) and Horizon International Services (for Auchan Retail, Groupe Casino, DIA and METRO). Going forward, they will each seek a purchasing set up that is directly aligned with their own strategic priorities.
The partners...
Communiqué de presse Horizon
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Communiqué de presseParis, le 15 avril 2021
Auchan Retail, Groupe Casino, DIA, METRO et Schiever annoncent ne pas renouveler en 2022 leurs coopérations mises en œuvre au travers des structures Horizon France et Horizon International Services.
Après trois années d’une collaboration, qui aura répondu aux objectifs fixés initialement, au sein des structures communes Horizon Achats et Appels d’offres (pour Auchan Retail, Groupe Casino, METRO et Schiever) et Horizon International Services (pour Auchan Retail, Groupe Casino, DIA et METRO), les enseignes partenaires ont, d’un commun accord, décidé de ne pas renouveler leurs accords de coopérations pour les négociations 2022.
Elles s’attacheront désormais à rechercher, chacune, une organisation à l’achat plus en phase avec leurs nouvelles orientations stratégiques.
Les enseignes confirment qu’elles...
Baltic Horizon Fund publishes its NAV for March 2021
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The net asset value (NAV) of Baltic Horizon Fund (the Fund) unit at end of March 2021 amounted to EUR 1.1460 per unit. Compared to the previous month, NAV per unit increased by +0.39%. The total net asset value of the Fund rose to EUR 137.1 million over the month. The NAV was affected positively by the operating performance of properties. EPRA NRV as at the end of March 2021 increased to EUR 1.2284 per unit, corresponding to an increase of +0.42% over the last month.
Consolidated net rental income for March 2021 amounted to EUR 1.4 million, corresponding to a net rental income decrease of EUR 0.1 million compared to the previous month (EUR 1.5 million in February 2021) due to the COVID-19 related closure of shopping centres in the Baltics. The Fund earned an unaudited consolidated net profit of EUR 0.5 million in March 2021. The Portfolio...
Baltic Horizon Fund publishes its NAV for March 2021
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The net asset value (NAV) of Baltic Horizon Fund (the Fund) unit at end of March 2021 amounted to EUR 1.1460 per unit. Compared to the previous month, NAV per unit increased by +0.39%. The total net asset value of the Fund rose to EUR 137.1 million over the month. The NAV was affected positively by the operating performance of properties. EPRA NRV as at the end of March 2021 increased to EUR 1.2284 per unit, corresponding to an increase of +0.42% over the last month.
Consolidated net rental income for March 2021 amounted to EUR 1.4 million, corresponding to a net rental income decrease of EUR 0.1 million compared to the previous month (EUR 1.5 million in February 2021) due to the COVID-19 related closure of shopping centres in the Baltics. The Fund earned an unaudited consolidated net profit of EUR 0.5 million in March 2021. The Portfolio...
Baltic Horizon Fond avaldab osaku puhasväärtuse 2021. aasta märtsi seisuga
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Baltic Horizon Fondi (Fond) osaku puhasväärtus (NAV) 2021. aasta märtsi lõpu seisuga on 1.1460 eurot osaku kohta. Fondi osaku puhasväärtuse muutus võrreldes eelneva kuu lõpu seisuga on +0.39%. Fondi kogu puhasväärtus tõusis kuuga 137,1 miljoni euroni. Fondi puhasväärtust mõjutas positiivselt renditegevusest teenitud rahavoog ja muutus rahavoogude riskimaandamisinstrumendi reservis. EPRA NAV, EPRA NRV ja EPRA NTA kasvas 2021. aasta märtsi lõpu seisuga 1,2284 euroni osaku kohta, mis tähendab +0.42% kasvu viimase kuuga.
2021. aasta märtsi auditeerimata konsolideeritud üüritulu oli 1,4 miljonit eurot, mis vastab üüritulu neto vähenemisele võrreldes eelmise kuuga 0,1 miljoni euro võrra (1,5 miljonit eurot 2021. aasta veebruaris). Renditulude kasv aeglustus peamiselt COVID-19-ga seotud kaubanduskeskuste sulgemisest Baltikumis. Fond teenis 2021....
Sogeclair: Tenue à huis-clos de l’Assemblée Générale du 12 mai 2021
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Blagnac, le 15 avril 2021 à 17h35
Tenue à huis-clos de l’Assemblée Générale du 12 mai 2021
Dans le contexte de la crise Covid-19 et afin de protéger l’ensemble des actionnaires, le Président Directeur Général agissant sur délégation du Conseil d’administration a pris la décision de tenir l’Assemblée Générale Mixte du 12 mai 2021 à 10 heures, à huis clos, hors la présence physique des actionnaires et des autres personnes ayant le droit d’y assister.
Cette décision a été prise, conformément aux dispositions de l’ordonnance n°2020-321 du 25 mars 2020 prorogée et modifiée, compte-tenu des mesures interdisant les déplacements actuellement en vigueur en France, prévues par le décret n° 2020-1310 du 29 octobre 2020 pour faire face à l’épidémie de Covid-19.
L’avis préalable à l’Assemblée générale, comprenant l’ordre du jour de l’Assemblée,...
Martinrea International Inc. Announces Joint Venture With NanoXplore to Develop Electric Vehicle Batteries Enhanced With Graphene
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TORONTO, April 15, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Martinrea International Inc. (TSX : MRE), a diversified and global automotive supplier engaged in the design, development and manufacturing of highly engineered, value-added Lightweight Structures and Propulsion Systems, is pleased to announce its joint venture, VoltaXplore Inc., with graphene producer NanoXplore Inc. to develop electric vehicle (EV) batteries enhanced with graphene. This joint venture will support the journey towards a sustainable, low-carbon future encouraged by the global and Canadian movements towards zero-emission EVs.
A VoltaXplore demonstration facility is scheduled to be opened in Montreal within the next year for the development and production of EV batteries enhanced with graphene. A successful demonstration of improved battery performance using graphene, along...
ATN Sets Date to Report First Quarter 2021 Results
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BEVERLY, Mass., April 15, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — ATN International, Inc. (Nasdaq: ATNI) announced today that it will report the first quarter 2021 results on Tuesday, April 27, 2021, at approximately 5:00 p.m. (ET).
In addition, the Company will host a conference call to discuss its results at 9:30 a.m. (ET) on Wednesday, April 28, 2021.
Dial-in and online information for the conference call is as follows:Call Date:
Wednesday, April 28, 2021Call Time:
9:30 a.m. (ET)
Call Dial-in:
(877) 734-4582 (US/Canada)
(678) 905-9376 (International)
Conference ID:
Online info:
http://ir.atni.comLive simulcast (listen only) available during the call.A replay of the conference call will be available at beginning at approximately 1:00 p.m. (ET) on Wednesday, April 28, 2021.
About ATN