Day: April 14, 2021
TORONTO, April 14, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Cryptologic Corp. (CSE:CRY) (the “Company” or “Cryptologic”) announces the voting results from its annual and special meeting of shareholders held in Toronto on April 14, 2021 (the “Meeting”).
The requisite shareholder approval was received with respect to all matters considered at the Meeting including the appointment of auditors, the election of directors, an ordinary resolution (the “Fundamental Change Resolution”) that the Company be authorized to proceed with the proposed acquisition of Copenhagen Minerals Inc., which owns 100% of a mineral exploration license known as the Storø Gold Project (the “Proposed Acquisition”) and a special resolution to change the name of the Company from “Cryptologic Corp.” to “Greenhawk Resources Inc.” or such other name as may be selected by the Board...
NanoVibronix Adjourns Special Meeting of Stockholders
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Elmsford, NY, April 14, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — NanoVibronix, Inc. (the “Company”) (NASDAQ: NAOV) announced today that the Company’s Special Meeting of Stockholders, which had been previously adjourned to 10:00 a.m. Eastern time today, April 14, 2021, has been once again adjourned to allow for more time for stockholders to vote. The meeting has been scheduled to reconvene on April 27, 2021 at 10:00 a.m. Eastern time and will be held virtually online at
During the period of the adjournment, the Company will continue to solicit proxies from its stockholders with respect to the proposals set forth in the Company’s proxy statement. Proxies previously submitted in respect to the Special Meeting will be voted at the reconvened meeting unless properly revoked.
The Company encourages all stockholders...
WISeKey and CasperLabs Join Forces to Launch TrustedNFT.IO Technologies
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WISeKey and CasperLabs Join Forces to Launch TrustedNFT.IO Technologies
Leading Swiss blockchain firms will deliver a secure NFT marketplace on the Casper Network
GENEVA – April 14, 2021: WISeKey International Holding Ltd. (“WISeKey”) (SIX: WIHN, NASDAQ: WKEY), a leading global cybersecurity, AI, Blockchain and IoT company, today announced it is joining forces with CasperLabs, the developer of Casper, the most reliable and secure blockchain for businesses, in a strategic partnership to bring trust to the hype around Non-Fungible Tokens (NFT) with the launch of This strategic partnership will provide a dedicated, secure marketplace on the Casper Network for buying and selling NFTs, including artwork and luxury goods. The first major auction will occur in Summer 2021, with more information to come soon.
“By combining...
Rackspace Technology Defines a New Category in Cloud Services with Launch of Rackspace Elastic Engineering
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SAN ANTONIO, April 14, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Rackspace Technology® (NASDAQ: RXT), a leading end-to-end multicloud technology solutions company, announced the launch of their new service model designed to help customers build and operate modern cloud environments, Rackspace Elastic Engineering. While traditional cloud managed services are fixed scope and focused on infrastructure operations, Rackspace Elastic Engineering helps customers embrace a cloud native approach while delivering ongoing innovation, modernization, and transformation, in addition to world-class 24x7x365 operations. Releasing today to support all three major public cloud providers, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Rackspace Elastic Engineering marks the beginning of a significant shift in Rackspace Technology’s approach...
Proactive news headlines including Kenorland Minerals, DGTL Holdings, PlantX Life and Tetra Bio-Pharma
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New York, April 14, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Proactive, provider of real-time news and video interviews on growth companies listed in the US and Canada, has covered the following companies:Kenorland Minerals Ltd (CVE:KLD) (FSE:3WQ0) and partner Sumitomo Metal Mining Canada increases Frotet exploration budget to C$6.6M
Medallion Resources Ltd (CVE:MDL) (OTCQB:MLLOF) (FRA:MRDN) completes diagnostic testing in Australia to extract rare earth elements from mineral sand monazite
Candelaria Mining Corp. (CVE:CAND) enters into agreement for “best efforts” private placement basis of up to $25 million worth of units
DGTL Holdings Inc (CVE:DGTL) (OTCQB:DGTHF) (FRA:A2QB0L) says Hashoff subsidiary inks service partnership with Wideout to support its account management team
PlantX Life Inc (CSE:VEGA) (OTCQB:PLXTF) (FRA:WNT1) adds refrigerated...
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Paris, le 14 avril 2021
Le Conseil d’administration de la Société de Tayninh s’est réuni le 14 avril 2021 sous la Présidence de Madame Astrid Panosyan et a arrêté les comptes de l’exercice clos le 31 décembre 2020.
Aucune opération d’investissement n’ayant été réalisée au cours de l’exercice 2020, la Société demeure sans activité opérationnelle.
Le résultat de l’exercice clos le 31 décembre 2020 fait ressortir une perte de (87 635,53) €.
Il sera proposé à l’Assemblée Générale d’affecter ce résultat en report à nouveau.
Compte tenu d’un solde négatif de (1 087 106) € déjà existant, le poste report à nouveau, après affectation, sera porté à – 1 174 741,53 €.
Le communiqué et ses annexes sont consultables sur le site de la Société de Tayninh :
Forløb af ordinær generalforsamling – Investeringsforeningen Sparinvest
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Der er dags dato afholdt ordinær generalforsamling i Investeringsforeningen Sparinvest med tilhørende afdelinger. Generalforsamlingen blev afholdt som en fuldstændig elektronisk generalforsamling.
Se venligst vedhæftede forløb af den ordinære generalforsamling.
Henvendelser vedrørende nærværende fondsbørsmeddelelse kan rettes til Direktør Niels Solon, 36 34 75 00.
Med venlig hilsen
Niels SolonDirektør, ID-Sparinvest, Filial af Sparinvest S.A., Luxembourg
Vedhæftet fil20210414 Forløb af ordinær generalforsamling – Investeringsforeningen Sparinvest
Kronos Advanced Technologies Begins Production of One Thousand Limited Edition AirDOGE™ Pre-Orderable Utilizing Dogecoin as Payment
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Los Angeles, CA, April 14, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Los Angeles, CA, April 14, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — KRONOS ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES, INC. (OTC MARKETS: KNOS) (“KNOS” or the “Company”), an innovation-driven product development and production company that has significantly changed the way air is moved, filtered and sterilized announced that the first generation of its limited-edition NUMBERED AirDOGE™ air purifiers starts production today. After receiving multiple preorders and completing the product design -the product is going into production today. We anticipate orders to be fulfilled in 30-45 days.
Most of our customers so far preordered their AirDOGE utilizing Dogecoins. KNOS announced in 2021 that the Company would accept Dogecoin as a form of payment for its products and PPE supplies. Due to overwhelming...
Investor news: FK Distribution expands the cooperation with Deutsche Post
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Investor news14 April 2021
FK Distribution, subsidiary of North Media, and Deutsche Post have agreed to expand their cooperation on the packing of leaflets. From 1 July 2021, FK Distribution will be packing leaflets for over half a million German households in Schleswig-Holstein, where Deutsche Post undertakes the distribution. The leaflets will be packed at FK Distribution’s facilities in Tilst.
FK Distribution currently undertakes the packing of leaflets for 143,000 households in Flensburg on behalf of Deutsche Post.
The expansion has no consequence in terms of North Medias guidance for 2021 and ambitions for 2022-2023. But the agreement supports FK Distribution’s ambition in regards of using its highly efficient and technological set-up for offering environmentally friendly packaging and logistics solutions to other adjacent markets.
Investornyhed: FK Distribution udvider samarbejdet med Deutsche Post
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Investornyhed14. april 2021
North Medias datterselskab FK Distribution har indgået aftale om at udvide sit samarbejde med Deutsche Post. Med virkning fra 1. juli 2021 skal FK Distribution pakke tryksager til ca. 500.000 husstande i Slesvig-Holsten, mens Deutsche Post fortsat selv står for distributionen. Tryksagerne skal pakkes på FK Distributions pakketerminal i Tilst.
FK Distribution pakker p.t. for Deutsche Post til 143.000 husstande i og omkring Flensborg.
Udvidelsen har ingen konsekvenser for North Medias forventninger til 2021 og ambitioner for 2022-23. Men udvidelsen understøtter FK Distributions ambitioner om at udnytte sit effektive, højteknologiske set-up til at tilbyde miljøvenlige paknings- og logistikydelser på andre nærmarkeder.
Yderligere oplysninger:Lasse Ingemann Brodt, tlf. 20 24 32 92