Day: April 14, 2021
G A U M O N TSociété anonyme au capital de 24 959 384 eurosSiège social 30, avenue Charles de Gaulle 92200 Neuilly-sur-Seine562 018 002 R.C.S. Nanterre – APE 5911C
Mesdames et Messieurs les actionnaires sont convoqués en Assemblée générale mixte ordinaire et extraordinaire le jeudi 6 mai 2021 à 11 heures, qui se tiendra à huis clos, aux Salons Hoche, 9, avenue Hoche à Paris (75008). (*)
(*) Avertissement
Dans le contexte d’épidémie de Covid-19, et conformément aux dispositions prises par le gouvernement pour lutter contre sa propagation issues notamment de l’ordonnance n° 2020-321 du 25 mars 2020 prorogée et modifiée par les ordonnances n° 2020-460 du 22 avril 2020 et n° 2020-1497 du 2 décembre 2020 et de son décret d’application n° 2020-418 du 10 avril 2020...
Claritas Announces Letter of Intent to Acquire Exclusive Worldwide Rights to Develop R-107 for PAH
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SAN FRANCISCO and TORONTO, April 14, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Claritas Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (TSX VENTURE: CLAS and OTC: KALTF) (the “Company” or “Claritas“) today announced that it has entered into a binding Letter of Intent (the “LOI”) with Salzman Group, Inc. (a Delaware corporation), Salzman Group, Ltd. (an Israeli corporation), and Salzman Group Pty. Ltd. (an Australian corporation), (collectively, the “Salzman Group”), under which Salzman Group will grant to Claritas an exclusive, worldwide license to develop and commercialize R-107 for the treatment of pulmonary arterial hypertension (“PAH”). The Company expects that definitive agreements will be executed by May 15, 2021. Closing of the transaction is subject to receipt of all regulatory approvals, including approval of the TSX Venture Exchange.
INTRUSION Adamantly Refutes Unfounded Claims By A Short Report
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PLANO, Texas, April 14, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — INTRUSION, Inc. (NASDAQ: INTZ), a leading provider of cyberattack prevention solutions including Zero-Days, intends to fully respond to unfounded claims made in a research report published this morning.
Jack Blount, President and CEO of INTRUSION said, “A short report includes claims that are blatantly inaccurate and reflect a malicious short-selling agenda. The Company is evaluating further actions.”
INTRUSION, Inc. (NASDAQ: INTZ) protects any-sized company by leveraging advanced threat intelligence with real-time artificial intelligence to kill cyberattacks as they occur – including zero-days. INTRUSION’s solution families include INTRUSION Shield, an advanced cyber-defense solution that kills cyberattacks in real-time using artificial intelligence (AI) and...
TELUS connects the communities of Chaudière-Appalaches to TELUS PureFibre and 5G networks
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Families and businesses will have direct access to PureFibre, using the fastest and most reliable Internet technology in the world
5G mobile service will be deployed in nearly 25 communities
SAINTE-MARIE-DE-BEAUCE, Quebec, April 14, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — TELUS and the governments of Quebec and Canada are investing nearly $30 million in the Chaudière-Appalaches region to deploy PureFibre network to more than 20,000 additional families and businesses in nearly 35 communities. By September 2022, 99 per cent of the region’s families and businesses located in the territory served by TELUS will enjoy a direct connection to lightning-fast fibre optics, the world’s fastest and most reliable Internet technology. In addition, TELUS is continuing the deployment of 5G technology in nearly 25 municipalities in the region, which will bridge...
TELUS connecte les communautés de Chaudière-Appalaches aux réseaux PureFibre et 5G
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Les familles et entreprises auront un accès direct au réseau PureFibre qui utilise la technologie Internet la plus fiable et rapide au monde
Le réseau 5G de TELUS sera déployé dans près de 25 communautés de la région
SAINTE-MARIE-DE-BEAUCE, Québec, 14 avr. 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — TELUS et les gouvernements du Québec et du Canada investissent près de 30 millions de dollars dans la région de Chaudière-Appalaches afin de déployer le réseau PureFibre à plus de 20 000 familles de près de 35 municipalités de la région. D’ici septembre 2022, 99 pour cent des familles et entreprises de la région et qui sont sur le territoire desservi par TELUS pourront profiter d’un lien direct à la fibre optique, la technologie Internet la plus rapide et fiable au monde. De plus, TELUS continue le déploiement de la technologie 5G dans près de 25 communautés...
Bestyrelsen for Sparekassen Sjælland-Fyn A/S
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Selskabsmeddelelse nr. 10/2021Holbæk, den 14. april 2021
Bestyrelsen for Sparekassen Sjælland-Fyn A/S
Den 14. april 2021 er der afholdt repræsentantskabsmøde i Sparekassen Sjælland-Fyn, hvor der var valg til bestyrelsen.
Chefredaktør Torben Dalby Larsen blev valgt som nyt medlem til bestyrelsen. Torben Dalby Larsen er tidligere administrerende direktør og ansvarshavende chefredaktør i Sjællandske Medier og besidder en solid ledelseserfaring samt betydelig erfaring fra bestyrelsesposter i blandt andet PFA Pension og ATP.
Der var genvalg til direktør Jakob Nørrekjær Andersson og gårdejer Erik Larsen.
Programdirektør Kirsten Hede Nielsen ønskede ikke genvalg.
På det efterfølgende bestyrelsesmøde konstituerede bestyrelsen sig. Arkitekt M.A.A. Thomas Kullegaard fortsætter som formand, og direktør Jakob N. Andersson fortsætter som næstformand.
JLab Brings On New Equity Partner With Noritsu Koki; Purchased for $370M
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San Diego, CA, April 14, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — JLab, after years of growth and documented innovation, has found a new equity owner to help take them even further. Tokyo-based 7744) (Noritsu Koki)”>Noritsu Koki Co., Ltd. (TSE:7744) (Noritsu Koki) will provide JLab with additional resources to continue its forward progression, including product innovation and further retail expansion worldwide. Noritsu Koki has agreed to acquire JLab for $370 million from its previous private equity owner and the transaction is expected to close in the second quarter of 2021. JLab is the No. 1 True Wireless under $1001 and has received significant worldwide attention as of late due to its recent product innovations, as well as accolades stemming from new product releases at CES.
As a part of this new equity ownership, JLab will continue to...
Colfax Schedules First Quarter 2021 Earnings Release and Conference Call
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Annapolis Junction, MD, April 14, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Colfax Corporation (NYSE: CFX), a leading diversified technology company, today announced that it will issue a press release providing financial results for the first quarter of 2021 on the morning of Thursday, April 29, 2021. The Company will hold a conference call to discuss these results beginning at 8:00 a.m. Eastern on that day, which will be open to the public by calling +1-877-303-7908 (U.S. callers) and +1-678-373-0875 (International callers) and referencing the conference ID number 1986324 and through webcast via Colfax’s website under the “Investors” section.
Colfax’s financial results press release and supplemental information referenced on the call, if any, for the first quarter of 2021 will be available under the “Investors” section of Colfax’s...
Hagar hf.: Flöggun – Brú lífeyrissjóður starfsmanna sveitarfélaga
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Sjá meðfylgjandi flöggunartilkynningu.
ViðhengiBrú flöggun HAGA 14.4.2021
ADM Endeavors, Inc. (OTCQB:ADMQ) Announces New Contracts With The City of Irving Parks & Recreation Department and the Northwest ISD, Fort Worth
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FORT WORTH, TX, April 14, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — via NewMediaWire — ADM Endeavors, Inc. (OTCQB: ADMQ), announced today that our wholly owned subsidiary, Just Right Products, Inc., has been awarded a new contract with The City of Irving, Texas, Parks & Recreation Department for the delivery of Event T-shirts.
We are also happy to announce that our wholly owned subsidiary, Just Right Products, Inc., has been awarded the contract for the Northwest ISD for its Athletic/PE Supplies, Uniforms, Equipment & Repairs.
“ADMQ currently has more than 20 contracts with Texas counties. We are grateful the City of Irving, with a population of 236,546, has entrusted us to be the sole supplier to provide event T-shirts for all type of city sponsored events and sports leagues,” said Marc Johnson, ADMQ CEO.