Day: April 13, 2021
Escondido, CA, April 13, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — via NewMediaWire — eWorld Companies, Inc. (OTC: EWRC), announced today that the company has submitted all filings required by OTC Markets for upgrade to Current Information status, including updated financials, and expects to receive formal approval and upgrade to Current Information within the next week. This release followed a recent announcement that the company had already become fully current with all statutory requirements of the state of Nevada, where the corporation is registered.
In conjunction with this announcement, Pablo Gallardo Wagner, CEO of eWorld Companies, Inc. commented, “This is a very significant milestone for the company and represents both an important and necessary step as we ‘clear the decks’ in preparation for a major reboot of our Angelini Trading...
World of Wireless International “WOWITEL” Moves To End User International Full Service Communications For the Global Community
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ALISO VIEJO, Calif., April 13, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — World of Wireless International Inc. (OTC:WWII) announced today in order to comply with the necessary disclosures, the company has updated its filing status.
WOWITEL is moving forward to provisioning subscriber services under the distribution agreement the company has entered into.
It has invested in and installed additional facilities-based carrier equipment and technology. The purpose is to implement communication services to the international community that will provide Voice, Text and Streaming services and expects to deploy them to over 10 million new users as a milestone described in the multi-year distribution agreement.
After over 35 years of communication industry entrepreneurship, founder Gene Curcio has developed with a team what he says will be the final frontier...
Copperstone Resources postpones the publication of the Annual Report
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Kiruna April 13, 2021
Copperstone Resources AB (publ) has decided to postpone the publication of the Annual Report 2020 until April 27, 2021. The date of the Annual General Meeting remains on May 19, 2021.
The annual report will be published on the Company’s website on Tuesday April 27, 2021 and not on the previously announced date Tuesday April 20, 2021. The postponement is due to a high workload for management and the board.
The Annual General Meeting will be held on May 19, 2021. Notice will be sent shortly.
For further information, please contact Michael Mattsson (CEO) at +46 705 739 777, or or visit Copperstone’s webpage:
Copperstone Resources AB is a mineral exploration company formed in 2006. During 2019, the Company acquired Viscaria deposit in Kiruna and accordingly,...
Copperstone Resources senarelägger publiceringen av årsredovisning
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Kiruna den 13 april 2021
Copperstone Resources AB (publ) (”Copperstone” eller ”Bolaget”) har beslutat att senarelägga publiceringen av 2020 årsredovisning till den 27 april. Datum för ordinarie bolagsstämma står fast vid 19 maj.
Årsredovisningen kommer att publiceras på Bolagets hemsida tisdagen den 27 april, 2021, mot tidigare meddelad tid, tisdagen den 20 april, 2021. Senareläggningen beror på hög arbetsbelastning för ledning och styrelse.
Ordinarie bolagsstämma kommer att hållas årsstämma den 19 maj 2021. Kallelse skickas inom kort.
För ytterligare information, vänligen kontakta Michael Mattsson (VD) +46 705 739 777, eller eller besök Copperstones hemsida på
Copperstone Resources AB är ett prospekteringsbolag som bildades 2006. Under 2019 förvärvades Viscaria-fyndigheten i Kiruna...
Eik fasteignafélag hf.: Breytingar á samningi um viðskiptavakt
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Eik fasteignafélag hf. og Kvika banki hf. hafa með viðauka breytt samningi sínum um viðskiptavakt á hlutabréfum útgefnum af félaginu í Kauphöll Íslands, Nasdaq Iceland.
Með áorðnum breytingum kveður samningurinn á um að Kvika banki skuli dag hvern leggja fram kaup- og sölutilboð í hlutabréf útgefin af félaginu í viðskiptakerfi Kauphallar Íslands. Fjárhæð kaup- og sölutilboða viðskiptavaka skal að lágmarki nema kr. 10.000.000 að markaðsvirði, á gengi sem Kvika banki ákveður hverju sinni. Hámarksverð bil kaup- og sölutilboða skal ekki vera meira en 1,5%.Tilboð skulu endurnýjuð eins fljótt og unnt er, þó ávallt innan 10 mínútna eftir að þeim er tekið að fullu eða þau felld niður af hálfu viðskiptavakans. Eigi Kvika banki viðskipti með bréf félagsins fyrir kr. 50.000.000 að markaðsvirði eða meira í sjálfvirkri pörun (e. „automatch“) innan...
TCM Group A/S: Course of the Annual General Meeting
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No. 76/2021
Tvis, 13 April 2021
The Annual General Meeting was held 13 April 2021 at 05.00 PM on the company´s address, Skautrupvej 22b, Tvis, 7500 Holstebro.
The Board of Directors’ report was not subject for voting. The Annual General Meeting took note of the report.
The audited Annual Report of 2020 was approved by the Annual General Meeting
The Annual General Meeting likewise approved that the fees for the Board of Directors for 2021.
The proposal from the Board of Directors regarding dividend payment in 2021 on DKK 13.00 per share was approved by the Annual General Meeting.
Sanna Mari Suvanto-Harsaae, Anders Tormod Skole-Sørensen, Carsten Bjerg, Søren Mygind Eskildsen and Danny Feltmann Espersen were all reelected.
Pursuant the proposal from...
Esker : Activité commerciale du 1er trimestre 2021
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Activité commerciale du 1er trimestre 2021Retour à une croissance à deux chiffres (+14%)Nouveau trimestre record
Trimestre record
Le chiffre d’affaires du premier trimestre de l’année 2021 s’établit à 31,0 M€ en croissance de 14% à taux de change constant et de 10% à taux de change courant. Ce retour rapide à une croissance à deux chiffres est d’autant plus remarquable que cette progression est calculée par rapport à un premier trimestre 2020 dont la majeure partie est antérieure à la crise sanitaire.
Malgré une situation économique encore difficile, Esker réalise à nouveau le meilleur trimestre de son histoire.
La croissance reste portée par le développement des solutions Cloud qui progressent de 16% sur ce trimestre, pour représenter 94% de l’activité du Groupe. Ce dynamisme a été également partagé par l’ensemble...
Skeljungur hf.: Skeljungur hf. publishes extract from the 2021 budget of P/F Magn, Skeljungur hf.’s subsidiary in the Faroe Islands
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Following an announcement by Skeljungur hf. last 24 March of the decision of the company’s board of directors to assess the advantages of future ownership of P/F Magn, Skeljungur’s subsidiary in the Faroe Islands, Kvika Bank’s corporate advisory team has been approached by interested buyers.
In light of the above, and in consideration of the interest shown by investors in P/F Magn, Skeljungur has decided to disclose P/F Magn’s budget for 2021 in order to ensure equal access for investors to the above information.
Below is a summarised statement from the budgets of P/F Magn and P/F Demich in the Faroe Islands for the operating year 2021, with a comparison to 2020. All amounts are in million Danish krone and in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) as they appear in Skeljungur’s consolidated financial statement:Budget...
Skeljungur hf.: Skeljungur hf. birtir samantekt úr áætlun P/F Magn, dótturfélag Skeljungs hf. í Færeyjum, fyrir árið 2021
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Í kjölfar tilkynningar Skeljungs hf. þann 24. mars síðastliðinn, þar sem tilkynnt var um ákvörðun stjórnar Skeljungs hf. um að meta framtíðarkosti eignarhalds á P/F Magn, dótturfélagi Skeljungs í Færeyjum, hafa áhugasamir fjárfestar sett sig í samband við fyrirtækjaráðgjöf Kviku Banka hf.
Í ljósi framangreinds og áhuga fjárfesta á P/F Magn hefur Skeljungur ákveðið að birta áætlun P/F Magn fyrir árið 2021, svo fjárfestar hafi aðgang að framangreindum upplýsingum á jafnræðisgrunni.
Hér að neðan má finna samantekt úr áætlun P/F Magn og P/F Demich í Færeyjum fyrir rekstrarárið 2021 með samanburði við árið 2020. Allar fjárhæðir eru í milljónum danskra króna og samkvæmt alþjóðlegum reikningsskilastöðlum (IFRS) eins og þær koma fram í samstæðureikningi Skeljungs:Áætlun 2021
Raun 2020
Global SPAC Partners Co. Announces Closing of $160 Million Initial Public Offering
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New York, New York, April 13, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Global SPAC Partners Co. (“Global” or the “Company”) (NASDAQ: GLSPU) announced today that it closed its initial public offering of 16,000,000 units, at $10.00 per unit, resulting in gross proceeds of $160,000,000.
The Company’s units began trading on the NASDAQ Capital Market (“NASDAQ”) on April 9, 2021, under the ticker symbol “GLSPU.” Each unit consists of one subunit and one-half of a redeemable warrant. Each subunit consists of one Class A ordinary share and one-quarter of a redeemable warrant. Each full warrant entitles the holder thereof to purchase one Class A ordinary share at a price of $11.50 per share. Once the securities comprising the units begin separate trading, the subunits and warrants are expected to be listed on NASDAQ under the symbols “GLSPT” and “GLSPW,”...