Day: April 13, 2021
Pursuant to the decision of the shareholders’ meeting of September 22, 2020, the Management Board of JSC Olainfarm has filed a lawsuit against the former members of the Management Board of JSC Olainfarm. By the decision of the Vidzeme Suburb Court of Riga City on 12th of April 2021, a civil case has been initiated in the claim of JSC Olainfarm against former members of the Management Board who entered into an agreement with Banestar Management Limited, causing losses in the amount of EUR 26,067,760.05.
In April of 2019, the Management Board of JSC Olainfarm became acquainted with the economic activities of the company and the previously signed contracts. It identified transactions regarding marketing outsourcing services from Banestar Management Limited, a company registered in Cyprus, which raised doubts about their potential fictitious...
Ierosināta civillieta AS “Olainfarm” prasībā par nodarītajiem zaudējumiem
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Izpildot 2020. gada 22. septembra akcionāru sapulces lēmumu, AS “Olainfarm” valde ir cēlusi prasību tiesā pret bijušajiem AS “Olainfarm” valdes locekļiem. Ar Rīgas pilsētas Vidzemes priekšpilsētas tiesas 2021. gada 12. aprīļa lēmumu ir ierosināta civillieta. AS “Olainfarm” prasība celta pret bijušajiem valdes locekļiem, kuri piedalījušies līguma slēgšanā ar “Banestar Management Limited”, nodarot zaudējumus 26 067 760,05 EUR apmērā.
AS “Olainfarm” valde 2019. gada aprīlī padziļināti iepazinās ar uzņēmuma saimniecisko darbību un noslēgtajiem līgumiem. Tā konstatēja mārketinga ārpakalpojuma darījumus ar Kiprā reģistrētu uzņēmumu “Banestar Management Limited”, kas raisīja šaubas par to iespējami fiktīvo darījumu raksturu, saimniecisko lietderību un pamatotību. Arī līgumu summas neatbilda saņemtajam pakalpojumu apjomam, kā arī mārketinga aktivitātēm...
Varonis Announces Support for Microsoft Azure Government for DoD/IL5
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NEW YORK, April 13, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Varonis Systems, Inc. (Nasdaq: VRNS), a pioneer in data security and analytics, announces that the Varonis Data Security Platform supports Microsoft Azure Government for DoD/Impact Level 5 (IL5) and Microsoft 365 Government. DoD Impact Level 5 accommodates Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) and National Security Systems that must be secured to a higher standard.
Varonis will be hosting the webinar “Complexity is the Enemy of Security: Protecting Data in Office 365 GCC High (IL4) and GCC DOD (IL5)” on Wednesday, April 28, 2021 at 1:00 pm EDT. Register to attend the webinar.
Varonis partners with government defense agencies, defense contractors, and multiple branches of the U.S. Armed Forces to protect their on-premises data. Varonis now stands ready to support defense...
Varonis Announces Support for Microsoft’s Government Community Cloud
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NEW YORK, April 13, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Varonis Systems, Inc. (Nasdaq: VRNS), a pioneer in data security and analytics, announces that the Varonis Data Security Platform now supports Microsoft’s U.S. Government Community Cloud (GCC/Impact Level 2) and U.S. Government Community Cloud High (GCC-High/Impact Level 4) environments.
Varonis will be hosting the webinar “Complexity is the Enemy of Security: Protecting Data in Office 365 GCC High (IL4) and GCC DOD (IL5)” on Wednesday, April 28, 2021 at 1:00 pm EDT. Register to attend the webinar.
Varonis’ mission is to provide world-class data protection for federal agencies and government contractors as they transition to the cloud, including agencies that store and process DoD-controlled unclassified information (CUI) within Microsoft’s U.S. Government...
urban-gro, Inc. Reports Record Preliminary First Quarter 2021 Results
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Record Q1 2021 revenues of $11.8 million to $12.1 million, which would represent an increase of at least $7.5 million, or 174%, from revenues of $4.3 million reported in Q1 2020.
Record Adjusted EBITDA of $0.35 million to $0.6 million, which would represent an improvement of at least $1.2 million from negative ($0.9) million in Q1 2020.
Record Income from operations expected to be $0.2 million to ($0.1) million, when compared with ($1.4) million a year prior, an improvement of at least $1.3 million driven by increased revenues and gross margin.
Company ends Q1 2021 with contractually committed orders (“Backlog”) exceeding $15 million at March 31, 2021, an increase of at least $0.4 million from $14.6 million at December 31, 2020.LAFAYETTE, Colo., April 13, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — urban-gro, Inc. (NASDAQ: UGRO) (“urban-gro” or...
UPDATE — VitalHub Announces the Appointment of New Board of Directors Member and Chairman of the Board
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TORONTO, April 13, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — VitalHub Corp. (the “Company” or “VitalHub”) (TSXV: VHI) is pleased to announce two new appointments to its Board of Directors, with Tony Shen serving as a Board Director and Chris Schnarr serving as Chairman of the Board.
Tony Shen was previously serving as a non-voting board observer and has now been appointed as a Director of the Board. Chris Schnarr has been a director of VitalHub since 2016 and was previously serving as Lead Director on the Board, with VitalHub CEO Dan Matlow serving as Chairman of the Board. Consistent with the Company’s best practices governance mandate, Mr. Schnarr’s appointment provides for an independent Chairman.
Mr. Shen was previously co-Chief Executive Officer, President and Chief Operating Officer at Aastra Technologies Limited until its eventual sale to...
Waverley Acquires Lauder and Tin City Projects in British Columbia
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TORONTO, April 13, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Waverley Resources Ltd. (“Waverley”) is pleased to announce that it has acquired the Lauder copper-gold project located 40 km south of Kamloops in south-central British Columbia and the Tin City tungsten-silver-lead-zinc project located approximately 90 km north of Kaslo in south-eastern British Columbia.
The 867-hectare Lauder property is largely till covered and was acquired based on Geoscience BC data releases including an airborne gravity survey, historical soil geochemical mobile metal ion (“MMI”) results, as well as RGS data that indicates the potential for buried copper-gold mineralization in the area.
The 965-hectare Tin City property comprises an extensive amphibolite unit that host scheelite-bearing skarn lenses and horizons, as well as a number of reported historic mining shafts...
Luvleen Sidhu, Chair, CEO and Founder of BM Technologies (NYSE: BMTX), Included in Innovative Finance’s Women in FinTech Powerlist 2020 and Selected as a ‘Standout 35’ Star
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Radnor, PA, April 13, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — BM Technologies, Inc. (NYSE American: BMTX, BMTX.W), one of the largest digital banking platforms in the country, announced that Luvleen Sidhu, Chair, CEO and Founder, has been included in Innovative Finance’s Women in FinTech Powerlist 2020 and was also selected as one of its ‘Standout 35’ Stars. Additionally, Sidhu was recognized by Banking Northeast as one its New York Women in Banking.
The Women in FinTech Powerlist 2020 recognizes 200 women that are “leading innovation in financial services.” The ‘Standout 35’ Stars were further selected “due to their outstanding contribution to FinTech.”
Banking Northeast recently published its New York Women in Banking list, which “shines a light on the many trailblazers who are leading the way for others in this once male-dominated area.” The...
INTRUSION Q1 2021 Results Surpass Expectations
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PLANO, Texas., April 13, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — INTRUSION, Inc. (NASDAQ: INTZ), a leading provider of cyberattack prevention solutions including Zero-Days, announced today that it finished the first quarter of 2021 surpassing expectations. Highlights from the quarter include:INTRUSION Shield is now protecting over 50,000 seats (almost 8x the company’s original Q1 goal)
Hired new Chief Sales Officer, Darryl Athans, to drive continued growth
Signed over 30 channel partners including resellers in Australia and Mexico
Company now able to sell latest innovation, Shield, globallySince announcing the general availability of Shield in January 2021, the company wasted no time ramping up its go-to-market activities to finish the first quarter with several key wins. INTRUSION recently announced manufacturing giants Kimberly-Clark and...
Artelo Biosciences Reports Second Quarter Fiscal 2021 Financial Results and Provides Business Update
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Recently Commenced Patient Enrollment in Phase 1/2 CAReS Study of ART27.13 in the UK
Reported Positive Pre-Clinical Data Associated with Artelo’s Proprietary CBD Cocrystal
$11.2 Million of Cash and Cash Equivalents and Marketable Securities as of February 28, 2021
LA JOLLA, Calif., April 13, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Artelo Biosciences, Inc. (NASDAQ: ARTL), a clinical stage biopharmaceutical company focused on the development of therapeutics that target lipid-signaling pathways, including the endocannabinoid system, today reported financial and operating results for the second quarter of its fiscal year ended February 28, 2021 and provided a business update.
“We are pleased to report continued clinical and corporate progress during the second quarter of 2021,” stated Gregory D. Gorgas, President and Chief Executive Officer of Artelo...