Day: April 12, 2021
WEST HOLLYWOOD, CA, April 12, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — LGBTQ Loyalty Holdings, Inc. (OTC PINK: LFAP) (“LGBTQ Loyalty” or “the Company”), a diversity and inclusion driven financial methodology and data company announces the launch date of their much-anticipated LGBTQ+ ESG100 ETF. LGBT will trade on the Nasdaq and track the LGBTQ100 ESG Index (Index Ticker: LGBTQ100) which identifies the top 100 corporations that most align with the LGBTQ community across America. It is the first-ever index to incorporate LGBTQ community survey data into the methodology, generating a benchmark of the nation’s highest-performing companies that are most committed to advancing equality. The LGBTQ100 ESG Index has outperformed the S&P 500 Index by 4.82% in 2020. Since the launch of the Index on NYSE ticker symbol: LGBTQ100...
Lerøy Seafood Group ASA: Trading update Q1 2021
Written by Customer Service on . Posted in Earnings Releases And Operating Results.
Harvest volumes for Q1 2021 compared with Q1 2020:Harvest volumes salmon and trout(1,000 GWT)
Q1 2021
Q1 2020Lerøy Aurora
8.5Lerøy Midt
14.5Lerøy Sjøtroll
39.4of which volume trout
Catch volume Havfisk (1,000 tonnes)
Q1 2021
Q1 2020Total volume
25.0of which volume cod
12.5As described in the fourth quarter report for 2020 the production for Lerøy Aurora in the start of 2021 was impacted by more winter ulcers than normal. This has had a negative impact on price achievement and costs in the first quarter of 2021.
The complete Q1 2021 report will be released on 20 May 2021 at 06:30 CET.
This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to Section 5-12 the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.
Lerøy Seafood Group ASA: Oppdatering volum i første kvartal 2021
Written by Customer Service on . Posted in Earnings Releases And Operating Results.
Volum første kvartal 2021 sammenlignet med første kvartal 2020:Høstet volum laks og ørret (1.000 GWT)
Q1 2021
Q1 2020Lerøy Aurora
8,5Lerøy Midt
14,5Lerøy Sjøtroll
39,4Herav volum ørret
Fangstvolum Havfisk (1.000 tonn)
Q1 2021
Q1 2020Totalt fangstvolum
25,0Herav volum torsk
12,5Som omtalt i rapporten etter fjerde kvartal 2020 var produksjonen i Lerøy Aurora i starten av 2021 påvirket av mer vintersår enn normalt. Dette har påvirket prisoppnåelse og kostnader negativt i første kvartal 2021.
Fullstendig rapport for første kvartal 2021 blir offentliggjort den 20. mai 2020 klokken 06.30.
Denne opplysningen er informasjonspliktig etter verdipapirhandelloven §5-12.
Corline Biomedical AB kallar till årsstämma 2021
Written by Customer Service on . Posted in Public Companies.
Aktieägarna i Corline Biomedical AB (publ), 556417-0743 (“Bolaget“), kallas härmed till årsstämma tisdagen den 11 maj 2021. Mot bakgrund av risken för spridning av Covid-19 och myndigheternas föreskrifter/råd om undvikande av sammankomster har styrelsen beslutat att bolagsstämman ska genomföras utan fysisk närvaro genom att aktieägare utövar sin rösträtt endast genom poströstning. Någon fysisk sammankomst kommer således inte att hållas.
Anmälan m.m.
Aktieägare som önskar delta i årsstämman måste:dels vara registrerad i eget namn (inte förvaltarregistrerad) i den av Euroclear Sweden AB förda aktieboken måndagen den 3 maj 2021,
dels anmäla sig till Bolaget genom att avge sin poströst i enlighet med anvisningarna nedan, så att anmälan och poströsten är Bolaget till...
CORRECTION: AUGA group, AB will organise an Investor Conference Webinar dedicated to retail investors
Written by Customer Service on . Posted in Public Companies.
Information about the time and date of the webinar is corrected. Correction is made in both languages.
AUGA group, AB invites investors to join the webinar scheduled on April 15, 2021 at 5.30 PM (EEST). The presentation will be held in English.
During the webinar, Kestutis Juscius, CEO and one of the main shareholders of AUGA group will introduce the company and its strategy, as well as the latest published performance results. After the presentation participants of the webinar will have an opportunity to ask relevant questions.
The webinar is organized together with LHV bank in Estonia and is primarily targeted to retail investors interested in the company.
To join the webinar, please register via following link:
You will be provided with the webinar link and instructions...
PATIKSLINIMAS: AUGA group, AB organizuoja internetinį seminarą, skirtą mažmeniniams investuotojams
Written by Customer Service on . Posted in Public Companies.
Informacija apie renginio datą ir laiką yra patikslinta. Patikslinimas atliktas abejomis kalbomis.
AUGA group, AB balandžio 15 d., 17:30 val., kviečia investuotojus prisijungti prie internetinio seminaro, kuris vyks anglų kalba.
Internetinio seminaro metu Kęstutis Juščius, „AUGA group“ generalinis direktorius ir vienas iš bendrovės akcininkų, pristatys bendrovę, jos strategiją ir apžvelgs naujausius jos veiklos rezultatus. Po pristatymo seminaro dalyviai galės užduoti jiems rūpimus klausimus.
Nuotolinis seminaras organizuojamas kartu su LHV banku Estijoje ir yra skirtas mažmeniniams investuotojams, kurie domisi bendrove.
Visus norinčius dalyvauti internetiniame seminare, prašome registruotis aktyvuojant šią nuorodą:
Jums bus suteikta internetinio seminaro nuoroda ir...
Verizon signs deals with Crown Castle and SBA Communications
Written by Customer Service on . Posted in Public Companies.
NEW YORK, April 12, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Verizon inked deals with Crown Castle and SBA, two tower companies already hosting Verizon infrastructure equipment, to speed deployment of C-band equipment in preparation for the launch of 5G Ultra Wideband and fixed wireless broadband service on this newly acquired spectrum.
Verizon secured an average of 161 MHz of C-band spectrum nationwide in the recent FCC auction, which will allow Verizon to offer increased mobility and broadband services to millions more consumers and businesses. C-band provides a valuable middle ground between capacity and coverage for 5G networks, and will enable greater speeds and coverage for both mobility, home broadband and business internet solutions. Deploying 5G Ultra Wideband on this spectrum requires new network equipment including basebands and antennas...
Tyson Foods Turns to Technology to Find Prescription Drug Savings for Employees
Written by Customer Service on . Posted in Public Companies.
SPRINGDALE, Ark., April 12, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Tyson Foods, Inc. (NYSE: TSN) is using the power of technology to help its U.S. employees and their families save money on prescription drugs.
The company is partnering with Rx Savings Solutions, to provide a free, confidential online tool that gives team members and their covered dependents ways to pay less for the medications covered through the company’s health plan. The prescription drug savings software examines the medications a member takes and finds lower-cost options to treat the same conditions. The savings can be generic, less expensive forms of a name-brand drug or various options based on prescriptions taken.
The personalized recommendations are proactively communicated via email, text message, app notification, phone or direct mail to all employees who opt into the...
Beginning of the term of Supervisory Board Members of AS Tallinna Vesi
Written by Customer Service on . Posted in Public Companies.
With reference to AS Tallinna Vesi’s stock notice “Changes in the Supervisory Board of AS Tallinna Vesi” dated 31/03/2021, please be informed that the start date of the terms of the Supervisory Board Members Priit Koit and Niall Patrick Mills is 12/04/2021, with the term of office of both members being three years.
Laura KorjusAS Tallinna VesiHead of Communications(+372) 62 62
AS Tallinna Vesi nõukogu liikmete volituste algus
Written by Customer Service on . Posted in Public Companies.
Viitega AS-i Tallinna Vesi 31.03.2021 börsiteatele “Muudatused AS Tallinna Vesi nõukogus” informeerime, et nõukogu liikmete Priit Koidu ja Niall Patrick Mills’i volituste alguskuupäev on 12.04.2021 ning mõlema volitused kehtivad kolm aastat.
Laura KorjusAS Tallinna VesiKommunikatsioonijuht(+372) 62 62