Day: April 9, 2021
KENNESAW, Ga., April 09, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — BrandSafway has acquired JA Electronics Manufacturing Company, a privately owned business, specializing in providing the corrosion control industry with cathodic protection equipment, custom engineered using the latest technology.
“By bringing JA Electronics Manufacturing products and solutions to MATCOR and BrandSafway, we will be able to more effectively grow our cathodic protection and corrosion control business,” said Dave Witsken, president of Industrial, Energy and Commercial for BrandSafway. “We’re also excited that JA Electronics’ solar-powered rectifiers will enhance BrandSafway’s ongoing ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) efforts.”
MATCOR by BrandSafway delivers cathodic protection and corrosion control solutions for major infrastructure assets, including oil, gas,...
LECTRA: Availability of the documents relating to the Combined Shareholders’ Meeting of April 30, 2021 (behind closed doors)
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Availability of the documents relating to the Combined Shareholders’ Meeting of April 30, 2021 (behind closed doors)
Paris, April 9, 2021 – Given the current health crisis and in accordance with the measures adopted by the French Government to slow the spread of COVID-19, the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Lectra, acting on the authorization of the Company’s Board of Directors, has decided that the Combined Shareholders’ Meeting, scheduled to take place on April 30, 2021, will be held behind closed doors, without the physical presence of the shareholders, at the head office situated at 16-18 rue Chalgrin, 75016 Paris.
In this context, Lectra’s shareholders are invited to vote before the Shareholders’ Meeting, either by post using the voting form or by Internet on the Votaccess secure voting platform.
The Shareholders’...
LECTRA : Modalités de mise à disposition des documents préparatoires à l’Assemblée générale mixte du 30 avril 2021 (à huis clos)
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Modalités de mise à disposition des documents préparatoires à l’Assemblée générale mixte du 30 avril 2021 (à huis clos)
Paris, le 9 avril 2021 – Compte tenu du contexte sanitaire actuel et des dernières mesures adoptées par le Gouvernement pour lutter contre la propagation de la COVID-19, le Président-Directeur général de Lectra, sur délégation du Conseil d’administration, a décidé de réunir l’Assemblée générale mixte du 30 avril 2021 à huis clos, hors la présence physique des actionnaires, au siège de la Société au 16-18 rue Chalgrin, 75016 Paris.
Dans ce contexte, les actionnaires de Lectra sont invités à voter en amont de l’Assemblée générale soit par correspondance à l’aide du formulaire de vote, soit par Internet sur la plateforme de vote sécurisée Votaccess.
L’Assemblée générale sera diffusée en direct et la diffusion en différé...
Kapitalforeningen BLS Invest – fejl i indre værdi i afdelingerne Globale Aktier KL og Globale Aktier Akk.
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Fejl i indre værdi i Kapitalforeningen BLS Invest
Det skal oplyses, at der den 6. april 2021 fra ca. kl. 09:44 til ca. kl. 16:20 har været fejl i offentliggjorte indre værdier i afdelingerne Globale Aktier KL og Globale Aktier Akk. (ISIN DK0060189041 og DK0060560167), grundet en fejlagtig futures korrektion. Fejlen har gjort, at afdelingernes indre værdi har været overvurderet med op mod henholdsvis 1,21% og 1,20%.
Afsluttende kan det oplyses, at børsmæglerforeningen er orienteret herom. Eventuel henvendelse vedrørende denne meddelelse kan rettes til direktør Tage Fabrin-Brasted, tlf. 44 91 60 87.
Med venlig hilsenNykredit Portefølje Administration A/S
Tage Fabrin-BrastedDirektørtlf. 44 55 91 60mail
Vedhæftet filFondsbørsmeddelelse – Fejl i NAV – 06042021 – Kapitalforeningen BLS
Góð rekstrarafkoma Kópavogsbæjar
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Rekstrarafgangur Kópavogsbæjar var 325 milljónir króna árið 2020 en gert hafði verið ráð fyrir 487 milljónum króna í fjárhagsáætlun með viðaukum, samþykktum af bæjarstjórn.
„Ársreikningur Kópavogsbæjar fyrir árið 2020 ber með sér hversu vel Kópavogsbær stendur. Þrátt fyrir þau áhrif sem Covid-19 hefur haft á þjóðfélagið og þar með rekstur Kópavogsbæjar þá er rekstrarafkoman miklu betri en búast mátti við eftir að faraldurinn skall á,“ segir Ármann Kr. Ólafsson bæjarstjóri Kópavogs. „Skýringin er traustur rekstrargrundvöllur bæjarins um leið og allir hafa lagst á árarnar með að nýta þá fjármuni sem við höfum úr að spila með sem bestum hætti. Þá hafa aðgerðir ríkisstjórnarinnar haft sitt að segja. Stuðningur ríkisins í gegnum atvinnuleysistryggingasjóð tryggði það að fall útsvarstekna sveitarfélaga varð miklu minna en ella hefði orðið.“
Correction: Change in substantial holding
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The ownership contained in the stock exchange announcement of the change in substantial holding published on 9.04.2021 was incorrect, with this correction announcement we are forwarding the adjusted data.
Arco Vara AS notifies the stock exchange about a change in substantial holding as required by § 186 of the Securities Market Act.
On April 7, 2021, as a result of the takeover bid Baltplast AS transferred 837,498 and Gamma Holding Investment OÜ 420,000, in total 1,257,498 shares of Arco Vara AS held by them to OÜ Alarmo Kapital. The transferred shares stood for 97.91% of the takeover bid and 13.97% of total Arco Vara AS shares.
As a result of the takeover bid, OÜ Alarmo Kapital now holds 66.11% of the voting...
Correction: Olulise osaluse muutus
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9.04.2021 avaldatud olulise osaluse muutuse börsiteates sisalduv osalus oli vigane, käesoleva parandusteatega edastame korrigeeritud andmed._____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Lähtuvalt väärtpaberituru seaduse §-st 186 teavitab Arco Vara AS börsi olulise osaluse muutusest.
7.04.2021 võõrandasid ülevõtupakkumise käigus Baltplast AS 837 498 ning Gamma Holding Investment OÜ 420 000, kokku 1 257 498 neile kuuluvat Arco Vara AS-i aktsiat OÜ-le Alarmo Kapital. Võõrandatud nimetatud aktsiate arv moodustas 97,91% ülevõtupakkumisega müüdud aktsiate mahust ning 13,97% kõikidest Arco Vara AS aktsiatest.
Ülevõtupakkumise tulemusena omab OÜ Alarmo Kapital 66,11% Arco Vara AS-i hääleõiguslikest aktsiatest. Lisaks on OÜ Alarmo Kapitalil märgitud, kuid emiteerimata...
BioSig Invited to Join Alliance for Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare (AAIH)
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Westport, CT, April 09, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) —Global leaders, including Amazon, Bayer, and GE Healthcare, joined the AAIH to date to collaborate on developing novel solutions to improve the quality of care and reduce failure rates
The Company recently launched a new AI program with the Mayo Foundation for Medical EducationBioSig Technologies, Inc. (NASDAQ: BSGM) (“BioSig” or the “Company”), a medical technology company commercializing an innovative signal processing platform designed to improve signal fidelity and uncover the full range of ECG and intra-cardiac signals, today announced that it had been invited by, and accepted, an invitation to join the Alliance for Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare (AAIH), following BioSig’s major patent awards for its AI-based platform that the Company recently won from the U.S. Patent...
Draft Resolutions of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders
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Draft Resolutions suggested by the Board of AB “Linas” for the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders to be held on 30 April 2021:
1. Audit conclusion regarding the consolidated and Company’s Annual Financial Accountability and Annual Report of year 2020.Project of resolution: to pay attention to the auditor’s conclusions confirming AB “Linas” consolidated and Company’s financial accountability of year 2020 and to agree to the consolidated annual report of the company of year 2020.
2. Confirmation of consolidated and company’s annual financial accountability of year 2020 and presentation of consolidated annual report.Project of resolution: to confirm AB “Linas” consolidated and company’s annual financial statements for the year 2020 and to agree to consolidated annual report for the year 2020.
3. Company’s profit (loss) allocation of...
Eilinio visuotinio akcininkų susirinkimo sprendimų projektai
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AB „Linas“ valdybos siūlomi 2021 m. balandžio 30 d. šaukiamo visuotinio akcininkų susirinkimo sprendimų projektai:
1. Auditoriaus išvada apie 2020 m. konsoliduotų ir Bendrovės metinių finansinių ataskaitų rinkinį bei metinį pranešimą.Sprendimo projektas: atsižvelgti į auditoriaus išvadas tvirtinant AB „Linas“ konsoliduotų ir Bendrovės 2020 m. finansinių ataskaitų rinkinį bei pritariant Bendrovės 2020 m. konsoliduotam metiniam pranešimui.
2. 2020m. konsoliduotų ir Bendrovės metinių finansinių ataskaitų rinkinio tvirtinimas ir konsoliduoto metinio pranešimo pristatymas.Sprendimo projektas: patvirtinti 2020 m. AB „Linas“ konsoliduotas ir Bendrovės metines finansines ataskaitas ir pritarti 2020 m. konsoliduotam metiniam pranešimui.
3. 2020 m. Bendrovės pelno (nuostolių) paskirstymas.Sprendimo projektas: patvirtinti 2019 m. AB „Linas“ pelno...