Day: April 9, 2021
Vow ASA subsidiary ETIA has been awarded a contract to deliver a Safesteril® unit for sterilisation of paprika powder at a food processing facility in the US. The contract with a leading global food ingredients company is valued at around EUR 1.1 million.
The Safesteril® system will follow the US Food and Drugs Administration’s (FDA) standards and will ensure that the food ingredients produced are safe for human consumption.
“This important achievement by our ETIA team is a reminder of the versatility of our proprietary and patented Spirajoule technology and its relevance in a wide range of industrial applications. It is also a reminder of our constant fight to reduce CO2 emissions by delivering electrical processes that substitute fossil fuel powered equipment for thermal processing,” said Henrik Badin, CEO of Vow ASA.
In Safesteril®...
Proactive news headlines including Australian Potash, Jindalee Resources, Kazia Therapeutics and Latin Resources
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Sydney, April 09, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Proactive, provider of real-time news and video interviews on growth companies listed in Australia, has covered the following companies:Australian Potash Ltd (ASX:APC) hit a new record high after ongoing work at its 100%-owned Laverton Downs Project (LDP) returned compelling targets with Kambalda-style massive nickel sulphide potential. Click here
Jindalee Resources Ltd (ASX:JRL) has skyrocketed after confirming that the upgraded resource estimate of 10.1 million tonnes at McDermitt Project on the Oregon-Nevada border is the USA’s largest lithium deposit by contained lithium. Click here
Kazia Therapeutics Ltd (ASX:KZA) (NASDAQ:KZIA) (FRA:NV9) will share new data from its ongoing phase II study of paxalisib in glioblastoma in a poster presentation at the prestigious American Association...
Plc Uutechnic Group Oyj: Arbrital tribunal appointed for the arbitration proceedings concerning the redemption of the minority shares in Plc Uutechnic Group Oyj
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Plc Uutechnic Group Oyj Stock exchange release 9 April 2021 at9:00 am EET
Arbrital tribunal appointed for the arbitration proceedings concerning the redemption of the minority shares in Plc Uutechnic Group Oyj
As previously announced, SPX FLOW Technology Germany GmbH (“SPX FLOW”) has on 20 January 2021 commenced mandatory redemption proceedings in respect of Plc Uutechnic Group Oyj’s (“UTG”) minority shares by applying for arbitration proceedings to be initiated in accordance with Chapter 18, Section 4 of the Finnish Companies Act in order to redeem the remaining shares in UTG.
The Redemption Board of the Finland Chamber of Commerce has on 8 April 2021 appointed an arbitral tribunal consisting of one arbitrator for the arbitration proceedings concerning the redemption of the remaining shares in UTG....
Plc Uutechnic Group Oyj:n vähemmistöosakkeiden lunastamista koskevaan välimiesmenettelyyn on määrätty välimiesoikeus
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Plc Uutechnic Group Oyj Pörssitiedote 9.4.2021 klo 9:00 EET
Plc Uutechnic Group Oyj:n vähemmistöosakkeiden lunastamista koskevaan välimiesmenettelyyn on määrätty välimiesoikeus
Kuten aiemmin on julkistettu, SPX FLOW Technology Germany GmbH (“SPX FLOW”) on 20.1.2021 käynnistänyt Plc Uutechnic Group Oyj:n (“UTG”) vähemmistöosakkeita koskevan lunastusmenettelyn hakemalla välimiesmenettelyn aloittamista osakeyhtiölain 18 luvun 4 §:n mukaisesti lunastaakseen kaikki jäljellä olevat UTG:n osakkeet.
Keskuskauppakamarin lunastuslautakunta on 8.4.2021 määrännyt yksijäsenisen välimiesoikeuden UTG:n jäljellä olevien osakkeiden lunastamista koskevaan välimiesmenettelyyn. Välimiesoikeuden muodostaa asianajaja Petri Taivalkoski.
Uudessakaupungissa 9.4.2021
Plc Uutechnic Group OyjHallitus
Lisätietoja Dominic Hill, toimitusjohtaja,...
AS Tallinna Sadam operational volumes for 2021 Q1
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In 2021 Q1, 5.3 million tonnes of cargo and 373 thousand passengers passed through the harbours of Tallinna Sadam. Compared to the same period of previous year, the cargo volume increased by 10% and the number of passengers decreased by 76%. The number of vessel calls grew by 6% to 1678 calls. The number of passengers travelling between the Estonian mainland and the main islands decreased by 11%, but the number of vehicles increased by 2% and the number of charter days of the icebreaker Botnica stayed at the same level as in the previous, utility rate of the vessel was 100%.
According to Valdo Kalm, chairman of the management board of Tallinna Sadam, we can be pleased as the total cargo volume showed strong growth, which was mainly supported by dry bulk and ro-ro cargo. “The growth of dry bulk was mainly brought about by the handling...
ASi Tallinna Sadam 2021. aasta I kvartali tegevusmahud
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2021. aasta I kvartalis läbis Tallinna Sadama sadamaid 5,3 miljonit tonni kaupa ja 373 tuhat reisijat. Võrreldes eelmise aasta sama perioodiga kasvas kaubamaht 10% ja reisijate arv vähenes 76%. Laevakülastuste arv kasvas 6% 1678 külastuseni. Eesti mandri ja suursaarte vaheline reisijate arv vähenes 11%, kuid sõidukite arv kasvas 2% ning jäämurdja Botnica prahipäevade arv jäi eelneva aasta tasemele, laeva kasutusmäär oli 100%.
Tallinna Sadama juhatuse esimehe Valdo Kalmu sõnul saame rõõmustada, sest kaubamaht kokku kasvas jõudsalt eelkõige puistlasti ja ro-ro toel. „Puistlasti kasvu tõi peamiselt väetiste käitlemine ja teisi puistekaupu käitlevate terminalide uute projektide käivitumine. Ro-ro kaupade maht kasvas tänu liinilaevade külastuste arvu ja sageduse suurenemisele eelkõige Muuga-Vuosaari liinil ning seoses maanteevedude nõudluse...
NoHo Partners Plc: Managers’ transactions (Laine)
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NoHo Partners Plc
MANAGERS’ TRANSACTIONS 9 April 2021 at 9:00
NoHo Partners Plc: Managers’ transactions (Laine)Person subject to the notification requirementName:
Member of the board
Initial Notification
Reference number:
Transaction detailsTransaction date:
NASDAQ HELSINKI LTD (XHEL)Nature of the transaction:
DisposalFurther details:
Made under life insurance policy Instrument:
FI4000064332 Volume:
15000.00Unit price:
8.235 EuroVolume:
122000.00Unit price:
8.20 Euro Aggregated transactionsVolume:
137000.00Volume weighted average price:
8.20383 EuroAdditional information:Jarno Vilponen, CFO, NoHo Partners Plc, tel....
NoHo Partners Oyj: Johdon liiketoimet (Laine)
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NoHo Partners Oyj
JOHDON LIIKETOIMET 9.4.2021 klo 9.00
NoHo Partners Oyj: Johdon liiketoimet (Laine)IlmoitusvelvollinenNimi:
Hallituksen jäsen
Liiketoimien yksityiskohtaiset tiedotLiiketoimen päivämäärä:
NASDAQ HELSINKI LTD (XHEL)Liiketoimen luonne:
Liiketoimi on toteutettu henkivakuutuksen yhteydessä Instrumentti:
FI4000064332 Volyymi:
8.235 EuroVolyymi:
8.20 Euro Liiketoimien yhdistetyt tiedotVolyymi:
8.20383 EuroLisätietoja:Jarno Vilponen, talousjohtaja, NoHo Partners Oyj, puh. +358 40 721...
Maha Energy AB (publ) gives notice of conditional early redemption of its bond
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Maha Energy AB (publ) (“Maha” or the “Company”) has today informed the holders of its up to SEK 500,000,000 senior secured fixed rate bonds with ISIN SE0009889751 (the “Bonds”) of its intention to redeem the Bonds in full, conditional upon satisfaction of conditions precedent for disbursement under the new credit agreement.
Today, April 9, 2021, the Company has sent a conditional notice of early redemption to each person registered in the debt register (Sw. skuldbok) with respect to the Bonds as per April 8, 2021.
The redemption date will, subject to satisfaction of the Condition (as defined below), be 5 May, 2021 (the “Redemption Date“). The Bonds will be redeemed at an amount equal to 100.00 per cent. of the nominal amount (i.e. SEK 100,000 per Bond) plus, as at the Redemption Date, accrued but unpaid interest (the “Redemption...
Maha Energy AB (publ) lämnar meddelande om villkorad förtidsinlösen av utestående obligationer
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Maha Energy AB (publ) (“Maha” eller “Bolaget”) har idag informerat innehavarna av Bolagets SEK 500 000 000 seniora säkerställda obligationer med ISIN SE0009889751 (”Obligationerna”) om sin avsikt att inlösa Obligationerna, villkorat av uppfyllande av villkor för utbetalning under det nya låneavtalet.
Idag, den 9 april 2021, har Bolaget skickat ett villkorat meddelande om förtidsinlösen till varje person registrerad i skuldboken avseende Obligationerna per den 8 april 2021.
Förutsatt att Villkoret (såsom definierat nedan) uppfylls kommer inlösen att ske den 5 maj 2021 (“Inlösendagen“). Obligationerna kommer inlösas till ett belopp motsvarande 100,00 procent av det nominella beloppet (dvs. SEK 100 000 per Obligation) plus per Inlösendagen upplupen men obetald ränta (“Inlösenbeloppet“). Inlösenbeloppet kommer att...