Day: April 9, 2021
Pune, India, April 09, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The global pest control market size is anticipated to witness substantial growth on account of the increasing rodent population and reach USD 31.94 billion by 2027. The change in climatic conditions and the rapidly growing population of rodents worldwide have increased the demand for pest control worldwide. As per a recently published report by Fortune Business Insights titled, “Pest Control Market Size, Share & Industry Analysis, By Pest Type (Insects, Termites, Rodents, Others), Method (Chemical, Mechanical, and Biological), Application (Residential, Commercial, and Industrial), and Regional Forecast, 2020 – 2027,” the market value was USD 19.73 billion in 2019 and is anticipated to rise at a CAGR of 6.31% during the forecast period, 2020 to 2027.
Fortune Business Insights™...
36Kr Holdings Inc. to Report Fourth Quarter and Fiscal Year 2020 Financial Results on Thursday, April 15, 2021
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BEIJING, April 09, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — 36Kr Holdings Inc. (“36Kr” or the “Company” or “We”) (NASDAQ: KRKR), a prominent brand and a pioneering platform dedicated to serving New Economy participants in China, today announced that it will report its fourth quarter and fiscal year 2020 unaudited financial results, on Thursday, April 15, 2021, before the open of U.S. markets.
The Company’s management will host an earnings conference call at 8:00 AM U.S. Eastern Time on April 15, 2021 (8:00 PM Beijing/Hong Kong Time on April 15, 2021). Details for the conference call are as follows:
All participants must use the link provided above to complete the online registration process at least 20 minutes in advance of the conference call. Upon registering, each participant will receive a set of participant dial-in number, Direct Event passcode,...
Karolinska Development’s portfolio company Aprea Therapeutics receives orphan drug designation for eprenetapopt in AML
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STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN – April 9, 2021. Karolinska Development AB (Nasdaq Stockholm: KDEV) announces today that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has granted orphan drug designation to Aprea Therapeutics’ drug candidate eprenetapopt for the treatment of acute myeloid leukemia (AML). KDev Investments, a company jointly owned by Karolinska Development and Rosetta Capital, holds 8 percent of the shares in Aprea Therapeutics, which is listed on Nasdaq Global Select Market in the USA.
Eprenetapopt is a small molecule targeting the tumor suppressor protein p53. Mutations of the p53 gene occur in around 50% of all human tumors and are associated with poor overall survival.The drug candidate is currently being investigated in clinical trials as a potential treatment of hematologic malignancies and solid tumors. In November 2020, the FDA...
Karolinska Developments portföljbolag Aprea Therapeutics erhåller särläkemedelsstatus i USA för eprenetapopt vid behandling av AML
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STOCKHOLM, SVERIGE 9 april 2021. Karolinska Development AB (Nasdaq Stockholm: KDEV) meddelar idag att den amerikanska läkemedelsmyndigheten FDA har beviljat särläkemedelsstatus för Aprea Therapeutics läkemedelskandidat eprenetapopt som behandling av akut myeloisk leukemi (AML). KDev Investments, ett bolag vilket ägs gemensamt av Karolinska Development och Rosetta Capital, innehar 8 procent av aktierna i Aprea Therapeutics, som är noterat på Nasdaq Global Select Market i USA.
Eprenetapopt är en småmolekylär läkemedelskandidat som riktar sin verkan mot det tumörhämmande proteinet p53. Mutationer i p53-genen förekommer i cirka 50% av alla humana tumörer och är associerade med dålig generell sjukdomsöverlevnad. Läkemedelskandidaten studeras för närvarande i kliniska prövningar som en potentiell behandling av hematologiska maligniteter och...
Indkaldelse til ordinær generalforsamling i Kapitalforeningen Accunia Invest
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Herved indkaldes til ordinær generalforsamling i Kapitalforeningen Accunia Invest
Ret til at deltage i og afgive stemmer på generalforsamlingen er betinget af, at man besidder andele i foreningen mindst 5 bankdage før datoen for generalforsamlingens afholdelse, dvs. onsdag den 21. april 2021.
Dagsorden med fuldstændige forslag og tilhørende bilag, herunder årsrapport for 2020 med tilhørende revisionspåtegning, vil være fremlagt til eftersyn på foreningens kontor fra og med . 12. april 2021 samt være tilgængelige på fra samme dato.
• Accunia Invest EUR CLO Opportunity KL, ACAECO, DK0060804052• Accunia Invest EUR CLO Invest Grade DKK, ACACIGDKK, DK0060804136• Accunia Invest European High Yield (KL), ACKEHY, DK0061149036
Dagsorden er vedhæftet.
Direktør Caspar Møller, tlf. +45 3332 7070Yderligere oplysninger om...
Les résultats complets sur 72 semaines de l’étude HOPE de phase 3 sur les comprimés Oxbryta® (voxelotor) publiés dans The Lancet Haematology montrent une amélioration significative de l’hémoglobine, de l’hémolyse et de l’état de santé global chez les patients atteints de drépanocytose
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SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, Californie, 09 avr. 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Global Blood Therapeutics, Inc. (GBT) (NASDAQ : GBT) a annoncé aujourd’hui que The Lancet Haematology a publié l’analyse complète des données sur 72 semaines issues de l’étude HOPE de phase 3 sur les comprimés d’Oxbryta® (voxelotor) chez les patients atteints de drépanocytose (SCD). Les résultats ont montré une amélioration significative et soutenue des taux d’hémoglobine, une réduction de l’hémolyse et une amélioration de l’état de santé global chez les patients traités avec Oxbryta. Ces résultats soutiennent l’utilisation à long terme d’Oxbryta pour réduire l’anémie hémolytique et l’hémolyse dans la drépanocytose, réduisant potentiellement les complications parfois mortelles de la maladie.
Vollständige Ergebnisse nach 72 Wochen der Phase-3-HOPE-Studie zu Oxbryta® (Voxelotor) Tabletten in The Lancet Haematology veröffentlicht – signifikante Verbesserung von Hämoglobin, Hämolyse und der allgemeinen Gesundheit bei Patienten mit Sichelzellkrankheit
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SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, Kalifornien, April 09, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Global Blood Therapeutics, Inc. (GBT) (NASDAQ: GBT) hat heute bekanntgegeben, dass The Lancet Haematology die vollständige Analyse der Daten nach 72 Wochen der Phase-3-HOPE-Studie zu Oxbryta® (Voxelotor) Tabletten für Patienten mit Sichelzellkrankheit (SZK) veröffentlicht hat. Die Ergebnisse zeigen eine signifikante und nachhaltige Verbesserung des Hämoglobinspiegels, eine Verringerung der Hämolyse und einen verbesserten allgemeinen Gesundheitszustand bei Patienten, die mit Oxbryta behandelt wurden. Die Ergebnisse stützen die langfristige Anwendung von Oxbryta zur Reduzierung hämolytischer Anämie und Hämolyse bei SZK, was die lebensbedrohlichen Komplikationen der Erkrankung potenziell verringern könnte.
Oxbryta ist ein „first-in-class“, einmal täglich oral einzunehmendes...
IRADIMED CORPORATION to Hold 2021 First Quarter Financial Results Conference Call on April 30th
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WINTER SPRINGS, Fla., April 09, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — IRADIMED CORPORATION (NASDAQ: IRMD) announced today that the Company will release its 2021 first quarter financial results before the market opens on Friday, April 30th. IRADIMED management will host a conference call the same day beginning at 11:00 a.m. Eastern Time to discuss those results and to answer questions.
Individuals interested in listening to the conference call may do so by dialing 1-844-413-1781 for domestic callers, or 1-716-247-5767 for international callers, and entering reservation code 8386999.
The conference call will also be available real-time via the Internet at A recording of the call will be available on the Company’s website for 90 days following completion of the call.
Iveda Enters Hospital Asset Management Industry with 2021 Artificial Intelligence Award Winner Claro Enterprise Solutions
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MESA, Ariz, April 09, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Iveda® (OTCMKTS:IVDA), worldwide provider of IvedaAITM intelligent video search technology, Sentir® Video surveillance products, IvedaPinpointTM and IvedaHomeTM IoT (Internet of Things) platforms with smart devices, today announced it has co-developed the 2021 Artificial Intelligence award-winning offering in Hospital Asset Management with Claro Enterprise Solutions. Claro is a leading global technology services company. The award was given by the Business Intelligence Group’s Artificial Intelligence Excellence Awards program
The joint solution addresses hospital asset management challenges that include shrinkage, low equipment utilization, and the countless hours currently wasted by hospital staff trying to locate misplaced equipment. As a result, quality of care, patient experience,...
Kraken Enters into Letter of Intent to Acquire Subsea Services Company
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ST. JOHN’S, Newfoundland, April 09, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Kraken Robotics Inc. (TSX-V: PNG, OTCQB: KRKNF), Canada’s Ocean Company, is pleased to announce that it has entered into a non-binding letter of intent (the “LOI”) dated April 8, 2021 in connection with the proposed acquisition of PanGeo Subsea Inc. (“PanGeo”) from Cahill Innovation Inc, a member of the Cahill Group of Companies, and Argentum Asset Management AS. Moya Cahill, a director of Kraken, is a shareholder of Cahill Innovation Inc, and she resigned as a director of Kraken prior to the approval and execution of the LOI in order to ensure proper governance and review of the transaction by a fully arm’s length board.
PanGeo is a private Canadian services company specializing in high resolution 3D acoustic imaging solutions for the sub-seabed. This proposed acquisition...