Day: April 3, 2021
Steve Muehler stated, “when the whole Regulation A+ thing started, we were at the forefront of the industry, part of the groups blazing new trails. With the World now starting to move faster and faster towards Block Chain Trading Systems and Digital Currencies, and that whole industry landscape changing and evolving at such a rapid speed, it was prudent to preserve what was accomplished and continue our own evolution. But our evolution is not in the speculative markets of Digital Currencies or as a Block Chain technologies provider. Though Digital Currencies are our future, the marketplace for them today is far to oversaturated for us to pick a team, and we are on the outside looking in at the new breed of industry pioneer and trail blazers. For us today discretion is the better part of valor, and Steve Muehler Holdings is steadfast focused...
QuipuSwap, the first Uniswap-like DEX on Tezos, launches on the mainnet
Written by Customer Service on . Posted in Public Companies.
[Press release] QuipuSwap, the first Uniswap-like DEX on Tezos, launches on the mainnet
The Madfish team has announced the QuipuSwap DEX launch.This open-source AMM protocol provides an interface for the seamless exchange of Tezos-based tokens and XTZ. In other words, you may add or trade any FA1.2 or FA2 standard tokens without limitations.Check it out at
QuipuSwap stands to be the main entry point for new DeFi projects accelerating the Tezos ecosystem’s development. QuipuSwap is driven by security, decentralization, and scalability principles. It serves as a standalone project, and at the same time, as an indispensable tool for the future DeFi solutions developed on the Tezos blockchain.
The external security audit was conducted by LeastAuthority, the company that published audit reports for Ethereum,...