Day: March 30, 2021
伊利诺伊州维尔梅特, March 31, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Monopar Therapeutics Inc.(Nasdaq:MNPR)是一家临床阶段的生物制药公司,主要专注于开发延长癌症患者寿命或提高其生活质量的专有疗法。该公司今天宣布发表了一项同行评审研究,标题为“对应纤溶酶原激活剂的工程抗体片段用于通过正电子发射断层显像技术对三阴性乳腺癌的快速勾画。” 尿激酶纤溶酶原激活剂(uPA)是已在当前乳腺癌临床实践指南中确立的生物标志物,其存在被用于选择合适的药物治疗。这项研究证明了使用PET成像和Monopar的uPA抗体片段放射性示踪剂识别具有uPA过表达的乳腺癌并监测治疗期间uPA活性的潜力。Monopar拥有对应于uPA及其受体uPAR(如MNPR-101)的专有抗体和抗体片段。
uPA及其受体uPAR共同推动恶性肿瘤的侵袭,导致乳腺癌和其他癌症的转移、发病和死亡。但是,uPA很难测量,目前需要大量的新鲜冷冻组织。与铜放射性示踪剂共轭的Monopar抗体片段(ATN-291 F(ab’)2)能够在小鼠的人类乳腺癌模型中对存在uPA过表达的肿瘤实现快速PET可视化。PET成像可扩展uPA作为乳腺癌生物标志物的当前应用,并能够在治疗过程中监测肿瘤uPA的表达。
Monopar首席科学官兼该研究共同作者Andrew Mazar博士说:“这篇文章证明了Monopar的uPA抗体片段作为显像剂在侵袭性三阴性乳腺癌模型中的潜在用途。鉴于uPA在这种疾病中已确立的作用,当天的PET成像可指导乳腺癌以及其他潜在实体癌的治疗决策。”
Monopar首席执行官Chandler Robinson博士表示:“我们对这项同行评审研究结果感到满意,我们期待探索多功能uPA/uPAR靶向单克隆抗体谱在癌症成像、癌症治疗以及其他可能应用中的潜力。”
关于Monopar Therapeutics Inc.Monopar Therapeutics是一家临床阶段生物制药公司,主要专注于开发延长癌症患者寿命或提高其生活质量的专有疗法。Monopar处于不同研发阶段的产品包括:用于预防口咽癌症患者因化疗引起严重口腔黏膜炎的Validive®;用于治疗晚期软组织肉瘤的camsirubicin;以及用在晚期癌症和重症新冠肺炎的后期临床前抗体MNPR-101。如需获取更多信息,请访问。
Independent Bank Corporation Announces Date For Its First Quarter 2021 Earnings Release
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GRAND RAPIDS, Mich., March 30, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Independent Bank Corporation (NASDAQ: IBCP), the holding company of Independent Bank, a Michigan-based community bank, announced that it expects to issue its 2021 first quarter results on Tuesday, April 27, 2021, at approximately 8:00 am ET. The release will be available on the Internet at within the “News” section of the “Investor Relations” area of the Company’s website.
Brad Kessel, President and CEO and Gavin Mohr, CFO will review the quarterly results in a conference call for investors and analysts beginning at 11:00 am ET on Tuesday, April 27, 2021.
To participate in the live conference call, please dial 1-866-200-8394. Also the conference call will be accessible through an audio webcast with user-controlled slides via the following event site/URL:...
Crédit Agricole Brie Picardie :Assemblée Générale du 30 mars 2021
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CAISSE REGIONALE DE CREDIT AGRICOLE MUTUEL BRIE PICARDIESociété coopérative à capital variable agréée en tant qu’établissement de créditSiège social : 500 rue Saint-Fuscien 80095 AMIENS Cedex 3RCS AMIENS 487 625 436
Amiens, le 30 mars 2021,
L’Assemblée Générale Mixte de la Caisse Régionale de Crédit Agricole Mutuel Brie Picardie, qui s’est tenue le 30 mars 2021, à huis clos, les sociétaires ayant votés par correspondance, a approuvé l’ensemble des résolutions présentées et notamment le paiement, au titre de l’exercice 2020 :* d’une rémunération de 0,79 euro par Certificat Coopératif d’Investissement (FR0010483768),* d’une rémunération de 0,79 euro par Certificat Coopératif d’Associé,* d’un intérêt de 1,65 % aux parts sociales.
Pour bénéficier de la rémunération, au titre de l’exercice 2020, il faut détenir les titres Certificat Coopératif...
Samruni Kviku, TM og Lykils
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Í dag, 30. mars 2021, samþykktu hluthafafundir Kviku banka hf. (,,Kvika“), TM hf. (,,TM“) og Lykils fjármögnunar hf. (,,Lykill“) að sameina félögin þrjú undir nafni og kennitölu Kviku þannig að TM og Lykli verður slitið án skuldaskila og félögin algerlega sameinuð Kviku (samruni með yfirtöku), sbr. laga nr. 2/1995 um hlutafélög.
Samkvæmt samrunaáætlun félaganna, dags. 23. febrúar 2021, skal réttindum og skyldum TM og Lykils reikningslega lokið þann 1. janúar 2021 og tekur Kvika við öllum réttindum og skyldum TM og Lykils frá þeim tíma, þ. á m. skuldabréfaflokkum TM og Lykils. Um er að ræða eftirfarandi skuldabréf sem skráð eru í Kauphöll Íslands í dag: TM 15 1, LYKILL 16 1, LYKILL 17 1, LYKILL 21 04, LYKILL 23 09, LYKILL 23 11, LYKILL 24 06, LYKILL 26 05, LYKILL 210615, LYKILL 210915. Kvika hefur óskað eftir því að verða skráður...
Samruni Kviku, TM og Lykils
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Í dag, 30. mars 2021, samþykktu hluthafafundir Kviku banka hf. (,,Kvika“), TM hf. (,,TM“) og Lykils fjármögnunar hf. (,,Lykill“) að sameina félögin þrjú undir nafni og kennitölu Kviku þannig að TM og Lykli verður slitið án skuldaskila og félögin algerlega sameinuð Kviku (samruni með yfirtöku), sbr. laga nr. 2/1995 um hlutafélög.
Samkvæmt samrunaáætlun félaganna, dags. 23. febrúar 2021, skal réttindum og skyldum TM og Lykils reikningslega lokið þann 1. janúar 2021 og tekur Kvika við öllum réttindum og skyldum TM og Lykils frá þeim tíma, þ. á m. skuldabréfaflokkum TM og Lykils. Um er að ræða eftirfarandi skuldabréf sem skráð eru í Kauphöll Íslands í dag: TM 15 1, LYKILL 16 1, LYKILL 17 1, LYKILL 21 04, LYKILL 23 09, LYKILL 23 11, LYKILL 24 06, LYKILL 26 05, LYKILL 210615, LYKILL 210915. Kvika hefur óskað eftir því að verða skráður...
Kvika banki hf.: Samruni Kviku, TM og Lykils
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Í dag, 30. mars 2021, samþykktu hluthafafundir Kviku banka hf. (,,Kvika“), TM hf. (,,TM“) og Lykils fjármögnunar hf. (,,Lykill“) að sameina félögin þrjú undir nafni og kennitölu Kviku þannig að TM og Lykli verður slitið án skuldaskila og félögin algerlega sameinuð Kviku (samruni með yfirtöku), sbr. laga nr. 2/1995 um hlutafélög.
Samkvæmt samrunaáætlun félaganna, dags. 23. febrúar 2021, skal réttindum og skyldum TM og Lykils reikningslega lokið þann 1. janúar 2021 og tekur Kvika við öllum réttindum og skyldum TM og Lykils frá þeim tíma, þ. á m. skuldabréfaflokkum TM og Lykils. Um er að ræða eftirfarandi skuldabréf sem skráð eru í Kauphöll Íslands í dag: TM 15 1, LYKILL 16 1, LYKILL 17 1, LYKILL 21 04, LYKILL 23 09, LYKILL 23 11, LYKILL 24 06, LYKILL 26 05, LYKILL 210615, LYKILL 210915. Kvika hefur óskað eftir því að verða skráður...
Kvika banki hf.: Merger of Kvika, TM and Lykill
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Today, 30 March 2021, a meeting of the shareholders of Kvika banki hf. (“Kvika”), TM hf. (“TM”) and Lykill Fjármögnun hf. (“Lykill”) agreed to merge the three companies under the name and ID number of Kvika so that TM and Lykill shall be dissolved without settlement of debts and the companies shall be completely merged (merger with take-over), pursuant to Art. 119 of Act no. 2/1995 on Public Limited Companies.
According to the merger schedule of the companies, dated 23 February 2021, the rights and obligations of TM and Lykill shall, in terms of accounting, be terminated on 1 January 2021 and Kvika shall take over all of the rights and obligations of TM and Lykill from that date onwards, including the TM and Lykill bond series. This includes the following bonds listed on the Icelandic Stock Exchange today: TM 15 1, LYKILL 16 1, LYKILL...
Teck’s Q1 2021 Financial Results and Investors’ Conference Call April 28, 2021
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VANCOUVER, British Columbia, March 30, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Teck Resources Limited (TSX: TECK.A and TECK.B, NYSE: TECK) (“Teck”) will release its first quarter 2021 earnings results on Wednesday, April 28, 2021 before market open.
The company will hold an investor conference call to discuss the first quarter 2021 earnings results at 11:00 a.m. Eastern time / 8:00 a.m. Pacific time on Wednesday, April 28, 2021. The conference call dial-in is 416.340.2217 or toll free 800.806.5484, quote 5508474 if requested. Media are invited to attend on a listen-only basis.
A live audio webcast of the conference call, together with supporting presentation slides, will be available on Teck’s website at
The recording of the live audio webcast will be available from 10:00 a.m. Pacific time April 28, 2021 on Teck’s website at...
New Survey from SurveyMonkey and AAPI Data Details Experiences with Racial Discrimination, Hate Crimes, and Harassment
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SAN MATEO, Calif. and RIVERSIDE, Calif., March 30, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Millions of Asian Americans and Pacific Islander adults have likely experienced hate crimes and hate incidents in 2020 and 2021, far greater than the few thousand who reported such incidents to community hotlines. These are the major findings of a new survey conducted by SurveyMonkey and AAPI Data between March 18 and March 26, 2021 in the wake of the Atlanta killings of several Asian American women and news reports of ongoing violence against Asian Americans.
Key findings about Asian Americans’ and Pacific Islanders’ experiences with hate crimes and discrimination include the following:The proportion of Asian Americans (27%) and Pacific Islanders (24%) having ever experienced hate crimes or hate incidents is higher than the national average (22%)
Synchronoss个人云解决方案获选整合到Allstate Protection Plans的消费者设备保护产品中
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新泽西布里奇沃特, March 31, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — 云、消息推送和数字解决方案的全球领导者和创新者Synchronoss Technologies, Inc.(NASDAQ: SNCR)今天宣布,Allstate Protection Plans选择Synchronoss个人云解决方案并将其整合到选定设备保护计划产品中。该个人云的加入将支持全球客户从任何受保护Android或iOS设备来备份和管理其宝贵的数字资产:联系人、照片、视频、音乐、文档、消息等。
Synchronoss总裁兼首席执行官Jeff Miller表示非常高兴两家组织携手合作: “移动设备是我们大多数个人数据和重要文档的存储库,并且这种能具有安全、轻松地备份和保护内容的能力对客户而言越来越重要。我们期待与Allstate Protection Plan合作,帮助他们利用Synchronoss个人云解决方案所有可以带来助益的优势,其中包括快速添加其他增值服务的灵活性。”
照片编辑和分享功能,可让用户留下更加美好的回忆并与朋友和家人分享Allstate Protection Plans由客户从包括主要零售商、全球运营商在内的各种渠道购买,也可直接从公司购买。
Allstate Protections Plans总裁兼首席执行官Karl Wiley表示,将个人云添加到设备保护包中将使公司能够保护从设备到内容的整个客户关系,并有助于提高客户满意度和建立品牌忠诚度。“作为手机、笔记本电脑、平板电脑和其他消费电子产品的主要保护提供商之一,我们了解这些设备在我们的日常生活中所扮演的关键角色。添加Synchronoss个人云的丰富功能可以对个人保护产品进行选择,这意味着我们现在能够保护客户的整个移动生态系统。这种强大的能力意味着与我们的客户建立了更全面的关系。”他表示。