Day: March 30, 2021
Pune, India, March 30, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The global “Laser Hair Removal” Market is projected to reach USD 1,378.4 million by 2027, exhibiting a CAGR of 15.2% during the forecast period. Wide availability of advanced hair removal technologies will be one of the top growth drivers for this market, states Fortune Business Insights™ in its report, titled “Laser Hair Removal Market Size, Share & COVID-19 Impact Analysis, By Product (Diode, Alexandrite, Nd: YAG, and Others), By End User (Hospitals, Medical Spas & Specialty Clinics, and Others), and Regional Forecast, 2020-2027”.
Laser hair removal treatments are gaining popularity owing to their proven efficacy in preventing hair growth. To capture this trend, many companies have developed a portfolio of novel hair removal systems based on laser technology. For instance,...
Decisions at the 2021 Annual General Meeting, Bank of Åland Plc (Ålandsbanken Abp)
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Bank of Åland PlcStock exchange release, decisions of general meetingMarch 30, 2021, 12.45 p.m.
Decisions at the 2021 Annual General Meeting, Bank of Åland Plc (Ålandsbanken Abp)
Adoption of financial statements and granting of discharge from liability of those accountableToday’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) approved the adoption of the financial statements and the consolidated financial statements for 2020 and granted discharge from liability to those accountable for the financial year 2020.
Dividend distribution and announcement of the record date for dividend payment
In accordance with the proposal of the Board of Directors, the AGM approved the distribution of a dividend of EUR 1.00 per share for the financial year January 1, 2020 – December 31, 2020, amounting to a total of EUR 15,602,303.00. The record date for payment of the dividend...
Beslut vid Ålandsbanken Abp:s ordinarie bolagsstämma 2021
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Ålandsbanken AbpKommuniké från årsstämma30.3.2021 kl. 12.45
Beslut vid Ålandsbanken Abp:s ordinarie bolagsstämma 2021
Fastställande av bokslut och beviljande av ansvarsfrihet åt de redovisningsskyldiga
Ålandsbanken Abp:s ordinarie bolagsstämma har idag fastställt bokslutet och koncernbokslutet för år 2020 samt beviljat de redovisningsskyldiga ansvarsfrihet för verksamhetsåret 2020.
Dividendutdelning och meddelande om avstämningsdag för dividendutbetalning
Enligt styrelsens förslag beslöt bolagsstämman att i dividend för räkenskapsperioden 1.1.2020 – 31.12.2020 utbetalas 1 euro per aktie vilket uppgår till totalt 15 602 303,00 euro. Avstämningsdagen för dividendutbetalningen är torsdagen den 1 april 2021 och utbetalningsdagen är måndagen den 12 april 2021.
Bolagsstämman har behandlat ersättningsrapporten och bifallit...
Fennec Announces Fiscal Year 2020 Financial Results and Provides Business Update
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~ Fennec is Working Closely with its Third-Party Drug Product Manufacturer to Finalize the New Drug Application (NDA) Resubmission for PEDMARK™ ~
~ Resubmission of the NDA for PEDMARKTMis Planned for the Second Quarter of 2021 ~
~ Company Has Approximately $30 Million in Cash and No Outstanding Debt ~
RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK, N.C., March 30, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Fennec Pharmaceuticals Inc. (NASDAQ:FENC; TSX: FRX), a specialty pharmaceutical company focused on the development of PEDMARKTM (a unique formulation of sodium thiosulfate (STS)) for the prevention of platinum-induced ototoxicity in pediatric patients, today reported its financial results for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2020 and provided a business update.
“We have made meaningful progress working with the FDA and our third-party drug product manufacturer towards...
AFL : L’année 2020 est marquée par l’arrivée à l’équilibre du Groupe AFL grâce à la poursuite de la croissance de ses activités
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L’année 2020 est marquée par l’arrivée à l’équilibre du Groupe Agence France Locale grâce à la poursuite de la croissance de ses activités
A l’issue des réunions du Conseil de Surveillance de l’Agence France Locale et du Conseil d’Administration de l’Agence France Locale – Société Territoriale, réunis le 29 mars 2021, le Groupe AFL1a publié ce jour son rapport annuel portant sur l’exercice 2020.
Les résultats au 31 décembre 2020 confirment la croissance régulière des activités de la banque des collectivités locales depuis sa création en 2015, portée par un flux permanent de nouvelles adhésions et une activité de crédit en augmentation.
À l’occasion de la publication ce jour de son rapport annuel, le Groupe AFL souligne la dynamique de son développement avec un produit net bancaire en hausse de 24% à 13 789K€, un résultat brut d’exploitation...
Styrelseledamöterna i Cortus Energy AB avser att konvertera konvertibler motsvarande cirka 6,9 MSEK
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Stockholm, tisdagen den 30 mars 2021
Samtliga styrelseledamöter i Cortus Energy AB (”Cortus Energy” eller “Bolaget”) avser att, privat och genom bolag, konvertera konvertibler av serie KV1 motsvarandes ett nominellt belopp om sammanlagt cirka 6,9 MSEK, under konverteringsperiod Q1 2021. Konverteringsperiod Q1 2021 påbörjades den 25 mars 2021 och pågår till och med den 31 mars 2021.
Villkor för konvertibler i sammandrag:
Konverteringsperiod Konverteringen av konvertibler pågår under perioden 25 mars till och med 31 mars 2021.
Konverteringskurs Innehavare av konvertibler äger rätt att konvertera konvertibler till aktier i Bolaget till en kurs om 0,27 SEK per aktie.
Upplupen ränta för periodenKonvertiblernas ränta uppgår till 10 procent per år. Denna...
Medical Marijuana Market 2021 | Size to Hit USD 26,920.4 Million at a CAGR of 20.4% By 2026
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Pune, India, March 30, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — According to the report, Medical Marijuana market size is projected to reach USD 26,920.4 Million value by 2026. Medical Marijuana Market to Gain Immense Traction Between 2019 and 2026, Companies like Canopy Growth Corporation, GW Pharmaceuticals, and MedReleaf Covering Significant Shares Despite Entry of New Players. Surging Demand for Electric Vehicles to Stymie Market Growth The global medical marijuana market size is expected to reach USD 26,920.4 million by 2026, owing to the increasing demand for decriminalization of marijuana in most parts of the world. Medical cannabis or medical marijuana is extracted from the marijuana plant and can be used for treating certain illnesses and health conditions. But due to government restrictions, the use of marijuana...
Minutes from Agillic’s annual general meeting 30 March 2021
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Announcement no. 10 2021
Copenhagen – 30 March 2021 – Agillic A/S (Nasdaq First North Growth Market Denmark: AGILC) publishes minutes from the annual general meeting.
On 30 March 2021, at 10:00, an ordinary general meeting was conducted virtually and at the company’s address Masnedøgade 22, 2100 København Ø, with the following agenda:
Agenda:Report from the board of directors on the company’s business activities during the past financial year
Presentation of the annual report with the auditor’s certificate for approval
Resolution on the use of any profits or how to cover of any loss in accordance with the adopted financial statement
Adoption of the motion on payment of fee to the board of directors for the current financial year
Election of members to the board of directors
Election of auditor
Motion from...
Proactive news headlines including Oklo Resources, Strategic Elements, AVZ Minerals and Kazia Therapeutics
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Sydney, March 30, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Proactive, provider of real-time news and video interviews on growth companies listed in Australia, has covered the following companies:Oklo Resources Ltd (ASX:OKU) (FRA:JYA) has delivered a “robust” initial JORC-compliant mineral resource estimate at its flagship Dandoko Gold Project in west Mali. Click here
Strategic Elements Ltd (ASX:SOR) has achieved another milestone with its self-charging battery technology fabricated onto a flexible textile cloth and mechanically bent more than 2,000 times. Click here
Moho Resources Ltd (ASX:MOH) has located additional high-grade gold zones at the northern end of the East Simpson Dam (ESD) prospect during phase 2 reverse circulation (RC) infill and extension resource definition drilling. Click here
Change of Executive Board
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A.P. Møller – Mærsk A/S – Change of Executive Board
Today, the Board of Directors has decided to appoint Navneet Kapoor as Executive Vice President and new member of the Executive Board, A.P. Møller – Mærsk A/S effective 1 April 2021.
Executive Board will hereafter consist of CEO Søren Skou, CFO Patrick Jany, Morten Engelstoft, Vincent Clerc, Henriette Hallberg Thygesen and Navneet Kapoor.
For further information about Navneet Kapoor, please see the enclosed appendix.
Copenhagen, 30 March 2021
Contact person:Executive Vice President, Lars-Erik Brenøe, tel.: +45 3363 3607.
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Navneet Kapoor (born 1971)Chief Technology and Information Officer since February 2020Joined the Group in 2017
Education:PhD in Chemical Engineering and an M.S. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Minnesota,...