Day: March 30, 2021
Marks first and only EC-approved treatment to reduce cardiovascular risk in high-risk, statin-treated adult patients who have elevated triglycerides (≥150 mg/dL) and other risk characteristics as studied in REDUCE-IT® 1, 2
DUBLIN, Ireland and BRIDGEWATER, N.J., March 30, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Amarin Corporation plc (NASDAQ: AMRN) today announced that following a review and approval recommendation by the European Medicines Agency (EMA), the European Commission (EC) has approved the marketing authorization application for VAZKEPA (icosapent ethyl) to reduce the risk of cardiovascular events in high-risk, statin-treated adult patients who have elevated triglycerides (≥150 mg/dL) and either established cardiovascular disease or diabetes and at least one additional cardiovascular risk factor.
Amarin’s icosapent ethyl was approved for...
Tryg A/S total number of shares and voting rights following rights issue
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Tryg A/S total number of shares and voting rights following rights issue
Tryg A/S (“Tryg” or the “Company“) today announces the total number of shares and voting rights following the completion of the offering (the “Offering“) of 352,505,989 new shares pursuant to the prospectus dated 1 March 2021. Reference is made to company announcement no. 13-2021.
As a result of completion of the Offering, the nominal value of Tryg’s share capital has been increased by DKK 1,762,529,945. In accordance with section...
Tryg A/S’ samlede antal aktier og stemmerettigheder efter fortegningsemission
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Tryg A/S’ samlede antal aktier og stemmerettigheder efter fortegningsemission
Tryg A/S (“Tryg” eller “Selskabet”) offentliggør i dag det samlede antal aktier og stemmerettigheder efter gennemførelsen af udbuddet (“Udbuddet”) af 352.505.989 stk. nye aktier i henhold til prospektet af 1. marts 2021. Der henvises til selskabsmeddelelse nr. 13-2021.
Som følge af Udbuddets gennemførelse er den nominelle værdi af Trygs aktiekapital forøget med DKK 1.762.529.945. I overensstemmelse med Kapitalmarkedslovens § 32 meddeles det herved, at den nominelle værdi af Selskabets...
Nomination of Kelly Kuhn as new member of the Board
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Company Announcement
Copenhagen, 30 March 2021No. 11/2021
ISS A/S (ISS.CO, ISS DC, ISS DY), a leading workplace experience and facility management company, today announces the nomination of Kelly Kuhn as new member of the Board of Directors for election at the Annual General Meeting of ISS A/S on 13 April 2021.
Kelly Kuhn has more than 30 years of experience in CWT (formerly Carlson Wagonlit Travel) and currently serves as special advisor to the CWT Executive Leadership Team. She is also responsible for key strategic client relationships and customer engagement as well as acting as the executive sponsor of CWT’s global responsible business activities. Prior to her current role, Kelly held various roles within CWT, including as Executive Vice President & Chief Customer Officer, President of EMEA and President of Asia Pacific Region. Kelly...
Alma íbúðafélag hf.: Ársreikningur 2020
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Á fundi sínum í dag samþykkti stjórn Ölmu íbúðafélags hf. ársreikning samstæðunnar fyrir árið 2020
Rekstrartekjur samstæðunnar voru 2.585 á árinu. Þá nam EBITDA (rekstarhagnaður fyrir matsbreytingu, afskriftir og fjármagnsliði) ársins 1.456 Tap varð af rekstri samstæðunnar á árinu að fjárhæð 155 Handbært fé frá rekstri nam 677 á árinu.
Heildareignir samstæðunnar námu 46.946 þann 31. desember 2020, en þar af voru fjárfestingareignir að andvirði 42.510 Vaxtaberandi skuldir námu 29.634 og eigið fé samstæðunnar var 12.487
María Björk Einarsdóttir, framkvæmdastjóri Ölmu íbúðafélags:
„Það var tvennt sem einkenndi rekstur Ölmu íbúðafélags á árinu. Annars vegar hefur félagið unnið að endurskipulagningu eignasafnsins með sölu óhagkvæmari eininga, og fækkaði íbúðum í rekstri um 126 á árinu. Hins vegar...
MT Højgaard Holding A/S: MT Højgaard Danmark wins tender for train workshop and railway facilities for DSB
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MT Højgaard Holding’s business unit, MT Højgaard Danmark, has won DSB’s tender for the establishment of a train workshop and railway facilities in Næstved. The workshop will be used for repair and maintenance work on DSB’s recently purchased electric trains, trainsets and double-decker carriages. The tender is divided into three phases, and if MT Højgaard Danmark qualifies for all phases, as expected, the tender’s total value is expected to amount to around DKK 900 million.
The project is comprised of the following phases:Phase 0: Implementation phase including kick off workshop
Phase 1: Cooperation phase
Phase 2: Turnkey and execution phaseIt is expected that DSB, in accordance with tender regulation, will enter into the agreement with MT Højgaard Danmark after the standstill period expires on 8 April 2021. The turnkey and execution...
MT Højgaard Holding A/S: MT Højgaard Danmark vinder udbud på togværksted og jernbaneanlæg til DSB
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MT Højgaard Holdings forretningsenhed, MT Højgaard Danmark, har vundet DSB’s udbud vedrørende etablering af togværksted med tilhørende baneanlæg i Næstved. Værkstedet skal benyttes til reparation og vedligehold af DSB’s nyindkøbte ellokomotiver og togstammer samt eksisterende dobbeltdækkervogne. Udbuddet er opdelt i tre faser, og hvis MT Højgaard Danmark som ventet kvalificerer sig til alle faser, har udbuddet en samlet anslået værdi på ca. 900 mio. mio. kr.
Projektet består af følgende faser:Fase 0: Implementeringsfase med afholdelse af kick off-workshop
Fase 1: Samarbejdsfasen
Fase 2: Færdigprojekterings- og udførelsesfasenDet forventes, at DSB efter udbudsreglerne vil indgå aftalen med MT Højgaard Danmark efter udløb af standstill-perioden den 8. april 2021. Færdigprojekterings- og udførelsesfasen ventes iværk-sat i 2022 og afsluttet...
GBT – Filed a Nonprovisional patent for Systems and Methods of Facial and Body Recognition, identification and analysis
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SAN DIEGO, March 30, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — GBT Technologies Inc. (OTC PINK: GTCH) (“GBT” or the “Company”) with GBT Tokenize Corp. (“GBT/Tokenize”) filed with U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (“USPTO”) a nonprovisional patent for systems and methods of facial and body recognition identification and analysis. The application has been assigned serial number 17212235 and the filing date is March 25, 2021. As a reminder the Company advised on its release from February 16, that the deadline for filing a U.S. nonprovisional, PCT, or other foreign applications is February 9, 2022.
The present invention relates to systems and methods for learning and recognizing features of an image such as a human face and unlocking functions for any computer or smartphone screen based on facial and body recognition, including covered face or...
VetaNova to Grow Fruits and Vegetables in Solar Powered Greenhouses
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AVONDALE, Colorado, March 30, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — VetaNova Inc (“VetaNova”) (OTC Pink Sheets: VTNA) announced today that on February 1, 2021 VetaNova filed a registration statement Form 10 pursuant to Section 12(g) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 to voluntarily register VetaNova common stock, par value $.0001 per share. The filing is subject to SEC review and comment and when effective VTNA will no longer be designated a shell company Additionally, VetaNova completed its 2020 audit and filed Form 10-K with the Securities and Exchange Commission on March 25, 2021.
VetaNova solar powered greenhouses will produce farm fresh produce for direct delivery to a broad spectrum of consumers along the Front Range of Colorado while substantially lessening the traditional consumption of energy, water and soil.
As its initial development...
Cullinan Oncology Reports Full Year 2020 Financial Results and Business Highlights
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Pipeline Progress: Clinical and preclinical programs continue to advance, with encouraging initial Cullinan Pearl data and additional INDs to be filed in 2021 for immuno-oncology assets Cullinan Florentine and Cullinan MICA
Balance Sheet: Completion of Series C financing ($131.2M) in December 2020 and IPO ($287.4M) in January 2021 enhances cash position, enabling pipeline progression / expansion
Team: Key hires augment immuno-oncology acumen (CMO Jon Wigginton) and enhance business development capabilities (CFO Jeff Trigilio and CLO Ray Keane)
CAMBRIDGE, Mass., March 30, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Cullinan Oncology, Inc. (Nasdaq: CGEM) (“Cullinan”), an oncology company seeking to drive shareholder returns by focusing on the patient, today announced its financial results for the full year ended December 31, 2020 and reported on recent...