Day: March 30, 2021
QUÉBEC, 30 mars 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Ressources Robex Inc. (« Robex » ou « la Société ») (TSXV : RBX/FRA : RB4) est heureuse d’annoncer l’ouverture de 4 nouvelles fosses autour de la fosse principale : deux à l’EST, une au SUD et une à l’OUEST.
Suite à l’estimé des ressources minérales 2020 en date effective du 31 juillet 2020 déposé sur Sédar (« MRE 2020 ») qui nous a permis d’augmenter significativement nos ressources et réserves, la campagne de définition que nous avons réalisée en fin 2020 nous permet de compléter les ressources mesurées et indiquées exploitables à 663 000 oz entre l’oxyde et la transition (vs 598 000 oz MRE 2020), et de rentrer directement en production sur ces nouvelles zones. Depuis janvier 2021, nous avons commencé à forer les 3 anomalies identifiées par la géochimie et géophysique au nord de la propriété.
Björn Wahlroos continues to chair the Board of Directors of UPM-Kymmene Corporation
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UPM-Kymmene Corporation Stock Exchange Release/Other information disclosed according to the rules of the Exchange 30 March 2021 at 16:10 EET
Björn Wahlroos continues to chair the Board of Directors of UPM-Kymmene Corporation
Björn Wahlroos was re-elected as Chair, and Berndt Brunow as Deputy Chair of the Board of Directors of UPM-Kymmene Corporation at the Board of Directors’ constitutive meeting that took place today following the Annual General Meeting.
In addition, the Board of Directors elected the chairs and other members to the Board committees from among its members:Kim Wahl was elected to chair the Audit Committee, and Jari Gustafsson and Marjan Oudeman were elected as other committee members.
Henrik Ehrnrooth was elected to chair the Remuneration Committee, and Emma FitzGerald and Martin à Porta were elected...
Björn Wahlroos jatkaa UPM-Kymmene Oyj:n hallituksen puheenjohtajana
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UPM-Kymmene Oyj Pörssitiedote/Muut pörssin sääntöjen nojalla julkistettavat tiedot 30.3.2021 klo 16.10 EET
Björn Wahlroos jatkaa UPM-Kymmene Oyj:n hallituksen puheenjohtajana
Björn Wahlroos valittiin uudelleen UPM-Kymmene Oyj:n hallituksen puheenjohtajaksi ja Berndt Brunow varapuheenjohtajaksi hallituksen järjestäytymiskokouksessa, joka pidettiin tänään varsinaisen yhtiökokouksen jälkeen.
Lisäksi hallitus valitsi keskuudestaan hallituksen valiokuntien puheenjohtajat ja muut jäsenet:Tarkastusvaliokunnan puheenjohtajaksi valittiin Kim Wahl ja muiksi valiokunnan jäseniksi Jari Gustafsson ja Marjan Oudeman.
Palkitsemisvaliokunnan puheenjohtajaksi valittiin Henrik Ehrnrooth ja muiksi valiokunnan jäseniksi Emma FitzGerald ja Martin à Porta.
Nimitys- ja hallinnointivaliokunnan puheenjohtajaksi valittiin uudelleen Björn Wahlroos ja...
ClearOne Reports Fourth Quarter 2020 Financial Results
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Q4 year-over-year overall revenue up by 35%
Q4 year-over-year video revenue up by 241%, microphones up by 17%
Net income dramatically increases for full year 2020 driven by one-time income tax refund of $7.1 millionSALT LAKE CITY, March 30, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — ClearOne (NASDAQ: CLRO), a global provider of audio and visual communication solutions, reported financial results for the three and twelve- month periods ended December 31, 2020.
“We finished 2020 with sterling fourth quarter revenue performance. This follows comparable strong revenue growth we reported in the third quarter. While 2020 was a challenging year for most companies amid the COVID-19 pandemic, ClearOne benefitted from the changes the pandemic created as hybrid work and learn environments created demand for our broad line-up of audio and video solutions.”
Avantax Acquires GuideVine Technologies, Inc.
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DALLAS, March 30, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Avantax, the wealth management business of Blucora, Inc. (NASDAQ: BCOR), a leading provider of technology-enabled, tax-focused financial solutions, has acquired GuideVine Technologies, Inc. (GuideVine) and its proven lead-generation and marketing platform. Launched in 2014, GuideVine has been used by financial professionals as a tool for converting interested prospects into clients.
Avantax plans to integrate GuideVine into its already powerful suite of tools and technology, where GuideVine technology can support the marketing needs of Avantax Wealth Management℠ Financial Professionals.
“GuideVine technology will help our Financial Professionals introduce their capabilities and expertise to a much wider pool of prospective new clients. This acquisition reflects our commitment to using technology...
Breytt framkvæmd aðalfundar 2021
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Klappir Grænar Lausnir hf. : Breytt framkvæmd aðalfundar
Aðalfundur Klappa Grænna Lausna hf. verður haldinn þriðjudaginn 13. apríl kl. 16:00.
Fundurinn verður hins vegar ekki haldinn á Hótel Hilton Reykjavík líkt og áður hafði verið auglýst, heldur verður fundurinn haldinn með rafrænum hætti líkt og aðalfundur félagsins 2020.
Hluthafar þurfa að skrá sig á aðalfundinn á heimasíðunni og fá þeir þá sendan hlekk á fundinn.
Hluthöfum stendur til boða að kjósa á fundinum með sömu aðferð og á aðalfundi félagsins 2020 eða kjósa fyrirfram og skriflega um tillögur fundarins og veita fundarstjóra umboð til að kjósa á fundinum fyrir sína hönd.
Þessi breyting á framkvæmd aðalfundar félagsins er ákveðin í ljósi ákvörðunar heilbrigðisráðherra um hertar sóttvarnaraðgerðir sem tóku gildi á miðnætti 24. mars sl. Samkvæmt gildandi reglum...
GTEC Announces Closing of $23 Million Bought Deal Public Offering of Units
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Kelowna, BC, March 30, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — GTEC Holdings Ltd. d/b/a GTEC Cannabis Co. (TSXV:GTEC) (OTCQB: GGTTF) (FRA: 1BUP) (“GTEC”, the “Company” or “GTEC Cannabis Co.”) announced today the closing of its previously announced bought deal public offering of units (the “Units”) of the Company (the “Offering”). Pursuant to the Offering, GTEC issued 28,750,000 Units at a price of $0.80 per Unit (the “Issue Price”) for aggregate gross proceeds of $23,000,000, which includes the issuance of 3,750,000 Units pursuant to the full exercise of the over-allotment option by the Underwriters (as defined below).
Each Unit consists of one common share of GTEC (a “Common Share”) and one Common Share purchase warrant (each, a “Warrant”) of GTEC. Each Warrant entitles the holder to acquire one Common Share at a price of $1.04 (subject to adjustment...
SeaChange International Prices $19.1 Million Underwritten Public Offering of Common Stock
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WALTHAM, Mass., March 30, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — SeaChange International, Inc. (“SeaChange” or the “Company”) (NASDAQ: SEAC), a leading provider of video delivery platforms, today announced the pricing of an underwritten public offering of 10,323,484 shares of common stock of the Company, at a price of $1.85 per share for total gross proceeds to the Company of approximately $19.1 million. In addition, the Company has granted the underwriter an option to purchase an additional 15 percent of the common stock offered in the public offering solely to cover over-allotments, if any, exercisable for 45 days, after the closing of this offering, which would bring total gross proceeds to approximately $22.0 million. The Company intends to use the net proceeds from this offering for general corporate purposes, including,...
Logiq Reports 2020 Revenue up 9.4% to $37.9 Million
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NEW YORK, March 30, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Logiq, Inc. (OTCQX: LGIQ), a global provider of award-winning eCommerce and fintech solutions, reported results for the fourth quarter and full year ended December 31, 2020. All quarterly and yearly comparisons are to the same year-ago period unless otherwise noted.
Financial HighlightsRevenue for the full year 2020 increased 9.4% to $37.9 million.
Consolidated gross profit in 2020 increased 2.0% to $6.4 million or 16.8% of consolidated revenue.
Gross margins for AppLogiq, the company’s mobile commerce platform-as-a-service, improved from a low of 11.8% in Q2 to 25.6% by Q4 – a record level gross margin for this business segment.
Cash and cash equivalents and restricted cash totaled $3.5 million at December 31, 2020.Q4 2020 Operational HighlightsLaunched AppLogiq-powered mobile micro-lending...
Acibadem Enters Into Serbia as Part of Its Growth Strategy For Eastern European Market
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Executes definitive agreements to acquire 70% of Bel Medic
6th hospital of Acıbadem’s European portfolio and 4th country of operations (3 hospitals in Bulgaria, 1 in Netherlands and Macedonia)
Bel Medic currently operates with one hospital and five outpatient clinics in Belgrade
Leverages on the global brand and reputation of Acibadem and emphasizes to continuing the provision of the highest level of clinical care in the countryBELGRADE, Serbia, March 30, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Acıbadem Sağlık Hizmetleri ve Ticaret A.Ş. (“Acıbadem”), via its subsidiary, Acıbadem City Clinic B.V. (“ACC BV”), announced today that it has signed definitive agreements for the acquisition of Serbian-based Bel Medic Group and its subsidiaries (“Bel Medic”), leading private healthcare operator in Serbia.
The transaction is an acquisition of 70% of the...