Day: March 30, 2021
Meðfylgjandi er kynning sem farið verður yfir á hluthafafundi Kviku banka hf. sem haldinn verður í dag, þann 30. mars 2021 kl. 16:00 á Hilton Reykjavík Nordica, Suðurlandsbraut 2, 108 Reykjavík.
Kvika banki hf.: Presentation for General Meeting
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Attached is a presentation for a General Meeting of Kvika banki hf., that will be held today at 4:00 pm at Hilton Reykjavík Nordica, Suðurlandsbraut 2, 108 Reykjavík.
Kvika banki hf.: Annual General Meeting on 21 April 2021
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The Annual General Meeting of Kvika banki hf., Reg. No. 540502-2930, will be held on Wednesday, 21 April 2021, at 4:00 pm at Hilton Reykjavík Nordica, 2nd floor, Suðurlandsbraut 3, 108 Reykjavík.
The Agenda for the meeting is as follows:Report from the Company’s Board of Directors on its activities during the past operating year.
The Company’s annual financial statements for 2020 and a decision on the treatment of the Company’s profit during the financial year.
Motion authorising the Company to purchase own shares.
Motion on the Company’s remuneration policy.
Motion of the Board of Directors to amend the Company’s Articles of Association.
Election of the Company’s directors and alternates.
Election of the Company’s auditors.
Decision on remuneration to directors and members of the Board’s subcommittees.
Kvika banki hf.: Aðalfundur 21. apríl 2021
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Aðalfundur Kviku banka hf., kt. 540502-2930, verður haldinn miðvikudaginn 21. apríl 2021, kl. 16:00, á Hilton Reykjavík Nordica, 2. hæð, Suðurlandsbraut 2, 108 Reykjavík.
Á dagskrá fundarins verða eftirfarandi mál:Skýrsla stjórnar félagsins um starfsemi þess síðastliðið starfsár.
Ársreikningur félagsins fyrir árið 2020 og ákvörðun um meðferð hagnaðar félagsins á reikningsárinu.
Tillaga um að heimila félaginu að kaupa eigin hlutabréf.
Tillaga um starfskjarastefnu félagsins.
Tillaga stjórnar um breytingar á samþykktum félagsins.
Kosning stjórnar og varastjórnar félagsins.
Kosning endurskoðenda félagsins.
Ákvörðun þóknunar til stjórnarmanna og nefndarmanna í undirnefndum stjórnar.
Önnur mál.Fundarstörf fara fram á íslensku. Fundargögn verða aðgengileg á heimasíðu félagsins á íslensku og ensku utan þess að ársreikningur félagsins er eingöngu...
Vallourec: Filing of the Vallourec 2020 Universal Registration Document including the 2020 Annual Financial Report
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Filing of the Vallourec 2020 Universal Registration Document including the 2020 Annual Financial Report
Boulogne-Billancourt (France), March, 30 2021 – Vallourec today announces the filing of its 2020 Universal Registration Document, including the Annual Financial Report for the 2020 fiscal year, with the French securities regulator, the Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF) on 29 March 2021.
This 2020 Universal Registration Document includes, among other items:
– the 2020 Annual Financial Report;– the Report of the Supervisory Board on Corporate Governance;– the fees paid to the Statutory Auditors;– a description of Vallourec ‘s share buyback program in accordance with Article 241-2 of the AMF Regulations.
The French-language Universal Registration Document is available:
– ...
Vallourec : Dépôt du Document d’enregistrement universel Vallourec 2020 incluant le Rapport financier annuel 2020
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Dépôt du Document d’enregistrement universel Vallourec 2020 incluant le Rapport financier annuel 2020
Boulogne-Billancourt (France), le 30 mars 2021 – Vallourec annonce le dépôt de son Document d’enregistrement universel 2020, incorporant le rapport financier annuel pour l’exercice 2020, auprès de l’Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF) le 29 mars 2021.
Le Document d’enregistrement universel 2020 intègre notamment :le rapport financier annuel 2020 ;
le rapport du Conseil de Surveillance sur le gouvernement d’entreprise ;
les honoraires versés aux Commissaires aux comptes ; et
le descriptif du programme de rachat d’actions de Vallourec établi en application de l’article 241-2 du Règlement général de l’AMF.Le Document d’enregistrement universel est disponible en version française :
Collective Growth Reminds Stockholders to Vote Today
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Approximately 99% of Proxies Have Voted in Favor of the Innoviz Transaction
Stockholders as of the Close of Business on March 4, 2021 Should Vote Their Shares Even if They No Longer Own Them
Vote Today to Support the Closing of the Business Combination with Innoviz
CONTACT or call D.F. King & Co., Inc., CGRO’s proxy solicitor, toll-free at (800) 515-4479AUSTIN, Texas, March 30, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Collective Growth Corporation (NASDAQ: CGRO) (“Collective Growth”) reminds stockholders that the Special Meeting of Stockholders of Collective Growth (the “Special Meeting”) to approve the pending business combination between Collective Growth and Innoviz Technologies Ltd. (INVZ) (“Innoviz”) is scheduled to be held on Wednesday, March 31, 2021, at 9:00 a.m., Eastern time.
Devon Energy Schedules First-Quarter 2021 Earnings Release and Conference Call
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OKLAHOMA CITY, March 30, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Devon Energy Corp. (NYSE: DVN) today announced it will report first-quarter 2021 results on Tuesday, May 4, after the close of U.S. financial markets. The earnings release and presentation for the first-quarter 2021 results will be available on the company’s website at
On Wednesday, May 5, the company will hold a conference call at 10:00 a.m. Central Time (11:00 a.m. Eastern Time), which will consist primarily of answers to questions from analysts and investors. A webcast link to the conference call will be provided on Devon’s website at A replay will be available on the website following the call.
Devon Energy is a leading oil and gas producer in the U.S. with a premier multi-basin portfolio headlined by a world-class acreage...
Canvys Announces New 15.6 inch Display with FHD Resolution
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LAFOX, Ill., March 30, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Canvys, A Division of Richardson Electronics, Ltd. (NASDAQ: RELL), is expanding its product portfolio with a new 15.6″ FHD resolution (1920 x 1080 pixels) monitor that can be customized to meet various industrial and medical business requirements.
The 15.6-inch display is available as a true-flat monitor with a protective screen or with a PCAP touchscreen. The PCAP version uses an anti-glare (AG) coating, which reduces fingerprints’ visibility significantly while providing good gliding capabilities and works even with multi-layer latex glove operation. A USB controls the PCAP-Touch and supports all standard Windows and Android systems and drivers for most Linux distributions.
The housing is completely sealed and offers IP 54 class, splash water protection enabling easy cleaning...
Progress Publishes 2020 Corporate Social Responsibility Report
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With a focus on inclusion, social justice and COVID-19 response, Progress continues to deliver on its commitment to the advancement of our people, communities and the world
BEDFORD, Mass., March 30, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Progress (NASDAQ: PRGS), the leading provider of products to develop, deploy and manage high-impact business applications, today announced the release of its 2020 Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Report. With a focus on three program pillars—Our People, Our Community, Our World—the report highlights the many efforts led by the company and its employees under the umbrella of its comprehensive CSR program, Progress for Tomorrow. The full report can be viewed here. This is the second annual CSR report published by Progress.
Progress strives to conduct business in ways that have a positive impact on our employees,...