Day: March 26, 2021
Paris, 25 de março de 2021
A Ecoslops tem o prazer de anunciar a assinatura de um primeiro contrato de venda da sua “Scarabox®“, unidade conteinerizada para a reciclagem de óleo automotivo e resíduos petrolíferos.
Esse contrato foi assinado com a empresa camaronesa Valtech Energy, que pertence ao grupo SCIN (mais de 400 empregados nos setores de Obras e Serviços Públicos, transporte e meio ambiente), dirigida por Ismaël NJoya, empresário camaronês estabelecido no país. Em 2020, a Valtech Energy inaugurou com sucesso uma instalação MARPOL de recebimento de resíduos petrolíferos marítimos na zona portuária de Kribi, novo porto em águas profundas dos Camarões, inaugurado em 2019. A Valtech Energy considera um desenvolvimento lógico a possibilidade de aperfeiçoar sua capacidade de tratamento de resíduos e de aumentar sua produção de produtos...
Ecoslops: Próxima instalación de la primera unidad “Scarabox” en Camerún para reaprovechar aceites usados de vehículos y residuos petrolíferos y convertirlos en un nuevo combustible de producción local
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París, 25 de marzo de 2021
Ecoslops se complace en anunciar la firma de un primer contrato de venta para su Scarabox®, una unidad de contenedores para reaprovechar aceites usados y residuos petrolíferos.
Este contrato ha sido firmado con la empresa camerunesa Valtech Energy, que pertenece al grupo SCIN (más de 400 empleados en el sector de la construcción, el transporte y el medioambiente), cuyo director es el empresario camerunés Ismaël NJoya. En 2020, Valtech Energy inauguró con éxito una instalación MARPOL para la recepción de residuos petrolíferos marítimos en la zona portuaria de Kribi, el nuevo puerto de aguas profundas de Camerún, inaugurado en 2019. En su lógica de desarrollo, Valtech Energy aprovecha así la oportunidad de perfeccionar su capacidad de tratamiento de residuos y aumentar su producción de productos energéticos gracias...
Californisk storkunde opgraderer til FastPass V4
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Vores team i Nordamerika har indgået aftale med en af vore store nuværende kunder om opgradering til FastPass V4. Opgraderingen indeholder samtidigt øget funktionalitet, som har resulteret i en pæn købsordre.
Da kunden arbejder indenfor forsvar- / sikkerhedssektoren ønskes anonymitet. Kunden har i forbindelse med skiftet til FastPass V4 ønsket at benytte nye betalbare autentifikations metoder for derved at gøre selvbetjeningsløsningen endnu sikrere.
Der offentliggøres ikke finansielle informationer om ordren, og den ændrer ikke selskabets årsforventning.
Yderligere oplysningerFastPassCorp A/S, administrerende direktør Finn Jensen, mobil 24 81 12 79,
Certified AdviserBaker Tilly Corporate Finance P/S, partner Gert Mortensen, mobil: +45 3073 0667,
Om FastPassCorp A/SSelskabet udvikler software og SaaS...
Datatrak International, Inc. Reports Fourth Quarter and Full Year Results for 2020
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CLEVELAND, OH, March 26, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — via NewMediaWire — Datatrak International, Inc. (OTC Markets: DTRK), a worldwide Software-as-a-Service (“SaaS”) provider and innovation leader of cloud-based technologies for the life sciences industry, today announced its operating results for the fourth quarter and full year for 2020.
Financial Highlights:
Revenue for the fourth quarter of 2020 was $1,709,000 compared to $1,909,000 for the fourth quarter of 2019. Despite the decrease in revenue, the Company has seen a significant increase in the number of new contracts and new customers during 2020 compared to the last three years. Direct costs decreased by $36,000 to $479,000 for the three months ended December 31, 2020 compared to $515,000 for the three months ended December 31, 2019 due to less amortization related to...
Fortress Technologies Inc. Announces Closing of $9.3 Million Bought Deal Private Placement Financing
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TORONTO, March 26, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Fortress Technologies Inc. (“Fortress” or the “Company”) (TSXV: FORT), is pleased to announce that it has closed the previously announced bought deal private placement offering for aggregate gross proceeds of $9.3 million, through Canaccord Genuity Corp. (the “Underwriter”) acting as lead underwriter and sole bookrunner, composed of the sale of 14,794,700 units (“Units”) of the Company at a price of C$0.63 per Unit (the “Unit Price”), which includes 2,794,700 Units issued pursuant to an option to purchase additional Units by the Underwriter, as previously announced.
Each Unit is composed of one common share in the capital of the Company (each a “Common Share”) and one Common Share purchase...
For the second year in a row, mdf commerce places on The Globe and Mail’s annual Women Lead Here benchmark of executive gender diversity
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mdf commerce is proud of its gender-balanced management team, a clearstrength to accomplish its ambitious transformation plan
MONTREAL, March 26, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — mdf commerce inc. (TSX:MDF), a leader in SaaS commerce technology solutions, is pleased to announce it has earned a spot on the 2021 Report on Business Women Lead Here list, an annual editorial benchmark to identify best-in-class executive gender diversity in corporate Canada. With nearly 50% of female-identifying leaders in its management team, mdf commerce can count on strong, dedicated and experienced executives to pursue the accelerated growth plans of the company.
Established in 2020 by Report on Business magazine, the Women Lead Here initiative applies a proprietary research methodology to determine Canadian corporations with the highest degree of gender diversity...
Pour la deuxième année consécutive, mdf commerce se place dans la référence annuelle Women Lead Here du Globe and Mail en matière de diversité des genres parmi les hauts dirigeants
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mdf commerce est fier de la diversité des genres au sein de son équipe de direction,une force incontestable pour mener à bien son ambitieux plan de transformation
MONTRÉAL, 26 mars 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — mdf commerce inc. (TSX : MDF), un leader des solutions de technologies du commerce SaaS, est heureux d’annoncer qu’il s’est mérité une place dans la liste du rapport 2021 Report on Business Women Lead Here, une référence éditoriale annuelle visant à mettre en lumière la diversité des genres au sein des directions d’entreprises canadiennes. Avec près de 50% de leaders s’identifiant comme femmes au sein de son équipe de direction, mdf commerce peut compter sur des exécutifs solides, dévoués et expérimentés pour poursuivre les plans de croissance accélérée de la compagnie.
Établie en 2020 par le magazine Report on...
O’Reilly Automotive, Inc. Announces Chairman of the Board Succession Plan
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Greg Henslee to be appointed Executive Chairman of the Board
David O’Reilly to be appointed Executive Vice Chairman of the BoardSPRINGFIELD, Mo., March 26, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — O’Reilly Automotive, Inc. (the “Company” or “O’Reilly”) (Nasdaq: ORLY), a leading retailer in the automotive aftermarket industry, today announced succession plans for its Chairman of the Board position. Subject to their election as directors at O’Reilly’s 2021 Annual Meeting of Shareholders (the “Annual Meeting”) to be held on May 13, 2021, and effective immediately following the Annual Meeting, the Company’s Board of Directors (the “Board”) has appointed Greg Henslee to the position of Executive Chairman of the Board (“Executive Chairman”) and David O’Reilly to the position of Executive Vice Chairman of the Board (“Executive Vice Chairman”). Mr. O’Reilly...
EMA Approves New Storage Option for Pfizer-BioNTech Vaccine, Easing Distribution and Storage of Doses Across European Union
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New stability data show vaccine can be stored at -25°C to -15°C for a total of two weeks and support decentralized distribution plans for vaccination at general practitioners’ offices
Label update offers greater flexibility for distributing, storing and administering the vaccine within the European UnionNew York and Mainz, Germany, March 26, 2021 — Pfizer Inc. (NYSE: PFE) and BioNTech SE (Nasdaq: BNTX) announced today that the European Medicines Agency (EMA) approved storage of COMIRNATY® at -25°C to -15°C for a total of two weeks based on data showing the stability at these temperatures in standard pharmaceutical freezers. The new data is a testament to the companies’ ongoing commitment to developing this vaccine further and collecting data in order to support broader and more flexible vaccine distribution and inoculation.
With this...
EMA genehmigt neue Lagerungsbedingungen für Pfizer-BioNTech-Impfstoff zur einfacheren Verteilung und Aufbewahrung innerhalb der Europäischen Union
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Neue Stabilitätsdaten zeigen, dass der Impfstoff für bis zu zwei Wochen bei -25°C bis -15°C gelagert werden kann; damit wird die dezentralisierte Verteilung und Impfung bei niedergelassenen Ärzten erleichtert
Neue Etikettierung ermöglicht größere Flexibilität bei der Verteilung, Lagerung und Verabreichung des Impfstoffs innerhalb der Europäischen UnionNew York und Mainz, Deutschland, 26. März, 2021 — Pfizer Inc. (NYSE: PFE) und BioNTech SE (Nasdaq: BNTX) gaben heute bekannt, dass die Europäische Arzneimittelagentur (EMA) die Lagerung von COMIRNATY® für bis zu zwei Wochen bei -25°C bis -15°C auf Basis der eingereichten Daten genehmigt hat. Diese Temperaturen können von gängigen pharmazeutischen Gefrierschränken aufrechterhalten werden. Die neuen Daten zeugen den unermüdlichen Einsatz der Unternehmen, die Impfung weiterzuentwickeln und...