Day: March 26, 2021
LAFOX, Ill., March 26, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Richardson Electronics, Ltd. (NASDAQ: RELL) announced today the availability of Junkosha’s MWX004 interconnect cables.
Cables in the MWX004 series come with 1.0mm or 0.8mm connectors and include Junkosha’s patented “safety lock” feature, which prevents bending and breakage of the center pin. Since the maximum frequency for 5G is currently 71 GHz, this cable is ideal since it allows the evaluation of second harmonic spurs. Industry leading delivery of 2-3 weeks for custom cable lengths.
With over 60 years of industry-leading experience in the RF market, Junkosha’s next generation of cables and interconnects for the 5G industry stand up to the rigors of higher frequencies while operating efficiently in environments with high flexure and temperature change.
“Junkosha’s new products fit...
Gofore Plc: Resolutions of Gofore Plc’s Annual General Meeting and Organisation Meeting of the Board of Directors on 26 March 2021
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Resolutions of Gofore Plc’s Annual General Meeting and Organisation Meeting of the Board of Directors on 26 March 2021
The Annual General Meeting of Gofore Plc, was held on 26 March 2021 at 14:00 EET at Töölönlahdenkatu 2, 00100 Helsinki. Shareholders and their proxy representatives could participate in the Annual General Meeting and exercise their rights only by voting in advance and by making counterproposals and presenting questions in advance. It was not possible to participate at the meeting venue in person. The Annual General Meeting was arranged in accordance with an exceptional meeting procedure based on the temporary legislation to limit the spread of Covid-19 pandemic approved by the Finnish Parliament.
The minutes of the General Meeting in Finnish will be available...
Gofore Oyj: Gofore Oyj:n varsinaisen yhtiökokouksen ja hallituksen järjestäytymiskokouksen päätökset 26.3.2021
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Gofore Oyj:n varsinaisen yhtiökokouksen ja hallituksen järjestäytymiskokouksen päätökset 26.3.2021
Gofore Oyj:n varsinainen yhtiökokous pidettiin 26.3.2021 klo 14 alkaen osoitteessa Töölönlahdenkatu 2, 00100 Helsinki. Osakkeenomistajilla ja heidän asiamiehillään oli mahdollisuus osallistua yhtiökokoukseen ja käyttää oikeuksiaan ainoastaan äänestämällä ennakkoon sekä esittämällä vastaehdotuksia ja kysymyksiä ennakkoon. Kokoukseen ei ollut mahdollista tulla paikan päälle. Yhtiökokous järjestettiin poikkeuksellista kokousmenettelyä noudattaen eduskunnan koronaviruspandemian leviämisen rajoittamiseksi hyväksymän väliaikaisen lain nojalla.
Päätökset ovat täydellisinä luettavissa yhtiökokouksen pöytäkirjasta Goforen verkkosivuilla osoitteessa viimeistään 8.4.2021.
Forløb af ordinær generalforsamling i Investeringsforeningen Sydinvest
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(Selskabsmeddelelse 13/2021)
Beretningen og årsrapporten for 2020 for Investeringsforeningen Sydinvest blev godkendt på generalforsamlingen. De foreslåede udbytter blev samtidig godkendt af generalforsamlingen. De samlede udbytter udgjorde ca. 510 mio. kroner.
Der var ikke fremsat forslag af investorer eller bestyrelse.
Valg til bestyrelsenTil foreningens bestyrelse blev Linda Sandris Larsen og Niels Therkelsen genvalgt.
Bestyrelsen konstituerede sig efterfølgende med Linda Sandris Larsen som formand og Hans Lindum Møller som næstformand.
Bestyrelsen består herefter af:
Linda Sandris Larsen, formandHans Lindum Møller, næstformandNiels TherkelsenSvend Erik Kriby Jesper Aabenhus Rasmussen.
Valg af revisorPwC Danmark blev nyvalgt som investeringsforeningens revisor.
Yderligere information fås hos direktør Steffen Ussing på tlf. 74 37 33...
Earth Hour 2021: Greenrock Announces SiriusPoint As Lead Bermuda Sponsor
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HAMILTON, Bermuda, March 26, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Greenrock is proud to announce that SiriusPoint Ltd. (“SiriusPoint”), a global insurance and reinsurance company, will be the lead sponsor of Earth Hour 2021 in Bermuda.
Earth Hour is one of the world’s largest grassroots movements for the environment, and in 2021 hopes to inspire individuals, businesses, and organizations in over 180 countries and territories to renew their commitment to the planet. The Bermuda event is being organized by Greenrock, which is an island sustainability charity.
SiriusPoint, which was recently formed after the merger of Third Point Reinsurance Ltd. and Sirius International Insurance Group, Ltd., is sponsoring the Bermuda part of a global campaign. Third Point Reinsurance Ltd. was the lead Earth Hour sponsor in 2020.
The charity will use the sponsorship...
Tresu Investment Holding A/S – Annual Report 2020
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The Board of Directors and the Executive Board have today considered and approved the Annual Report of Tresu Investment Holding A/S for the financial year 01.01.2020 – 31.12.2020.
The Annual Report is presented in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards as adopted by the European Union (“EU”) and the additional requirements applying to Danish companies.
Jannie TholstrupCFO
For further details, please contact:Jannie Tholstrup, CFO, Phone: +45 2289 9127
AttachmentTRESU Investment Holding_Annual report 2020_approved at GM
The first quarterly dividend instalment of the proposed dividend of USD 0.45 per share will amount to SEK 3.89 per share
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Lundin Energy AB (Lundin Energy) announces that the first quarterly instalment of the proposed dividend of USD 0.45 per share will amount to SEK 3.89 per share, with a total amount of MSEK 1,106, corresponding to approximately MUSD 128. The proposed dividend, including the first quarterly dividend instalment, remains subject to approval by the 2021 Annual General Meeting (AGM) that will be held on 30 March 2021.
Information about the first quarterly instalment of the proposed dividend:Amount per share(SEK)
Total dividend amount (MSEK)
Ex-dividend date
Record date
Expected payment date3.89
31 March 2021
1 April 2021
8 April 2021The Board of Directors has proposed to the 2021 AGM a dividend for 2020 of USD 1.80 per share, corresponding to MUSD 512 (rounded off), to be paid in quarterly instalments of USD 0.45 per share, corresponding...
Den första kvartalsvisa utbetalningen av den föreslagna utdelningen om 0,45 USD per aktie kommer att uppgå till 3,89 SEK per aktie
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Lundin Energy AB (Lundin Energy) meddelar att den första kvartalsvisa utbetalningen av den föreslagna utdelningen om 0,45 USD per aktie kommer att uppgå till 3,89 SEK per aktie, med ett totalt utdelningsbelopp om 1 106 MSEK, motsvarande cirka 128 MUSD. Den föreslagna utdelningen, inklusive den första kvartalsvisa utbetalningen, är fortsatt föremål för godkännande av 2021 års årsstämma som kommer att hållas den 30 mars 2021.
Information om den första kvartalsvisa utbetalningen av den föreslagna utdelningen:Belopp per aktie(SEK)
Totalt utdelningsbelopp (MSEK)
Första dag för handel utan rätt till utdelning
Förväntad utbetalningsdag3,89
1 106
31 mars 2021
1 april 2021
8 april 2021Styrelsen har till årsstämman 2021 föreslagit en utdelning för 2020 om 1,80 USD per aktie, motsvarande 512 MUSD (avrundat), att utbetalas...
Ecoslops: A first “Scarabox” unit installed soon in Cameroon to revalue used lube oil and oily waste into new fuels locally
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Paris, March 25th, 2021
Ecoslops is pleased to announce the signature of a first sales contract for its “Scarabox®”, a containerized unit for upcycling used lube oil and oil residues.
Following the signature of a letter of intent on June 24th, 2020, this contract was signed with the Cameroonian company Valtech Energy, which belongs to the SCIN group (with over 400 employees in the construction, transport, and environment sectors) and headed by Ismaël NJoya, an established Cameroonian entrepreneur. In 2020, Valtech Energy successfully opened a MARPOL maritime oil waste reception facility in the Kribi port area, Cameroon’s new deep-water port inaugurated in 2019. Valtech Energy sees the opportunity to improve its waste treatment capacity and intensify its production of energy products, thanks to Ecoslops’ circular economy solution, as a...
Ecoslops : Une première unité « Scarabox » installée prochainement au Cameroun pour revaloriser les huiles de vidange usagées et les résidus pétroliers en nouveau combustible produit localement
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Paris, le 25 mars 2021
Ecoslops est heureuse d’annoncer la signature d’un premier contrat de vente de sa « Scarabox® », unité containérisée pour la revalorisation des huiles de vidange et des résidus pétroliers.
Ce contrat a été signé avec la société camerounaise Valtech Energy, qui appartient au groupe SCIN (plus de 400 employés dans les secteurs du BTP, du transport et de l’environnement) dirigé par Ismaël NJoya, entrepreneur camerounais établi. Valtech Energy a ouvert avec succès en 2020 une installation MARPOL de réception des déchets pétroliers maritimes dans la zone portuaire de Kribi, nouveau port en eaux profondes du Cameroun inauguré en 2019. Valtech Energy voit comme un développement logique la possibilité de perfectionner sa capacité de traitement des déchets et d’accroitre sa production de produits énergétiques grâce à la...