Day: March 26, 2021
The Annual General Meeting of Nilfisk Holding A/S was held on Friday, March 26, 2021.
The Annual General Meeting approved all items and proposals, including:The audited Annual Report 2020, including the Board of Director’s proposal that this year’s profits are transferred to retained comprehensive income and consequently no dividend will be distributed
Discharge of Management and the Board of Directors from their liabilities
The Remuneration Report 2020 (advisory vote)
The Board of Director’s proposal for remuneration to the Board of Directors for 2021
Adoption of updated remuneration policy for Nilfisk Holding A/S
Adoption of amendment to Article 8.1 in the company’s Articles of Association that the adoption of the Remuneration Report is added as an agenda item at the Company’s Annual General Meeting
Adoption of authorization...
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Montreal Quebec, March 26, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Montreal, Quebec March 26, 2021 – SRG Mining Inc. (TSXV: SRG) (“SRG” or the “Company”) announced today that further to its press release dated January 26, 2021 announcing the private placement in the form of a convertible debt financing for USD$7.5M (approximately CAD$9.53M) (the “Financing”) with Sprott Private Resource Lending II (Collector), LP (“Sprott”), the parties have fully closed the first tranche on January 26, 2021 for USD$800,000 (the “First Tranche”).
While the parties advance the finalization of the definitive convertible credit agreement for the total Financing which is expected in the coming weeks, they intend to amend the maturity date for the First Tranche, which was set to April 2, 2021 to July 31, 2022, all subject to the approval of TSX Venture Exchange.
Avance Gas Holding Ltd: 2021 Annual General Meeting
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Hamilton, Bermuda 26 March 2021 – Avance Gas Holding Ltd advises that the 2021 Annual General Meeting will be held on May 26, 2021. The record date for voting at the Annual General Meeting is set to April 9, 2021. The notice, agenda and associated material will be distributed prior to the meeting.
This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to Section 5-12 the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.
For further queries, please contact:
Randi Navdal Bekkelud, CFOTel: 47 22 00 48 29Email:
ABOUT AVANCE GASAvance Gas operates in the global market for transportation of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG). The Company is one of the world’s leading owners and operators of very large gas carrier (VLGC) and operates a fleet of thirteen modern ships and four Dual Fuel LPG newbuildings due for...
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Bid procedure, 2021-03-31Bonds
Bonds issued in SEK by Swedish non-financial undertakings.
The following bonds are eligible for delivery:
ELLEVIO AB: XS1562583341, 2024-02-28
ELLEVIO AB: XS1526292815, 2023-12-09
SAGAX AB: SE0010324228, 2022-02-15
SAGAX AB: XS2093119175, 2023-06-16
STOCKHOLMS KOOPERATIVA B: SE0012193894, 2023-09-29
STOCKHOLMS KOOPERATIVA B: SE0013407640, 2022-11-28
SKF AB: SE0014449641, 2024-06-10
INVESTMENT AB LATOUR: SE0010985523, 2022-03-16
INVESTMENT AB LATOUR: SE0012676641, 2023-03-27
Delivery of a Bond may not occur if the Counterparty has purchased the Bond from the issuer more recently than one month prior to the date of announcement of the Special terms, that is, the purchase may not have taken place after:
2021-02-28Bid date
2021-03-31Bid times
10.00-11.00 (CET/CEST) on the Bid dateRequested volume...
Resolutions from Tryg A/S’ annual general meeting 2021 (AGM)
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Tryg’s annual general meeting (AGM) was held today. At the AGM, the shareholders adopted the report of the group’s activities in the financial year 2020.
The annual meeting also approved the following items:
• Tryg’s annual report 2020, including the resolution on discharge of the Executive Board and the Supervisory Board.
• Resolution to distribution of profits in accordance with the approved annual report as the profit for the year DKK 2,773m is transferred to the equity.
• The remuneration report for 2020.
• The remuneration for the Supervisory Board for 2021 including the fees to members of the Supervisory Board committees.
• Proposal of renewal and extension of the existing authority to the Supervisory Board to let the company acquire own shares up to a total nominal value of DKK 151,000,000 until 31 December 2022.
• Proposal for...
Beslutninger på Tryg A/S´ ordinære generalforsamling 2021
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Trygs ordinære generalforsamling blev afholdt i dag. På generalforsamlingen blev beretningen om selskabets virksomhed for regnskabsåret 2020 taget til efterretning.
Endvidere godkendte generalforsamlingen følgende punkter:
• Trygs årsrapport 2020, herunder beslutning om decharge for direktion og bestyrelse.
• Beslutning om anvendelse af overskud i henhold til den godkendte årsrapport, idet årets resultat 2.773 mio. DKK overføres til egenkapitalen.
• Aflønningsrapporten for 2020.
• Honorarerne til bestyrelsen for 2021, herunder honorarer til bestyrelsens udvalg.
• Forslag om fornyelse og forlængelse af den eksisterende bemyndigelse til bestyrelsen til at lade selskabet erhverve egne aktier inden for en samlet pålydende værdi på 151.000.000 DKK frem til 31. december 2022.
• Forslag om ændring af selskabets formål i vedtægternes § 2
Vow ASA : Mandatory notification of trade by primary insider and close associates
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Ingerø Reiten Investment Company AS («IRIC»), a related party of chairman Narve Reiten and board member Bård Brath Ingerø of Vow ASA has today settled the company’s forward contract with Sparebank1 Markets by acquiring 5 328 178 shares in Vow ASA. The new shareholding is 31 145 000 shares, 27.26 % of the total outstanding shares (including 5 million shares issued by the board on March 23).
In addition, IRIC has pledged 20 million Vow ASA shares in favor of DnB in connection with a new loan facility.
Please refer to the attached notifications of trading for further details.
For further queries, please contact:
Vow ASAErik Magelssen – CFOTel: + 47 928 88 728Email:
About Vow ASAIn Vow and our subsidiaries Scanship and Etia we are passionate about preventing pollution. Our world leading solutions convert...
[Correction] GOGL – Special General Meeting
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Golden Ocean Group Limited (the “Company”) advises that a Special General Meeting of the Shareholders of the Company was held on March 26, 2021 at 9:00 a.m. at Par-la-Ville Place, 4th Floor, 14 Par-la-Ville Road, Hamilton, Bermuda (the “Meeting”). The following resolution was in line with the proposal in the notice to the Meeting.
The Company’s authorized share capital be increased from US$10,000,000.00 divided into 200,000,000 common shares of US$0.05 par value each to US$15,000,000.00 divided into 300,000,000 common shares of US$0.05 par value each by the creation of 100,000,000 common shares of US$0.05 par value each.
Hamilton, BermudaMarch 26, 2021
Treasury Bill Auction Announcement – RIKV 21 0517 – RIKV 21 0915
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RIKV 21 0517
RIKV 21 0915ISIN
IS0000032316Maturity Date
09/15/2021Auction Date
03/30/2021Settlement Date
04/06/2021On the Auction Date, between 10:30 am and 11:00 am, the Government Debt Management will auction Treasury bills in the Series, with the ISIN numbers and with the Maturity Dates according to the table above. Payments for the Treasury bills must be received by the Central Bank before 14:00 on the Settlement Date and the Bills will be delivered in electronic form on the same day.
Further reference is made to the General Terms of Icelandic Treasury bills and General Terms of Auction for Treasury bills on the Government Debt Management website.
For additional information please contact Oddgeir Gunnarsson, Government Debt Management, at +354 569 9635.
Tilkynning um útboð ríkisvíxla – RIKV 21 0517 – RIKV 21 0915
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RIKV 21 0517
RIKV 21 0915ISIN
06.04.2021Á útboðsdegi, milli kl. 10:30 og 11:00, fer fram útboð hjá Lánamálum ríkisins á ríkisvíxlum í þeim flokkum, með þeim ISIN númerum og með þeim gjalddögum sem fram koma í töflunni hér að ofan. Greiðslur fyrir ríkisvíxlana þurfa að berast Seðlabankanum fyrir kl. 14:00 á uppgjörsdegi og verða bréfin afhent rafrænt sama dag.
Að öðru leyti er vísað til almennrar lýsingar íslenskra ríkisvíxla og almennra útboðsskilmála á heimasíðu Lánamála ríkisins.
Nánari upplýsingar veitir Oddgeir Gunnarsson, Lánamálum ríkisins í síma 569 9635.