Day: March 26, 2021
Date: 26 March 2021
Release: Before opening of Euronext
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Beter Bed Holding announces AGM and provides update on the first quarter
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Today, Beter Bed Holding N.V. (Beter Bed Holding) has published the notice and agenda for its Annual General Meeting (AGM) to be held on Wednesday, 12 May 2021. Due to the continued presence of COVID-19 (Coronavirus) in the Netherlands, and on the basis of the Temporary Law COVID-19 Justice and Safety, shareholders can only virtually attend the Annual General Meeting through a live webcast. Shareholders can exercise their voting rights by way of an electronic proxy with voting instructions.
During the AGM, Beter Bed Holding will look back on the results achieved over 2020, and update the shareholders on the current developments. Following a very strong 2020, in which Beter Bed Holding has clearly proven that it has outperformed the positive bedding market with its new strategic route, the year 2021 was started with a record order book...
UCB SA/NV – Convening notice annual shareholders meeting
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*** Unofficial English translation – For convenience purposes only *** UCB SA/NV – Public Limited Liability CompanyAllée de la Recherche 60, 1070 BrusselsEnterprise nr. 0403.053.608 (RLE Brussels)“UCB SA/NV” or the “Company”)CONVENING NOTICE TO THE GENERAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERSThe Board of Directors (the “Board”) invites the shareholders for the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (the “General Meeting”) which will be held on Thursday, 29 April 2021, at 11:00 am CEST, at the registered office of UCB SA/NV, Allée de la Recherche 60 – 1070 Brussels, for the purpose of considering and voting on the items shown on the agenda set out below.Due to the crisis of the Corona virus (Covid-19) and the measures taken by our governments and public authorities restricting gatherings, UCB SA/NV will...
UCB NV – Oproeping gewone algemene vergadering
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UCB – naamloze vennootschapResearchdreef 60, 1070 BrusselOndernemingsnr. 0403.053.608 (RPR Brussel)“UCB NV” of de “Vennootschap”)OPROEPING TOT DE ALGEMENE VERGADERING VAN AANDEELHOUDERSDe Raad van Bestuur (de “Raad”) nodigt de aandeelhouders uit op de Algemene Vergadering van aandeelhouders (de “Algemene Vergadering”) van donderdag 29 april 2021 om 11u00 (Belgische tijd), op de zetel van UCB NV, Researchdreef 60, 1070 Brussel, om er te beraadslagen en te stemmen over de hierna omschreven agendapunten.Als gevolg van de crisis door het Corona virus (Covid-19) en de door onze regeringen en openbare besturen genomen maatregelen, zal UCB NV de fysieke toegang tot haar Algemene Vergadering van 29 april 2021 niet mogen toestaan, onder voorbehoud van verdere updates die we ten gepaste tijde nog kunnen meedelen....
VGP NV: Will Receive First Issuer Credit Rating by Fitch Which Assigned a Long-Term Investment Grade Rating of BBB- With a Stable Outlook
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Press ReleaseRegulated Information
26 March 2021, 7:00 am, Antwerp (Berchem), Belgium: VGP NV (‘VGP’ or ‘the Group’), a European provider of high-quality logistics and semi-industrial real estate, today announces that the Group will receive its first issuer credit rating by Fitch which assigned a long-term investment grade rating of BBB- with a stable outlook.
VGP has engaged in a financial rating process in order to benefit from an enhanced access to debt capital markets when needed, including broader investor base and tighter spreads.
This rating reflects the strength of VGP’s balance sheet as well as quality rental income base through a virtually fully occupied portfolio, leased to a blue-chip customer base. Prudent financial policy together with a well-managed development approach allowed VGP to receive an investment grade rating...
UCB SA – convocation à l’assemblée générale ordinaire
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UCB – Société AnonymeAllée de la Recherche 60, 1070 BruxellesN° d’entreprise 0403.053.608 (RPM Bruxelles)« UCB SA » ou la « Société »)CONVOCATION À L’ASSEMBLÉE GÉNÉRALE DES ACTIONNAIRESLe Conseil d’Administration (le « Conseil ») invite les actionnaires à l’Assemblée Générale des actionnaires(l’« Assemblée Générale ») qui se tiendra le jeudi 29 avril 2021 à 11 heures (heure belge), au siège social d’UCB SA, Allée de la Recherche 60, 1070 Bruxelles, à l’effet de délibérer et de voter sur les points repris à l’ordre du jour détaillé ci-dessous.En raison de la crise du Corona virus (Covid-19) et des mesures prises par nos gouvernements et autorités publiques restreignant les réunions, UCB SA ne sera pas en mesure d’autoriser l’accès physique à son Assemblée Générale du 29 avril 2021, sous réserve de tout nouvel...
VGP NV: Zal Eerste Kredietrating als Emittent Ontvangen van Fitch: een Lange-Termijn Investment Grade Rating van BBB- met Stabiele Vooruitzichten
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PersberichtGereguleerde informatie
26 maart 2021, 7u00 , Antwerpen (Berchem), België: VGP NV (‘VGP’ of ‘de Groep’), een pan-Europese ontwikkelaar, manager en eigenaar van kwalitatief hoogstaand logistiek en semi-industrieel vastgoed, maakt vandaag bekend dat de Groep haar eerste kredietrating als emittent zal ontvangen door Fitch die een lange-termijn investment grade rating van BBB- met stabiele vooruitzichten heeft toegekend.
VGP doorliep het financieel rating proces om gebruik te kunnen maken van een bredere toegang tot de obligatiemarkten, een ruimere investeerdersbasis aan te spreken en te genieten van aantrekkelijke financieringsvoorwaarden.
Deze rating reflecteert zowel de sterkte van VGP’s financiële balansstructuur als de kwaliteit van de huurinkomsten van een zo goed als volledig verhuurde portefeuille, verhuurd aan een...
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Sika has acquired the flooring adhesives business of DriTac, a US-based floor covering adhesives company with an especially strong position in wood floor bonding. The acquisition will contribute to Sika’s increased presence among floor covering installers and distributors, while accelerating Sika’s expansion in the Interior Finishing market in the USA. In 2020, the acquired business generated sales of CHF 20 million.
DriTac is a well-recognized brand in the US floor covering industry, with a strong reputation especially in the wood floor bonding segment. DriTac brings long-established customer and distributor relationships across the country that are highly complementary to Sika’s existing network, enhancing overall market access and market penetration.
The acquired business strengthens...
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Sika hat die Geschäftssparte Bodenbelagsklebstoffe von DriTac übernommen, einem in den USA ansässigen Unternehmen mit einer besonders starken Marktposition im Bereich Verklebungen für Holzfussböden. Mit dem Erwerb baut Sika die Präsenz bei Bodenverlegern und Fachhändlern für Bodenbeläge weiter aus und beschleunigt die Expansion im Innenausbaumarkt in den USA. Das akquirierte Business erzielte 2020 einen Umsatz von CHF 20 Millionen.
DriTac ist eine in der US-amerikanischen Bodenbelagsbranche anerkannte Marke, die vor allem bei Lösungen für das Verkleben von Holzfussböden einen ausgezeichneten Ruf geniesst. DriTac verfügt über langjährige Kunden- und Vertriebsbeziehungen in den gesamten USA, die das bestehende Netzwerk von Sika perfekt ergänzen und den Marktzugang sowie die Marktdurchdringung...
HVAC Electronically Commutated Motor Market to Hit $13.13 Bn by 2028; Increasing Demand for Advanced Air Management Solutions to Stoke Market Growth: Fortune Business Insights™
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Pune, India, March 26, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The global HVAC electronically commutated motor market size is projected to reach USD 13.13 billion by 2028, exhibiting a CAGR of 7.5% during the forecast period. Fortune Business Insights™ shares this information in its report, titled “HVAC Electronically Commutated Motor (ECM) Market, 2021-2028”. The value of the market stood at USD 7.10 billion in 2020, as per the report’s findings.
Rising Indoor Pollution Levels Worldwide to Boost the Market
Household air pollution has become a major threat to public health, emerging as one of the most prominent causes of premature deaths worldwide. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), indoor air pollution kills approximately 4 million people every year. The leading cause for these deaths, as highlighted by the WHO, is the widespread...