Day: March 26, 2021
PHOENIX, March 26, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — QuoteMedia, Inc. (OTCQB: QMCI), a leading provider of market data and financial applications, announced financial results for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2020.
QuoteMedia provides banks, brokerage firms, private equity firms, financial planners and sophisticated investors with a more economical, higher quality alternative source of stock market data and related research information. We compete with several larger legacy organizations and a modest community of other smaller companies. QuoteMedia provides streaming data feeds, on-demand request-based data (XML/JSON), web content solutions (financial content for website integration) and applications such as Quotestream Professional desktop and mobile.
Revenue for the year ended December 31, 2020 was $12,402,224 versus $11,793,731...
Meldepliktig handel for nærstående til primærinnsider
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Nærstående til styrets leder Kristian Eidesvik, Berit Ingebjørg Eidesvik, har kjøpt 15 000 aksjer i Wilson ASA.
Etter dette eier Berit Ingebjørg Eidesvik 30 707 aksjer i Wilson ASA. Vennligst se vedlagte for ytterligere informasjon.
Wilson ASA
Bergen, 26. mars 2021
Utsteder er forpliktet til å offentliggjøre mottatte meldinger om meldepliktige handler i henhold til MAR 596/2014 og verdipapirhandelloven §5-12.
VedleggWILSON_notifisering primerinnsider
Harbor Custom Development, Inc. Announces 2020 Financial Results and Raises Revenue Guidance to $80,000,000 for 2021
Written by Customer Service on . Posted in Earnings Releases And Operating Results.
Gig Harbor, Washington , March 26, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Harbor Custom Development, Inc. (“Harbor,” “Harbor Custom Homes®,” or the “Company”), (NASDAQ: HCDI), an innovative and market leading real estate company involved in all aspects of the land development cycle, today announced that 2020 gross revenues were $50,397,000 with a net loss of $3,532,800. Harbor further announced that it had raised its guidance for 2021 projected gross revenue from $70,000,000 announced on November 23, 2020 to $80,000,000.
“The past 12 months have been a transition period for Harbor Custom Homes. We operated at a net loss in 2020 as a result of higher than anticipated development costs, predominate use of mezzanine lender debt, and general overhead increases associated with our rapid growth. With the $36,359,000 in funds received from our IPO and...
Umicore publishes Integrated Annual Report 2020
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Rising to the challenges
“Despite the severe disruption brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, Umicore posted its strongest financial performance ever in 2020. This reflects the merits of our strategy as well as a stellar performance in Recycling, which was boosted by an exceptional price environment in platinum group metals, and the resilience of our business operations overall. It also reflects the agility and engagement of our teams to adapt to challenging conditions and keep serving our customers with diligence. The pandemic outbreak in 2020 brought sudden challenges to our living and working environment. Our priority was immediately the wellbeing of our employees and the communities in which we operate. We would like to thank Umicore employees for their spirit, solidarity and strength during the pandemic.” Marc Grynberg, CEO.
Umicore publie son rapport annuel intégré 2020
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Relever les défis
“Malgré les graves perturbations provoquées par la pandémie de COVID-19, Umicore a enregistré sa meilleure performance financière à ce jour. Ces résultats soulignent le bien-fondé de notre stratégie ainsi qu’une performance remarquable chez Recycling, aidée par les prix exceptionnellement élevés des métaux platinoïdes, et la résilience de l’ensemble de nos opérations. lls reflètent également la flexibilité et l’engagement de nos équipes pour s’adapter aux conditions difficiles et continuer à servir nos clients avec diligence. La pandémie de 2020 a engendré des défis inattendus pour notre cadre de vie et de travail. Notre priorité s’est immédiatement portée sur le bien-être de nos employés et des communautés dans lesquelles nous opérons. Nous tenons à remercier les employés d’Umicore pour leur caractère, leur...
Umicore publiceert geïntegreerd jaarverslag 2020
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Uitdagingen aangaan
“Ondanks de ernstige verstoringen veroorzaakt door de COVID-19-pandemie, zette Umicore haar beste financiële prestatie ooit neer in 2020. Dit toont de verdiensten aan van onze strategie, met een recordprestatie in het segment Recycling dankzij een uitzonderlijke prijsomgeving voor de platinagroep metalen, en de algemene veerkracht van onze bedrijfsactiviteiten. Het toont ook de wendbaarheid en de toewijding aan van onze teams om zich aan te passen aan uitdagende omstandigheden terwijl ze onze klanten met onvermoeide ijver blijven bedienen. De pandemie die in 2020 uitbrak, heeft plotse uitdagingen met zich meegebracht voor onze leef- en werkomgeving. Onze onmiddellijke prioriteit was het welzijn van onze werknemers en de gemeenschappen waarin we actief zijn. We willen de werknemers van Umicore bedanken voor hun positieve...
Opdateret prospekt pr. 1. april 2021
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Investeringsforeningen StockRate Invest har offentliggjort opdateret prospekt for foreningen gældende pr. 1. april d.å.
Prospektet er opdateret med en mindre ændring i investeringsrådgivningshonoraret i Afdeling Globale Aktier Akkumulerende Engros samt opdaterede vedtægter.
Opdateret prospekt kan findes på foreningens hjemmeside og er tillige vedhæftet denne meddelelse.
Eventuelle spørgsmål kan rettes til undertegnede på telefon 3814 6600.
Med venlig hilsen
Niels Erik EberhardDirektør
Vedhæftet filSRI Prospekt April 2021_final
Glatfelter Announces Conclusion of Regulatory Process for the Acquisition of Georgia-Pacific’s U.S. Nonwovens Business
Written by Customer Service on . Posted in Mergers And Acquisitions.
CHARLOTTE, N.C., March 26, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Glatfelter Corporation (NYSE: GLT), a leading global supplier of engineered materials, today announced the antitrust regulatory process has concluded and it may now proceed with the previously announced acquisition of Georgia-Pacific’s U.S. nonwovens business for $175 million. The transaction includes Georgia-Pacific’s Mount Holly, North Carolina airlaid manufacturing operation and an R&D center for nonwovens product development in Memphis, Tennessee, which collectively employ approximately 140 people.
“This is a significant step toward finalizing the acquisition and ensuring a smooth transition in the weeks ahead. The Mount Holly facility, along with the Memphis R&D center, are excellent complements to Glatfelter’s existing business and are important to our ongoing transformation....
Glory Star New Media Holdings Limited Announces Closing of Underwriters’ Over-Allotment Option in Connection with its Underwritten Public Offering
Written by Customer Service on . Posted in Public Companies.
BEIJING, March 26, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Glory Star New Media Group Holdings Limited (NASDAQ: GSMG) (“Glory Star” or the “Company”), a leading mobile and online digital media and entertainment company in China, announced that on March 25, 2021, and in connection with the Company’s February 24, 2021, underwritten public offering, the underwriters fully exercised and closed on their over-allotment option to purchase an additional 571,646 ordinary shares of the Company, together with warrants to purchase up to 571,646 ordinary shares of the Company. The additional ordinary shares and warrants were sold at the public offering price of $3.28 per ordinary share and associated warrant. After deducting underwriting discounts, the additional net proceeds of the sale of the ordinary shares and warrants from the over-allotment option were...
Bavarian Nordic Announces the Resignation of Tommi Kainu as EVP and Chief Business Officer
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COPENHAGEN, Denmark, March 26, 2021 – Bavarian Nordic A/S (OMX: BAVA, OTC: BVNRY) announced today that Tommi Kainu, MD, PhD has resigned his position as Executive Vice President and Chief Business Officer in the Company. He will continue to support Bavarian Nordic until the end of November 2021.
“On behalf of the entire Company, I want to thank Tommi for his significant contributions over the past four years. Tommi Joined Bavarian Nordic to build industry partnerships and pave the way for a commercial transformation of the company. With the successful acquisition of Encepur and Rabipur and the establishment of the commercial organization, these main objectives have been completed. As a consequence, Tommi has decided to pursue opportunities outside Bavarian Nordic and we wish him all the very best in his future endeavors,” said Paul Chaplin,...