Day: March 25, 2021
TORONTO, March 25, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Ninepoint Partners LP (“Ninepoint Partners”) today announced the March 2021 cash distributions for its ETF Series securities. The record date for the distributions is April 1, 2021 and distributions are payable on April 9, 2021.
The per-unit March distributions are detailed below:
About Ninepoint Partners
Based in Toronto, Ninepoint Partners LP is one of Canada’s leading alternative investment management firms overseeing approximately $8 billion in assets under management and institutional contracts. Committed to helping investors explore innovative investment solutions that have the potential to enhance returns and manage portfolio risk, Ninepoint offers a diverse set of alternative strategies including Alternative Income and Real Assets, in addition to North American and Global Equities.
Resource Announces Updated NAV Per Share
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PHILADELPHIA, March 25, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Resource REIT, Inc. (“Resource” or “the REIT”), a publicly registered non-traded real estate investment trust, announced today that its board of directors approved an estimated net asset value (“NAV”) of $9.06 per share for its common stock, as of January 28, 2021, the date that the REIT completed its previously announced mergers with Resource Real Estate Opportunity REIT, Inc. and Resource Apartment REIT III, Inc.
The NAV per share is based on the estimated value of the REIT’s assets, less the estimated value of its liabilities, divided by the number of outstanding shares, as of January 28, 2021.1 The REIT’s board engaged Duff & Phelps, LLC, an independent third-party valuation firm to calculate an estimated NAV. The REIT’s previous NAV per share was $9.08 as of December 31,...
Proactive news headlines including Alternus Energy Group, Vuzix Corporation, Bragg Gaming, Safe-T Group Ltd, HempFusion Wellness and Renforth Resources
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New York, March 25, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) —Cloud Nine Web3 Technologies Inc (CSE:CNI) (OTCMKTS:CLGUF) powered Next Decentrum platform releases its Non-Fungible Tokens guide for global collectibles click here
Empress Royalty Corp (CVE:EMPR) closes previously announced bought deal public offering raising around C$15.75 million click here
Alternus Energy Group PLC (NOTC:ALT) drives continued European expansion with completion of 15MWp capacity in Romania click here
Bragg Gaming Group (TSE:BRAG) (OTC:BRGGF) touts 75% revenue increase in 4Q, full year 2020 results as unique users increase click here
BioHarvest Sciences Inc (CSE:BHSC) (OTCMKTS:CNVCF) (FRA:8MV) names global marketing expert and former Coca-Cola executive Scott McCune to its board of advisors click here
Esports Entertainment Group Inc (NASDAQ:GMBL) (FRA:40Y1) inks...
Hermes International : Availibility of the 2020 Universal Registration Document
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Paris, March 25, 20217.45 p.m. Paris time
Hermès International filed its 2020 universal registration document with the Financial Markets Authority (AMF) on 25 March 2021.
It is available for viewing and download on the company’s website:
The universal registration document comprises:the annual activity report;
the company and consolidated financial statements for 2020;
the Supervisory Board’s report on the corporate governance;
a description of the share buyback programme prepared pursuant to Article 241-2 of the General Regulation of the Financial Markets Authority (AMF);
the Supervisory Board’s report to the General Meeting;
the Statutory Auditors’ reports on the 2020 company accounts...
HERMES INTERNATIONAL : Communiqué de mise à disposition du Document d’Enregistrement Universel 2020
Written by Customer Service on . Posted in Earnings Releases And Operating Results.
Paris, le 25 mars 202119 h 45 CET
Le document d’enregistrement universel d’Hermès International relatif à l’exercice 2020 a été déposé auprès de l’Autorité des marchés financiers le 25 mars 2021.
Il peut être consulté et téléchargé sur le site internet de la société :
Le document d’enregistrement universel comprend :le rapport d’activité annuel ;
les comptes sociaux et consolidés 2020 ;
le rapport du Conseil de surveillance sur le gouvernement d’entreprise ;
le descriptif du programme de rachat établi en application de l’article 241-2 du règlement général de l’Autorité des marchés financiers ;
le rapport du Conseil de surveillance à l’assemblée générale ;
les rapports des Commissaires...
Bpce: Nominations au sein du comité de direction générale du Groupe BPCE
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Nominations au sein du comité de direction générale du Groupe BPCE
Paris, le 25 mars 2021
Le conseil de surveillance du Groupe BPCE, réuni sous la présidence de Pierre Valentin, a approuvé ce jour la nomination de Béatrice Lafaurie, directrice générale en charge des Ressources humaines. Béatrice Lafaurie sera membre du comité de direction générale. Elle succède à Catherine Halberstadt, qui sera nommée directrice générale en charge du pôle Solutions et Expertises financières, et remplacera dans cette fonction Dominique Garnier qui devient directeur général de la Banque Populaire Alsace Lorraine Champagne.
A partir du 22 mai, le comité de direction générale du Groupe BPCE sera composé de :
– Laurent Mignon, président du directoire du Groupe BPCE ;
– Christine Fabresse, directrice générale en charge de la Banque de proximité...
BPCE : Nominations au sein du comité de direction générale du Groupe BPCE
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Nominations au sein du comité de direction générale du Groupe BPCE
Paris, le 25 mars 2021
Le conseil de surveillance du Groupe BPCE, réuni sous la présidence de Pierre Valentin, a approuvé ce jour la nomination de Béatrice Lafaurie, directrice générale en charge des Ressources humaines. Béatrice Lafaurie sera membre du comité de direction générale. Elle succède à Catherine Halberstadt, qui sera nommée directrice générale en charge du pôle Solutions et Expertises financières, et remplacera dans cette fonction Dominique Garnier qui devient directeur général de la Banque Populaire Alsace Lorraine Champagne.
A partir du 22 mai, le comité de direction générale du Groupe BPCE sera composé de :
– Laurent Mignon, président du directoire du Groupe BPCE ;
– Christine Fabresse, directrice générale en charge de la Banque de proximité...
REITIR: Niðurstaða skuldabréfaútboðs 25. mars 2021
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Lokuðu útboði Reita fasteignafélags hf. á skuldabréfum þann 25. mars 2021 er lokið. Boðin voru til sölu skuldabréf í nýjum verðtryggðum flokki, REITIR150527, ásamt bréfum í óverðtryggða flokknum REITIR150523. Nánari upplýsingar um REITIR150527 flokkinn má sjá hér. Alls bárust tilboð í flokkana tvo að nafnvirði 5.770
Í flokknum REITIR150527 var ákveðið að taka tilboðum að nafnvirði 1.210 á ávöxtunarkröfunni 1,38%. Í flokknum REITIR150523 var ákveðið að taka tilboðum að nafnvirði 600 á ávöxtunarkröfunni 2,68%.
Fossar markaðir höfðu umsjón með sölu skuldabréfanna.
Gjalddagi áskrifta og afhending bréfa er fyrirhuguð þriðjudaginn 30. mars næstkomandi og óskað verður eftir því að hin nýju skuldabréf verði tekin til viðskipta á Aðalmarkaði Nasdaq Iceland í kjölfarið.
Grunnlýsing félagsins, endanlegir skilmálar og önnur skjöl...
CREDIT AGRICOLE SA : L’Assemblée générale mixte de Crédit Agricole S.A. se tiendra le 12 mai 2021 hors la présence physique de ses actionnaires
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Montrouge, le 25 mars 2021
L’Assemblée générale mixte de Crédit Agricole S.A. se tiendra le 12 mai 2021 hors la présence physique de ses actionnaires
Réuni le 10 février 2021, le Conseil d’administration de Crédit Agricole S.A., après avoir constaté les difficultés à prévoir l’état sanitaire de la France au 12 mai 2021 a délégué à son Président tout pouvoir pour décider de tenir l’Assemblée générale de la société à huis clos et pour faire procéder aux informations rectificatives nécessaires à la convocation des actionnaires.
A la date de la présente publication, le Président du Conseil d’administration a pu constater que :Perdurent des mesures administratives limitant ou interdisant les déplacements ou les rassemblements collectifs pour des motifs sanitaires, tel que le décret modifié n°2020-1310 du 29 octobre 2020, prescrivant les...
Credit Agricole Sa: The Combined General Meeting of Crédit AgricoleS.A. will be held on 12 May 2021 without the physical presence of its shareholders
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Montrouge, 25 March 2021
The Combined General Meeting of Crédit Agricole S.A. will be held on 12 May 2021 without the physical presence of its shareholders
At its meeting of 10 February 2021, the Board of Directors of Crédit Agricole S.A., after noting the difficulties in predicting the health situation in France on 12 May 2021, gave its Chairman full authority to decide to hold the Company’s General Meeting behind closed doors and to arrange for the dissemination of the necessary corrective information with respect to the Meeting Notice for shareholders.
As of the date of this publication, the Chairman of the Board of Directors has determined that:there are still administrative measures limiting or banning travel or large gatherings due to health concerns, such as amended decree no. 2020-1310 of 29 October 2020, which sets out the...