Day: March 24, 2021
2020 annual resultsRevenue in line with forecasts despite the health crisis:-12.8% at current exchange rates at €712.3 million
-10.0% at constant exchange rates (CER)(1) Resilient EBITDA(2) margin at 14.1%
Proposed dividend maintained at €0.70/share
Higher free cash flow at €40 million with significant working capital improvement
Reduction of net debt to €257 million
Confirmation of the strategic roadmap in 2021:Strong growth in Interventional Imaging and delivery systems
Reinforcement of the Group’s positions in the APAC region
Finalization of clinical studies and continuation of industrial investments for Gadopiclenol
Continued investments in Artificial IntelligenceA favorable financial outlook:Revenue expected to increase in 2021 despite an ongoing health crisis
Extension of 50% of the cost reduction implemented in 2020Villepinte,...
GUERBET : Résultats annuels 2020
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Résultats annuels 2020
Chiffre d’affaires en ligne avec les prévisions dans un contexte sanitaire dégradé :-12,8% à taux de change courant à 712,3 M€
-10,0% à taux de change constant (TCC)(1) Résilience de la marge d’EBITDA(2) à 14,1%
Proposition d’un dividende maintenu à 0,70€/action
Free cash-flow en progression à 40 M€ avec une amélioration significative du BFR
Réduction de la dette nette à 257 M€
Confirmation de la roadmap stratégique en 2021 :Forte croissance du segment Imagerie Interventionnelle et des solutions d’injection
Renforcement des positions du Groupe sur la zone APAC
Finalisation des études cliniques et poursuite des investissements industriels pour Gadopiclenol
Poursuite des investissements en Intelligence ArtificielleDes perspectives financières favorables :Chiffre d’affaires 2021 attendu en hausse...
COURTOIS SA : Résultats 2020
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COURTOIS SASociété anonyme au capital de 1.673.940 Euros
Siège social : 3, rue Mage BP 48531 –31685 TOULOUSE CEDEX 6
540 802 105 RCS TOULOUSETel : :
Diffusé le 24 Mars 2021
Le Conseil d’Administration de COURTOIS SA, réuni le 24 mars 2021 sous la présidence de Madame Jennifer COURTOIS de VIÇOSE, a arrêté les comptes sociaux et consolidés au 31 décembre 2020 qui seront soumis à l’approbation de l’Assemblée Générale Ordinaire du 27 mai 2021.
Les Commissaires aux Comptes ont procédé à un audit des comptes annuels sociaux et consolidés de l’exercice 2020 et le rapport d’audit relatif à la certification desdits comptes est en cours d’émission.Comptes sociauxLa Société COURTOIS SA a réalisé un Chiffre d’Affaires de 1 600 K€...
Audited 2020 annual report
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The Supervisory Board of AS Baltika approved on the meeting held on 24th March 2021 the Annual report and loss allocation proposal for the year 2020 of Baltika Group. The Supervisory Board decided to present the annual report and profit allocation proposal as prepared by the Management Board for the approval of the annual general meeting of shareholders. Group financial results remained unchanged compared to the preliminary disclosure on 26 February 2021.
The audited 2020 Annual report is available at the websites of NASDAQ Tallinn Stock Exchange and Baltika Group
Triinu TarkinMember of the Management Board,
Baltika annual report_ 2020
Skeljungur hf.: The board of directors of Skeljungur hf. has decided to assess the advantages of future ownership of P/F Magn, Skeljungur’s subsidiary in the Faroe Islands
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The board of directors of Skeljungur hf. has made a decision to assess the advantages of future ownership of P/F Magn, Skeljungur’s subsidiary in the Faroe Islands. The internal organisation of P/F Magn will be scrutinised to evaluate whether Skeljungur’s advantages lie in external or organic growth or in selling the company, in part or in full.
Skeljungur will be advised by a corporate advisory team from Kvika Bank hf.
P/F Magn operates 11 retail and fuel outlets across the Faroe Islands, addition to operating two fuel depots and distributing fuel to corporations, contractors and fisheries operators. Magn leads the market in sales of fuel for house heating in the Faroe Islands, where most housing is heated using oil. Following the acquisition by Magn of the company P/F Demich, which specialises in environmentally sound house heating...
Skeljungur hf.: Stjórn Skeljungs hf. hefur tekið ákvörðun um að meta framtíðarkosti eignarhalds á P/F Magn, dótturfélagi Skeljungs í Færeyjum
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Stjórn Skeljungs hf. hefur tekið ákvörðun um að meta framtíðarkosti eignarhalds á P/F Magn, dótturfélagi Skeljungs í Færeyjum. Í því felst að skoða betur innra skipulag P/F Magn og meta hvort Skeljungur vilji fara í ytri eða innri vöxt, kaupa nýjar einingar og þar með stækka rekstur Magn, eða fara í sölu á fyrirtækinu, að hluta eða öllu leyti.
Fyrirtækjaráðgjöf Kviku banka hf. er ráðgjafi Skeljungs.
P/F Magn rekur 11 smásölu- og bensínstöðvar víðs vegar um Færeyjar auk þess að reka tvær birgðastöðvar og dreifa eldsneyti til fyrirtækja, verktaka og sjávarútvegs. Magn er leiðandi í sölu á eldsneyti til húshitunar en í Færeyjum er mikill meirihluti fasteigna hitaður upp með olíu. Eftir kaup Magns á félaginu P/F Demich, sem sérhæfir sig í umhverfisvænum húshitunarlausnum, mun Magn geta boðið upp á heildarlausnir í þjónustu tengdri húshitun,...
Aðalfundur Brims hf. verður alfarið rafrænn þann 25. mars 2021
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Í fundarboði aðalfundar Brims hf. var tilgreint að gætt yrði að gildandi fyrirvörum stjórnvalda um fjöldatakmarkanir, nálægðarmörk og sóttvarnir. Stjórnvöld hafa í dag boðað til ráðstafana vegna fjölgunar kórónuveirusmita og sett meðal annars á 10 manna fjöldatakmarkanir, auk annarra íþyngjandi ráðstafana sem munu taka gildi á miðnætti og gilda næstu þrjár vikur.
Aðalfundur Brims hf. verður því einungis haldinn rafrænt fimmtudaginn 25. mars 2021.
Fundurinn fer fram á íslensku og hefst klukkan 17. Hluthafar eða umboðsmenn hluthafa sem hafa hug á því að sækja fundinn, eru beðnir um að skrá sig tímanlega á vefsíðunni Með innskráningu þarf að fylgja mynd af skilríkjum og umboð, ef við á.
Aðstoð við skráningu á aðalfundinn er hægt að fá á netfanginu:
Nánari upplýsingar á heimasíðu Brims https://www.bri...
Steve Zabel and Kyle Bellnap Join Idaho First Bank Team
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BOISE, Idaho, March 24, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Idaho First Bank (the “Bank”) (OTC: IDFB) announced today that Steve Zabel will be joining the team as Senior Vice President (SVP), Area Market Leader (AML) for the Boise market. His role will incorporate leadership and management of all Boise market responsibilities including lending and branch strategy, operations and market expansion.
Steve Zabel began his banking career with the Bank in 2006 when CEO Greg Lovell recognized his talent in the industry. After leaving for a short amount of time to gain experience within a larger financial institution, Steve felt the time was right to take his now expanded banking and credit knowledge one step further while returning to his community banking roots. As a long-term resident of Idaho, Steve is an active member in the community and has...
Opus One Acquires TRC SEEsuite Software Business to Further Strengthen its Robust Energy Offering and Fuel Global Growth
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TORONTO, March 24, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Opus One Solutions, a leading provider of distributed energy resource (DER), planning, management, and transactive energy market software, and a Global Cleantech 100 company, has acquired the SEEsuite software business division, including SEEload from TRC Companies to further expand Opus One’s GridOS® Distributed Energy Management Platform. TRC is a global leading technology-enabled provider of engineering, consulting and construction management solutions.
SEEload is a scalable Demand Response solution built to optimize load management, for diverse customer segments including several of the largest utilities in the United States. SEEload has been handling distributed energy resources on the grid across multiple utilities for over a decade. The software allows utilities to unlock localized...
ADM Tronics to Participate at Lytham Partners Spring 2021 Investor Conference
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Northvale, NJ, March 24, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — via NewMediaWire — ADM Tronics Unlimited, Inc. (OTCQB – ADMT) announced today that it will be participating at the Lytham Partners Spring 2021 Investor Conference. Andre DiMino, President of ADMT, will be available for virtual one-on-one meetings throughout the event, which runs from March 30, 2021 through April 1, 2021. To arrange a meeting, contact Lytham Partners at: 1× or register here: Register (
“We are pleased to participate in this year’s Lytham Partners Investor Spring Conference and for the opportunity to discuss our company’s progress with our innovative medical technologies currently in development,” stated DiMino.
ADMT specializes in design, development and manufacturing of diagnostic and therapeutic electronic medical technologies...