Day: March 24, 2021
Princeton, New Jersey, March 24, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — In its press release, the agency reminds that this rating reflects Coface’s balance sheet strength, which AM Best assesses as “very strong”. This strength is underpinned by a consolidated risk-adjusted capitalization at the strongest level as measured by the Best’s Capital Adequacy Ratio (BCAR) score.
AM Best also acknowledges that despite deteriorated economic conditions, Coface has reported good technical results in 2020 with a net combined ratio at 79.8%.
Last, in its release, the rating agency underscores that this note reflects Coface’s “leading position in the global credit insurance market, which is characterised by high barriers to entry”.
Carine Pichon, Coface SA Chief Finance & Risk Officer, commented: “This affirmation comes after a year 2020 that has been...
Company Announcement 4/2021
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March 24, 2021
NORDIC SHIPHOLDING A/S Company Announcement: 04/2021
Published via NASDAQ OMX on March 24, 2021
Nordic Shipholding A/S – Annual Report 2020
Further to the Company Announcement 03/2021 dated March 23, 2021, the Board of Directors of NSH A/S is pleased to announce that the Annual Report for 2020 is approved on March 24, 2021.
2020 in brief:The Group, with its five vessels, continued to be a tonnage provider in the product tanker segment in 2020. The four handysize tankers remained commercially managed by the Hafnia Handy Pool (Nordic Agnetha, Nordic Amy, Nordic Pia and Nordic Hanne) while the LR1 tanker (Nordic Anne) remained commercially managed by Hafnia LR Pool.
Revenue earned by the vessels reached USD 42.3 million, which resulted in a Time Charter Equivalent (“TCE”) revenue of USD 27.8 million and an EBITDA of USD...
Selskabsdelelse 4/2021
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24. marts 2021
NORDIC SHIPHOLDING A/S Selskabsmeddelelse: 4/2021
Offentliggjort via NASDAQ OMX den 24. marts 2021
Nordic Shipholding A/S – Årsrapport 2020
I fortsættelse af Selskabsmeddelelse 3/2021 dateret 23. marts 2021, har Nordic Shipholding A/S’ bestyrelse i dag den 24. marts 2021 behandlet og godkendt Årsrapporten for 2020.
2020 i hovedtræk:Koncernen, med sine fem skibe, fortsatte med at være udbyder af tonnage i produkttankskibssegmentet i 2019. De fire handysize – tankere forblev kommercielt beskæftiget i Hafnia Handy – Poolen (Nordic Agnetha, Nordic Amy, Nordic Pia og Nordic Hanne), medens LR1 – tankeren (Nordic Anne) forblev kommercielt beskæftiget i Hafnia LR – Poolen
Skibenes omsætningen udgjorde USD 42,3 millioner, hvilket resulterede i en TCE-indtjening på USD 27,8 millioner og et EBITDA...
Landsbankinn hf.: Niðurstöður aðalfundar Landsbankans 2021
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Aðalfundur Landsbankans, sem haldinn var 24. mars 2021, samþykkti að greiða 4.489 milljónir króna í arð til hluthafa. Það samsvarar 42,7% af hagnaði árins 2020. Þar með munu arðgreiðslur bankans á árunum 2013-2021 nema um 146 milljörðum króna. Á fundinum voru þrír nýir aðalmenn kjörnir í bankaráð.
Hagnaður Landsbankans á árinu 2020 nam 10,5 milljörðum króna, eftir skatta. Arðsemi eiginfjár var 4,3% og kostnaðarhlutfall var 47,4%. Bankinn gjaldfærði um 12 milljarða króna vegna virðisbreytinga útlána sem má að mestu rekja til áhrifa heimsfaraldurs Covid-19. Eigið fé bankans um sl. áramót var um 258 milljarðar króna og eiginfjárhlutfallið var 25,1%.
Bjóðum áfram framúrskarandi þjónustu
Helga Björk Eiríksdóttir, formaður bankaráðs, flutti skýrslu stjórnar og fjallaði m.a. um áherslu Landsbankans á að styðja við viðskiptavini sem lentu í vandræðum...
Landsbankinn hf.: Results of the AGM of Landsbankinn 2021
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The annual general meeting of Landsbankinn, held on 24 March 2021, agreed to pay a dividend amounting to ISK 4,489 million to shareholders. The dividend is equivalent to 42.7% of 2020 profits. As a result, total dividends paid by the Bank in 2013-2021 will amount to around ISK 146 bn. Three new individuals were elected to the Board of Directors at the AGM.
Landsbankinn’s after-tax profit in 2020 was ISK 10.5 billion. Return on equity (ROE) was 4.3% and the cost-income ratio was 47.4%. The Bank made an ISK 12 billion provision for loan impairment, largely in response to the impact of Covid-19. The Bank’s equity at year-end 2020 amounted to ISK 258 billion and its capital ratio was 25.1%.
First-rate service
Helga Björk Eiríksdóttir, Chairman of the Board of Directors, delivered the Board’s report to the AGM, discussing Landsbankinn’s...
Cortus Energy AB har fastställt konverteringskursen för den tredje konverteringsperioden för konvertibler av serie KV1 till 0,27 SEK
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Stockholm, onsdagen den 24 mars 2021
Cortus Energy AB (”Cortus Energy” eller “Bolaget”) gav ut konvertibler under andra och tredje kvartalet 2020. Enligt konverteringsvillkoren ska konverteringskursen uppgå till 70 procent av den genomsnittliga volymvägda kursen i bolagets aktie under perioden från den 11 mars till och med den 24 mars 2021, dock lägst 0,26 SEK och högst 0,40 SEK. Eftersom den volymvägda genomsnittliga aktiekursen för Bolagets aktie under mätperioden uppgick till cirka 0,38 SEK har konverteringskursen fastställts till 0,27 SEK.
Villkor för konvertibler i sammandrag:
Konverteringsperiod Konverteringen av konvertibler pågår under perioden 25 mars till 31 mars 2021.
Konverteringskurs Innehavare av konvertibler äger rätt att för varje...
Proactive news headlines including Clean Seed Capital Group, Plurilock Security, Dalrada Financial and Revive Therapeutics
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New York, March 24, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) —Cloud Nine Web3 Technologies Inc (CSE:CNI) (OTCMKTS:CLGUF) names entrepreneur and CEO of Victory Square Technologies as strategic advisor click here
Clean Seed Capital Group Ltd (CVE:CSX) (OTCMKTS:CLGPF)to break ground on new operations and assembly facility in Saskatchewan click here
Plurilock Security Inc (CVE:PLUR) (OTCQB:PLCKF) completes transitioning to its new state-of-the-art cloud infrastructure click here
Australis Capital Inc (CSE:AUSA) (OTC:AUSAF) (FRA:AC4) completes first phase of Green Therapeutics acquisition with cannabis subsidiary purchase click here
American Battery Metals Corporation (OTCQB:ABML) achieves notable milestones in the development of its lithium-ion battery recycling pilot plant in Nevada click here
Dalrada Financial Corp (OTCQB:DFCO) appoints new executive...
Forløb af ordinær generalforsamling 24. marts 2021
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Møns Bank
Stege, den 24. marts 2021
LEI-kode 213800BGF1TQB5M6PH65
Fondsbørsmeddelelse nr. 04-2021.
Meddelelse om forløbet af Møns Banks generalforsamling, der grundet de særlige forhold og restriktioner omkring Coronavirussen, blev afviklet som elektronisk generalforsamling onsdag den 24. marts 2021:
På generalforsamlingen var repræsenteret en stemmeberettiget aktiekapital på 9.645.400 kr. svarende til 24,11 % af kapitalen og 251.210 stemmer.
Jf. vedtægternes § 6 havde bestyrelsen udpeget advokat Lars Stuckert, Advodan Lolland-Falster til dirigent for generalforsamlingen.
1. Bestyrelsens beretning blev taget til efterretning. 2. Fremlæggelse af årsrapport med revisionspåtegning blev godkendt
3. Beslutning om anvendelse af overskud i henhold til den godkendte årsrapport blev godkendt
4. Valg af medlemmer til repræsentantskabet
SCOR déplore une manœuvre mensongère et infondée du groupe Covéa, à trois mois du procès pénal le visant ainsi que Monsieur Thierry Derez
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Communiqué de presse24 mars 2021 – N° 7
SCOR déplore une manœuvre mensongère et infondéedu groupe Covéa, à trois mois du procès pénal le visant ainsi que Monsieur Thierry Derez
SCOR apprend avec stupéfaction le dépôt par Covéa, « pour le compte de SCOR », d’une plainte contre Monsieur Denis Kessler.
SCOR s’interroge sur les raisons qui conduisent Covéa à déposer cette plainte plus de deux ans après sa connaissance des faits qu’elle prétend dénoncer.
Les faits qui sont mentionnés par Covéa dans son communiqué de presse, à savoir les frais de défense que SCOR a été contraint d’engager pour se défendre contre la tentative de prise de contrôle non sollicitée de Covéa en 2018, ainsi que les surcoûts subis par SCOR dans le cadre de l’exécution de son programme de rachat d’actions, sont parfaitement justifiés, légitimes,...
Dividend Growth Split Corp. Declares Class A Share Distribution
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TORONTO, March 24, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — (TSX: DGS) Dividend Growth Split Corp. (“DGS”) is pleased to announce a distribution payable on April 15, 2021 to class A shareholders of record at the close of business on March 31, 2021 in the amount of $0.10 per class A share.
This distribution for the class A shares of DGS is being announced for March as the net asset value per unit of DGS as at March 18, 2021 (after taking into account the payment of cash distributions) was greater than $15.00. Cash distributions may be paid on the class A shares if (a) the distributions payable on the preferred shares are not in arrears, or (b) after the payment of cash distributions, the net asset value per unit would be greater than $15.00. Each month, DGS reviews whether the net asset value per unit meets these requirements in order to determine...