Day: March 24, 2021
Not for distribution to U.S. newswire services or for dissemination in the United States
TORONTO, March 24, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Giyani Metals Corp. (TSXV:EMM, GR:A2DUU8) (“Giyani” or the “Company“) is pleased to announce that it has today closed its previously announced bought deal equity financing (the “Offering“). A total of 16,916,500 units of the Company (the “Units“) were issued at a price of C$0.68 per Unit for gross proceeds of C$11,503,220, which included the exercise in full of the over‐allotment option granted by the Company to the Underwriters (as defined below). Each Unit consists of one (1) common share (each, a “Common Share“) and one half of one (½) Common Share purchase warrant (each whole Common Share purchase warrant, a “Warrant“). Each...
Rosinbomb™ Announces Exclusive Product Collaboration With World Renowned Industry Icon Tommy Chong
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RENO, Nev., March 24, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — ROSINBOMB (OTC:ROSN), industry leading developer and manufacturer of the highly acclaimed ROSINBOMB line of solventless extraction presses and Industry Icon Tommy Chong, announced today the launch of a limited edition series of custom art skinned Rosinbomb Rocket consumer extraction presses. The Rosinbomb Rocket is widely acclaimed as the best personal, solventless rosin press in the world. As part of this innovative initiative to merge creative design and function, Rosinbomb has partnered with entertainment industry and cultural icon Tommy Chong to release the first ever Tommy Chong inspired presses.
The Tommy Chong Rocket priced at $549, is a limited offering and the presses will be individually hand signed by Tommy as part of a numbered collectible edition available exclusively at...
StoneMor Inc. Announces Agreement to Acquire Four Cemeteries
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BENSALEM, Pa., March 24, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — StoneMor Inc. (NYSE: STON) (“StoneMor” or the “Company”), a leading owner and operator of cemeteries and funeral homes, today announced it has signed a definitive agreement to acquire four cemeteries located within its East Coast geographic footprint for a total purchase price of $5,395,000, subject to customary working capital adjustments.
Joe Redling, StoneMor’s President and Chief Executive Officer said, “We are very excited to announce that we have entered into an asset purchase agreement to acquire four cemeteries within our East Coast geographic footprint. While this is a small first step, it represents a very important shift in our strategy from focusing on divesting assets to acquiring new locations that align with our existing portfolio.”
The transaction is expected to close...
No. 9/2021 – Managers’ transactions
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Nasdaq Copenhagen Nikolaj Plads 6DK-1067 Copenhagen K
Copenhagen, 24 March 2021ANNOUNCEMENT no 9/2021
Managers’ transactions
Pursuant to Article 19 of the market abuse regulation Cemat A/S hereby announces the following information received 23 March 2021.Name:
Joanna Lucyna Iwanowska-NielsenReason for filing:
InsiderCompany name:
Cemat A/SIdentification code and name:
ISIN DK0010271584Transaction type:
19 March 2021Market:
Nasdaq CopenhagenNumber of traded shares:
0.50Cemat A/S
Jaroslaw Pawel LipinskiCEO
This announcement has been prepared in a Danish-language and an English-language
version. In case of doubt, the Danish version prevails.
AttachmentAnnouncement no. 9 – 24.03.2021
Nr. 9/2021 – Ledende medarbejders transaktioner
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Nasdaq Copenhagen Nikolaj Plads 6DK-1067 Copenhagen K
København, 24. marts 2021SELSKABSMEDDELELSE nr. 9/2021
Ledende medarbejderes transaktioner
I henhold til markedsmisbrugsforordningens artikel 19 skal Cemat A/S hermed indberette følgende oplysninger, som selskabet har modtaget den 23. marts 2021.Navn:
Joanna Lucyna Iwanowska-NielsenÅrsag til indberetning
InsiderSelskabets navn:
Cemat A/SFondskode og betegnelse:
ISIN DK0010271584Transaktionens karakter:
19. marts 2021Marked:
Nasdaq CopenhagenAntallet af handlede aktier:
0,50Cemat A/S
Jaroslaw Pawel LipinskiCEO
Denne selskabsmeddelelse er udarbejdet på dansk og engelsk. I tvivlstilfælde er den danske udgave gældende.
Vedhæftet filSelskabsmeddelelse nr....
Major shareholder information pursuant to section 30 of the Danish Capital Markets Act
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Company announcement no. 9/2021 March 24th, 2021Major shareholder information pursuant to section 30 of the Danish Capital Markets ActCompany announcement
Pursuant to Section 30 of the Danish Capital Markets Act, Columbus A/S hereby announces that it has today received notification that as of 23 March 2021 Protector Forsikring ASA, Org no. 985279721 no longer holds above 5% of the shares and voting rights of Columbus A/S.
The notification received from Protector Forsikring ASA is as follows:
“Subject: Major shareholder notification for ColumbusMessage:HiAccording to Danish Capital Market Act, we hereby notify you that we have crossed the thresholds of 5% from 5,03% to 4,96% percent of the issuing company’s share capital.On the 23rd of March 2021, Protector Forsikring ASA ,orgnr 985279721, sold 88 286 shares of Columbus (ISIN:...
Tix Corporation Reports Full Year 2020 Results and Litigation
Written by Customer Service on . Posted in Earnings Releases And Operating Results.
LAS VEGAS, March 24, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Tix Corporation (the “Company”) (OTCQX: TIXC), a leading provider of discount ticketing services, today reported results for the full year ended December 31, 2020, and new litigation.
The Current Las Vegas Marketplace:
Our Tix4Tonight business is located in Las Vegas where (when we conduct our business in the ordinary course which currently we are not) we sell shows, attractions, tours, and dining from our seven ticket booths that are strategically located on the Strip. As previously announced, due to efforts to mitigate the impact of COVID-19, virtually all Las Vegas entertainment, restaurants, bars, and major hotel properties temporarily closed on or about the week of March 16, 2020. With the closure of entertainment on the Las Vegas Strip, and therefore the cessation of revenue for...
Julia Otey-Raudes and Demitri J. Hopkins of Eco Innovation Group, Inc., are Featured in a New Audio Interview with
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Interview focusses on the innovative supercritical extraction technology that ECOX recently entered an LOI with Glytech, LLC to develop and manufacture.
AUSTIN, Texas, March 24, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) —, Inc. (“SCV”) today announced the availability of a new interview with the leadership of Eco Innovation Group, Inc. (OTC: ECOX) (the “Company”), an innovative company aggregating investments in new technologies that promote environmental and social well-being, and the advancement of green energy solutions. The interview outlines the development of ECOX’s portfolio of technology assets, the evolution of the Company to date, and the goals for the remainder of 2020 and beyond.
Speaking with SCV’s Stuart Smith, Otey-Raudes provides a recap of the 2020 milestones and the company moves and news so far in 2021. From there...
ProVen VCT plc: Publication of Supplementary Prospectus
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ProVen VCT plcProVen Growth and Income VCT plcPublication of Supplementary Prospectus24 March 2021
ProVen VCT plc and ProVen Growth and Income VCT plc (the “Companies”) published a prospectus on 3 December 2020 (comprising a securities note, a registration document and a summary (the “Prospectus”)) relating to the offer for subscription by the Companies to raise up to £40 million by way of an issue of new ordinary shares in the Companies, with each raising up to £20 million (together with an over-allotment facility for each company to raise up to a further £10 million). The Companies have announced that they do not intend to utilise the over-allotment facility and the offer for shares by the Companies under the Prospectus is closed to further applications.
On 18 March 2021 each of the Companies published an unaudited net asset value per...
Rackspace Technology kündigt neues Webinar der New Solve Strategy Series an: Mit modernen Daten Kundenanforderungen vorhersagen
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SAN ANTONIO, March 24, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Rackspace Technology™ (NASDAQ: RXT), ein führendes Unternehmen für End-to-End-Multicloud-Technologielösungen, veranstaltet am 6. April um 16:00 Uhr CET das virtuelle Event Predicting Your Customer Needs with Modern Data, welches Teil der New Solve Strategy Series des Unternehmens ist.
Da neue Technologien die Erwartungen der Kunden verändern, profitieren führende Unternehmen davon, ihre Geschäftsmodelle anzupassen und ihre Daten zu modernisieren.
Jeremiah Owyang, ein Experte für bahnbrechende Technologie- und Unternehmensinnovationen und Gründer von Kaleido Insights und Catalyst Companies, erklärt in der Keynote-Rede, warum die Modernisierung Ihrer Daten ein wichtiger Schritt zur Einführung neuer Technologien und zur Nutzung wichtiger technologischer Trends ist, die sich auf das Verhalten...