Day: March 21, 2021
Well TD was reached at a Measured Depth (MD) of 2,336 m. Electric logging reveals 11 m. “net pay” in the Agua Grande (AG) formation, 3.1 m net pay in a new potentially productive zone at the base of the Itaparica formation and 1.6 m net pay in the Sergi (SG) formation.
Jonas Lindvall, CEO of Maha Energy commented: “Structurally, the Tie-3 well came in exactly how we planned it. What appears to be a new oil productive transitional zone at the base of the Itaparica and the top of the Sergi is very encouraging and is something we have not seen in any of the other Tie wells. The Tie-3 well will eventually be turned into a flank water injector, but right now it will be completed and placed on production.”
Tie-3 was spudded on December 18, 2020 with an objective to intersect the oil water contacts of both the AG and SG at the western edge...
Maha Energy AB (publ) (”Bolaget” eller ”Maha”) meddelar potentiell ny oljebärande formation i Tie-fältet och att Tie-3-brunnen nått borrmål
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Borrmålet nåddes på 2 336 meters djup. Loggning med elektriska sonder påvisade så kallade ”Net Payzones”1 på 11 meter i Agua Grande (AG)-formationen, på 3,1 meter i en potentiellt ny oljebärande zon i botten av Itaparica-formationen samt på 1,6 meter i toppen av Sergi (SG)-formationen.
Jonas Lindvall, VD på Maha Energy kommenterar: ”Strukturellt borrades Tie-3-brunnen helt enligt plan. Vi har påvisat vad som verkar vara en ny oljebärande zon i övergången mellan formationerna Itaparica och Sergi. Det är verkligen spännande eftersom vi inte sett detta i någon av de tidigare borrade brunnarna på Tie-fältet. Tie-3-brunnen kommer så småningom att konverteras till en vatteninjicerings-brunn, men nu kommer vi först att färdigställa hålet och få i gång produktionen.”
Borrningen av Tie-3 påbörjades den 18 december 2020 med målet att penetrera...
Three Major Indices ended market lower while Treasury bond closed higher
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The three major market indices end up with losses as the market closed this Thursday. Led by NASDAQ – the tech heavy-weight, the sell off in the market was a result of investors looking at Treasury bonds as Fed Chief Powell indicated on his speech that near zero interest rates is to be maintained for the next least 3 years.
NASDAQ is down by 3% or by 409 points which is their worst trade session in the last 3 weeks, followed by S&P 500 by 58.66 points or 1.48%. Dented demands largely affected market value of technology stocks. Dow Jones Industrial Average is also down by 0.46%, or 157 points, despite going smoothly for the first half of the day.
On the other hand, 10 Year Treasury Notes topped 5.42% at market close, which is in response to the FOMC’s (Federal Open Market Committee) declaration. The 30 Year Treasury Bonds...
JOYY to Announce Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2020 Financial Results on March 25, 2021
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GUANGZHOU, China, March 21, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — JOYY Inc. (NASDAQ: YY) (“JOYY” or the “Company”, formerly known as YY Inc.), a global video-based social media platform, today announced that it plans to release its fourth quarter and full year 2020 financial results after the U.S. market closes on March 25, 2021.
The Company’s management will host an earnings conference call at 9:00 PM U.S. Eastern Time on Thursday, March 25, 2021 (9:00 AM Beijing/Hong Kong Time on Friday, March 26, 2021). Details for the conference call are as follows:Event Title:
JOYY Inc. Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2020 Earnings Conference CallConference ID:
#4784747Due to the global outbreak of the COVID-19, operator assisted conference calls are not available at the moment. All participants must use the link provided below to complete the online...