Day: March 19, 2021
LAFOX, Ill., March 19, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Richardson Electronics, Ltd. (NASDAQ: RELL) announced today it is now offering Cornell Dubilier’s new high-energy storage pulse capacitors.Highly customizable, Cornell Dubilier’s pulse capacitors are designed to deliver large amounts of energy in short bursts, providing excellent high-energy storage for applications with high voltage charge/discharge cycles. These capacitors are available in either a dry epoxy or oil-impregnated construction and come in a variety of terminal options with a broad range of plastic or metal packaging.With voltage ratings to 100 kV, peak discharge current ratings to 250 kA, these low inductance devices are designed for user-specified life. Cornell Dubilier offers unparalleled expertise in the design and manufacture of customized high energy storage and...
Correction on Draft resolutions by the Board of Medicinos Bankas for the ordinary general shareholders meeting for the year 2021 and announcment of the date and time of ordinary general shareholders meeting for the year 2021
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Draft resolutions by the Board of Medicinos Bankas for the ordinary general shareholders meeting for the year 2021 and announcment of the date and time of ordinary general shareholders meeting for the year 2021Private Limited Company Medicinos Bankas (hereinafter – “Medicinos Bankas”), company reg. No. 112027077, seat address: Pamėnkalnio 40, 01114 Vilnius.The draft resolutions suggested by the Board of Medicinos Bankas UAB on the items of the agenda of the ordinary general shareholders meeting of Medicinos Bankas UAB for the year 2021.The Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of Medicinos Bankas UAB in 2021 is convened in 2021 March 31 10 a.m. at Pamėnkalnio str. 40 Vilnius (2nd floor).More information: Aleksejus Tonkich, Member of the Board, Director of the Financial Service, Deputy Head of Administration Phone: + 370 698 34055, email:...
Atnaujinta informacija dėl UAB Medicinos banko valdybos siūlomų sprendimų projektų 2021 metų UAB Medicinos banko eiliniam visuotiniam akcininkų susirinkimui ir pranešimas dėl 2021 m. eilinio visuotinio akcininkų susirinkimo datos ir laiko
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Dėl UAB Medicinos banko valdybos siūlomų sprendimų projektų 2021 metų UAB Medicinos banko eiliniam visuotiniam akcininkų susirinkimui ir pranešimas dėl 2021 m. eilinio visuotinio akcininkų susirinkimo datos ir laikoUždaroji akcinė bendrovė Medicinos bankas (toliau – Medicinos bankas), įmonės kodas 112027077, buveinės adresas: Pamėnkalnio g. 40, 01114 Vilnius.Pateikiami Medicinos banko valdybos siūlomi sprendimų projektai 2021 metų UAB Medicinos banko eilinio visuotinio akcininkų susirinkimo darbotvarkės klausimais.2021 metų UAB Medicinos banko eilinio visuotinis akcininkų susirinkimas šaukiamas 2021 m. kovo 31 d. 10 val. adresu Pamėnkalnio g. 40 Vilnius (2 aukštas).Daugiau informacijos: Aleksejus Tonkich, Valdybos narys, Finansų tarnybos direktorius, administracijos vadovo pavaduotojas, tel. + 370 698 34055, el. paštas aleksejus.tonkich@medbank.ltPriedaiPelno...
Farmers & Merchants Bancorp, Inc. Declares 2021 First-Quarter Cash Dividend
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ARCHBOLD, Ohio, March 19, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The Board of Directors of Farmers & Merchants Bancorp, Inc., (Nasdaq: FMAO) the holding company of The Farmers & Merchants State Bank, with assets of $1.91 billion at December 31, 2020, today announced that it has approved the Company’s quarterly cash dividend of $0.17 per share, which is a 6.3% increase over the first quarter dividend of 2020. The first quarter dividend is payable on April 20, 2021, to shareholders of record as of March 31, 2021. About Farmers & Merchants Bancorp, Inc.:The Farmers & Merchants State Bank is a local independent community bank that has been serving Northwest Ohio and Northeast Indiana since 1897. The Farmers & Merchants State Bank provides commercial banking, retail banking and other financial services. Our offices are in...
IZEA Managed Services Bookings Top 75% YoY Growth to Date in Q1
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Orlando, Florida, March 19, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — IZEA Worldwide, Inc. (NASDAQ: IZEA), the premier provider of influencer marketing technology, data, and services for the world’s leading brands, announced today that the company’s Managed Services bookings for Q1 2021 to date are now 75% greater than Managed Services bookings for all of Q1 2020. The announcement comes after the company was awarded a series of influencer marketing contracts, including further growth of its relationship with a Fortune 10 customer, whom the company previously announced had expanded its contractual engagement with IZEA, earlier this month.Bookings are a measure of all sales orders minus any known or expected cancellations or refunds with respect to such sales orders or refunds. Management uses bookings to inform expectations of total sales activity....
Middlesex Water Company to Invest $10.2 Million in Metuchen Water Infrastructure in 2021
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ISELIN, N.J., March 19, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Middlesex Water Company (NASDAQ:MSEX) has announced that beginning in April 2021, it will be investing $10.2 million to further modernize drinking water infrastructure in the Borough of Metuchen, NJ. Under this infrastructure replacement activity known as RENEW 2021, Middlesex Water Company intends to replace 24,800 linear feet of water main, as well as service lines, valves and fire hydrants. This work is being performed to improve fire flows and overall service quality.Metuchen streets expected to be included in the project work area are: Applewood Court, Aylin Street, Bell Avenue, Central Avenue, Christol Street, Cummings Court, East Chestnut Avenue, Forrest Street, Leonard Street, Liberty Street, Linden Avenue, Maple Avenue, Miller Drive, Mulberry Lane, Norcross Avenue, Oak Avenue,...
Net Asset Value and Dividend Declaration
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Octopus Titan VCT plc19 March 2021Net asset value and Dividend declarationThe Board of Octopus Titan VCT plc announces that as at 31 December 2020 the unaudited NAV of the Company was 97.0 pence per share.The Board has today declared a further interim dividend of 3.0p per share for the period ended 31 December 2020. The record date for the dividend is 16 April 2021 and the payment date is 30 April 2021. It is not anticipated that any further dividends will be declared in respect of this period.The Company is satisfied that all inside information which the Directors and the Company may have, has been and will be notified to a Regulated Information Service and, therefore, the Company is not prohibited from dealing in its own securities.For further information please contact:Katherine FyfeOctopus Company Secretarial Services Limited+44 (0)20...
Martela Corporation’s Board of Directors Organizational Meeting
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The Board of Directors elected by Martela Corporation’s Annual General Meeting had its organizational meeting after the Annual General Meeting and elected from among its members Johan Mild as the Chairman and Katarina Mellström as the Vice Chairman of the Board. Johan Mild was elected as the Chairman and Jan Mattson and Katarina Mellström were elected as the members of the HR and Compensation Committee. Anni Vepsäläinen was elected as the Chairman and Minna Andersson and Eero Martela as members of the Audit Committee. The Board has evaluated the independence of its members according to the Finnish Corporate Governance Code and determined that Minna Andersson, Eero Martela, Jan Mattsson, Katarina Mellström, Johan Mild and Anni Vepsäläinen are independent of the company and that Jan Mattson, Katarina Mellström, Johan Mild and Anni...
Martela Oyj:n hallituksen järjestäytymiskokouksen päätöksiä
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Yhtiökokouksen jälkeen pidetyssä järjestäytymiskokouksessa hallitus valitsi keskuudestaan hallituksen puheenjohtajaksi Johan Mildin ja varapuheenjohtajaksi Katarina Mellströmin. Martelan palkitsemisvaliokunnan puheenjohtajaksi valittiin Johan Mild ja jäseniksi Jan Mattsson ja Katarina Mellström. Martelan tarkastusvaliokunnan puheenjohtajaksi valittiin Anni Vepsäläinen ja tarkastusvaliokunnan jäseniksi Minna Andersson ja Eero Martela.Hallitus on arvioinut kokouksessaan jäsentensä riippumattomuuden Suomen listayhtiöiden hallintokoodin mukaisesti ja todennut, että yhtiöstä riippumattomia hallituksen jäseniä ovat Minna Andersson, Eero Martela, Jan Mattsson, Katarina Mellström, Johan Mild sekä Anni Vepsäläinen ja yhtiön merkittävimmistä osakkeenomistajista riippumattomia hallituksen jäseniä ovat Jan Mattsson, Katarina Mellström, Johan Mild...
Project Expands Esports and Gaming Capabilities with Acquisition of OS Studios
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NEW YORK, March 19, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Independent, employee-owned network of creative agencies, Project Worldwide is expanding its expertise in esports and gaming with the acquisition of OS Studios. Based in New York City, OS Studios has grown rapidly since its inception in 2018 to become a market leader in creative, content and live production for leading brands seeking to engage gaming and esports communities. The acquisition accelerates Project’s commitment to serve clients across all aspects of the exploding gaming and esports space, including publishers, leagues, teams, personalities, platforms, services, and brands in an authentic, community-centric way.OS Studios was co-founded by Chief Executive Officer John Higgins and Chief Operating Officer Ian Packard on the principles of community and the power of content. To...