Day: March 19, 2021
UPM-Kymmene Oyj Pörssitiedote (Muut pörssin sääntöjen nojalla julkistettavat tiedot) 19.3.2021 klo 19.15 EETUPM on hakenut toisen vihreän joukkovelkakirjalainansa listaamista Euronext DubliniinUPM-Kymmene Oyj on tänään hakenut 500 miljoonan euron EMTN-joukkovelkakirjalainaohjelman (Euro Medium Term Note) alla liikkeeseen lasketun vihreän joukkovelkakirjalainan listaamista Irlannin pörssin viralliselle listalle, Euronext Dubliniin.Joukkovelkakirjalaina erääntyy maaliskuussa 2031, ja lainalle maksetaan kiinteää 0,50 prosentin korkoa. Joukkovelkakirjalainaa käytetään UPM:n marraskuussa 2020 julkaistun vihreän rahoituksen viitekehyksen mahdollistamien hankkeiden ja investointien rahoittamiseen.Moody’s on myöntänyt joukkovelkakirjalainalle luottoluokituksen Baa1.Joukkovelkakirjalainaohjelman esite ja Green Finance Framework -viitekehys...
Mineworx Provides Update on Share Consolidation
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NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION IN THE UNITED STATES OR OVER UNITED STATES NEWS WIRE SERVICES.CALGARY, Alberta, March 19, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Mineworx Technologies Ltd., (the “Corporation” or “Mineworx“) (TSXV: MWX) (OTCQB: MWXRF) (FSE: YRS WKN: A2DSW3) announced that, further to its January 22, 2021 news release, effective on or about Tuesday, March 23, 2021, the Corporation will complete the consolidation (the “Consolidation”) of its Common Shares on the basis of 2 pre-Consolidation Common Shares for 1 post-Consolidation Common Share, subject to regulatory approval, including approval of the TSX Venture Exchange (“TSX Venture”). Where the exchange results in a fractional share, the number of Common Shares will be rounded up to the next greater whole number of Common Shares if the fractional entitlement is...
Kvika banki hf.: Kvika eignast allt hlutafé í Aur app ehf.
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Kvika banki hf. („Kvika“ eða „bankinn“) hefur gengið frá kaupum á 100% hlutafjár í Aur app ehf. („Aur“ eða „félagið“). Fyrir kaupin átti Nova hf. rúmlega helming hlutafjár í félaginu, en aðrir hluthafar voru m.a. Borgun hf., Social ehf. og Sverrir Hreiðarsson, framkvæmdastjóri Aur. Eftir kaupin verður bankinn eini eigandi félagsins.Aur var stofnað árið 2015 sem einföld og fljótleg leið til að millifæra peninga og hefur á skömmum tíma byggt upp stóran hóp viðskiptavina, en um síðustu mánaðamót voru virkir notendur Aur appsins um 90 þúsund. Félagið hefur verið leiðandi í fjártækni á Íslandi með farsímagreiðslulausnir og nýja nálgun á neytendalánamarkaði.Kaupin á Aur eru mikilvægt skref í þeirri vegferð Kviku að nýta tæknilausnir til þess að nútímavæða fjármálaþjónustu. Gert er ráð fyrir því að Aur, ásamt Netgíró og fjártækniþjónustunni Auði...
Kvika banki hf.: Kvika has acquired all shares in Aur app ehf.
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Kvika has today completed the acquisition of 100% shares in Aur app ehf. (“Aur” or “the Company”). Previous shareholders included Nova hf., with just over 50% shareholding, Borgun hf., Social ehf. and Aur’s CEO Sverir Hreiðarsson. Following the acquisition, the bank will be the sole owner of the company.Aur was established in 2015, offering simple and swift payment services and has in a short period of time built an extensive client base. At the end of February, Aur had 90 thousand active users. The company has been a leading fintech player in Iceland with its mobile payments and innovative approach to consumer lending The acquisition of Aur is an important step in Kvika’s policy of utilising technological solutions to modernize financial services. The bank expects that Aur, together with Netgíró hf. and the fintech service Auður will play...
QuoteMedia Year End 2020 Financial Results and Investors’ Conference Call March 26, 2021
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PHOENIX, March 19, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — QuoteMedia, Inc. (OTCQB: QMCI), a leading provider of market data and financial applications, today announced that its earnings for its year ended December 31, 2020 will be released the morning of March 26, 2021. That same day, the company will host a conference call at 2:00 PM Eastern time to discuss the financial results and provide a business update.Conference Call Details:Date: March 26, 2021Time: 2:00 PM EasternDial-in numbers: 877-876-9173, 785-424-1667Conference ID: QUOTEMEDIAAn audio rebroadcast of the call will be available later at: www.quotemedia.comAbout QuoteMediaQuoteMedia is a leading software developer and cloud-based syndicator of financial market information and streaming financial data solutions to media, corporations, online brokerages, and financial services companies....
Becerra Confirmation Boosts 22nd Century’s Position to Disrupt Tobacco Industry
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WILLIAMSVILLE, N.Y., March 19, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — 22nd Century Group, Inc. (NYSE American: XXII), a leading plant-based, biotechnology company focused on tobacco harm reduction, very low nicotine content tobacco, and hemp/cannabis research, today congratulated Xavier Becerra as the new Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). The Company believes that Becerra’s confirmation may reignite the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) ground-breaking Comprehensive Plan for Tobacco and Nicotine Regulation, in particular the Agency’s plan to render all cigarettes “minimally or non-addictive.”“We congratulate Secretary Becerra on his well-deserved confirmation to this critically important role,” said James A. Mish, chief executive officer of 22nd Century. “Among his many accomplishments, Secretary Becerra...
COFACE SA: AM Best affirms Coface’s main operating subsidiaries rating at A (Excellent) with a stable outlook
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Paris, 19th March 2021 – 18:00COFACE SA: AM Best affirms Coface’s main operating subsidiaries rating at A (Excellent) with a stable outlookThe rating agency AM Best affirmed on 18th March 2021 the A (Excellent) Insurer Financial Strength – IFS rating of Compagnie française d’assurance pour le commerce extérieur (la Compagnie), Coface North America Insurance Company (CNAIC) and Coface Re. The outlook for these ratings remain “stable”.In its press release, the agency reminds that this rating reflects Coface’s balance sheet strength, which AM Best assesses as “very strong”. This strength is underpinned by a consolidated risk-adjusted capitalization at the strongest level as measured by the Best’s Capital Adequacy Ratio (BCAR) score.AM Best also acknowledges that despite deteriorated economic conditions, Coface has reported good technical...
COFACE SA : AM Best confirme la note ‘A’ (Excellent) assortie d’une perspective « stable » des principales entités opérationnelles de Coface
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Paris, le 19 mars 2021 – 18h00COFACE SA : AM Best confirme la note ‘A’ (Excellent) assortie d’une perspective « stable » des principales entités opérationnelles de CofaceL’agence de notation AM best a confirmé le 18 mars 2021, la note de solidité financière (Insurer Financial Strength – IFS) ‘A’ (Excellent) attribuée à Compagnie française d’assurance pour le commerce extérieur (la Compagnie), Coface North America Insurance Company (CNAIC) et Coface Ré. La perspective de ces notes reste « stable ».Dans son communiqué de presse, l’agence rappelle que cette note reflète la solidité financière de Coface qui est estimée comme étant très forte (Very strong), notamment soutenue par un niveau de capitalisation, calculé par le score BCAR, au niveau le plus élevé (Strongest).AM Best note également que malgré des conditions économiques dégradées,...
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Communiqué de presse Lyon – Saint-Vulbas, le 19 mars 2021 à 17h30Informations relatives à la convocationde l’Assemblée Générale Mixte du 23 avril 2021Aux termes de l’avis de réunion paru le 19 mars 2021 au BALO, les actionnaires sont informés que l’Assemblée Générale Mixte se tiendra le vendredi 23 avril 2021, à 11 heures, au centre logistique de la société, dans le Parc Industriel de la Plaine de l’Ain – ORAPI LOGISTIQUE, Allée du petit bois, 01150 SAINT-VULBAS.Dans le contexte de la pandémie du Covid-19, les modalités de tenue et de participation à l’Assemblée générale mixte du 23 avril 2021 de la Société sont susceptibles d’être modifiées, en fonction de l’évolution de la situation sanitaire et/ou réglementaire.Les actionnaires sont invités à consulter régulièrement...
AppSwarm Provides Update on its Current Video Conferencing, Last-Mile, and Blockchain Projects
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Tulsa, OK, March 19, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — via NewMediaWire — AppSwarm, Corp. (OTC: SWRM), a software development company and aggregator of mobile applications, provides updates on its current projects in the areas of video conferencing and supply-chain tracking.Video Conferencing and CommunicationsAs its core operations, the Company continues to expand out its SwarmConnect ( video conferencing platform. The platform has seen growing subscriber interest, and in January we announced collaborations to provide video conferencing services to the financial industry.SwarmConnect recently launched Live Streaming, which is compatible with any platform that supports RTMP streaming, including Facebook and YouTube Live.The next phase of development is to deploy CRM tools, build out our customer service...