Day: March 19, 2021
ELECTRA GRUPPEN AB (publ) orgnr. 556065-4054
Forslag til udbytte for 2020
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Til NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen A/S GlobeNewswire Faaborg, den 19. marts 2021 Selskabsmeddelelse nr. 2/2021 Forslag til udbytte for 2020Ved overgang til en ny hjemmeside har ledelsens forslag til udbytte for 2020 ved en fejl været offentligt tilgængeligt siden omkring kl....
Correction: Draft resolutions by the Board of Medicinos Bankas for the ordinary general shareholders meeting of Medicinos Bankas UAB for the year 2021 and announcment of the date and time of the ordinary general shareholders meeting for the year 2021
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Draft resolutions suggested by the Board of Medicinos Bankas UAB for the ordinary general shareholders meeting of Medicinos Bankas UAB for the year 2021 and announcment of the date and time of the ordinary general shareholders meeting for the year 2021Private Limited Company Medicinos Bankas (hereinafter – “Medicinos Bankas”), company reg. No. 112027077, seat address: Pamėnkalnio 40, 01114 Vilnius.The draft resolutions suggested by the Board of Medicinos Bankas UAB on the items of the agenda of the ordinary general shareholders meeting of Medicinos Bankas UAB for the year 2021.The Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of Medicinos Bankas UAB in 2021 is convened in 2021 March 31 10 a.m. at Pamėnkalnio str. 40 Vilnius (2nd floor).More information: Aleksejus Tonkich, Member of the Board, Director of the Financial Service, Deputy Head of...
Correction: UAB Medicinos banko valdybos siūlomi sprendimų projektai 2021 metų UAB Medicinos banko eiliniam visuotiniam akcininkų susirinkimui ir pranešimas dėl 2021 m. eilinio visuotinio akcininkų susirinkimo datos ir laiko
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UAB Medicinos banko valdybos siūlomi sprendimų projektai 2021 metų UAB Medicinos banko eiliniam visuotiniam akcininkų susirinkimui ir pranešimas dėl 2021 m. eilinio visuotinio akcininkų susirinkimo datos ir laiko
Kitron: Corvus Energy enters Contract Manufacturing Agreement with Kitron
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(2021-03-19) Corvus Energy has chosen Kitron as the manufacturing partner for the company’s battery management control systems. The value of the contract is NOK 100 million.Production will take place at Kitron’s facility in Arendal, Norway. It will be done in 2021 and 2022, with an option for extension.In addition to manufacturing of electronics modules, the contract also covers assistance towards Corvus Energy’s product redesign.“With our expansive growth and the worldwide increasing interest in zero emission technology, it is important for us to have long term strategic and trusted suppliers. We are very pleased to sign this contract with Kitron as they are a highly capable and strong sourcing partner for Corvus,” said Nils Valland, Senior Vice President Supply Chain at Corvus Energy.Corvus Energy is the leading supplier of battery...
Kitron: Corvus Energy inngår avtale om kontraktproduksjon med Kitron
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(2021-03-19) Corvus Energy har valgt Kitron som produksjonspartner for selskapets kontrollsystemer for batteristyring. Kontrakten har en verdi på 100 millioner kroner.Produksjonen vil foregå ved Kitrons anlegg i Arendal. Den vil skje i 2021 og 2022, med opsjon på utvidelse.I tillegg til produksjon av elektronikkmoduler dekker kontrakten også bistand med produktredesign for Corvus Energy.– Med vår kraftige vekst og den økende interessen for nullutslippsteknologi i hele verden, er det viktig for oss å ha langsiktige strategiske og pålitelige leverandører. Vi er veldig glade for å inngå denne kontrakten med Kitron, som er en svært kompetent og sterk leverandør for Corvus, sier Nils Valland, senior vice president supply chain i Corvus Energy.Corvus Energy er den ledende leverandøren av batterisystemer innen maritim sektor, olje og gass og...
Bel et Lactalis annoncent être entrés en négociation exclusive dans le cadre de la cession de la marque Leerdammer® et de tous ses droits attachés
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Suresnes & Laval, le 19 mars 2021 – 8h45Bel et Lactalis annoncent être entrés ennégociation exclusive dans le cadre de la cessionde la marque Leerdammer® et de tous ses droits attachésEntrée en négociation exclusive de Bel et Lactalis, après la signature le 18 mars 2021 d’une promesse unilatérale d’achat portant sur le transfert d’un périmètre comprenant Royal Bel Leerdammer NL, Bel Italia, Bel Deutschland, la marque Leerdammer et tous ses droits attachés, ainsi que Bel Shostka Ukraine, en échange de 1.591.472 actions Bel détenues par Lactalis (23,16% du capital de Bel).Lactalis, leader mondial des produits laitiers, réalise l’acquisition de Leerdammer, marque fromagère renommée en Europe, qui bénéficie de fondamentaux solides, d’une très bonne image, d’un portefeuille produits diversifié et d’un outil industriel performant. Leerdammer...
Bel and Lactalis enter exclusive talks to sell Leerdammer® and related rights
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Suresnes & Laval, 19 March 2021 – 8:45amBel and Lactalis enter exclusivetalks to sell Leerdammer® and related rightsBel and Lactalis begin exclusive negotiations having signed an Unilateral Promise to Purchase a business, on March 18, 2021, including Royal Bel Leerdammer NL, Bel Italia, Bel Deutschland, Leerdammer and all related rights, and Bel Shostka Ukraine, in return for Lactalis’s 1,591,472 Bel shareholding (23.16% Bel equity stake).Dairy products world no. 1 Lactalis acquires iconic European cheese brand Leerdammer, which has best-in-class strengths including a great reputation, a broad product range and world-class production facilities. Leerdammer fits perfectly into Lactalis’s strategic priorities founded on top class product development and local food.Bel, a market leading cheese brand owner and major player in healthy snacking,...
Unibel : Résultat annuel 2020
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UnibelInformation financière annuelleRésultats 2020Bonne résilience dans un contexte de crise pandémiqueRenforcement des engagements RSEAccélération de la transformation Les montants sont exprimés en millions d’euros et arrondis au million le plus proche. Les ratios et écarts sont calculés à partir des montants sous-jacents et non à partir des montants arrondis.Au cours de sa séance du 18 mars 2021, le Directoire a arrêté les comptes consolidés de l’exercice clos le 31 décembre 2020. Lors de cette réunion, les Commissaires aux comptes ont indiqué que les procédures d’audit sur les comptes consolidés ont été effectuées et que le rapport de certification était en cours d’émission.Antoine Fievet, Président-Directeur Général du groupe Bel et membre du Directoire d’Unibel, a déclaré : « La crise que nous avons vécue en 2020 a été...
Unibel : Results 2020
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UnibelAnnual financial information2020 ResultsCompany shows strong resilience in pandemic-related crisis and strengthens its CSR commitmentsTransformation continues apace Amounts are stated in millions of euros and rounded off to the nearest million. Ratios and variances are calculated based on underlying amounts and are not rounded.At its March 18, 2021 meeting, the Board approved the consolidated financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2020. At this meeting, the independent auditors reported having completed their audit of said financial statements and that their report was forthcoming.Antoine Fievet, Bel Group Chairman and Chief Executive Officer and a Unibel board director, said: “The crisis we experienced in 2020 was unprecedented at many levels, first and foremost on a human level, but also hitting our...