Day: March 19, 2021
GOFORE PLC STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE 19 MARCH 2021 AT 11.41 EETThe Finnish Financial Supervisory Authority has approved Gofore Plc’s Finnish language prospectusThe Finnish Financial Supervisory Authority has today, 19 March 2021, approved Gofore Plc’s (the “Company”) Finnish language prospectus (the “Finnish Prospectus”) in connection with the Company’s transfer from the Nasdaq First North Growth Market Finland marketplace to the official list of Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd (“Helsinki Stock Exchange”).The Finnish Prospectus will be available on or about 19 March 2021 on the Company’s website at and at the Company’s premises at Kalevantie 2, 33100 Tampere, Finland at office hours. The English language translation of the Finnish Prospectus will be available on the Company’s website at on or...
Gofore Oyj: Finanssivalvonta on hyväksynyt Gofore Oyj:n listalleottoesitteen
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GOFORE OYJ PÖRSSITIEDOTE 19.3.2021 KLO 11.41Finanssivalvonta on hyväksynyt Gofore Oyj:n listalleottoesitteenFinanssivalvonta on tänään 19.3.2021 hyväksynyt Gofore Oyj:n (”Yhtiö”) listalleottoesitteen (”Esite”), joka liittyy Yhtiön siirtymiseen Nasdaq First North Growth Finland -markkinapaikalta Nasdaq Helsinki Oy:n (”Helsingin Pörssi”) pörssilistalle.Esite on saatavilla arviolta 19.3.2021 alkaen suomenkielisenä Yhtiön internet-osoitteesta ja normaalina toimistoaikana Yhtiön toimipisteestä osoitteessa Kalevantie 2, 33100 Tampere. Esitteen englanninkielinen käännös on saatavilla arviolta 19.3.2021 Yhtiön internet-osoitteestaö jätti 17.3.2021 listalleottohakemuksen Yhtiön osakkeiden ottamiseksi kaupankäynnin kohteeksi Helsingin Pörssin pörssilistalle. Kaupankäynnin Yhtiön osakkeilla...
Årsrapport for SKAKO A/S for 2020
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Til NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen A/S GlobeNewswire Faaborg, den 19. marts 2021 Selskabsmeddelelse nr. 3/2021 Årsrapport for SKAKO A/S for 2020Til trods for svære vilkår grundet Covid-19 pandemien realiserer SKAKO et tilfredsstillende resultat for 2020I 2020 fastholdt SKAKO en EBIT-margin på 5,1% til trods for et fald i omsætningen som følge af Covid-19, idet SKAKO formåede at styre omkostningsniveauet i forhold...
Hexagon and Mitsui expand and extend strategic alliance
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Mitsui & Co., Ltd., headquartered in Tokyo and active world-wide in a wide range of sectors including clean energy & mobility, and Hexagon Composites ASA, a leader in the fast-developing clean fuel solutions category have extended their strategic alliance for an additional five years, effective from March 21, 2021. The agreement has also been expanded to include Hexagon Purus AS, which was recently spun-off and listed on Euronext Growth Oslo.“For the past 5 years, Mitsui has been a strong supporter of Hexagon Composites’ strategic development of new markets and new segments. With its comprehensive industrial background and global reach Mitsui has opened doors for Hexagon to geographies worldwide and industrial segments, like carbon fiber, natural gas and hydrogen where it has extensive expertise,” says Jon Erik Engeset, CEO of...
Hexagon and Mitsui expand and extend strategic alliance
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Mitsui & Co., Ltd., headquartered in Tokyo and active world-wide in a wide range of sectors including clean energy & mobility, and Hexagon Composites ASA, a leader in the fast-developing clean fuel solutions category have extended their strategic alliance for an additional five years, effective from March 21, 2021. The agreement has also been expanded to include Hexagon Purus AS, which was recently spun-off and listed on Euronext Growth Oslo.“For the past 5 years, Mitsui has been a strong supporter of Hexagon Composites’ strategic development of new markets and new segments. With its comprehensive industrial background and global reach Mitsui has opened doors for Hexagon to geographies worldwide and industrial segments, like carbon fiber, natural gas and hydrogen where it has extensive expertise,” says Jon Erik Engeset, CEO...
ArcAroma AB: 210319 ArcAroma startar utvecklingen av nästa generation CEPT®-system
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Pressmeddelande 2021-03-19Produktutvecklingen av en ny generation CEPT®-system har påbörjats. Redan under sommaren 2021 förväntas de första prototyperna vara färdiga för industriell utvärdering. Det kompletta CEPT®7-systemet kommer att vara tillgängligt för kontinuerlig leverans under Q1 2022. ArcAromas nya generator kommer att möta behovet från kundsegment som kräver mycket hög kapacitet. Den nya generationen kommer att innehålla flera patenterade lösningar för effektstyrning och kammardesign.”Med nya generatorsystem 7 kommer vi att kunna rikta in oss mot marknader med högvolymproducenter av juice och energikrävande applikationer såsom mejeriindustrin. Den nya plattformen kommer också att bidra till att utöka kapaciteten för OptiDry och andra OptiFreeze-applikationer. Nuvarande generatorsystem 6 passar bra in i sitt nuvarande segment och...
ArcAroma AB: 210319 ArcAroma starts the development of the next generation of CEPT®-systems
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Press release 2021-03-19The product development of a new generation of CEPT® systems has begun. Already during the summer of 2021, the first prototypes are expected to be ready for industrial evaluation. The complete CEPT®7 system will be available for continuous delivery during Q1 2022. ArcAroma´s new generator will be suitable for customer segments in need of very high capacity. The new generation will include several patented solutions in power control and chamber design.“With the new Generator System 7, we will be able to address markets such as very high volume producers of juice and also high energy applications such as the dairy industry. The new platform will also help to extend the capacity of OptiDry and other OptiFreeze applications. The current Generator System 6 fits well in its current segment and will continue to be sold....
Nidec Decides Terms of Senior Unsecured Bonds Denominated in Euro (Green Bond)
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KYOTO, Japan, March 19, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Nidec Corporation (TSE: 6594; OTC US: NJDCY) (the “Company”) today announced the plan to issue senior unsecured bonds denominated in Euro (Green Bond*1) (the “Bonds”) in the overseas securities markets in order to raise funds for the production of traction motors for electric vehicles (EVs). This issuance will be the first ever issuance of euro-denominated Bonds by a Japanese business company, and the volume of the issuance is planned to be €500 million.1. Objective and BackgroundAs the impact of climate change becomes more serious, the automobile industry is accelerating its efforts for decarbonization. Europe, China, and other countries all around the world have successively announced policies prohibiting sale of new petrol- and diesel-powered vehicles, while at the same time...
Patient Engagement Solutions Market 2021 | Size, Share, Growth, Trends, Competitive Landscape, Covid-19 Analysis, Revenue, Forecast Report 2021-2028
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Pune, India, March 19, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The global patient engagement solutions market size is anticipated to showcase remarkable growth in the forecast period on account of the increasing initiatives taken by the governments of various countries to promote patient-centric care. Patient engagement solutions help to improve patient care and achieve healthy outcomes at relatively lower costs. This solution includes a combination of the patient’s knowledge, ability, and skills and how willing he is to take care of himself with the help of communication transparency for promoting positive behavior. Fortune Business Insights in its report, titled, “Patient Engagement Solutions Market Size, Share & Industry Analysis, By Components (Hardware, Software), By Mode of Delivery (Web-based, On-premises, Cloud-based), By Therapeutic...
Pipeline Integrity Management Market to Reach USD 11.26 Billion by 2028; Surging Power Generation Industries to Offer Growth Opportunities, states Fortune Business Insights™
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Pune, India, March 19, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The global pipeline integrity management market size is expected to reach USD 11.26 billion by 2028, exhibiting a CAGR of 3.6% during the forecast period, states Fortune Business Insights, in a report, titled “Pipeline Integrity Management Market, 2021-2028.” The market size stood at USD 8.65 billion in 2020.Stern Oil and Gas Guidelines to offer Trade AdvantagesThe strict regulations by governments aimed at safety can have an imperative impact on the market. The rules are implemented to ensure maximum safety, smooth operations, and timely check for any accidents. These guidelines support transmission and distribution chain, which, in turn, boosts the pipeline integrity management market growth. For instance, in the U.S, all the facility integrity management of the oil and gas pipelines...