Day: March 19, 2021
COMPANY ANNOUNCEMENTOdense, March 19th, 2021Company Announcement no. 25 – 19.03.2021Notice of Annual meeting 2021Danish Aerospace Company A/SCVR no.: 12424248The board of directors is pleased to announce that the annual meeting 2021 for Danish Aerospace Company A/S (DAC) will be held on Monday April 12th, 2021 at 10:00 AM. The meeting will be held at Axeltorv 2, 1609 Copenhagen V.Coronavirus – COVID-19DAC has noted that there once again will be special circumstances in regard to conducting the annual meeting, due to the COVID-19 situation in Denmark. DAC has, despite the situation, decided to call the meeting, as it is unknown, what the restrictions will be at the time of the meeting.To minimize the risk of spreading the coronavirus, and as a result of the authorities’ recommendations and initiatives including the restrictions...
The Ensign Group, Inc. Declares Quarterly Dividend of $0.0525 Per Share
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SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, Calif., March 19, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The Ensign Group, Inc. (NASDAQ: ENSG), the parent company of the Ensign™ group of companies, which provide skilled nursing and assisted living services, physical, occupational and speech therapies and other rehabilitative and healthcare services, today announced that it has declared a quarterly cash dividend of $0.0525 per share of Ensign common stock, payable on or before April 30, 2021, to shareholders of record as of March 31, 2021.Ensign has been a dividend-paying company since 2002.About Ensign™The Ensign Group, Inc.’s independent operating subsidiaries provide a broad spectrum of skilled nursing and assisted living services, physical, occupational and speech therapies and other rehabilitative and healthcare services at 232 healthcare facilities, in Arizona,...
Puyi Inc. to Announce Unaudited Financial Results For The First Half of The Fiscal Year 2021 and Host Conference Call on March 29, 2021
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GUANGZHOU, China, March 19, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Puyi Inc. (“Puyi” or the “Company”) (NASDAQ: PUYI), a leading third-party wealth management service provider in China focusing on affluent and emerging middle class population, today announced that it will release its unaudited financial results for the first half of its fiscal year 2021 ended December 31, 2020 on March 29, 2021.Senior management will host a combined English and Chinese language conference call to discuss the Company’s unaudited financial results and business development for the first half of its fiscal year 2021 ended December 31, 2020.Details for the conference call are as follows:Conference Title: Puyi Inc. Six Months Ended December 31, 2020 Earnings CallConference ID #: 9297930The conference call will be a Direct Event call, which requires online registration...
GBT – Update – 3D Chip and Memory Patent Entry into National Phase in Republic of Korea
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SAN DIEGO, March 19, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — GBT Technologies Inc. (OTC PINK: GTCH) (“GBT” or the “Company”), is pleased to report a continuation to its prior releases – and that the above-mentioned PCT application has entered into National Phase in Republic of Korea – Korean Patent Application No. 10-2021-7008024; Applicant (s): GBT Technologies Inc; PCT Application No. PCT/US2019/050266 on March 17, 2021. The application has been allocated the number 10-2021-7008024.This completes the filing for International PCT Protection in South Korea and Europe for its 3D Chip and Memory Patent as announced in March 4, 2021.About UsGBT Technologies, Inc. (OTC PINK: GTCH) (“GBT”) ( is a development...
Kutsu Piippo Oyj:n varsinaiseen yhtiökokoukseen
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Piippo OyjYhtiökokouskutsuKutsu Piippo Oyj:n varsinaiseen yhtiökokoukseenPiippo Oyj Yhtiökokouskutsu 19.3.2021 klo 12.00Piippo Oyj:n osakkeenomistajat kutsutaan varsinaiseen yhtiökokoukseen, joka pidetään 14.4.2021 klo 10:00 alkaen Asianajotoimisto Reims & Co Oy:n toimistolla, Aleksanterinkatu 15 B 6.krs, 00100 Helsinki.Kokoukseen liittyvät poikkeusjärjestelytYhtiökokoukseen liittyy useita poikkeusjärjestelyjä koronavirusepidemian vuoksi. Poikkeusjärjestelyillä pyritään mahdollistamaan kokouksen järjestäminen suunnitellussa aikataulussa.Kokous pidetään vain, mikäli kokouksen osallistujamäärä on niin vähäinen, että yhtiökokous voidaan järjestää turvallisesti ja koronavirusepidemiaan liittyviä viranomaisohjeita noudattaen.Piippo Oyj:n hallitus kehottaa huomioimaan erityisesti seuraavat kokoukseen...
Sodexo and the IUF committed to health and safety priorities
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Paris, March 19, 2021Sodexo and the International Union of Food, Agricultural, Hotel, Restaurant, Catering, Tourism, Tobacco and Allied Workers’ Associations (IUF), the global trade union federation for workers throughout the food chain, have signed a declaration of intent on health and safety, reinforcing their commitments and priorities to promote the rights of employees to a safe and healthy working environment.Sodexo and the IUF have long been committed to health and safety, and the context of the Covid-19 pandemic had provided the catalyst to formalize that commitment.The declaration of intent will see Sodexo and the IUF collaborate to raise awareness around health and safety priorities, reinforce commitments and foster advancement on this critical topic across the entire food and hospitality industry. It will allow Sodexo...
Sodexo et l’UITA engagés sur les priorités de santé et de sécurité
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Paris, le 19 mars 2021Sodexo et l’UITA (Union internationale des travailleurs-euses de l’alimentation, de l’agriculture, de l’hôtellerie-restauration, du catering, du tabac et des branches connexes), constituant la fédération syndicale mondiale des travailleurs du secteur alimentaire, ont signé une déclaration d’intention portant sur la santé et la sécurité, qui renforce leurs engagements et leurs priorités de promouvoir le droit des collaborateurs à la sécurité et à la santé au travail.Sodexo et l’UITA sont engagés depuis longtemps dans la promotion de la santé et de la sécurité, et le contexte de la pandémie de Covid-19 a servi de catalyseur pour concrétiser cet engagement.En signant cette déclaration d’intention, Sodexo et l’UITA annoncent leur souhait de mener, ensemble, un travail de sensibilisation autour de ces priorités que sont...
Elanders publishes the 2020 Annual Report
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Today, Friday March 19, 2021, Elanders is publishing its Annual Report for 2020 on the company website Annual Report is distributed by mail to those shareholders who have actively ordered a printed version, certain customers and other interested parties.Elanders AB (publ)For further information please contact:Magnus Nilsson, President and CEO, telephone: +46 31 750 07 50This information is information that Elanders AB is obliged to make public pursuant to the Securities Markets Act. The information was submitted for publication at 11:00 CET on 19 March 2021.Attachment2021-03-19 Elanders Pressrelease – Elanders publishes the 2020 Annual Report
Elanders publicerar årsredovisningen för 2020
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Idag, fredagen den 19 mars 2021, publicerar Elanders sin årsredovisning för verksamhetsåret 2020 på bolagets hemsidaÅrsredovisningen distribueras per post till de aktieägare som aktivt har beställt en tryckt version, vissa kunder och övriga intressenter.Elanders AB (publ)För ytterligare information kontakta:Magnus Nilsson, vd och koncernchef, telefon: +46 31 750 07 50Denna information är sådan information som Elanders AB är skyldigt att offentliggöra enligt lagen om värdepappersmarknaden. Informationen lämnades för offentliggörande den 19 mars 2021 kl. 11.00 CET.Bilaga2021-03-19 Elanders pressmeddelande – Elanders publicerar årsredovisningen för 2020
Buy-back yield SGB IL 3108 2021-03-19
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2021-03-19Buy-back yield SGB IL 3108; -1.1600%The buy-back yield of SGB IL 3108 is the yield at which the SNDO will buy SGB IL 3108 in the switch auction vs SGB IL 3109 on March 19, 2021.For more information, please contact:The funding desk+ 46 8 613