Day: March 19, 2021
SÃO PAULO, Brazil, March 19, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Ambev S.A. [B3: ABEV3; NYSE: ABEV] announces that the Company’s annual report on Form 20-F for the year ended December 31, 2020 was filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission – SEC ( on March 19, 2021 and is available on the Company’s website ( and also on the Company’s page on SEC’s database ( ADR holders may receive a hard copy of the Company’s complete audited financial statements contained in the Form 20-F, free of charge, upon request.To access the full document, please access the following links: click here or here.Ambev S.A.Investor Relations DepartmentContact e-mail:
Vote in favor of revocation of the union certification following an application by an employee of Laurentian Bank
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MONTREAL, March 19, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The Laurentian Bank of Canada (TSX:LB) has been informed today by the Canada Industrial Relations Board (CIRB) of the results of the vote held among the unionized employees of the Bank. This vote followed a request for revocation of the union certification, filed on December 22, 2020 by an employee of the Bank. Employees voted in favour of revocation by a proportion of 56.6%.The Union has filed an unfair labour practice complaint following the filing of the decertification application. The CIRB stated that the parties would be called upon in order to discuss the next steps regarding the complaint in light of the voting results. Employees covered by the bargaining certificate remain unionized for the time being.Laurentian Bank will follow any further indications by the CIRB.The union certification...
Vote en faveur de la révocation de l’accréditation syndicale à la suite d’une demande présentée par un employé de la Banque Laurentienne
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MONTRÉAL, 19 mars 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — La Banque Laurentienne du Canada (TSX:LB) a été informée aujourd’hui par le Conseil canadien des relations industrielles (CCRI) des résultats du vote tenu parmi les employés syndiqués de la Banque. Ce vote faisait suite à une demande de révocation de l’accréditation syndicale, déposée le 22 décembre 2020, par un employé de la Banque. Les employés ont voté en faveur de la révocation dans une proportion de 56,6 %.Le syndicat a déposé une plainte de pratique déloyale à la suite du dépôt de la demande de révocation. Le CCRI a déclaré que les parties seraient convoquées pour discuter des prochaines étapes du traitement de la plainte à la lumière du résultat du scrutin. Les employés couverts par l’accréditation demeurent syndiqués pour le moment.La Banque Laurentienne suivra toute autre...
Canterra Minerals Announces Incentive Stock Option Grant
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VANCOUVER, British Columbia, March 19, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Canterra Minerals Corporation (TSXV:CTM)(OTCQB: CTMCF) (“Canterra” or the “Company”) announces that is has granted a total of 2,382,500 options under the Company’s Incentive Stock Option Plan to various employees, executives, directors and advisors of the Company. All of the options are subject to vesting provisions. The options will be granted for a period of five (5) years, commencing on March 19, 2021, exercisable at a price of $0.34 per share.ON BEHALF OF THE BOARD OF CANTERRA MINERALS CORPORATIONChris PennimpedePresident & CEOAdditional information about the Company is available at www.canterraminerals.comFor further information, please contact: +1 (604) 687-6644Email: info@canterraminerals.comNeither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider...
Judgment of the Paris Commercial Court of March 16, 2021 in the case of Biophytis Against Negma Group Ltd
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PARIS and CAMBRIDGE, Mass., March 19, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Biophytis SA (NasdaqCM: BPTS, Euronext Growth Paris: ALBPS), (“Biophytis” or the “Company”), a clinical-stage biotechnology company focused on the development of therapeutics that are aimed at slowing the degenerative processes associated with aging and improving functional outcomes for patients suffering from age-related diseases, including severe respiratory failure in patients suffering from COVID-19, announces that, on March 16, 2021, the Paris Commercial Court rendered a judgement in the proceedings on the merits opposing the Company to Negma Group Ltd (“Negma”) related to the ORNANEBSA agreement entered into on August 21 2019.Under the terms of this decision, subject to provisional execution, the Paris Commercial Court, granting Negma’s requests, ordered Biophytis...
Baltic Horizon Fund Consolidated Audited Results for 2020
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Management Board of Northern Horizon Capital AS has approved the audited financial results of Baltic Horizon Fund (the Fund) for the year 2020. The financial results remained unchanged compared to the preliminary disclosure on 15 February 2021.Distributions to unitholders for 2020 Fund resultsIn total, the Fund declared a cash distribution of EUR 7,829 thousand from the operating results of 2020 (EUR 1,701 thousand from Q1 2020, EUR 1,701 thousand from Q2 2020, EUR 3,111 thousand from Q3 2020 and EUR 1,316 thousand from Q4 2020). Dividends for the operating results of 2020 correspond to a gross yield of 5.8% based on the closing price on the Nasdaq Tallinn Stock Exchange at 31 December 2020. The reduced cash distributions due to uncertain environment increased the Fund’s unpaid dividend reserve to EUR 4,4 million by the end of 2020.Net...
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Northern Horizon Capital AS-i juhatus on kinnitanud Baltic Horizon Fondi (fond) 2020. aasta auditeeritud majandustulemused. Finantstulemused jäid samaks, võrreldes esialgse avalikustamisega 15. veebruaril 2021.Puhaskasum ja puhas rendituluKontsern lõpetas 2020. aasta puhaskahjumiga summas 13,5 miljonit eurot, 2019. aasta lõppes puhaskasumiga summas 8,8 miljonit eurot. 2020. aasta tulemile avaldas olulist mõju 2020. aasta juunis ja detsembris kajastatud hindamiskahjum kogusummas 25,2 miljonit eurot. Kinnisvarainvesteeringute õiglase väärtuse muutusest tingitud kahjumi negatiivset mõju tasakaalustas osaliselt puhta renditulu ja muu äritulu suurenemine ning mõningane halduskulude vähenemine. Hindamise mõju arvesse võtmata oleks 2020. aasta puhaskasum olnud 11,7 miljonit eurot (2019: 10,9 miljonit eurot). 2020. aasta kahjum osaku kohta oli...
Baltic Horizon Fund Consolidated Audited Results for 2020
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Management Board of Northern Horizon Capital AS has approved the audited financial results of Baltic Horizon Fund (the Fund) for the year 2020. The financial results remained unchanged compared to the preliminary disclosure on 15 February 2021.Distributions to unitholders for 2020 Fund resultsIn total, the Fund declared a cash distribution of EUR 7,829 thousand from the operating results of 2020 (EUR 1,701 thousand from Q1 2020, EUR 1,701 thousand from Q2 2020, EUR 3,111 thousand from Q3 2020 and EUR 1,316 thousand from Q4 2020). Dividends for the operating results of 2020 correspond to a gross yield of 5.8% based on the closing price on the Nasdaq Tallinn Stock Exchange at 31 December 2020. The reduced cash distributions due to uncertain environment increased the Fund’s unpaid dividend reserve to EUR 4,4 million by the end of 2020.Net...
Golden Arrow Merger Corp. Announces Closing of $250 Million Initial Public Offering
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New York, NY, March 19, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Golden Arrow Merger Corp. (the “Company”) announced today the closing of its initial public offering of 25,000,000 units. The offering was priced at $10.00 per unit, generating total gross proceeds of $250,000,000.The units are listed on the Nasdaq Capital Market (“Nasdaq”) and trade under the ticker symbol “GAMCU”. Each unit consists of one share of the Company’s Class A common stock and one-third of one redeemable warrant. Each whole warrant entitles the holder thereof to purchase one share of the Company’s Class A common stock at an exercise price of $11.50 per share. Once the securities comprising the units begin separate trading, the shares of Class A common stock and redeemable warrants, are expected to be listed on Nasdaq under the symbols “GAMC” and “GAMCW,” respectively.BTIG,...
Rapid Dose Therapeutics Closes Purchase and Amalgamation of Consolidated Craft Brands
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BURLINGTON, Ontario, March 19, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Rapid Dose Therapeutics Corp. (“RDT” or the “Company”) (CSE: DOSE), is a Canadian life sciences company focused on innovative drug and active ingredient delivery solutions. The flagship product ‘QuickStrip™’ is a thin, orally dissolvable film infused with an active ingredient (nutraceuticals, cannabis or pharmaceuticals) that is delivered quickly into the bloodstream bypassing first-pass metabolism resulting in rapid onset of the active ingredient.The Company is announcing today that, further to its press release of March 8, 2021, it has closed the purchase and subsequent amalgamation of 2544737 Ontario Limited, operating as Consolidated Craft Brands (“CCB”), in a share transaction totalling $5,000,000 CDN. (Five million dollars Canadian). The transaction is an acquisition by...