Day: March 18, 2021
BEAVER COUNTY, Alberta, March 18, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Claystone Waste Ltd. (Claystone Waste) has released financial results detailing the 2020 fiscal performance of Claystone Waste and its predecessor organization, Beaver Municipal Solutions. On September 1st, 2020, Beaver Municipal Solutions was transitioned from a regional services commission and Claystone Waste was incorporated as a municipally controlled corporation.“Claystone Waste is in a strong financial position and poised for growth. Looking forward in 2021, we will continue to meet industry needs through a focus on being a western Canadian leader in waste management with world-class environmental, operational and safety standards.”Highlights of the financial results are as follows:2020 was a profitable year for Claystone Waste with $8.9 million in net income. ...
Proceedings at the annual general meeting 2021 of Danish Ship Finance A/S
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Proceedings at the annual general meeting 2021 of Danish Ship Finance A/S
AGTC to Present at the Gene Therapy Patient Engagement Summit, Held Virtually, March 24, 2021
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-AGTC will highlight the value of the patient voice in gene therapy development-GAINESVILLE, Fla. and CAMBRIDGE, Mass., March 18, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Applied Genetic Technologies Corporation (Nasdaq: AGTC), a biotechnology company conducting human clinical trials of adeno-associated virus (AAV)-based gene therapies for the treatment of rare diseases, today announced that Jill Dolgin, PharmD, Executive Director of Global Patient Advocacy, will address the impact of a patient-centric approach on advancing gene therapy clinical programs at the virtual Gene Therapy Patient Engagement Summit on Wednesday, March 24 at 8:30 AM ET.Dr. Dolgin will give the opening keynote address, setting the stage for the meeting with a high-level overview of the evolution of gene therapy and patient engagement, specifically addressing why patient engagement...
Resultat af generalforsamling i Jutlander Bank A/S
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Den 18. marts 2021 afholdtes ordinær generalforsamling i Jutlander Bank A/S. På baggrund af Erhvervsministerens forlængelse af muligheden for at afholde elektroniske generalforsamlinger som følge af COVID-19 situationen, blev generalforsamlingen afholdt fuldstændig elektronisk.Bestyrelsens beretning og årsrapporten for 2020 samt forslag til fordeling af overskud blev godkendt. Det blev således vedtaget at udbetale udbytte på 3,00 kr. pr. aktie.Bankens vederlagsrapport for 2020 blev godkendt.Vederlagspolitikken for Jutlander Bank A/S samt bestyrelseshonoraret for 2021 blev godkendt.På dagsordenen var valg af 21 medlemmer til repræsentantskabet. De valgte medlemmers navne offentliggøres på et senere tidspunkt på bankens hjemmeside.Generalforsamlingen genvalgte PricewaterhouseCoopers Statsautoriseret Revisionspartnerselskab som revisor for...
Draft resolutions by the Board of Medicinos Bankas for the ordinary general shareholders meeting of Medicinos Bankas UAB for the year 2021 and announcment of the date and time of the ordinary general shareholders meeting for the year 2021
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Draft resolutions suggested by the Board of Medicinos Bankas UAB for the ordinary general shareholders meeting of Medicinos Bankas UAB for the year 2021 and announcment of the date and time of the ordinary general shareholders meeting for the year 2021Private Limited Company Medicinos Bankas (hereinafter – “Medicinos Bankas”), company reg. No. 112027077, seat address: Pamėnkalnio 40, 01114 Vilnius.The draft resolutions suggested by the Board of Medicinos Bankas UAB on the items of the agenda of the ordinary general shareholders meeting of Medicinos Bankas UAB for the year 2021.The Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of Medicinos Bankas UAB in 2021 is convened in 2021 March 31 10 a.m. at Pamėnkalnio str. 40 Vilnius (2nd floor).More information: Aleksejus Tonkich, Member of the Board, Director of the Financial Service, Deputy Head of...
UAB Medicinos banko valdybos siūlomi sprendimų projektai 2021 metų UAB Medicinos banko eiliniam visuotiniam akcininkų susirinkimui ir pranešimas dėl 2021 m. eilinio visuotinio akcininkų susirinkimo datos ir laiko
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UAB Medicinos banko valdybos siūlomi sprendimų projektai 2021 metų UAB Medicinos banko eiliniam visuotiniam akcininkų susirinkimui ir pranešimas dėl 2021 m. eilinio visuotinio akcininkų susirinkimo datos ir laikoUždaroji akcinė bendrovė Medicinos bankas (toliau – Medicinos bankas), įmonės kodas 112027077, buveinės adresas: Pamėnkalnio g. 40, 01114 Vilnius.Pateikiami Medicinos banko valdybos siūlomi sprendimų projektai 2021 metų UAB Medicinos banko eilinio visuotinio akcininkų susirinkimo darbotvarkės klausimais.2021 metų UAB Medicinos banko eilinio visuotinis akcininkų susirinkimas šaukiamas 2021 m. kovo 31 d. 10 val. adresu Pamėnkalnio g. 40 Vilnius (2 aukštas).Daugiau informacijos: Aleksejus Tonkich, Valdybos narys, Finansų tarnybos direktorius, administracijos vadovo pavaduotojas, tel. + 370 698 34055, el. paštas aleksejus.tonkich@medbank.ltPriedaiSprendimo...
Fulcrum Therapeutics Presents Data for Potential FSHD Biomarker and Clinical Outcome Assessments at 2021 Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA) Virtual Clinical & Scientific Conference
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– Demonstrated Whole-Body MRI captures heterogeneity and provides key disease severity and progression information correlated with FSHD clinical endpoints –– Demonstrated potential of FSHD-TUG and Emerald in-home assessments as accurate, low-burden clinical assessments of mobility for FSHD patients –– Company on track to report data from Phase 2b ReDUX4 trial with losmapimod in FSHD in late-2Q 2021 –CAMBRIDGE, Mass., March 18, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Fulcrum Therapeutics, Inc. (Nasdaq: FULC), a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company focused on improving the lives of patients with genetically defined rare diseases, today announced the presentation of new data related to the use of imaging biomarkers and clinical outcome assessments for facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy (FSHD) at the 2021 Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA)...
Verisk’s FAST Helps Pacific Life Launch New Variable Annuities, Increasing Speed to Market and Improving Customer Experience
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JERSEY CITY, N.J., March 18, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — FAST, a Verisk (Nasdaq: VRSK) business, announced today that Pacific Life’s new variable annuity product, designed for Registered Investment Advisors (RIAs), is in production with FAST-hosted solutions. Seamlessly integrated into Pacific Life’s workflow, FAST’s solutions support Pacific Life’s new business, policy administration and distribution management capabilities. The launch marks an important milestone in Pacific Life’s digital transformation, which is focused on enabling greater product innovation, increasing speed to market for new products and processes, and expanding digital relationships with distributors and customers.“FAST’s platform and partnership have been instrumental in expediting our digital transformation,” said Don Edstrom, AVP of Digital Transformation and...
Strategic Review Confirms and Prioritizes Key Growth Opportunities for Nevada Gold Mines
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ELKO, Nev., March 18, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — An intensive strategic review by executive teams from Barrick Gold Corporation (NYSE:GOLD)(TSX:ABX) and Nevada Gold Mines (NGM) has confirmed the enormous geological prospectivity of the NGM properties and outlined the key development projects.Established in July 2019, the Barrick-operated joint venture is already the world’s single largest gold mining complex, hosting three of Barrick’s Tier One mines1 and targeting production of between 3.4 and 3.7 million ounces this year2.Barrick president and chief executive Mark Bristow said unlocking the full potential of the Nevada gold fields, one of the world’s largest and most prospective gold endowments, had been one of the key drivers behind the formation of NGM. With the newly integrated operation having met all its key performance indicators...
Almaden Minerals Ltd. Closes US$10.3 Million Registered Direct Offering
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VANCOUVER, British Columbia, March 18, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Almaden Minerals Ltd. (NYSE American: AAU; TSX: AMM) (“Almaden”, “AAU” or “the Company”), today announced it closed its previously announced registered direct offering. The Company sold 15,846,154 shares of its common stock and common stock warrants to purchase up to 7,923,077 shares of common stock at a combined purchase price of US$0.65 per share in a registered direct offering. The common stock warrants are immediately exercisable, have an exercise price of US$0.80 per share and will expire three years from the date of issuance.A.G.P./Alliance Global Partners acted as sole placement agent for the offering.The Company intends to use the majority of the net proceeds of the offering for preparation and submission of applications for...