Day: March 18, 2021
The audited consolidated net profit of INVL Baltic Farmland, AB Group and the Company amounted to EUR 895 thousand, the revenue was EUR 649 thousand for the period of 2020 (for 2019 – consolidated net profit was EUR 1.136 million, revenue was EUR 645 thousand).The initial forecast of INVL Baltic Farmland for year 2020 was income of EUR 652 thousand and net profit of EUR 390 thousand.INVL Baltic Farmland had revenue of EUR 649 thousand in 2020 and earned unaudited net profit of EUR 895 thousand for the year. Profit was forecasted under the assumption that the value of agricultural land holdings in the balance sheet would not change and the change in the value of trade receivables by the buyers was not assessed, but a valuation conducted by the company Matininkai showed that land holding value had increased by 4.4% to EUR 15.36 million...
Audituoti AB „INVL Baltic Farmland“ 2020 m. grupės rezultatai
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2020 metų AB „INVL Baltic Farmland“ įmonių grupės audituotas konsoliduotasis bei Bendrovės grynasis pelnas siekia 895 tūkst. eurų, o grupės pajamos – 649 tūkst. eurų (2019 metų konsoliduotasis ir Bendrovės grynasis pelnas buvo 1,136 mln. eurų, grupės pajamos – 645 tūkst. eurų).AB „INVL Baltic Farmland“ buvo paskelbusi prognozę, kad 2020 m. pajamos sieks 652 tūkst. eurų, o grynasis pelnas – 390 tūkst. eurų.„INVL Baltic Farmland“ per 2020 metus gavo 649 tūkst. eurų pajamų bei uždirbo 895 tūkst. eurų audituoto grynojo pelno. Grynasis pelnas buvo prognozuojamas vertinant, kad žemės ūkio paskirties žemės vertė balanse nesikeis bei nebuvo vertintas pirkėjų skolų vertės pokytis. Tačiau korporacijai „Matininkai“ atlikus vertinimą, žemės vertė per metus išaugo 4,4 proc. iki 15,36 mln. eurų, arba 4,96 tūkst. eurų už hektarą. Be to, buvo pripažintas...
Boregaard ASA: Mandatory notification of trade – primary insider, exercise of stock options, purchase and sale of shares
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Today, primary insider Gisle Løhre Johansen, Executive Vice President (EVP), exercised 15,000 stock options at a strike price of NOK 94.06 per share.1. Details of the person discharging managerial responsibilities/person closely associateda) Name: Gisle Løhre Johansen 2. Reason for the notificationa) Position/status: Executive Vice Presidentb) Initial notification/Amendment: Initial notification3. Details of the issuer, emission allowance market participant, auction platform, auctioneer or auction monitora) Name: Borregaard ASAb) LEI: 5967007LIEEXZXGYXC054. Details of the transactions: section to be repeated for (i) each type of instrument; (ii) each type of transaction; (iii) each date; and (iv) each place where transactions have been conductedTransaction...
Audited results of INVL Baltic Farmland group of 2020
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The audited consolidated net profit of INVL Baltic Farmland, AB Group and the Company amounted to EUR 895 thousand, the revenue was EUR 649 thousand for the period of 2020 (for 2019 – consolidated net profit was EUR 1.136 million, revenue was EUR 645 thousand).The initial forecast of INVL Baltic Farmland for year 2020 was income of EUR 652 thousand and net profit of EUR 390 thousand.INVL Baltic Farmland had revenue of EUR 649 thousand in 2020 and earned unaudited net profit of EUR 895 thousand for the year. Profit was forecasted under the assumption that the value of agricultural land holdings in the balance sheet would not change and the change in the value of trade receivables by the buyers was not assessed, but a valuation conducted by the company Matininkai showed that land holding value had increased by 4.4% to EUR 15.36 million...
Atos supports the Leibniz Supercomputing Centre in pioneering quantum-accelerated computing with the Atos QLM
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Munich and Paris, March 18, 2021 – Atos today announced that it has delivered its Atos Quantum Learning Machine (Atos QLM), the world’s highest-performing commercially available quantum simulator, to the Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ), of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities. The Atos QLM is installed in the recently opened LRZ Quantum Integration Centre (QIC), Bavaria’s preeminent computing facility. The center was designed to bring practical quantum applications to the scientific community by advancing the convergence of quantum computing and supercomputing.The LRZ is among the first computing centers worldwide to focus on the integration of quantum computing in an HPC environment with its Quantum Integration Centre. The hybrid quantum-HPC approach shows significant promises in effectively using today’s classical...
Atos accompagne le centre allemand LRZ dans ses recherches pour accélérer le calcul haute performance grâce à la technologie quantique
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Paris, France, le 18 mars 2021 – Atos annonce aujourd’hui avoir livré sa plateforme Atos Quantum Learning Machine (Atos QLM), le simulateur quantique commercial le plus performant au monde, au Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ), de l’Académie bavaroise des sciences. L’Atos QLM est installée dans le Quantum Integration Centre (QIC) que vient d’inaugurer LRZ. Ce centre, le plus important de Bavière en matière de calcul intensif, a été conçu pour mettre à disposition de la communauté scientifique des applications quantiques pratiques en faisant progresser la convergence quantique-HPC.LRZ est l’un des premiers centres de calcul au monde à se concentrer sur l’intégration de l’informatique quantique dans un environnement HPC, via le QIC. L’approche hybride quantique-HPC est très prometteuse car elle...
First Majestic Renews Share Repurchase Program
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VANCOUVER, British Columbia, March 18, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — First Majestic Silver Corp. (“First Majestic” or the “Company”) announces that it has received regulatory consent to extend its share repurchase program (the “Share Repurchase”) pursuant to a normal course issuer bid in the open market through the facilities of the Toronto Stock Exchange (“TSX”) or alternative Canadian market places over the next 12 months. Pursuant to the Share Repurchase, the Company has the ability to repurchase up to 10,000,000 common shares of the Company which represents approximately 4.5% of the 221,681,131 issued and outstanding shares of the Company as of March 8, 2021.In order to implement the Share Repurchase, First Majestic has received TSX approval of its notice of intention to make a normal course issuer bid. The notice provides that First...
Piippo Oyj:n vuoden 2020 vuosikertomus, tilinpäätös ja toimintakertomus on julkaistu
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Piippo OyjVuosikertomuksen julkaisuPiippo Oyj:n vuoden 2020 vuosikertomus, tilinpäätös ja toimintakertomus on julkaistuPiippo Oyj Yhtiötiedote 18.3.2021 klo 17:00Piippo Oyj:n vuoden 2020 vuosikertomus on tänään julkaistu osoitteessa sisältää toimitusjohtajan katsauksen, hallituksen toimintakertomuksen, konsernitilinpäätöksen sekä tilintarkastuskertomuksen. Vuosikertomus on pdf-tiedostona myös tämän tiedotteen liitteenä.PIIPPO OYJLisätietoja: Piippo Oyj, toimitusjohtaja Jukka Keisanen, puh. +358 43 218 1245Hyväksytty neuvonantaja: Sisu Partners Oy, Juha Karttunen, puh. +358 40 555 4727Jakelu: NASDAQ OMX NordicKeskeiset tiedotusvälineetwww.piippo.fiPiippo Oyj on kansainvälisesti yksi johtavista paalausverkko- ja paalauslankavalmistajista...
Thryv, Inc. CEO and President Joe Walsh Purchases Block of Shares of Thryv Common Stock from Mudrick Capital
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Dallas, March 18, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Thryv, Inc. (NASDAQ:THRY), the provider of Thryv® software, the end-to-end client experience platform for small businesses, today announced that CEO and President Joe Walsh purchased 200,000 shares of Thryv common stock from majority equity holder Mudrick Capital at an average price of $18.67. The shares were purchased in ongoing trading on March 17, 2021. “Thryv is empowering small businesses, modernizing business functions, and transforming the unclouded like never before,” said Walsh. “Confident in the growth of our SaaS business, I took the opportunity to expand my position in Thryv stock during the current insider trading window. Our future outlook is encouraging, and I truly believe we are only getting started.” About Thryv Holdings, Inc. Thryv Holdings, Inc. owns the easy-to-use Thryv®...
CORRECTING AND REPLACING – Collection Sites Launches Business to Business Sales Initiatives; Provides Update With February Sales of 30,717 Tests at an Average Price of $98 per Test
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TORONTO, March 18, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — We were informed by the client Medivolve Inc. (“Medivolve”) (NEO:MEDV; OTC:COPRF; FRA:4NC), in the fifth paragraph, the month January should be February. The corrected sentence should read: “During the month of February, the Company realized the sale of 30,717 tests at an average sale price of $98 per test across its network.” The completed corrected text follows.Medivolve Inc. (“Medivolve”) (NEO:MEDV; OTC:COPRF; FRA:4NC) is pleased to provide investors with a sales update and announces the launch of a new business to business sales strategy, including the initiative of two custom testing solutions.On Monday, March 8th, 2021, Collection Sites launched two multi-week custom COVID-19 testing programs as part of its new business-focused testing services. Moving forward, Collection...