Day: March 16, 2021
Fnac Darty announces the success of its issuance of bonds convertible into new shares and/or exchangeable for existing shares (OCEANEs) due 2027 for a nominal amount of approximately €200 millionFnac Darty (the “Company” or the “Group”) announces the success of its issuance of bonds convertible into new shares and/or exchangeable for existing shares (OCEANEs) due 2027 for a nominal amount of approximately €200 million.The net proceeds will be used to repay certain existing indebtedness of the Group, including the €200 million medium-term loan (Senior Term Loan Facility) due in April 2023.This transaction is part of the long term financing strategy of Fnac Darty that aims at optimizing the Group’s debt maturity schedule and financial flexibility.The issuance of the bonds convertible into new shares and/or exchangeable for existing shares...
Fnac Darty annonce le succès de son émission d’obligations à option de conversion et/ou d’échange en actions nouvelles et/ou existantes (OCEANE) à échéance 2027 pour un montant nominal d’environ 200 millions d’euros
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Fnac Darty annonce le succès de son émission d’obligations à option de conversion et/ou d’échange en actions nouvelles et/ou existantes (OCEANE) à échéance 2027 pour un montant nominal d’environ 200 millions d’eurosFnac Darty (la « Société » ou le « Groupe ») annonce le succès de son émission d’obligations à option de conversion et/ou d’échange en actions nouvelles et/ou existantes (OCEANE) de la Société à échéance 2027 pour un montant nominal d’environ 200 millions d’euros.Le produit net sera affecté au remboursement de certains financements du Groupe, notamment son prêt à moyen terme (Senior Term Loan Facility) d’un montant de 200 millions d’euros venant à échéance en avril 2023.Cette opération s’inscrit dans la stratégie de financement à long terme de Fnac Darty qui vise à optimiser la maturité de la dette et la flexibilité financière...
Werner Driver Allen Parker Wins 2021 International Driver Excellence Award
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OMAHA, Neb., March 16, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Werner Enterprises (NASDAQ: WERN), a premier transportation and logistics provider, is honored to announce that the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA) has selected Werner professional driver Allen Parker as the winner of the 2021 International Driver Excellence Award (IDEA).Since joining Werner in 1987, Parker has earned several President’s Safe Driver Club recognitions from the Nebraska Trucking Association, Annual On-Time Service Awards and recently achieved the rare safety milestone of driving four million accident-free miles.“My job is to be safe, be professional and be considerate of other drivers on the road,” said Werner professional driver Allen Parker. “I always tell drivers that we need to treat others on the road like that is our family in the other car. Receiving...
Leucrotta Exploration Announces Upsize to Previously Announced Bought Deal Financing to C$30 Million
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THIS PRESS RELEASE IS NOT FOR PUBLICATION OR DISSEMINATION IN THE UNITED STATES. FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THIS RESTRICTION MAY CONSTITUTE A VIOLATION OF UNITED STATES SECURITIES LAW.CALGARY, Alberta, March 16, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Leucrotta Exploration Inc. (the “Company” or “Leucrotta”) (TSX-V: LXE) is pleased to announce that, further to its press release dated March 15, 2021, it has entered into an amended agreement with a syndicate of underwriters amending the terms of its previously announced C$20 million bought deal financing to increase the size of the offering to C$30.0 million (the “Upsized Offering”).Under the terms of the Upsized Offering, a syndicate of underwriters, co-led by Haywood Securities Inc., as sole bookrunner, and Echelon Wealth Partners Inc. (collectively, the “Underwriters”) have agreed to purchase, on...
Faurecia announces the launch of its first employee share ownership program
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Nanterre (France), March 16, 2021FAURECIA ANNOUNCES THE LAUNCH OF ITS FIRSTEMPLOYEE SHARE OWNERSHIP PROGRAMFaurecia, one of the world’s leading automotive technology companies, announces the launch of a non-dilutive employee share ownership plan following the distribution of Faurecia shares held by Stellantis. This plan, known as “Faur’ESO” (Faurecia Employee Share Ownership), is designed to strengthen employee engagement and involve employees closely in the Group’s future development and performance. On Capital Markets Day held on February 22, 2021, the Group detailed its ambitious medium term objectives for value creation, in particular its target to reach €25 billion sales and an operating margin above 8% of sales in 2025, and a cumulated net cash flow above €4 billion over five years (2021-2025). This first...
Faurecia annonce le lancement de sa première opération d’actionnariat salarié
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Nanterre (France), le 16 mars 2021FAURECIA ANNONCE LE LANCEMENTDE SA PREMIÈRE OPÉRATION D’ACTIONNARIAT SALARIÉFaurecia, entreprise technologique leader de l’industrie automobile, annonce le lancement d’un plan d’actionnariat salarié non-dilutif à la suite de l’opération de distribution des actions Faurecia détenues par Stellantis. Ce plan, dénommé « Faur’ESO » (Faurecia Employee Share Ownership), a pour objectif de renforcer le lien existant avec les collaborateurs en les associant étroitement au développement et à la performance du Groupe. Lors de son « Capital Markets Day » du 22 février dernier, Faurecia a détaillé ses objectifs ambitieux de création de valeur à moyen terme, avec notamment l’objectif d’atteindre un chiffre d’affaires de près de 25 milliards d’euros en 2025, de générer une rentabilité supérieure à 8% à cet horizon ainsi...
Lapse of GardaWorld Offer for G4S plc
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NOT FOR RELEASE, PUBLICATION OR DISTRIBUTION, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, IN, INTO OR FROM ANY JURISDICTION WHERE TO DO SO WOULD CONSTITUTE A VIOLATION OF THE RELEVANT LAWS OF SUCH JURISDICTION.FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE16 March 2021Lapse of GardaWorld Offer for G4S plcG4S plc (“G4S” or the “Company”) notes Garda World Security Corporation’s announcement today that the acceptance condition of the offer, made through its wholly-owned subsidiary Fleming Capital Securities, Inc., has not been satisfied and the offer has now lapsed (the “Announcement”).The Announcement is available in the GardaWorld Documents section on Joint Lead Financial Advisers and Corporate BrokersCitigroup Global Markets LimitedJ.P. Morgan CazenoveG4S Legal AdvisersLinklaters LLPMedia AdvisersBrunswickNotes to EditorsG4S is the leading...
Stockwik utökar sitt utestående obligationslån med 75 MSEK
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Stockwik Förvaltning AB (”Bolaget”) meddelar idag att Bolaget framgångsrikt har emitterat ytterligare obligationer om 75 MSEK (”Obligationsemissionen”) inom ramen för sitt befintliga obligationslån med ISIN SE0014781530 enligt obligationsvillkoren daterade 3 september 2020 (”Obligationsvillkoren”). Emissionen togs emot väl av marknaden och blev kraftigt övertecknad. Detta möjliggjorde att de nya obligationerna kunde emitteras till en överkurs; 101,5 procent av det nominella värdet.Nettolikviden från de nya obligationerna kommer att användas för att möta Bolagets förvärvsagenda de kommande 12 månaderna samt för att finansiera generella bolagsändamål och rörelsekapital.Inklusive den nya emissionslikviden kommer bolagets totala utestående obligationslån att uppgå till 375 MSEK. Bolaget kommer att ansöka om notering av de nya obligationerna...
Annual general meeting of Danske Bank 2021
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Annual general meeting of Danske Bank 2021At the annual general meeting of Danske Bank on Tuesday, 16 March 2021, the general meeting approved the Annual Report 2020 and the proposal for allocation of profits according to the adopted Annual Reportre-elected Martin Blessing, Lars-Erik Brenøe, Karsten Dybvad, Raija-Leena Hankonen, Bente Avnung Landsnes, Jan Thorsgaard Nielsen, Carol Sergeant and Gerrit Zalm to the Board of Directorsre-appointed Deloitte Statsautoriseret Revisionspartnerselskab as external auditorsadopted the Board of Directors’ proposals to amend the Articles of Association for:extension of the Board of Directors’ existing authority in articles 6.1. and 6.2. regarding capital increases with pre-emption rights until 1 March 2026extension of the Board of Directors’ existing authority in articles 6.5. and 6.6. regarding capital...
Danske Banks ordinære generalforsamling 2021
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Danske Banks ordinære generalforsamling 2021På Danske Banks ordinære generalforsamling tirsdag den 16. marts 2021 blevårsrapporten for 2020 og forslag til overskudsdisponering i henhold til den godkendte årsrapport godkendtMartin Blessing, Lars-Erik Brenøe, Karsten Dybvad, Raija-Leena Hankonen, Bente Avnung Landsnes, Jan Thorsgaard Nielsen, Carol Sergeant og Gerrit Zalm genvalgt til bestyrelsenDeloitte Statsautoriseret Revisionspartnerselskab genvalgt som revisorbestyrelsens forslag til vedtægtsændringer om:forlængelse af bestyrelsens eksisterende bemyndigelse til at forhøje aktiekapitalen med fortegningsret for aktionærerne indtil den 1. marts 2026, jf. vedtægternes § 6, stk. 1 og stk. 2, godkendtforlængelse af bestyrelsens eksisterende bemyndigelse til at forhøje aktiekapitalen uden fortegningsret for aktionærerne indtil den 1. marts...