Day: March 15, 2021
Enclosed is information on candidates to the Board of Directors of Eimskipafélag Íslands hf. to be elected at the Annual General Meeting 25 March 2021. Deadline for declaring candidacy has passed. According to the Company’s Articles of Association the Annual General Meeting elects five members and two alternate members for the Board of Directors and therefore the candidates will be elected to the Board of Directors without ballot at the meeting. Information on the candidates is attached.Today Eimskip received a proposal from Gildi Pension Fund which will be the 11th item on the AGM agenda. Deadline for shareholders to put items on the meeting agenda has passed. Enclosed is the final agenda and proposals.Eimskipafélag Íslands hf.’s Annual General Meeting will be held on Thursday 25 March 2021 at 16:00 (GMT).All meeting documents...
Eimskip: Frambjóðendur til stjórnar og endanleg dagskrá aðalfundar
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Meðfylgjandi eru upplýsingar um frambjóðendur til stjórnar félagsins sem kosnir verða á aðalfundinum 25. mars 2021. Framboðsfrestur er útrunninn. Samkvæmt samþykktum félagsins kýs aðalfundur fimm menn í stjórn og tvo til vara og er því sjálfkjörið. Upplýsingar um frambjóðendur eru hjálagt.Eimskip barst í dag meðfylgjandi tillaga frá Gildi-lífeyrissjóð sem verður 11. dagskrárliður fundarins. Frestur hluthafa til að setja mál á dagskrá fundarins er útrunninn. Endanlega dagskrá og tillögur fundarins eru hjálagt.Aðalfundur Eimskipafélags Íslands hf. verður haldinn fimmtudaginn 25. mars 2021 og hefst kl. 16:00.Öll gögn fundarins eru aðgengileg á fjárfestasíðu félagsinsðhengiEIM_AGM 2021_Board of Directors CandidatesÁlyktunartillaga á aðalfundi Eimskipafélags Íslands 2021EIM_Aðalfundur_2021_Lokatillögur
VERB Technology to Present its Sales Enablement SaaS Solutions at the Emerging Growth Conference on March 17, 2021 at 9:30 AM ET
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NEWPORT BEACH, Calif. and SALT LAKE CITY, March 15, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — VERB Technology Company, Inc. (Nasdaq: VERB) (“VERB” or the “Company”), a rapidly emerging market leader in business-focused interactive video sales and marketing tools, including livestream ecommerce, CRM, and content management applications, today announced that CEO Rory J. Cutaia is presenting at the Emerging Growth Conference on March 17, 2021 at 9:30 AM ET to a live, online audience.Mr. Cutaia’s presentation will highlight the Company’s unique interactive video technology and software-as-a-service sales enablement solutions, including its livestream ecommerce application verbLIVE, shifts in global shopping trends and consumer behavior for which the Company’s products are well-positioned, and recent strategic initiatives. A question-and-answer...
Esker nommé leader dans le MarketScape 2021 d’IDC dédié aux solutions cloud d’automatisation de la gestion du poste client.
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L’éditeur est également nommé par IDC en tant qu’acteur majeur pour les solutions cloud d’automatisation du traitement des factures fournisseurs pour les grandes entreprises.Lyon, le 15 mars 2021 – Esker, plateforme cloud mondiale d’automatisation des cycles de gestion qui valorise les métiers de la finance et du service clients tout en renforçant la coopération interentreprises, a été désignée comme leader pour ses solutions d’automatisation de la gestion du poste client et un acteur majeur pour les solutions d’automatisation du traitement des factures fournisseurs, par IDC dans son MarketScape 2021. Cette désignation marque la reconnaissance du rôle important des solutions d’automatisation d’Esker dans l’optimisation des flux de trésorerie.« Nous sommes fiers d’être reconnus par IDC en...
Greenstone Provides Update on Holdings of Marimaca Copper Corp.
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GUERNSEY, Channel Islands, March 15, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Greenstone Resources L.P. (“Greenstone”) announces that it, with its affiliates Greenstone Resources II LP and Greenstone Co-Investment No 1 (Coro) LP (together the “Greenstone Group”) have exercised existing pre-emptive rights and acquired 4,205,333 units (the “Units”) consisting of one common share (the “Shares”) of Marimaca Copper Corp. (“Marimaca”) and one half of one common share purchase warrant (the “Warrants”) at a price of $3.30 per Unit on March 11, 2021. In addition, the Greenstone Group acquired 5,244,000 Units of Marimaca pursuant to a prospectus offering by Marimaca at a price of $3.15 per Unit on December 2, 2020 (the “December Offering”).Prior to the December Offering, the Greenstone Group had ownership of and control over 16,037,680 Shares and 649,818 share...
First Midwest Bank Partners With 101.9 THE MIX to Honor Women-Owned Businesses
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CHICAGO, March 15, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — For the second straight year, First Midwest Bank has joined forces with 101.9 THE MIX to celebrate and recognize women-owned businesses through its Inspiring Women in Business contest. The grand prize winner will be awarded $5,000 for her business and another $5,000 to donate to a local non-profit organization.“While the last year has been incredibly challenging for all small business owners, many studies show that the pandemic has disproportionally impacted the health of women-owned businesses,” said Cheri Rubocki, Director of Branch Banking at First Midwest Bank. “We are proud to partner with THE MIX again to recognize and reward the contributions and resiliency of female entrepreneurs, and we hope they inspire other women to keep pursuing their dreams—even during the most challenging of...
IZEA Announces Q4 & FY 2020 Earnings Results Conference Call
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Orlando, Florida, March 15, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — IZEA Worldwide, Inc. (NASDAQ: IZEA), the premier provider of influencer marketing technology, data, and services for the world’s leading brands, today announced that its conference call to review and discuss 2020 fourth quarter and full year financial results will begin at 5:00 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time on March 30, 2021.IZEA’s Chairman and CEO Ted Murphy, interim CFO LeAnn Hitchcock, and COO Ryan Schram, will host the call, followed by a question and answer period.Date: Tuesday, March 30, 2021Time: 5:00 p.m. EDTToll-free dial-in number: 1-877-407-4018International dial-in number: 1-201-689-8471Please call the conference telephone number five minutes prior to the start time. An operator will register your name and organization. A replay of the call will be available after 8:00...
Erratum for the english version of the press release “Ascencio completes its Bellefleur retail park in Couillet with the acquisition of its main food driver”
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Dear Madam, Sir,Erratum for the english version of the press release “Ascencio completes its Bellefleur retail park in Couillet with the acquisition of its main food driver” : see the yellow highlight in the text.Sincerely yours,AttachmentErratum – Press release – english version
Unanimous decision of Natixis’s Board of Directors
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Paris, March 15th, 2021By unanimous decision, Natixis’s Board of Directors recommends that shareholders tender their shares to the tender offer initiated by BPCENatixis’s Board of Directors met today to issue, in accordance with applicable regulations, its reasoned opinion (avis motivé) on the tender offer initiated by BPCE S.A. to acquire the c. 29.4% of Natixis’s capital it does not already own1, at a price of 4 euros per Natixis share (cum dividend).Having reviewed the ad hoc committee’s work and the conclusions of Ledouble, acting as independent expert, whose report concludes that the terms of BPCE’s offer are fair to Natixis’s shareholders, Natixis’s Board of Directors has unanimously issued...
Avis favorable à l’unanimité du Conseil d’administration de Natixis
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Paris, le 15 mars 2021Le Conseil d’administration de Natixis recommande à l’unanimité aux actionnaires d’apporter leurs titres à l’offre publique initiée par BPCELe Conseil d’administration de Natixis s’est réuni ce jour afin de rendre, conformément à la réglementation applicable, son avis motivé sur l’offre publique initiée par BPCE S.A. visant les c. 29,4% du capital de Natixis qu’elle ne détient pas1 au prix de 4 euros par action Natixis (dividende attaché).Ayant pris connaissance des travaux du Comité ad hoc et des conclusions du cabinet Ledouble, agissant en qualité d’expert indépendant, dont le rapport conclut que les termes de l’offre de BPCE sont équitables pour les actionnaires de Natixis, le Conseil d’administration de...