Day: March 15, 2021
TORONTO, March 15, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Ninepoint Partners LP (Ninepoint Partners) announced today the voting results following the special meeting of unitholders of Ninepoint Concentrated Canadian Equity Fund (the Terminating Fund).Voting on the following matters was conducted at a special meeting of the Terminating Fund held telephonically on March 12, 2021. Voting was permitted via internet, telephone, facsimile, mail and by proxy. The results of the votes of unitholders are reported below.Ninepoint Partners has received the required approval from the securities regulator in respect of the merger of the Terminating Fund into Ninepoint Convertible Securities Fund. Having also received the required approval of unitholders of the Terminating Fund, including Series F unitholders who voted separately as a series, the merger is...
Ninepoint Partners LP annonce les résultats du vote relatif à la fusion proposée du Fonds Actions canadiennes – concentré Ninepoint
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TORONTO, 15 mars 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Ninepoint Partners LP (Ninepoint Partners) a annoncé aujourd’hui les résultats du vote à la suite de l’assemblée extraordinaire des porteurs de parts du Fonds Actions canadiennes – concentré Ninepoint (le fonds en dissolution).Le vote à l’égard des questions qui suivent a eu lieu à l’assemblée extraordinaire du fonds en dissolution tenue par téléphone le 12 mars 2021. Il était possible de voter par Internet, par téléphone, par télécopieur, par la poste et par procuration. Les résultats du vote des porteurs de parts sont présentés ci-après.Ninepoint Partners a reçu l’approbation requise de l’organisme de réglementation des valeurs mobilières à l’égard de la fusion du fonds en dissolution avec le Fonds de titres convertibles Ninepoint. Ayant également reçu l’approbation requise des porteurs...
Årsrapport 2020 for Sparinvest SICAV
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Sparinvest S.A. offentliggør årsrapporten for 2020 for Sparinvest SICAV med tilhørende afdelinger.Årsrapporten er vedhæftet denne fondsbørsmeddelelse og kan endvidere downloades på vedrørende nærværende fondsbørsmeddelelse kan rettes til direktør Niels Solon, 36 34 75 03.Med venlig hilsenNiels SolonDirektør, ID-Sparinvest,Filial af Spainvest S.A., LuxembourgVedhæftet filSparinvest SICAV Årsrapport 2020
Indkaldelse til ordinær generalforsamling i Sparinvest SICAV
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Der indkaldes til ordinær generalforsamling i Sparinvest SICAV med tilhørende afdelinger den 1. april 2021, kl. 14.00.Se venligst vedhæftede indkaldelse med dagsorden og fuldmagt.Henvendelser vedrørende nærværende fondsbørsmeddelelse kan rettes til direktør Niels Solon, 36 34 75 03.Med venlig hilsenNiels SolonVedhæftede filer20210315 Fuldmagt_Sparinvest SICAV20210315 Indkaldelse til generalforsamling_Sparinvest SICAV
SCWorx has appointed Alton Irby to serve as a member of the Board of Directors effective immediately
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NEW YORK, NY, March 15, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — SCWorx Corp. (NASDAQ: WORX), a provider of data management services to healthcare providers, announced today its Board of Directors has appointed Alton Irby to serve as a board member, effective immediately.“We are pleased to welcome Mr. Irby to the SCWorx board of directors,” said Tim Hannibal, President and COO of SCWorx. “We believe that Mr. Irby’s long experience as an investment banker and advisor to many corporate boards in both the United States and Europe will bring valuable experience to SCWorx. In particular, his 17 year tenure as a senior member of the Board of McKesson Corporation gives him valuable experience in healthcare and is specifically relevant to large hospital groups which SCWorx targets.” As a result of the resignation of Charles K. Miller, the Nasdaq Stock Market...
Tyson Foods Plans 19 Employee Vaccination Events Across Arkansas
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SPRINGDALE, Ark., March 15, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Tyson Foods, Inc. (NYSE: TSN) is expanding its free, onsite COVID-19 vaccinations to all team members in the state of Arkansas, where 20 percent of the company’s U.S. workforce is based. March 15 through April 2, the company will hold 19 vaccination events to ensure the company’s 24,000 Arkansas employees have convenient access to the vaccine.The vaccines are being provided in conjunction with Matrix Medical, local health departments and other healthcare providers where food processing workers are among the priority groups now eligible for vaccination.“We’re pleased to offer our team members convenient access to the vaccine and are committed to a long-term strategy that ensures any team member who wants a vaccine will receive one,” said Tom Brower, senior vice president of Health...
Erdene Annouces 2020 Financial Results and Provides Bayan Khundii Gold Project & Exploration Updates
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HALIFAX, Nova Scotia, March 15, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Erdene Resource Development Corp. (TSX:ERD; MSE:ERDN) (“Erdene” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce operating and financial results for the year ended December 31, 2020 and to provide an update on its Bayan Khundii Gold Project (“Bayan Khundii” or “BK”). This release should be read in conjunction with the Company’s 2020 Financial Statements and MD&A, available on the Company’s website or SEDAR.Quotes from the Company:“Despite the impact of COVID-19 on the global economy over the past year, our Company made significant progress executing on our two-pronged strategy of advancing the Bayan Khundii Gold Project towards development while expanding high-grade gold resources in our Khundii Gold District,” said Peter Akerley, Erdene’s President and...
BW Offshore: Completion of BW Ideol transactions
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Completion of BW Ideol transactionsReference is made to stock exchange announcement made by BW Offshore Limited on 17 February 2021 regarding the investment in Ideol S.A. creating BW Ideol AS (the “Transaction”).After obtaining regulatory approval and following satisfaction of other conditions, BW Ideol AS today completed the share purchase agreement and acquired Ideol S.A. The agreed funds have been transferred to the selling shareholders of Ideol S.A. who have sold their shares for cash and BW Ideol AS will issue a total of 5,815,240 shares to the sellers who have elected to contribute their shares in Ideol S.A. for shares in BW Ideol AS, following registration of the share capital increase in the Norwegian Register of Business Enterprises. Following the above-mentioned completion, BW Ideol holds 100% of the shares outstanding...
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GLOBAL BIOENERGIES : RESULTATS ANNUELS Perte nette du Groupe de 11,1 M€ sur l’exercice 2020, en amélioration de 1,6 M€ par rapport à 2019. Trésorerie brute de 15,2 M€ au 15 mars 2021. Paris, le 15 mars 2021 – Le Conseil d’administration de Global Bioenergies (Euronext Growth : ALGBE) tenu ce jour a arrêté les comptes annuels 2020, lesquels ont été audités par le Commissaire aux comptes1. Les résultats annuels consolidés font état d’une perte nette de 11,1 M€ sur l’exercice 2020, à rapprocher d’une trésorerie de 15,2 M€ à ce jour, assurant une bonne visibilité à l’entreprise.Samuel Dubruque, Directeur Administratif et Financier de Global Bioenergies, commente : « 2020 poursuit le mouvement de réduction de la perte amorcé il y a plusieurs années : -14,3 M€ en 2017, -13,6 M€ en 2018 et -12,7 M€ en 2019. Nous avons...
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New York, New York, March 15, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Archimedes Tech SPAC Partners Co. (“Archimedes Tech” or the “Company”) (NASDAQ: ATSPU) announced today that it closed its upsized initial public offering of 12,000,000 units at $10.00 per unit, resulting in gross proceeds of $120,000,000.The Company’s units began trading on the NASDAQ Capital Market (“NASDAQ”) on March 11, 2021, under the ticker symbol “ATSPU.” Each unit consists of one subunit and one-quarter of a redeemable warrant. Each subunit consists of one share of the Company’s common stock and one-quarter of a redeemable warrant. Each full warrant entitles the holder thereof to purchase one share of common stock at a price of $11.50 per share. Once the securities comprising the units begin separate trading, the subunits and warrants are expected to be listed on NASDAQ...